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Narimm edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 6 revisions


The loadouts are the items that are given to the player when they join a Minigame. The items can be set out in any way you like, as it is modified via a menu. The menu shows enough slots to accommodate for the entire inventory of a player, including the armour slots. Loadouts also contain special settings that can be applied per loadout.

The Loadout Menu

The loadout menu is a new feature in 1.6.0 and is now the only way to customise a loadout. The feature of the loadout menu is being able to assign items to any slot you wish. This includes adding a block to the helmet slot instead of armour. The layout of the loadout menu is semi-inverted to the regular loadout. The hotbar is at the very top, from the second row down of the loadout menu is the upper section of the standard inventory. Finally, the first four slots in the bottom section of the loadout menu are for armour, starting at helmet and ending at feet. There are also 3 buttons in the menu to modify the loadouts settings. The chest is for general settings, the water bottle is for potion effects and the redstone torch is to return to the previous menu.

Loadout Settings

Currently there are only three settings to modify a loadout. The first being permissions (as long as its not a default loadout). If permissions is turned on, the loadout will only be allowed to be equipped by a player with the special permission. The second setting is whether fall damage should be on or off for that loadout. It defaults to on. The final setting is whether the player can get hungry. By default this is false.

Adding Additional Loadouts

In addition to the default loadout, you can add other loadouts to a Minigame. These must all be named individually. An additional loadout can only be equipped by using a Loadout Sign, currently there is no other way to select them.

Special Loadouts

There are also team loadouts that are automatically assigned when the game starts. These loadouts are the loadouts for specific teams to replace the “default” loadout. They aren't automatically added in and you have to manually add them yourself. When you create them you must call them “red” and “blue”, all lower case letters and written exactly like that (no extra words or letters, and without the quotation marks). You require both of these for them to be assigned to the teams by default when the game starts. Currently there is no way to stop the red team from using a loadout sign to get a blue team loadout, so keep that in mind.

Global Loadouts

Global Loadouts are not assigned to a specific Minigame, rather can be assigned to all Minigames (as long as a Loadout Sign can select them). To access the global loadouts, issue the following command:

/minigame globalloadout

Global loadouts work in the exact same way as regular loadouts.