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END2END Cloud Introduction Excercise

This end2end is inspired in a simplified architecture that you can find in an ecommerce platform


The following image shows the architecture of this excercise

There are different components:

  • Orders App: It includes a Postgres DB (OLTP) and a connection to a public API suggested by ChatGPT (fakestoreapi) to simulate simple transactions of an eccomerce. It includes the following entities in the data model: customers, orders, products, order_products. A publisher is imported to send the confirmations of orders to the Delivery App. The transactions on the database are ACID compliant

  • Delivery App: It includes a Subscriber and Publisher to Kafka. The subscriber consumes the messages from order-events to confirm when a new order is placed. Then a sequence of messages are generated to simulated the delivery process of those orders. These messages are sent to the topic delivery-events

  • Extraction-Load (EL): This is included within the analytical_layer directory. There are two types of EL, one (el_orders) for making a replica of the Operational DB (Postgres) with the orders to the Analytical DB (ClickHouse), which is OLAP compliant, and the other (el_delivery) to append the new events of the orders that are/have been delivered to the same DB

  • Metabase: Metabase is a BI tool used to make dashboards with different cards that can show different KPIs of a company.

You should follow the next steps in order to deploy the full architecture

Deploy Kafka

Go to the path end2end/delivery_app

There is a Makefile included to show how Makefile work, symplifying the launching of commands. If you are using a Mac laptop, you can directly run the following command and it will take your IP directly

Launch the docker-compose in Mac

 make launch-events-brokers-mac

If you are using an ubuntu server, the command to automatically pick your IP addres is the following Launch the docker-compose in Ubuntu server

make launch-events-brokers-ubuntu

In any other machine, you have to modify first the Makefile file inside the end2end/delivery_app/ folder. Find the line @HOST_IP=<your-machine-ip> docker-compose up -d and put your local IP in the . To find your IP address you can run Get-NetIPAddress in PowerShell. Then you have to find the IP of your WiFi router. It will look similar to:

IPAddress      :
InterFaceIndex : 15
InterfaceAlias : Wi-Fi

Copy the IP address replacing the variable. After that, you can run

make launch-events-brokers-manual-ip

Once the kafka brokers are ready (wait 3-5 minutes). You can login in your browser in the following url


And you should see the Kafka-UI.

Orders App

Within the orders app there are three directories:

  • chatgpt_orders: A script mainly generated by ChatGPT with some small modifications, that connects to an API and simulates the generation of customers, products and orders in an ecommerce. The script has been left as similar as possible to how ChatGPT made it to show its capabilities

  • events_utils: This is a module that includes the logic to handle the publication of messages to Kafka. It is similar to the other utils of the other applications in purpose to show the modularity of using microservices.

  • orders_to_db: It includes the main script, which imports as a module both the events_utils and the chatgpt_orders functions and classes. It contains all the logic to generate orders for a certain number of customers that can buy a limited number of products. The transactions are kept following ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) properties.

To run orders_app

Launch the docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

Run the following command inside orders_app in a VM or your local computer. Substitute the variable with the appropriate IP (IP of your VM if you run Kafka in a VM, IP of your local-machine if you are running Kafka directly in your computer). You have to run this command from the following path cloud_intro/end2end/orders_app/ as it will load different modules to use them inside the script of the folder orders_to_db

HOST_IP=localhost KAFKA_IP=<delivery-app-host> python -m orders_to_db.main

In case you don't want the program to stop even if you close the terminal, you can run inside the delivery_app folder (only in Mac and Ubuntu):

nohup bash -c 'HOST_IP=localhost KAFKA_IP=<delivery-app-host> python -m orders_to_db.main' > output.log 2>&1 &

If your have run the nohup command, you can follow the logs running:

tail -f output.log

And to stop the program, you can run:

pkill python

Delivery App

Within the delivery app there are two directories:

  • delivery_events: It has a main script that handles both the pulling of messaging from the orders-event topic, and the pushing of the delivery events to the delivery-events topic

  • [utils]: Similar to the utils of orders app, it is used to package the required code for publishing and reading messages from Kafka

Run the following command, in a VM or your local computer, from the following path cloud_intro/end2end/delivery_app/ as it will load different modules to use them inside the script of the folder delivery_events

