The following repo contains excercises related to the 2024-2025 Cloud introduction and storage modules of the Big Data & Cloud Master at EDEM
The folders are structured as follows:
- local_cloud: Use of VirtualBox to simulate locally IaaS and PaaS solutions so that the students get familiar with the fundamental concepts of different service models
- end2end: an end2end excercise to practice in class the use of a full architecture with different components that simulate what they can find in the cloud
- Instructions to create a GCP account and create a Compute Engine instance
- excercise_1: Excercise to deploy part of the end2end architecture in GCP
- excercise_postgresql: Excercise to deploy a PostgreSQL instance in GCP, create tables and insert data using Mockaroo
- excercise_alloy_db: Excercise to deploy an AlloyDB instance in GCP, and compare it with the performance of PostgreSQL by running some queries
- excercise_e2e: Excercise to deploy an end2end architecture in GCP, using Cloud SQL, PubSub and Compute Engine instances
- excercise_bigquery: Excercise to try the basic functionalities of BigQuery
- excercise_end2end: Excercise to deploy an end2end architecture in GCP, using Cloud SQL, PubSub, Compute Engine instances and BigQuery
- excercise_gcs: Excercise to create a bucket and check its functionality as a object storage container used as a data_lake
- excercise_end2end: Excercise to deploy an end2end architecture in GCP, using Cloud SQL, PubSub, Compute Engine instances, BigQuery and GCS
- excercise_stocks: Excercise to use BigTable to store and query stock data
- excercise_iot: Excercise to use an IoT application with Raspberry Pi and BigTable to query temperature data in real time.