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Def0ltt edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 13 revisions

Default values:

"Recording": {
	"FrameWidth": 1920,
	"FrameHeight": 1080,
	"FPS": 60,
	"Encoder": "libx264",
	"EncoderOptions": "-crf 14",
	"Profile": "high",
	"Preset": "faster",
	"PixelFormat": "yuv420p",
	"Filters": "",
	"AudioCodec": "aac",
	"AudioBitrate": "320k",
	"OutputDir": "videos",
	"Container": "mp4",
	"MotionBlur": {
		"Enabled": false,
		"OversampleMultiplier": 3,
		"BlendFrames": 5,
		"BlendWeights": {
			"UseManualWeights": false,
			"ManualWeights": "1 1.7 2.1 4.1 5",
			"AutoWeightsID": 1,
			"GaussWeightsMult": 1.5


FrameWidth (Type: Integer)

  Width of the output video in pixels.

FrameHeight (Type: Integer)

  Height of the output video in pixels.

FPS (Type: Integer)

  Frames per second of the output video.

Encoder (Type: String)

  Encoder for ffmpeg, see this wiki page for recommended encoders.

EncoderOptions (Type: String)

  Encoder settings for ffmpeg, see this wiki page for   recommended encoder settings.

Profile (Type: String)

  Profile for the encoder, see this wiki page for recommended profiles.

PixelFormat (Type: String)

  Pixel format for the output video.

Filters (Type: String)

  Filters for ffmpeg, see this page of the ffmpeg documentation for available filters.

AudioCodec (Type: String)

  Audio codecs for ffmpeg, see [this page of the ffmpeg documentation[( for available   audio codecs.

AudioBitrate (Type: String)

  Audio bitrate for the output video in bits.

OutputDir (Type: String)

  Output directory for the video.

Container (Type: String)

  The video container.


Enabled (Type: Boolean, Range: true/false)

  Enables/Disables oversampling.

OversampleMultiplier (Type: Integer)

  The amount of created. Example: For 960FPS with 60 Output FPS I would set the OversampleMultiplier to 16.

BlendFrames (Type: Integer)

  The amount of frames put in one. Example: For 960FPS with 60 Output FPS I would set the BlendFrames to 16.


UseManualWeights (Type: Boolean, Range: true/false)

  Enables/Disables manual weights.

ManualWeights (Type: String)


AutoWeightsID (Type: Integer, Range: 0..29)

  Automatic weights, see this wiki page for a list of the IDs.

GaussWeightsMult (Type: Decimal)

  Multiplier for gaussian weights.

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