In this exercise, we will create an Alloy DB instance, and compare its performance with a PostgreSQL instance.
Go to the GCP Console, search Alloy DB and create a new Alloy DB instance.
In the ID cluster put
In Password put
In the region, select
europe-southwest1 (Madrid)
In the network, select
In the machine type select
4 vCPUs, 32 GB RAM
Allow the IP public access
In the security of the network, sellect
Allow all connection without encryption
Click on
After the instance is created (it will take a few minutes to be ready), we can move to the python script part
First you should create a venv and install the requirements
Then you have to modify the IP variable of the script to put the IP of your Alloy DB instance
Run the script with
To test it against a PostgreSQL instance, you can run the script
modifying the IP variable to the IP of your PostgreSQL instance -
Once both scripts are run, you can log in both Cloud SQL Studio and Alloy DB Studio to check the performance of both instances
Run this query in both Studios:
SELECT c.currency_code, er.base_currency_code, er.rate, er.timestamp FROM exchange_rates er LEFT JOIN currencies c ON = er.currency_id