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Sebastian Krajewski edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 13 revisions

Default values:

"Recording": {
	"FrameWidth": 1920,
	"FrameHeight": 1080,
	"FPS": 60,
	"EncodingFPSCap": 0,
	"Encoder": "libx264",
	"EncoderOptions": "-crf 14",
	"Profile": "high",
	"Preset": "faster",
	"PixelFormat": "yuv420p",
	"Filters": "",
	"AudioCodec": "aac",
	"AudioOptions": "-b:a 320k",
	"AudioFilters": "",
	"OutputDir": "videos",
	"Container": "mp4",
	"ShowFFmpegLogs": true,
	"MotionBlur": {
		"Enabled": false,
		"OversampleMultiplier": 3,
		"BlendFrames": 5,
		"BlendWeights": {
			"UseManualWeights": false,
			"ManualWeights": "1 1.7 2.1 4.1 5",
			"AutoWeightsID": 1,
			"GaussWeightsMult": 1.5


Option Type Range Description
FrameWidth Integer N/A Width of the output video in pixels
FrameHeight Integer N/A Height of the output video in pixels
FPS Integer N/A Frames per second of the output video
Encoder String N/A Encoder for ffmpeg, see this wiki page for recommended encoders
EncoderOptions String N/A Encoder settings for ffmpeg, see this wiki page for recommended encoder settings
Profile String N/A Profile for the encoder, see this wiki page for recommended profiles
PixelFormat String N/A Pixel format for the output video
Filters String) N/A Filters for ffmpeg, see this page of the ffmpeg documentation for available filters
AudioCodec String N/A Audio codecs for ffmpeg, see this page of the ffmpeg documentation for available audio codecs
AudioOptions String N/A Encoder settings for audio, see this wiki page for recommended encoder settings
AudioFilters String N/A Filters for ffmpeg, see this page of the ffmpeg documentation for available filters
OutputDir String N/A Output directory for the video
Container String N/A The video container


Option Type Range Description
Enabled Boolean true/false Enables/Disables oversampling
OversampleMultiplier Integer N/A The amount of frames created. For example, to have 960FPS with 60 Output FPS the OversampleMultiplier needs to be 16
BlendFrames Integer N/A The amount of frames to blend together. For example, with 16 BlendFrames, 16 of the frames created will be blended together. For the best results, this value should be around 1.5-2x of whatever you put for OversampleMultiplier


Option Type Range Description
UseManualWeights Boolean true/false Enables/Disables manual weights
ManualWeights String N/A Custom weights in a space separated list, number of weights has to be equal to BlendFrames
AutoWeightsID Integer 0..29 Automatic weights, see this wiki page for a list of the IDs
GaussWeightsMult Decimal N/A Multiplier for gaussian weights
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