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GreenPAK Universal Dev Board 1

whitequark edited this page Aug 17, 2016 · 33 revisions

This page describes the USB protocol used by the GreenPAK Universal Dev Board 1, as shipped in all GreenPAK Development Kits except the GreenPAK1 one. Protocol RE is done by @whitequark with board revision v1.3.1 and firmware v2.4.

The board speaks two protocols, both of which are based on USBHID. They use interrupt URBs, always with a 64 byte payload. All numbers below are in hexadecimal.

Bootloader protocol

After plugging in, the board lights up a white LED and enumerates as 0f0f:8006. In this state it is not operational, and it is necessary to send it a command to make it so. The Silego tool will proceed to chat a bit with it in a protocol that is not readily identifiable, but most of it does not appear to be necessary.

Overall payload format:

Offset Length Meaning
00 3c Unknown
3c 01 Command
3d 03 Unknown

The command 09, with the rest of the packet being zeroed, switches the board into operational mode. All other commands are not understood.

Main protocol

After switching mode, the board lights up an orange LED and enumerates as 0f0f:0006.

Overall payload format:

Offset Length Meaning
00 01 Sequence number A (SEQA)
01 01 Packet type
02 01 Packet length
03 01 Sequence number B (SEQB)

The function of sequence numbers A and B is not fully understood. Under most circumstances sequence number A is 01 and sequence number B is 00.

The packet length is offset by one. I.e. it is the index of the last meaningful byte in the URB payload.

Every byte not specified in the individual packet format was always observed as 00.

"Read back command for ..." means that the returned payload for this READ command is exactly the same as what was provided for the WRITE command it refers to.



This command flashes the bitstream to the device.

With SEQA=01, SEQB=04:

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Unknown; observed as 80
05 02 Unknown; observed as 0000
07 02 The number of SCL cycles to use (0828)
09 37 reg<0:439>

With SEQA=02, SEQB=03:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<440:919>

With SEQA=03, SEQB=02:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<920:1399>

With SEQA=04, SEQB=01:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<1400:1879>

With SEQA=05, SEQB=00:

Offset Length Meaning
04 15 reg<1880:2047>


This command starts transferring the bitstream out of the device.

Offset Length Meaning
04 03 Unknown; observed as c007d0
07 02 The total number of SCL cycles to use (0828)


This command transfers the bitstream to the device.

With SEQA=01, SEQB=04:

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Unknown; observed as 80 normally and 87 when trimming oscillators
05 02 Unknown; observed as 0000
07 02 The number of SCL cycles to use (0828)
09 37 reg<0:439>

With SEQA=02, SEQB=03:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<440:919>

With SEQA=03, SEQB=02:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<920:1399>

With SEQA=04, SEQB=01:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<1400:1879>

With SEQA=05, SEQB=00:

Offset Length Meaning
04 15 reg<1880:2047>


This packet configures the I/O buffers, LEDs, and the expansion connector.


Offset Length Meaning
04 02 TP2 output configuration
06 02 TP3 output configuration
08 02 TP4 output configuration
0a 02 TP5 output configuration
0c 02 TP6 output configuration
0e 02 TP7 output configuration
10 02 TP8 output configuration
12 02 TP9 output configuration
14 02 TP10 output configuration
16 02 TP12 output configuration
18 02 TP13 output configuration
1a 02 TP14 output configuration
1c 02 TP15 output configuration
1e 02 TP16 output configuration
20 02 TP17 output configuration
22 02 TP18 output configuration
24 02 TP19 output configuration
26 02 TP20 output configuration
2f 03 Expansion connector configuration
32 01 TP3..TP6 LED configuration
33 01 TP7..TP10 LED configuration
34 01 TP12..TP15 LED configuration
35 02 TP16..TP20 LED configuration
37 01 Internal VDD configuration
38 02 Unknown; observed as 0000

TPx output configuration:

Value Meaning
0001 Reset
0200 N/C
0c01 VDD
0c00 GND
0e01 Pull-up
0e00 Pull-down
0001 Weak pull-up
0000 Weak pull-down
0c03 Logic generator, push-pull
0403 Logic generator, open-drain + pull-up
0603 Logic generator, open-drain + pull-down
0a03 Logic generator, open-drain, drives HI
0803 Logic generator, open-drain, drives LO
0e03 Logic generator, pull-up/down

It is necessary to issue a reset, at least, after SRAM download, or else programmable outputs and indicator LEDs won't work.

