Releases: sayterdarkwynd/FrackinUniverse
forgot to actually push.
Before the notes on big changes, here's some of the minor stuff:
- Electric Fluffalos now hatch
- creature Hatch times reduced quite a bit. Incubator is still vastly more efficient
- Garden(Lush) biomes have increased chances of ore near the surface. Bone increased 15%, iron and copper by 10%
- added upgrades for Bear and Wolf armors to the Nanofabricator
- changed bear and wolf armor tiers and recipes slightly to reflect these additions
- added Gauss Machinegun
- Gauss Rifle function has been adjusted
- all gauss guns now use the same base projectile
- gauss rifle and gauss machinegun now have glowy bits
- tinkered with staves and wands
- cultist robes moved to elder altar
- codexes added for new altar recipes
- asterosaber DX now has a proper critChance modifier instead of critBonus listed twice
- you can now select FU biomes from the Terraforge
- moved Obsidian Shard unlock to the most logical place for it. I have no idea why the hell it was on ironore
- new look for the Energy Assault Rifle
- added more early-game progression related quests, more oriented towards newer players
- animals hatched in your Incubator should now properly persist
- added new Flesh decoration set
- added a new vending machine to the Science Outpost
- removed : powerpress, samplingarray, old xenostationadv
- all FU crafting stations relocated to objects/crafting rather than objects/generic
- Basic Miner has a new, lower-tech look and a changed recipe so you are spared an early-game Manipulator Module. The later tiers still require one.
- all Mining Lasers now have impact effects that make them feel a bit more...mine-y ?
Armor/ Armor Set Changes:
- Hoplite armor has a full set bonus and some slight adjustments to its operation (but retains all the same buffs)
- Light Priest armor set now uses a set bonus.
- Light Priest armor got a buff to its protection
- Phase armor got the Armor Set treatment
- added Durasteel, Iron, Titanium and Tungsten shields
- fixed a slight lack of info in the Oonforta quest dialog, which failed to tell you where to build it
- heavily reorganized the objects and recipes directories for my teams sanity
- new look for flowers
- flower growth rate reduced
and now onto the BIG things:
please note that there are likely to be missed recipes, broken unlocks and other inconsistencies in the progression that I've missed. Please point them out whenever you find them and this will all be refined soon.
Crafting Stations:
- added Wooden Sifter
- changed itemID of bees_woodencentrifuge, bees_ironcentrifuge and bees_industrialcentrifuge to remove the bees_ part. As such , your existing versions will turn into PGIs. Sorry, but this is a cleaning-house thing that had to be done
- the Fission Furnace is now an upgrade from the Atomic Furnace, rather than a standalone station. This also means it is much smaller. Your current one will not vanish. You will, however, be unable to produce them anymore in the old style. Additionally, the ores previously all found only at the Fission have been spread through the vanilla furnace tiers a bit more to suit progression.
- VANILLA PROGRESSION ADDITION: the Medical table has a 3rd upgrade now. see the next point about why:
- All medical supplies relocated from the Chemlab to the vanilla Medical Table and the new FU Health Center upgrade to that station
- added Medieval Workstation, a huge combo-station for early game use. It's been around a long time...I just kept forgetting to add the damned thing. It doesn't do anything too special just yet, and may never do so. But it looks nice :)
- Well now caps at 600 water
- added liquid pump , which is unlocked by the Well. This, in turn, unlocks the Liquid Condenser (that then unlocks the Atmospheric Condenser). Caps at 1200 water
- ALL Centrifuges now use the same system. You won't notice too much change on your end on their function. There are some specific changes to be mindful of, however:
- Wooden Centrifuge can now process Water and Milk. It has gained input and output nodes.
- Iron Centrifuge can now process liquids. It has gained input and output nodes. It now requires 2 power.
- Industrial Centrifuge can now process Liquids and Milk. . It has gained input and output nodes. It also requires 8 power now
- Lab Centrifuge cannot process Milk, but can process Liquids. It now uses 5 Power
- Advanced Centrifuge renamed to Gas Centrifuge. Power cost increased to 10.
- the Sprouting Table is effectively now the Tier 1 version of the Xeno Station. It felt a shame that this station had one purpose , for one single item only. Now it is where it probably should have been from the start! This should allow you to more easily deal with genes early on. It also still serves its original purpose from Starbooze. One thing to note is that it is a very slow alternative, so you'll want to upgrade to the Xeno as soon as possible. The Sprouting Table produces only one result per 60 seconds.
