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Excercise with GCP Resources

We will work on the migration of the data warehouse (Clickhouse) that we used in the module Cloud Intro


Create a pub/sub topic

PubSub is a messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications. It is similar to Kafka, but it is a managed service.

To create a PubSub topic in la UI, follow these steps:

  1. Go to pub/sub in the console.
  2. Click on Create Topic.
  3. Name the topic order-events.
  4. Add another topic called delivery-events.

Create the instance for the orders-app

gcloud compute instances create orders-app \
  --zone=europe-west1-b \
  --scopes= \
  --subnet=projects/<your-project-id>/regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/default \
  --machine-type=e2-micro \
  --source-machine-image=projects/<your-project-id>/global/machineImages/<MACHINE_IMAGE_NAME> \

Create the instance for the delivery-app

gcloud compute instances create delivery-app \
  --zone=europe-west1-b \
  --scopes= \
  --subnet=projects/<your-project-id>/regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/default \
  --machine-type=e2-micro \
  --source-machine-image=projects/<your-project-id>/global/machineImages/<MACHINE_IMAGE_NAME> \

Create the Cloud SQL instance

To create a Cloud SQL instance, follow these steps:

Run the following command to create the instance:

gcloud sql instances create edem-postgres \
  --database-version=POSTGRES_15 \
  --tier=db-f1-micro \
  --region=europe-west1 \
  --availability-type=zonal \
  --storage-size=100 \
  --no-deletion-protection \
  --authorized-networks= \

Run the following command to create a user for the database:

gcloud sql users create postgres \
  --instance=edem-postgres \

Run the following command to create the ecommerce database:

gcloud sql databases create ecommerce \


Create a bucket to store the terraform state

Move to the terraform directory

cd EDEM2425/gcp_datawarehouse/excercise_end2end/terraform

Modify the variables for the SA in the file

Modify the service_account_email variable in the file with the email of the service account of your project.

Initialize the terraform directory

terraform init
terraform plan

Create the infrastructure

terraform apply

Once we finished the excercise, we can destroy the infrastructure by running:

terraform destroy

### In both instances

  1. Log in to the instance:

    gcloud compute ssh <instance-name> --zone=europe-west1-b
  2. Run a git pull inside the repository:

    cd EDEM2425
    git pull
  3. Move to the correct directory:

    cd EDEM2425/gcp_datawarehouse/excercise_end2end
  4. Create a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv .venv
  5. Activate the venv:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  6. Install the requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

For the orders-app instance

  1. Run the orders-app using nohup so that it runs in the background (if you close the terminal, the app will still be running):
    nohup bash -c 'HOST_IP=<your-cloud-sql-ip> PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id> python -m orders_app.orders_to_db.main' > output.log 2>&1 &

This will start creating orders, store them in the database and publish confirmation events to the order-events topic.

If you want to see the logs, run the following command:

tail -f output.log

For the delivery-app instance

  1. Run the following command to start the delivery-app:
    nohup bash -c 'PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id> python -m delivery_app.main' > output.log 2>&1 &

If you want to see the logs, run the following command:

tail -f output.log

This will start consuming the events from the order-events topic and publish delivery events to the delivery-events topic.

Use the analytical-layer with BigQuery as your Data Warehouse

Once you have the orders-app and the delivery-app running, we will focus in the analytical-layer.

First, we will go to BigQuery to create 2 datasets (one for the orders and another for the delivery events).

  1. Go to the BigQuery section in the GCP console.
  2. Click on Create Dataset by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the name of your project.
  3. Name the dataset orders.
  4. Select the region europe-west1
  5. Click on Create Dataset.
  6. Click on Create Dataset again.
  7. Name the dataset delivery.
  8. Select the region europe-west1.
  9. Click on Create Dataset.

