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Install the JDBC .jar Files

zguo edited this page Apr 4, 2014 · 4 revisions

The JDBC file allows the geoportal application to connect to and communicate with the PostgreSQL database.

Download JDBC File

Change to the /usr/local/tomcat6/lib directory and download the JDBC file.

$ cd /usr/local/tomcat6/lib
$ sudo wget

Configure geoportal.xml File

The geoportal.xml files tells Tomcat how to use the JDBC to connect the geoportal application with the PostgreSQL database.

Copy the geoportal.xml file to Apache Tomcat.

$ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/geoportal/Other/JNDI\ Configuration/geoportal.xml /usr/local/tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost

Change to the tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost directory and make the geoportal.xml file editable and executable.

$ cd /usr/local/tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost
:$ sudo chmod +wx geoportal.xml

Open the geoportal.xml file in vi for eidting. Edit the file as shown in the table below.

Reboot your computer for all changes to take effect.

Next Step: Log In to the Geoportal

<<How to Set Up an Esri Geoportal Server on Linux | Perform Preinstallation Computer Setup | Set Up Systemwide Environment Variables | Install PostgreSQL 9.1.2 | Install Apache Tomcat 6 | Install Esri Geoportal Server | Configure geoportal User and Schema in the PostgreSQL Database | Deploy the Geoportal Web Application | Configure the gpt.xml File | Install the JDBC .jar Files | Log In to the Geoportal | Register ArcGIS for Server with the Geoportal>>
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