TP3..TP6, TP7..TP10 and TP12..TP15 LED configuration (a bit mask):

Value Meaning
01 TP(n+0) LED enabled
02 TP(n+1) LED enabled
04 TP(n+2) LED enabled
08 TP(n+3) LED enabled
10 TP(n+0) LED inverted
20 TP(n+1) LED inverted
40 TP(n+2) LED inverted
80 TP(n+3) LED inverted

TP16..TP20 LED configuration (a bit mask):

Value Meaning
0100 TP(n+0) LED enabled
0200 TP(n+1) LED enabled
0400 TP(n+2) LED enabled
0800 TP(n+3) LED enabled
1000 TP(n+4) LED enabled
0001 TP(n+0) LED inverted
0002 TP(n+1) LED inverted
0004 TP(n+2) LED inverted
0008 TP(n+3) LED inverted
0010 TP(n+4) LED inverted

Expansion connector configuration (a bit mask):

Value Meaning
000100 VDD
000004 TP2
000001 TP3
000010 TP4
000040 TP5
010000 TP6
040000 TP7
100000 TP8
400000 TP9
800000 TP10
200000 TP12
000008 TP13
000002 TP14
008000 TP15
000020 TP16
020000 TP17
002000 TP18
000800 TP19
080000 TP20

Internal VDD configuration:

Value Meaning
00 Disabled
01 Enabled


This packet (likely) resets the board controller.


Response to WRITE 05; reset acknowledgement.


This command continues transferring the bitstream out of the device.

Offset Length Meaning
04 03 Unknown; observed as c007d0
07 02 The total number of SCL cycles to use (see WRITE 03)


Response to WRITE 03; bitstream acknowledgement, more data required.


This command confgiures a signal generator.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Generator type; 01=logic generator, 02=signal generator
05 01 Test point index; 01=VDD, 02=TP2, ..., 0a=TP10, 0c=TP12, ..., 14=TP20
06 01 Pre-start state; 00=low, 01=start point, 02=hi-Z
07 01 Repeat count; 00=forever, 01=once, 02=twice, ...
08 01 End state; 00=pre-start state, 01=keep last state
09 02 Initial voltage
11 02 Point 1: ramp delay
13 02 Point 1: ramp voltage, integral step part
15 02 Point 1: ramp voltage, step sign and fractional step part
17 02 Point 2: ramp delay
19 02 Point 2: ramp voltage, integral step part
1b 02 Point 2: ramp voltage, step sign and fractional step part
... ... ...

Voltages are specified with 1LSB corresponding to 1.362mV. Tolerance is ±30mV on VCC and ±7mV on all other outputs.

Delays are specified with 1LSB corresponding to 0.1ms, with 0000 corresponding to the delay of 0.1ms.

Ramping is specified as follows. Every 0.1ms, the voltage is increased by a 16.15 fixed point number comprised by the entire integral and low 15 bits of the fractional ramp voltage parts. The sign of this number is specified by bit 15 of the fractional ramp voltage part.


This command starts or stops one or more signal generators at once.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 VDD generator command
05 01 TP2 generator command
06 01 TP3 generator command
07 01 TP4 generator command
08 01 TP5 generator command
09 01 TP6 generator command
0a 01 TP7 generator command
0b 01 TP8 generator command
0c 01 TP9 generator command
0d 01 TP10 generator command
0e 01 TP12 generator command
0f 01 TP13 generator command
10 01 TP14 generator command
11 01 TP15 generator command
12 01 TP16 generator command
13 01 TP17 generator command
14 01 TP18 generator command
15 01 TP19 generator command
16 01 TP20 generator command

Generator command:

Value Meaning
00 Pause
01 Start
02 Stop
03 NOP
07 Reset


This command requests board status.


Response to WRITE 0a; board status.

Offset Length Meaning
04 03 Unknown; observed as 142400
07 01 First octet of part identifier (same as in WRITE 25)
08 03 Unknown; together with 07 reads as ffffffff with no IC present
0b 01 01 if external supply overcurrent is detected; 00 otherwise
0c 01 01 if supply undervoltage is detected; 00 otherwise
0d 01 02 if internal supply overcurrent is detected; 00 otherwise
0e 02 Measured supply current
10 02 Measured supply voltage #1
12 02 Measured supply voltage #2
14 10 Unknown; observed as 065e059c05d7063a00b200b100b90102

The supply voltage #1 is slightly lower than supply voltage #2. Their units are exactly 1/2 of units used for WRITE 08.