The station itself does not upgrade from the UI, but instead uses the Xeno you are familiar with. - early Xeno Lab quest re-branded to be about the Sprouting Table
- Powder Sifter power use increased to 6u.
- Atmosphere Regulator power cost is now 120u.
- new Tier 1 power generator. You'll still need to unlock the Wire tool to actually use it, but it will be available as soon as you nab some Coil. It maxes at 4u, and uses coal or water as fuel (including water buckets from wells). You can craft it at the matter assembler stations
- the Nanofabricator is now a tiered station. Tier 1 is the Tinker Table, tier 2 is the Engineering Table and tier 3 is the Nanofabricator. Your old nano will probably be messed up (and look different)
- The Hydroponics Tray is now a second-tier version of the new Growing Tray station. The Growing Tray takes no power, but has a much lower growth time than the Hydrotray. You can still use fertilizers and varied liquids to increase growth time (though its max growth time is also lower than its higher-tier self). Note that it is built as a standalone, not an upgrade.
- the Armory now branches into 3 stations via the UPGRADE button : the Armorworks, the Assembly line and the Armory. Recipes are now split between the tiers.
- The BioChem lab has now been split into tiered progression. You get the Alchemy Table after you build an Anvil. Then you upgrade that to the Chemistry Lab. And then that upgrades into the BioChem Lab. recipes are dashed about within.
- old vanilla Wiring Station sprite replaced with one that isn't a hideous abomination.
- entirely moved all Mining gear to the Nanofabricator stations. It gives it a bit more utility early on.
- moved around Clothing Fabricator recipes among the vanilla sewing stations as well as the Clothing Fab, which is now the 3rd tier upgrade for those stations.
- the Gene Design Lab now starts as a simple Greenhouse. Then upgrades to a Botany Lab before finally becoming the Gene Design Lab. Each tier offers different plants, and the first tier now offers vanilla plants to craft.
- shuffled around some wire node locations on stations (most notably centrifuges)
- added a craftable "Mechanic's Wrench". This will allow you to Wire before you unlock Wiring in your MM. The MM is still the superior option due to not taking a slot, so I have no issue with this from a balance perspective.
Item Transfer System: FU now incorporates its own version of Steambound, which will be graphically adjusted as soon as possible. You can craft most of the stuff at the Machining Table. Note that you do not need pipes to make them work. They use wiring only. Make sure your Storage Bridge items are closer to containers than your Routers are...and all should be good to go. It'll take fiddling till you figure it out, but one you do...its hella powerful.
Pump (sucks up liquid)
Quarry (mines for you)
Router (acts as a centerpoint for a network, use many for uber powerful item sorting!)
Storage Bridge (put near containers you wish to add to your network)
Terminal (displays all items in network)
You can use this new system to transfer items from stations directly to inventory. That includes atmospheric condensers and other such stations! Have fun with these!
new to the team: Kherae and TimothyWiggins127: Code and Art, respectively. Welcome. Their contributions are all over the place here!
oooops! fixed the broken weapons
- also added rens invubator adjustments
- DarkPursuer made some edits to the adv.alloy weapons
- added DarkPursuers wolf suit upgrade
- Critical Attacks: The crit system has been refined. You'll have lower chance to crit overall (reduced by a further 50% , more or less), with crit base rates varying on weapon type. Level of weapons has been removed from crit bonus equations.
- What does this mean? Well, it means thanks to these changes I can make armor sets, potions etc alter your crit chances (among other things) giving you a lot more variety in the very near future. I'm going to be working out a few other armor-set type bonuses to add to the list as time goes on, as well.
- Hellfire set loses its Nova effect, and gains a formal Set Bonus, as well as a buff when immersed in lava, and a HP, Energy and Physical Resistance buff in Infernus, Dark Infernus, Volcanic and Magma biomes
- Densinium rifle energy requirement increased
- bears and wolves now drop pelts. They are the only creatures to do so.