KAFKA_IP=<delivery-app-host> python -m delivery_events.main 

In case you don't want the program to stop even if you close the terminal, you can run inside the delivery_app folder (Only in Mac or Ubuntu):

nohup bash -c 'KAFKA_IP=<delivery-app-host> python -m delivery_events.main' > output.log 2>&1 &

If your haver run the nohup command, you can follow the logs running:

tail -f output.log

To stop the program, you can run:

pkill python

Analytical Layer

The analytical layer has several parts:

  • Docker Compose: With both the OLAP DB (Clickhouse) and the BI Tool (Metabase)

  • analytical_utils: Similar to the utils of the other apps, it is used to package the necessary operations to syncronize events from Kafka and Postgres to Clickhouse

  • el_delivery: It contains the script that appends the new events to the delivery_events table within the Data Warehouse (Clickhouse)

  • el_orders: It contains the script that creates a replica of the tables of the Operational DB into the Data Warehouse

  • plugins: It is a directory that serves as a bind mount volume where the clickhouse plugin required by Metabase has to be dowloaded. After the docker-compose is started, the rest of the plugins created by default by the Metabase Docker image will be included in that folder

How to run the analytical layer

To dowload the clickhouse plugin for metabase run the following if you are in Mac or Ubuntu

curl -L -o ./analytical_layer/plugins/clickhouse.metabase-driver.jar

If your are using windows, you can download manually the .jar copying the url in a browser and then moving the dowloaded file into the plugins directory manually.

Launch the docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

Wait for a few minutes until the Metabase container is up and running

To login in the analytical db

docker exec -it olap_db clickhouse-client

To show existing tables after inside the container

SHOW TABLES FROM analytics_db

Run the following command from the following path cloud_intro/end2end/analytical_layer as it will load different modules to use them inside the script of the folder el_orders to syncronize the orders table manually within the analytical_layer directory. You have to change the <orders-app-ip> placeholder with the IP of the machine in which you run the docker-compose of the orders_app (it could be your local machine or a VM)

HOST_IP=localhost POSTGRES_IP=<orders-app-ip>  python -m el_orders.main

If you are using Windows CMD, you can run:

set HOST_IP=localhost
set POSTGRES_IP=<orders-app-ip>
python -m el_orders.main

If you are using Windows Powershell, you can run:

$env:HOST_IP = "localhost"; $env:POSTGRES_IP = "<orders-app-ip>"; python -m el_orders.main

Run the following command to syncronize the delivery table manually within the analytical_layer directory. You have to change the <delivery-app-ip> placeholder with the IP of the machine in which you run the docker-compose of the orders_app (it could be your local machine or a VM)

HOST_IP=localhost KAFKA_IP=<delivery-app-ip> python -m el_delivery.main

If you are using Windows CMD, you can run:

set HOST_IP="localhost"
set KAFKA_IP="<delivery-app-ip>"
python -m el_delivery.main

If you are using Windows Powershell, you can run:

$env:HOST_IP = "localhost"; $env:KAFKA_IP = "<delivery-app-ip>"; python -m el_delivery.main

To use the docker image that will trigger a cron expression you have to follow this steps:

  • Build the image from the root directory (end2end)
docker build -t analytical-layer-cron -f analytical_layer/docker/DockerFile .
  • Run the following command to get the Local Gateway of analytic_layer docker network
docker inspect olap_db
  • Run the image passing the enviroment variables for the three machines (KAFKA, POSTGRES and HOST (your machine))
docker run --network analytical_layer_default -e KAFKA_IP=<delivery-app-ip> -e POSTGRES_IP=<orders-app-ip> -e HOST_IP=<click-house-container-ip> analytical-layer-cron


To configure the Clickhouse database in Metabase, the next steps should be followed:

  1. Set up the connections settings as seen in the following image

  2. Create a new question with the orders per customer

     SUM(total_price) AS total_price,
     orders o
     customers c
     ON = o.customer_id
     total_price desc
  3. On the bottom left corner click visualization and choose the horizontal bars type

  4. Click save and also add it to a dashboard

  5. Create another question with the sql editor and paste this query

     SUM(op.price*op.quantity) AS total_product_spent,
     orders o
     order_products op
     ON = op.order_id
     products p
     op.product_id =
     SUM(op.price*op.quantity) DESC
  6. Select the pie chart as visualization option

  7. Click save and add it to the same dashboard

  8. If everything went right, you should see a dashboard like the following