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SaberStrike edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 12 revisions

Put desired .osr files in replays folder and run the app with additional -knockout flag

Default values

"Knockout": {
		"Mode": 0,
		"GraceEndTime": -10,
		"BubbleMinimumCombo": 200,
		"ExcludeMods": "",
		"HideMods": "",
		"MaxPlayers": 50,
		"RevivePlayersAtEnd": false,
		"LiveSort": true,
		"SortBy": "Score",
		"HideOverlayOnBreaks": false,
		"MinCursorSize": 3,
		"MaxCursorSize": 7,
		"AddDanser": false,
		"DanserName": "danser"


Option Type Range Description
Mode Integer 0-4 0 - Players get knocked out when they lose a combo to a miss or slider break (similar to Sudden Death mod)
1 - Players get knocked out as in 0 but only when they reached their max combo on the map
2 - Players won't get knocked out, just a replay showcase
3 - 2 but players hit results other than 300's will be shown on the map (coloured the same as their name)
4 - Players get knocked out when they lose their accuracy (similar to Perfect mod)
GraceEndTime Decimal N/A In mode 0 players won't get knocked out if they break combo before this value (in seconds)
BubbleMinimumCombo Integer N/A In mode 2 combo breaks won't be shown if the players combo is below this value
ExcludeMods String N/A Excludes plays set with these mods
HideMods String N/A Hides these mods being displayed in the overlay
MaxPlayers Integer 0-50 Maximum number of players used excluding danser
RevivePlayersAtEnd Boolean true/false Enables/Disables knocked out players reappearing at the end of the map
LiveSort Boolean true/false Enables/Disables players being sorted in real time
SortBy String score/accuracy/pp Determine what value to sort plays by
HideOverlayOnBreaks Boolean true/false Enables/Disables the knockout overlay during breaks
MinCursorSize Decimal N/A The size of the cursor when all players are alive.
MaxCursorSize Decimal N/A The size of the cursor when only one player is alive.
AddDanser Boolean true/false Enables/Disables danser appearing in knockouts
DanserName String N/A The name danser uses in knockouts or when the auto mod is used
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