- pelts are required for Bear and Wolf armors
- Bear and Wolf armor unlocks corrected, and recipes fixed
- fixed a bug with the Wretchel plant
- new algae seed icon from ChucklingPotato
- updated Bracken Tree appearance by ChucklingPotato
- eye cannon behaves a lot differently and is no longer insanely overpowered
- added new subbiome(s) (surface/underground) : Tentacle
- Matter Assembler now has an additional tab for helping unclutter sections. You'll find "tool"-type items there
- Armory has two new tabs: Bow/Ranged, where staves and bows are kept...and a Misc. tab for things such as boomerangs and magnorbs
- moved Mining Guns to the microchip(technology) tab in the Nanofabricator, along with the ore detectors
- added additional Bear armor variant
- added lethality to Bio-Ooze effect: it now affects Hunger as well as health
- Shadow Taint effect text is no longer 14 miles tall
- homing missiles should no longer seek out the nearest target regardless of it being friendly or not
- to help resolve an issue with another mod conflicting, Trianglium has been moved to a .patch file. Hopefully this solves issues others were having with trianglium not unlocking its own smelted ore
- New Station: Farm Well (from EggstraClucks, recoded for 1.2.2)
- Placing this well will allow you to produce water locally, making early game water acquisition substantially less troublesome. You'll find it in your Foraging station. You can use the water buckets it gives you in your hydroponics tray, or you can spill the bucket and create a resevoir as needed.
- Weapons:
- new Tiered Weapons added by ChucklingPotato. Iron, Tungsten, Titanium and Durasteel weapons missing from the current list, as well as a stone weapon tier.
- new Advanced Alloy melee set
- Wiring:
- added Shadow Wolf TJCs "Wired Pack", which adds a ton of new wiring goodies for you to play with!
- Different varieties of AND, OR, and XOR Gates, some of which have 3 inputs, while others may have a built-in Data Latch and/or Not Gate.
- A Master Logic Gate that combines an AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and NXOR Gate, with an optional Data Latch also built-in!
- Relays (basically an inverted Not Gate that merely replaces the Or Gates as a relay).
- An emitter that, like an unconnected Not Gate, acts as an always-on output device, only more compact.
- A broken emitter that does the same thing, only that it's always offline. (Perhaps this can be used to keep doors, lights, and switches sealed?)
- A timer with an extremely short rate.
- A wider variety of Delay Gates.
- A variety of pulse transmitters, that send out a pulse with a variable duration whenever their input node goes live, then turn off until their input node goes live again.
- A variety of inverted pulse transmitters that stay live until their input node goes live, which will then temporarily disable the inverted pulse transmitter's output node for a variable amount of time, and then reactivate its output node until its input node goes live once more.
- A Countdown Delay Timer, which will only activate once its input stays live for at least a designated period of time (kind of like a normal Countdown Timer in reverse).
- A more advanced liquid sensor with multiple output nodes that will individually activate depending on what it senses.
- A wider variety of Wall Switches! Some of them combine the functionalities of a Small Wall Switch, a Persistent Switch, a Not Gate, and/or a Data Latch in a single package that may or may not be interactive!
- Binary Sequencers that, through their inputs, can cycle between various states, either forwards or backwards, and turn on one of their many output nodes based upon which state they're currently in. Some sequencers also allow players to switch to any given state directly through additional inputs. (And yes,most of them also have an optional Data Latch built in.)
- Monsters:
- Several (12) new monster variants with custom behaviors added. These are largely reskins of vanilla creatures with totally different capabilities to keep you on your toes. You'll know when you find one! Thanks to Monijir for contributing these lovely additions
- Many FU creatures have had their abilities retuned or improved
- fualien has its proper melee attack
- finally got the Deep Ones doing something other than standing there. They are in-process, and will be getting a new set of animations sooner or later
- added an effect to crit hits. You'll know for sure when you land one now
- reduced critChance on most weapons by 50%. The math was rolling for crits far too often
- added chanceMultiplier to crit script. you wont notice it unless you are using FR races that benefit from this stat
- added missing declarations for supported eggs in the incubator. you shouldn't see chicken babies without using chicken eggs now
- corrected erroneous display for Atmos.Regulator UI. It is 48 power, not 24 as it stated.
- added wolf and bear armors from Kraitens armor mod
- added cosmic projectiles
- mining laser impact sounds are less annoying
- adjusted light effects on all mining guns to be less.... seizure-y. Yes, thats a word. I'm a doctor that went to word-doctor school. Shut up.
- irradium set provides its benefit. was broken.
- fixed carbon and bone shortswords being classed as broadswords
- fixed reversed names on Tesla/Rocket turret. You can shut up about it now. Thanks.
