You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 4
If you are just booting a new machine, use this:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.box = "radiasoft/beamsim"
config.vm.hostname = 'v'
config.ssh.forward_x11 = false
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
You'll need to install guest additions to match your host so use bivio_vagrant_ssh, which will be faster in any event, because it caches the ssh command.
To add a private network, add this to your Vagrantfile
and vagrant reload
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
The host will take IP address 1
so don't use that.
If you see this:
==> default: Setting hostname...
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
service network restart
Stdout from the command:
Restarting network (via systemctl): [FAILED]
Stderr from the command:
Job for network.service failed. See "systemctl status network.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
Clear your arp cache. On Linux and Mac OS X:
sudo arp -a -d
You will need ntp synchronization:
sudo su -
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service.d
echo -e "[Unit]\nConditionVirtualization=" > /etc/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service.d/allow_virt.conf
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service
systemctl start systemd-timesyncd.service
vboxmanage showvminfo 'my_vm'
The default syncing mechanism is slow. You can switch to NFS on Mac (not Windows). Here's what you'll need to do on the Mac (assumes NFS is already running):
touch /etc/exports
chmod 644 /etc/exports
Vagrant needs to read this file as an ordinary user.
Edit the Vagrantfile:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs", mount_options: ["nolock,vers=3,udp"]
Note that locking doesn't seem to work. I gets this error:
mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
service nfslock
is started, and no amount of fiddling seemed to fix this.
When you reload, you'll be prompted to sudo on the host so that it can modify /etc/exports.
List the interfaces:
vboxmanage list hostonlyifs
Create the host-only interface:
$ vboxmanage hostonlyif create
Interface 'vboxnet5' was successfully created
Set the IP address (netmask defaults to /24):
vboxmanage hostonlyif ipconfig vboxnet5 --ip
Setup the network adapter (nic2, because nic1 has to be NAT):
vboxmanage modifyvm my_vm --hostonlyadapter2 vboxnet5
vboxmanage modifyvm my_vm --nic2 hostonly
Then you have to modify your network config to be static. We have DNS
hostnames z1.bivio.biz
(host), z2.bivio.biz
(first guest), etc. This allows you
to setup SSL with *.bivio.biz
I'd recommend using a block, say, z10
, z11
, and z12
to setup a cluster associated with one application
that way you can have different blocks (up to z50 right now) for the different hosts. You can also use these
IPs for Docker, which is why they are zN
and not vN
Little arrow in the lower left to get to Apps
PC Settings under P:
Control Panel in lower left:
View network status and tasks:
Ethernet 2 (double click):
Properties (button):
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) (double click description):
Use the following IP address (check):
IP address: 10.10.10
Subnet mask:
Also check "Use the following DNS server addresses.
Ta Da! You can connect to another vagrant box on (z20.bivio.biz):
You might get the error message you can't load "guest additions". vboxvfs isn't loading so you need to reload the guest additions on the VM. Here's what you do:
On your the host, run this command. It will update the kernel, reload, and then apply latest guest additions:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biviosoftware/utilities/master/bin/fixup-docker.sh | sh
Sometimes vagrant screws up and deletes the files in .vagrant
in the vagrant instance directory. The VM
is still there in VirtualBox, you just have to reattach it.
It wasn't too hard to figure out if the machine is still there. Do a netstat -an and look for listening on ports like 2222 (and up). You can ssh manually to it:
ssh [email protected] -p 2224 -o Compression=yes -o DSAAuthentication=yes -o LogLevel=FATAL -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i /Users/nagler/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
You can find your lost VM with VBoxManage, too:
VBoxManage list vms
This list is in order of creation. Make sure you pick the first one, because vagrant up
probably destroyed your .vagrant
directory) may have added a new entry. Here's an example entry:
"bdev_default_1413228406337_54539" {47d5386a-2004-40f5-859c-13ff9945f012}
The key bits are the id
which is 47d5386a-2004-40f5-859c-13ff9945f012
and the first ten digits in the box
name (1413228406
) are used by Vagrant.
You are then going to have to edit ~/.vagrant.d/data/machine-index/index
This JSON file contains "index_uuid" values. Here's the entry for the lost machine:
"2e88f6eed0f94ba49e9c95d0426f7895": {
"extra_data": {
"box": {
If there is no such entry, you can just create a long number for the index_uuid
(see below) and create the
entry. However, it's likely the entry is there, because vagrant wrote over it. You can use the uuid that's in
The index_uuid
that Vagrant creates is 2e88f6eed0f94ba49e9c95d0426f7895 in this example.
If your machine is still running, you'll need to update this file to change state
to running
. You can
tell if a machine is running by:
VBoxManage list runningvms
You now need to create the files in .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/
. With the above example data,
here's the script:
cd ~vagrant/bdev/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox
echo -n 47d5386a-2004-40f5-859c-13ff9945f012 > id
echo -n 1413228406 > action_set_name
echo -n 1.5:47d5386a-2004-40f5-859c-13ff9945f012 > action_provision
echo -n 2e88f6eed0f94ba49e9c95d0426f7895 > index_uuid
You should now be able to see the status:
cd ~vagrant/bdev
vagrant status
Resize the VBox disk:
cd '/Users/nagler/VirtualBox VMs/Win8.1'
VBoxManage modifyhd Win\ 8.1.vdi --resize 51200
"Dynamic" disks are not dynamic in that sense. They just allocate blocks for the guest on the host lazily. There doesn't seem to be a performance difference between static and dynamic disks even though some people say there are.
On Windows, press "Right Windows Key + R" and enter diskmgmt.msc
. Right click on the main Windows partition (NTFS), select Extend Volume
, and accept the defaults for the rest of the wizard items.
Not sure what's going on yet (robnagler):
Ignoring connection 'System eth1' / device 'eth1' due to NM_CONTROLLED=no.
Manually starting ifup eth1