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Narimm edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 4 revisions


##Minigames 1.13

###Minigames 1.13.1

This page shows a complete changelog of Minigames since it was released.

Minigames 1.12

Version 1.12


  • Fix MINIGAMES-156 This represents a substantive change in the handling of the events MinigameTick and MinigameStart prior to this commit these events never executed as the player was passed to the Trigger as null (due to the event holding a collection of all players) now instead the trigger will execute for all players
public void execute(Trigger trigger, MinigamePlayer player){
if(player != null && player.getMinigame() != null && player.getMinigame().isSpectator(player)) return;
if(player == null || player.getMinigame() == null)return;

Please check your game configs and update as appropriate - you may be wise to remove pre existing Gamestart or Tick triggers To be honest having these trigger on a node makes little sense in terms of the game and hence to some extent requires a new ScriptBase object that represents the whole game.


  • Add new Distribution to include regions and minigames one zip downloading!

  • Now populating fields last_updated and entered in the PlayerStats table.  Fields are auto-added at startup to both MySQL and SQLite databases if missing. thanks AlchemistMatt

  • Add Menu item to change displayname settings

  • Update Metrics to bStats

  • We are deprecating the use of type to refer to a Scoreboard or Minigame result statistic...Rather than using type you should use stat and field

    "wins" field: "total"
    "losses" field: "total"
    "attempts" field: "total"
    "time" field: "min" "max" "total"
    "kills" field: MaxAndTotal
    "deaths" field MinAndTotal
    "score" fieldMaxAndTotal
    "reverts" field MinAndTotal
  • Change Particle for display to the barrier particle which is a better for representing objects

  • Add Offhand to Loadouts -The offhand slot id is -106 -The offhand slot will be blocked unless the allowOffhand is set to true.

  • Change Lives to accept infinite and start adding new setLive mech to adjust player lives based on node/region actions

  • /minigame info command


  • Fix setExp() where it was attempting to set -ve xp ?? that was extracted from the original Player Data
  • Fix tabs in spleef preset
  • Fix Timer tick
  • Additional debugging can be enabled
  • Fix score checking issue on regions should fix Issue #126
  • Check was inverted Close Issue #126 thanks Noah
  • Use infected percent instead of hardcoded 18%
  • Fixes #145 and #116 where the Start and end event could be called twice if two conditions simultaneously meet conditions.  A new MinigameState.ENDING now exists which is set once the ending event is called and prevents further calls unless that event is cancelled and recalled.  If you call this event you should consider setting the state to ending to prevent other endEvents from being called.  The teams will still be rebalanced when a minigame starts and reteleported if anyone is switched or moved.
  • Adjust StartMinigame for issue #145  - reverted changes to end game after they cause the game not to end will need to review for #116
  • Refactor Join Logic to work with new broken down methods...makes debugging easier
  • Fix Startposition not reset
  • Fixes MInigames-159 PlaySoundsAction throws error if trying to play LEVEL_UP
  • MInigames-155 EventException/NullPointerExeption on Minigame_Timer + Minigame_Timer_Condition
  • Remove ScoreboardType from codebase - you must use the new stats system
  • Fix Kill detection
  • Fix NPE with Addscore
  • Add option to allow modules to add custom metrics as well as check the version of minigames to ensure they are compatible

Minigames 1.11

Version 1.11


  • Update Scoreboard
  • Add new CTF configuration mechanic to switch off Flags acting as Capture points.
  • We have added a new Team Flag Auto Balance if set to false the team will not be balanced on player death or by switching players. ( resolves issue #97 )
  • Update Checker has been set to false by default - this will change when we can reliably check spigot mc for updates.
  • Update to use players displayname or name configurable in the minigame game menu per game.
  • Update to support ssl connections for mysql
  • Add a option to equip a LoadOut on entry to a region.  Previous it just set the players loadout and then it would update when they died etc.  This is controlled by a Switch in the GUI.
  • Add a new Condition - that tests if a player has a specific loadout on entry to a region or clicking a node.


