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Wiki reorganisation effort

yamahabest edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 6 revisions

Identify pages that should migrate to

Create a good getting started guide for other types of aircrafts

Create connection diagrams for officialy supported boards (PikoBLX missing)

Create a good getting started guide for navigation

Classify pages by sections

Development: User Guide: OnlineHelp: Boards: Simulation: FirmwareArchitecture: GCS: AndroidGCS:

initiate a "CommonPeripheral:" category with supported OSDs (PlayUAVOSD, MinimOSD ,MWOSD), GPSs, DataLogers (openLog, OpenLager, etc...)

Update the Online Help

See page listing in OnlineHelp: Index of pages used in GCS

Pages that want a review

  • Custom-Frame-Type : this mixer page is totally deprecated
  • Development-Build-and-Debug-GCS-using-Qt-Creator : looks deprecated and main user doc seems more up to date
  • Development-Hardware-IDs : missing the most recent hardwared Ids
  • Development-UAVObject-to-Widget-Relations : not very explicit, needs some background info
  • Development-Wireshark-Capture : same as above
  • Gcs-user-guides : one external link to TauLabs wiki, maybe the corresponding page should be replicated locally.
  • GPS-GNSS-Accuracy : hard to read
  • Migrating from AeroQuad to dRonin : broken link to schematic
  • OnlineHelp: Camera Stabilization Configuration : still from the Taulabs era
  • OnlineHelp: ESC Refresh Rate : Is this really included in the online Help?
  • OnlineHelp: Import Export : Is this really included in the online Help?
  • OnlineHelp: GPS : One external link to Taulabs GPS setup, ScreenShots are outdated!
  • OnlineHelp: Modules Misc : It would be nice to explain how to use Combridge
  • OnlineHelp: TxPID Module : ToDo..
  • OnlineHelp: UAV Settings import export : Is this really included in the online Help?

Images recently updated that must be "re-imported" into the repository

Other images to be imported (used in attitude page)

Clone this wiki locally