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Shirkit edited this page Jul 3, 2012 · 1 revision

# Main window title
application.title = All-In HoN ModManager

# Menu items
menu.file = &File
menu.file.applymods = &Apply Mods
menu.file.applyandlaunch = A&pply Mods and Launch HoN
menu.file.unapplymods = &Unapply All Mods
menu.file.openfolder = &Open Mod Folder
menu.file.importoldmodmanager = &Import From ModManager
menu.file.downloadmodupdates = &Download Mod Updates
menu.file.exit = &Exit
menu.options = &Options
menu.options.preferences = &Preferences
menu.options.refresh = &Refresh Screen
menu.view = &View
menu.view.details = &Details
menu.view.icons = &Icons
menu.view.tiles = &Tiles
menu.view.detailedicons = D&etailed Icons
menu.view.smallicons = &Small Icons = &Help = Visit ModManger &Website = &About

# Mod detail panel (right side of the main form)
panel.details.label = Mod Details
button.applymods = Apply Mods
button.addmod = Add Mod...
button.visitwebsite = Visit Website
button.enablemod = Enable Mod
button.disablemod = Disable Mod
button.updatemod = Update Mod
button.deletemod = Delete Mod
button.viewchangelog = View Changelog
button.viewmoddetails = Close Changelog
chooser.filedescription = HoN Modification Files (.honmod)
chooser.hondescription = HoN Application Folder (.app)
label.requires = Mod Requirement(s):

# Column headers&strings on the table with mods
table.modname = Name
table.modauthor = Author
table.modversion = Version
table.modstatus = Status
table.icons = Icons
table.options.showicons = Show Icons
table.options.colorcheckboxes = Color Checkboxes
table.modstatus.enabled = Enabled
table.modstatus.disabled = Disabled
table.modstatus.applied = Applied

# Profile items
menu.profile = Profiles
menu.profiles.addnew = Add New
menu.profile.load = Load Profile
menu.profile.remove = Remove Profile
menu.profile.export = Export to File
menu.profile.export.tooltip = You can export profiles and share your mods with your friends.

# Various error messages mod related
error.modnotfound = Can't add mod because of an invalid path.
error.modnotfound.title = Mod not found
error.modsnotfound = \"#mod#\" not found. Please review the path.
error.modsnotfound.title = Mod(s) not found
error.modenabled = Can't disable \"#mod#\" because \"#mod2#\" depend(s) on it.
error.modenabled.title = Mod dependencies not satisfied
error.modnotenabled = Can't enable \"#mod#\" because it requires \"#mod2#\" to be enabled first.
error.modnotenabled.title = Mod requirement(s) not satisfied
error.modversionmissmatch = <html>Can't enable \"#mod#\" because it's incompatible with your current HoN version.<br/>Please update your client or the mod and try again.</html>
error.modversionmissmatch.title = HoN client version mismatch
error.modconflict = <html>\"#mod2#\" is incompatible with \"#mod#\".<br/>You can't enable both at the same time.</html>
error.modconflict.title = Mod conflict(s) found
error.modversionunsatisfied = <html>\"#mod#\" requires a specific version of \"#mod2#\".<br/>Please update the mod or try to find a hotfix in the forum.</html>
error.modversionunsatisfied.title = Mod version dependency not satisfied
error.modsameversion = Can't enable \"#mod#\" because another version of it is already enabled.
error.modsameversion.title = Identical mod version found
error.modcorrupt = <html>The ModManager wasn't able to add the corrupted mod(s) \"#mod#\".<br/>Try a re-download or check your network settings if this happens with other files.</html>
error.modcorrupt.title = Corrupted mod(s) found
error.modduplicate = \"#mod#\" is identical with \"#mod2#\" and was ignored.
error.modduplicate.complement = Please delete the mod you want to overwrite or remove it manually via the mods folder.
error.modduplicate.title = Duplicate mods found
error.modcantapply = <html>\"#mod#\" caused a problem.<br/>This may be caused by the mod being outdated or by an incompatibility with another enabled mod.</html>
error.modcantapply.title = Can't apply mod

# Various error messages files/folders related
error.honmodsfolder = Unable to auto-detect HoN or mods folder. Please, set the path manually in the Preferences menu.
error.honmodsfolder.title = Folder auto-detection failed
error.loadmodfiles = Can't load mod files from mod folder. Check your HoN mod path settings or restart this application.
error.loadmodfiles.title = Can't load mods
error.pathnotset = You didn't set a path to the HoN folder yet. Do it manually via the Preferences menu.
error.pathnotset.title = Path not set
error.incorrectpath = Your specified HoN folder path is invalid. Please try again.
error.incorrectpath.title = Incorrect HoN folder path
error.loadmodfile = Can't load mod \"#mod#\". Please re-download the .honmod file, contact the mod developer(s) or enable admin rights for this application.
error.loadmodfile.title = Can't load mod
error.resources999 = Can't access file \"#file#\". This may be caused by another application using the same file. Close them and try again.
error.resources999.title = Can't access resources999.s2z
error.gameexecutable = Unable to launch HoN. Too bad - It's me!