The units for supply current are unknown, as I can't be arsed to use a meter. The idle current for an empty SLG46620V is 0026.


Response to WRITE 02 and WRITE 07.

With SEQB=04:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<0:479>

With SEQB=03:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<480:959>

With SEQB=02:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<960:1439>

With SEQB=01:

Offset Length Meaning
04 3c reg<1440:1919>

With SEQB=00:

Offset Length Meaning
04 10 reg<1920:2047>


Response to WRITE 03; bitstream acknowledgement, no more data required.


This command turns the STATUS LED on and off.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 STATUS LED enabled


Response to WRITE 21; STATUS LED change acknowledgement.


This command chooses the part that the board will interface with.

Offset Length Meaning
04 04 Part ID

Part IDs:

Value Meaning
11000000 Unknown
14000000 SLG46140V
62000000 SLG46620V
72000000 Unknown


Response to WRITE 25; part change acknowledgement.


This command chooses the pin that the ADC will measure. See WRITE 47.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Unknown; observed as 00
05 01 Pin selection
06 01 Unknown; observed as 00

Pins are represented as follows:

Value Meaning
01 TP2
02 TP3
03 TP4
04 TP5
05 TP6
06 TP7
07 TP8
08 TP9
09 TP10
0a TP12
0b TP13
0c TP14
0d TP15
0e TP16
0f TP17
10 TP18
11 TP19
12 TP20


This command measures the oscillator frequency.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Unknown; observed as 00


Response to WRITE 42; measured oscillator frequency.

Offset Length Meaning
04 02 Unknown; observed as 0000
06 02 Oscillator frequency


This command measures the voltage at pin selected with WRITE 33.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Conversion time

The conversion time field is a non-zero unsigned integer. The higher it is, the longer the conversion takes. On constant input, precision increases marginally. GP4 software uses 0a for socket testing.


Response to WRITE 47; ADC measured value.

Offset Length Meaning
04 03 Signed voltage

Note that the voltage can and will go below zero. The full scale, with GND and VDD used as ADC rails, is 090000; values from ffff00 to 090100 are observed.


This command trims the oscillator.

Offset Length Meaning
04 01 Unknown; observed as 00
05 01 Trim value
06 06 Unknown; observed as 05040a110201


Response to WRITE 49; oscillator trimming acknowledgement.

Offset Length Meaning
04 02 Unknown; observed as 0000
06 06 Unknown; observed as 05040a110201

Unknown commands

To clean up logs from known commands, use regex (R|W.. .._(01|02|03|04|05|07|08|09|0a|21|25|33|42|47|49)).*$

During the startup sequence (i.e. just opening the emulator)

  • 32: some sort of ADC mode selection; used before 47
  • 39: always follows 32, some sort of reset or commit
  • 0f: some kind of scan from 00 to 3d, possibly ADC, but 49 may also be used to trim ADC

During flashing

  • 30: some sort of trimming-related setup; used before 49
  • 32 and 39 also present; 0f is not (without any used ADC at least)

During refresh with no chip present

  • 51: performed at the end before 26
  • 26: scanned 16 times at the end, after setting P2=float, P8,P9=OD+PU, rest PD; looks like I2C, so detection of GP5

Command sequences


In a loop, searching by changing the trim value between ff to 00:

  1. WRITE 49
  2. READ 49
  3. WRITE 42
  4. READ 42


  1. WRITE 03 SEQA=01 SEQB=04
  2. READ 07
  3. WRITE 03 SEQA=02 SEQB=03
  4. READ 07
  5. WRITE 03 SEQA=03 SEQB=02
  6. READ 07
  7. WRITE 03 SEQA=04 SEQB=01
  8. READ 07
  9. WRITE 03 SEQA=05 SEQB=00
  10. READ 1a

Flashing NVRAM

  1. WRITE 01 SEQA=01 SEQB=04
  2. READ 07
  3. WRITE 01 SEQA=02 SEQB=03
  4. READ 07
  5. WRITE 01 SEQA=03 SEQB=02
  6. READ 07
  7. WRITE 01 SEQA=04 SEQB=01
  8. READ 07
  9. WRITE 01 SEQA=05 SEQB=00
  10. READ 11


  1. WRITE 02
  2. READ 13 SEQB=04
  3. WRITE 07
  4. READ 13 SEQB=03
  5. WRITE 07
  6. READ 13 SEQB=02
  7. WRITE 07
  8. READ 13 SEQB=01
  9. WRITE 07
  10. READ 13 SEQB=00