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How to Leave a Resource Review

Marten Hogeweg edited this page Dec 16, 2012 · 2 revisions

In the geoportal interface, users can rate resources with either a thumbs up or thumbs down, and comment on the resource. Viewing a resource's comments and ratings allows users to see the perceived value of the resource. A resource review can only be left for a resource available on the local geoportal. You will not be able to leave a review for resources accessed through remote catalogs through the federated search. The following steps describe how to leave a resource review:

  1. Login to the geoportal. You will not be able to leave a comment or rate the resource if you are note logged in.
  2. Search for resources.
  3. Click the returned resource, expanding it in the search results.
  4. Click the Details link for that resource.
  5. On the Details page, click the Review link.
  6. The resulting interface allows you to click the thumbs up or thumbs down icons. The ratings section will update to display your vote, and provide the option to change or delete your vote.
On this page you may also post a comment on the resource. Comments allow you to elaborate on your rating and provide useful feedback to other users. Once you are satisfied with your comment you can click the post button to submit it. The comment will be posted and display your name, the date of the comment, and the comment text. You will also have the following options displayed as icons:
  • Edit comment edit_comment.png: this reopens the comment form and allows you to change your comment's text.
  • Delete comment delete_comment.png: this deletes your comment.
  • For a geoportal administrator, Disable comment disable_comment.png and Enable comment enable_comment.png: the Disable feature allows you to disable a comment from being visible in the geoportal interface to all users. Users will still be able to see the footprint of the comment showing the name of the person who left the comment, the date of the comment, and a note that the comment was disabled. An administrator can enable the comment for viewing again by clicking the Enable icon.
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