Create the required tables in the orders dataset by running the following query in the BigQuery console:

-- Customers Table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders.customers` (
    id INT64,
    customer_name STRING,
    email STRING

-- Products Table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders.products` (
    id INT64,
    product_name STRING,
    price FLOAT64

-- Orders Table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders.orders` (
    id INT64,
    customer_id INT64,
    created_at TIMESTAMP,
    total_price FLOAT64

-- Order Products Table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders.order_products` (
    order_id INT64,
    product_id INT64,
    quantity INT64,
    price FLOAT64

For the deliverydataset, we will use what is called a BigQuery subscription to sync the events from the delivery-events topic to the delivery dataset.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a raw_table in which the events will be stored:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `delivery.raw_events_delivery` (
    subscription_name STRING,
    message_id STRING,
    publish_time TIMESTAMP,
    data JSON,
    attributes JSON
PARTITION BY DATE(publish_time)
CLUSTER BY subscription_name, message_id

Now, we will create the subscription to the delivery-events topic:

  1. Go to the Pub/Sub section in the GCP console.
  2. Click on the delivery-events topic.
  3. Click on Create Subscription.
  4. Name the subscription delivery-events-bq-sub.
  5. Select in type Write to BigQuery.
  6. Select the delivery dataset.
  7. Select the raw_events_delivery table.
  8. Select don't use schema.
  9. Select Write metadata
  10. A message will appear that a SA doesn't have permissions. Copy the name of the SA and run the following command:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> \
--member=serviceAccount:<SA_email> \
  1. On the dead-letter section, select Create a new topic.
  2. Name the topic delivery-events-dead-letter.
  3. Create a new subscription for the dead-letter topic.
  4. Name the subscription delivery-events-dead-letter-sub.
  5. Click on Create.
  6. You might see two sections in the Not delivered messages with an error. Click in the Grant button to give permissions to publish and consume messages in the topic for the dead-lettering.

Now we can deploy the EL pipeline to syncronize the PostgresDB database with BigQuery.

To do so, we need to run the following commands:

  1. Create your application-default credentials. This will allow us to identify to the GCP services with our user account (in case you haven't done it yet):

    gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Create the venv, activate it and install the requirements:

    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the script to syncronize the PostgresDB database

    POSTGRES_IP=<postgres-ip> GCP_PROJECT=<your-gcp-project-id> python -m analytical_layer.el_orders.main

    If you are using Windows CMD, you can run:

    set POSTGRES_IP=<postgres-ip>
    set GCP_PROJECT=<your-gcp-project-id>
    python -m analytical_layer.el_orders.main

    If you are using Windows Powershell, you can run:

    $env:POSTGRES_IP = "<postgres-ip>";
    $env:GCP_PROJECT = "<your-gcp-project-id>";
    python -m analytical_layer.el_orders.main

Now that we have the EL for orders_app. Let's use DBT to create a view for the delivery events.

  1. Create a directory with the name of the project in the dbt directory:

    mkdir dbt_project_example
  2. Move to the dbt directory:

    cd dbt_project_example
  3. Install dbt-bigquery:

    pip install dbt-bigquery
  4. Initialize the dbt project:

    dbt init edem_project

This will create the structure of the dbt project.

Now, you have a template prepare with the modifications needed to create the views for the delivery events.

  1. Go to the folder dbt_template in the excercise_end2end directory.
  2. Copy the dbt_project.yml content to the dbt_project_example/edem_project/dbt_project.yml file.
  3. Copy the content of the models folder to the dbt_project_example/edem_project/models folder.
  4. Copy the content of the macros folder to the dbt_project_example/edem_project/macros folder.
  5. Run the command to create the views:
    cd dbt_project_example
    dbt run --select expanded_delivery_events

This will create the view for the delivery events in the delivery dataset in BigQuery.

We have also some tables for getting aggregations by running the analytics folder.

Run the following command to create the tables:

dbt run --select analytics

Let's now deploy Metabase to visualize the data from BigQuery.

  1. Go to the excercise directory in your local machine:

    cd EDEM2425/gcp_datawarehouse/excercise_end2end
  2. Deploy the docker-compose of the analytical-layer:

    cd analytical-layer
    docker-compose up -d
  3. Go to the browser and access to http://localhost:3000 to access Metabase.