# Varius error messages GUI related
error.nomodselected = Can't open website, no mod is selected.
error.nomodselected.title = No mod selected
error.websitenotsupported = Opening websites is not supported by the application on your operating system (OS).
error.websitenotsupported.title = Hyperlinking not supported
error.openfoldernotsupported = Opening local folders is not supported by the application on your operating system (OS).
error.openfoldernotsupported.title = Failed to open folder

# Varius suggest messages for Mods
suggest.suggestmodenable = Do you want to enable the required mod(s)?
suggest.suggestmodenable.title = Enable dependencies?
suggest.suggestmoddisable = Do you want to disable all depending mod(s)?
suggest.suggestmodisable.title = Disable dependencies?

# Various information messages
message.modsapplied = All enabled mods were successfully applied.
message.modsapplied.title = Mods applied!
message.modsunapplied = All mods were successfully unapplied.
message.modsunapplied.title = Mods unapplied!
message.updateavaliabe = A new version is available. Download it now?
message.updateavaliabe.title = ModManager update available!
message.honnotfound = HoN executable (.exe) not found. Please review the path in the preferences menu.
message.honnotfound.title = Executable not found
message.unappliedmods = <html>Unapplied mods will be disabled the next time you start the ModManager.<br/>Do you want to apply these mods before you quit?</html>
message.unappliedmods.title = Enabled but unapplied mods found
message.importfromoldmodmanager = <html>It seems this is the first time your run this Manager.<br/>Do you want to load previously applied mods?</html>
message.importfromoldmodmanager.title = Load already applied mods?

# Question messages
question.deletemod = <html>Do you really want to <strong>delete</strong> \"#mod#\"?</html>
question.deletemod.title = Confirm delete

# Messages about update mods
message.update.updatedmods = Updated:
message.update.updated = \"#mod#\" was updated. \"#olderversion#\" to \"#newversion#\"
message.update.failed = Update failed:
#message.update.uptodate = Up-to-date mods aren't shown.
message.update.uptodate = All your mods are up-to-date!
message.update.title = Update summary:
message.update.failed.single = Couldn't update \"#mod#\". Reason: \"#reason#\"
message.update.uptodate.single = \"#mod#\" is up-to-date.
message.update.suggest = Some mods may not work with your current HoN client if you don't update them. Do it now?
message.update.suggest.title = New HoN client version detected

# Strings for preferences dialog
prefs.dialog.title = Preferences
prefs.button.change = Change
prefs.label.honfolder = Heroes of Newerth folder:
prefs.label.modsfolder = Mods Folder:
prefs.label.lookandfeel = Skin:
prefs.button.apply = Apply
prefs.label.chooselanguage = Choose language*:
prefs.label.clarguments = CL arguments for HoN:
prefs.label.languagechanges = * Language change will only take effect after application restart!
prefs.label.ignoregameversion = Ignore HoN client version
prefs.label.autoupdate = Automatic ModManager updates
prefs.label.developermode = Developer mode

# Strings for About dialog
about.title = About All-In HoN ModManager
about.version.label = Version:
about.homepage.label = Homepage:
about.license.label = License:
about.authors.label = Authors:
about.license = GNU GPL v3.0 (click to open license)
about.button.close = Close
about.description = <html>Java Modification Manager for Heroes of Newerth - offers an easy management for user made modifications.<br/>This application is based on the original ModMan (.exe) created by the user "Notausgang".<br/>Visit the sourceforge website for more information.</html>
about.button.changelog = Changelog

# Strings for Notification dialog
notification.button.showdetails = Show Details >>>
notification.button.hidedetails = Hide Details <<<

# Tooltips
tooltip.button.applyandlaunch = Apply enabled mods and launch Heroes of Newerth.
tooltip.button.apply = Apply enabled mods.
tooltip.button.addhonmod = Choose a .honmod file to add (file will be copied to the mod's folder set in the preferences menu). = This is the mod's name. = This is the mod's author.
tooltip.mod.button.enable = Enable the selected mod.
tooltip.mod.button.update = Check if the selected mod is up-to-date. = Visit this mod's forum-thread.
tooltip.mod.button.changelog = View the mod's changelog.
tooltip.prefs.ignoregameversion = <html>The ModManager ignores the version check within the .honmods if you activate this option.<br/>\"HoN Client Version Mismatch\" errors won't pop-up again and the affected mods can be enabled even if they are severely outdated.<br/>Some mods may not work as expected.<br/><br/><strong>This is only recommended for advanced users</strong>.</html>
tooltip.prefs.developermode = <html>With activated \"Developer mode\" you'll receive additional information regarding errors and unusual notifications.<br/>The output of mod applying won't be \"resources999.s2z\" now, but a file in the /game folder.<br/>You can run HoN and work on a mod simultaneously.<br/><br/><strong>Leave it unchecked if you are not a developer</strong>!</html>

# Generic strings
button.ok = OK
button.cancel = Cancel
button.yes = Yes = No
button.showdetails = Show Details >>>
button.hidedetails = Hide Details <<<
status.modsenabled = Applied Mods
status.applyingmods = Applying Mods

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