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TechnoJo4 edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 1 revision

Default values:

"Momentum": {
    "SkipStackAngles": false,
    "StreamRestrict": true,
    "StreamMult": 0.7,
    "DurationMult": 2,
    "DurationTrigger": 500,
    "RestrictAngle": 90,
    "RestrictArea": 40,
    "RestrictInvert": true,
    "DistanceMult": 0.6,
    "DistanceMultOut": 0.45


RestrictArea, RestrictAngle: The angle used for the curve's second control point is calculated from the angle between the current and next note, but it is restricted so that the cursor does not go "backwards". If the cusor would be within the angle defined by RestrictArea, RestrictAngle becomes the "minimum" angle (from the both sides) allowed for the control point.

RestrictInvert: Restriction is applied on the opposite "side".

DistanceMult: Multiplier applied on distance used for both control points when the angle is restricted.

DistanceMultOut: Multiplier applied on distance used for both control points when the angle is unrestricted.

DurationTrigger, DurationMult: When duration between two notes exceeds DurationTrigger, both distance multipliers are multiplied by DurationMult * (duration/DurationTrigger). Set DurationTrigger to -1 to disable this feature.

SkipStackAngles: Do not use angles of stacked notes in calculation of control point angles.

StreamRestrict, StreamMult, StreamAngle: When a stream is detected and StreamRestrict is true, the angle used for the control points is StreamAngle, and the distance multipliers become StreamMult.

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