- black beetles (bug shell) now have a 100% chance to spawn on Desert biomes to help with actually crafting the Nomad set
- flare gun added to Foraging table
- mining hat recipe now requires a Flashlight rather than an explorers lantern
- moved the Siren armor unlock to kelp, rather than copper (which is no longer used to craft it anyhow)
- Lab Directory category is now "Database" rather than "decorative"
- Vagabond outfit uses Fabric rather than Silk
- shoggoth is now immune to most DoT effects. This should hopefully solve his Death being broken by such effects
- Watchers now properly reset on uninit
- fixed another small issue in the shortsword patch file
- made vanilla boss special weapon loot a 100% chance drop, because farming loot sucks ass.
- you can now kill the erchius horror the good old fashioned way (murder!) if you want, but it'll take a great deal of punishment
- you can now kill Erchius Ghosts the old fashioned way. They are extremely difficult to harm, however.
- corrected the growth rate of Wretchel. It was way too fast to grow
- planted wretchel now causes the gravrain effect when walked over, but also gives you a 3-second slowfall effect
- Vintage Scoped Rifle should now have a proper crit bonus
- added Vashta Gun turret. unlocked with Vashta gun
- added Sanguine armor set. Thanks to Doot for contributing this female set. I added a male chest from scratch.
- storyline bosses are now immune to most FU DoT effects. No more cheezing them!
- hopefully sporadic reports of Frozen Waste causing a warp to ship is now solved.
- Memento Mori mod now included in FU. Thanks , Lunchghost, for such a cool and useful goodie!
- various spelling and grammer fixes
- shadow taint no longer generates errors when affecting npcs
- Trianglium can now be detected on the tier 2 Ore Detector rather than the tier 3 version
- Tabula Rasa night lighting adjusted
- Changed xenostation output for wildhopsseed to match non-wild variant. This actually has no real effect except for the Lab Directory output listings, which were in error.
- Mark 2 Extractor display name adjusted for proper sorting in the crafting interface
- recategorized splitrifle to Assault Rifle in its tags for compatibility with FR racial Assault Rifle bonuses
- added t1 Hunting Rifle for everyone to play with (especially you novakids). It fires slow, but hits about as hard as other t1 weapons. Should be well balanced.
- all races should be able to unlock the iron, tungsten, titanium and durasteel novakid guns
- magnesium sulfate has more uses (replaces salt or other items in various recipes, primarily in FU stims/medicines)
- magnesium sulfate now has a radioMessage
- all vanilla bosses now resist or are immune to FU status effects/DoTs. Sorry, no more exploiting that loophole
- added hair from old abandoned Patchwork Hair mod. thanks to patchwork536 for the original work.
- hatch time for vanilla eggs drastically increased. However....,
- you can easily build a wooden Incubator to speed up their hatching time of any such egg. You can also hatch baby raptors! more functionality is coming for this feature in the near future, as well as tons of tinkering. Hatch times are not final, but are long still. I'll be editing as we go.
- more change to the splitrifle. its much weaker now, as even after the nerf it was godlike.
- all FU bows now count as bows with all fire modes, making hunting a snap
- tons of changes to the Frozen Wastes. Puzzle reworks, some redesign, etc
- corrected Flesh Leech collisions. theyre a lot less buggy looking when moving now.
- gravgun alt fire is awesome
- zero-g re-enabled fully on asteroids, rather than a hacky status effect. grav gens work as desired so this no longer causes issues
- several gravity-bending objects have been added, but are not yet craftable. You can play with them, but they are very subject to change. You can find them in /objects/wired
- replaced a bog ambiance sound (bogambiance2)
- guardian wings will correctly appear in the backpack section of the Matter Assembler
- hematite now extracts into iron
- fixed an incorrect frame call in the negablade swoosh animation
- new bees! weapons: Honey Gun, Stinger Burstgun
- added Amber Platform
- honey hammer and queens hammer damageKind has been corrected
- reinforced frames now function
- added several new Turret types for home defense. These are simple enough to make, and will drop both the usual turret drops when broken, as well as the gun required to create them in the first place. Unlocked with the same resource their weapon counterpart uses. You'll find them in your Power Station under "tools" for now
- Gauss rounds and Mini Rockets no longer do "dual" damage. They do only their explosive damage now as intended.
some fixes:
reptile and bone steel properly apply their effects
Grav and Antigrav generators operate differently. break and re-place them and you should be good to go.