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Young's Double Slit Experiment examples

Maksim Rakitin edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 6 revisions

Young's Double Slit Experiment

The example demonstrates classical Young's interference experiment first performed by Young in 1801.

The optical scheme consists of the following elements:

  • a lens with focal length F=0.5 m located at 1 m from a Gaussian beam source (green laser, 535 nm);
  • a double slit (emulated by a 10 by 0.5 mm rectangular aperture and a 10 by 0.3 mm rectangular obstacle) located just after the lens;
  • a watch point showing the intensity of the beam just after propagation through the aperture;
  • a watch point showing the intensity in the far field at 3 m from the aperture (Fresnel number F=0.1).

Another example replicates the optical scheme of the above example, but a focusing lens is removed.

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