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Steps to apply 2011

ChrisOelmueller edited this page Feb 16, 2013 · 3 revisions

Your steps to apply

  1. Find out that you would like to work together with us this summer!
  2. Tell us about that and work on your project proposal. Do this together with us! Best place is your wiki user page, see below.
  3. Fill out our public application template. This is best done by creating an account at this wiki and copying the template from its page.
    You really only need to copy and answer the part public there, there is no need to showcase everything else to everybody reading your user page!
  4. Fill out our private application template. This is best done by copying the template from its page and adding the required information to your [application in Google Melange] ( Only the organization admin and the possible mentors will see this data.
    You can still edit it after submitting until the deadline!
  5. Hang out in our IRC channel, ask questions, submit patches, show us that you are suited well. There sadly will be more applicants than we can mentor with high quality :-/
  6. See that Google appreciates well prepared students and start implementing your very own proposal! ;-)

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[Timeline] (Timeline-2011)
[Application] (Application-2011)
[Ideas] (Ideas-2011)
[Mentors] (Mentors-2011)
[Steps to apply] (Steps-to-apply-2011)
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