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Jessie Hanson edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

Synergia is a flexible accelerator simulation code with 3D space charge and impedance-driven wake fields, written in a hybrid Python/C++ format. The available algorithms range from simple/fast to computationally intensive, with the goal of having the best available physics models. Synergia is designed for a range of computing resources, from laptops to supercomputers. Single-particle dynamics is provided by CHEF, which offers direct symplectic tracking through magnets, cavities, drifts, etc. and/or arbitrary-order polynomial maps. CHEF also provides nonlinear map analysis (including normal forms), lattice functions, tune and chromaticity calculation/adjustment and more.

Sirepo/Synergia Examples (must be registered user to access examples)

Synergia Further References

U.S. Department of Energy Support
  • Sirepo development has been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under multiple awards: By the office of High Energy Physics under Award Nos. DE-SC0011340, DE-SC0015897, and DE-SC0018719. By the office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award Nos. DE-SC0011237, DE-SC0015209, DE-SC0018556, and DE-SC0018571. By the office of Nuclear Physics under Award Nos. DE-SC0015212 and DE-SC0017181. By the office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research under Award Nos. DE-SC0017162 and DE-SC0017057. Sirepo has also been funded in part with Federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. 75N91019C00053 and with partial support from RadiaSoft LLC and from Sirepo customers.
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