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cyrozap edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the open FPGA tools wiki!

Note: This project is NOT affiliated with OpenFPGA INC.

List of sub-projects and status

Device/Vendor Status Note
Xilinx CoolRunner-II Most of bitstream mapping done, partial place-and-route, no HDL integration TODO: merge code from azonenberg's internal SVN
Silego Greenpak4 Initial progress on C++ object model Bitstream is publicly documented
Cypress PSoC 5(LP)/PSoC 4/PSoC 3 Not yet started All UDB (2x PLD + ALU + FIFO) register locations are documented publicly, but the specifics of what each bit in those registers does is not, except for some of the ALU status and control registers. The PSoC 5LP takes priority because it has the highest capacity and a modern CPU, but the PSoC 4 and PSoC 3 share the same UDB architecture.

Other open FPGA toolchain projects

TODO: List other projects here to avoid duplicating work

Project Description
Yosys Open Verilog synthesis for a number of FPGAs
arachne-pnr Place-and-route for iCE40 FPGAs
IceStorm Bitstream manipulation tools for iCE40 FPGAs