  • Fix Scores from regions not being checked agains the maxscore
  • Fix to ensure new Loadout condition can be loaded from config

Minigames 1.9

Version 1.9


  • Added contains entity condition
    • Checks if a specific entity type is present
  • Added toggle for preventing items being added to the offhand

Minigames 1.8

Version 1.8


  • Added a new stat system
    • Added a new stat system.
    • Plugins can add custom stats
    • Stats can have formats. see
    • Stats added through MinigameStats
    • Database has been redesigned
      • Only 5 tables now:
        • Players: stores list of all players that have played a game
        • Minigames: stores list of all minigames
        • PlayerAttempts: records minigame completion state and time stat
        • PlayerStats: records players stats per minigame
        • StatMetadata: records stat settings per minigame
    • Scoreboard data is now loaded using the new stat system
    • Converted ScoreboardData to use UUIDs as a key
    • Created backend system for handling storage of completion statistics
    • stats can now have display name and format set per minigame
    • Added menu for changing stat names and formats
  • Added LoadoutAddons. Allows you to add extra loadout mechanics
  • Added a toggle to disable dragon egg teleportation on click
  • Added ability to select team for team score range conditions
  • Added ability to check for item display name and lore on has item
  • Added silent execution option to EXECUTE_COMMAND action
  • Now showing currently set properties for actions and conditions
    • Shown in the lore of the menu ite


  • Fixed rollback of a single player's data changing the game state
  • Fixed entity rollback not clearing entity data for destroyed entities
  • Fixed apply potion action erroring
  • Fixed scoreboards only loading half the data they should
  • Fixed database connections issues:
    • Fixed pool cleanup never being called
    • Fixed missing release in the stat saver classes
    • Added ability for pool cleanup to auto release unreleased connections   after a timeout
  • Fixed block place and break triggers not working in regions
  • Improved has item condition:
    • You can now limit where the search takes place
  • Added new conditions and triggers:
    • Added player damage trigger
    • Added food change trigger
    • Added xp change trigger
    • Added xp range condition
    • Added food range condition
    • Added has flag condition
    • Added flag take trigger
  • Added new tags you can use in execute, message, and broadcast actions
    • You can either use $ or ${} is a single word is multiple 's separated by a period . examples: $player ${player.score} ${}
  • Fixed NPE when calling execute or broadcast action with no player
  • Clean up stored checkpoint saving and add sanity checks
  • Reset player health + extinguish fire when reverting


  • Add TeamPlayerCount condition to Minigames-Regions - thanks RobbotRacoon
  • Added left and right click block triggers for nodes

Minigames 1.7

Version 1.7.0

  • Changes:
    • Renamed “score type” to “game mechanic”
    • Changed Treasure Hunt type to Global type & created a Treasure Hunt game mechanic
    • Free For All & Teams Game types have now been merged into one “Multiplayer” type
    • Removed the info command (I wasn't updating it, just use /mg edit instead)
    • Removed restore blocks (Regen area needed only now)
    • Prevented default loadout from being deleted
    • Made Singleplayer select a random start location when joining if there are more than one
    • Removed force quit messages


New Regions & Nodes:

Added the ability for players to create regions within their minigames that execute actions under certain conditions. (All actions, conditions and executors VERY highly configurable and constantly being added to) Wiki page to come soon. For a very basic introduction, more tutorials to come! Also note that you do not need to add this plugin if you don't want to, it is separate from Minigames and not required at all.

New More than 2 teams!

You can now have up to 14 teams (I think) per game. All settings are applied via the edit menu. This is also why Team and FreeForAll types were merged into one type. 0 teams = free for all, 1 team = co-op, 2+ normal team games.

  • Misc:
    • Added set team command for team modification (/mg set minigamename team)
    • Added backup command to backup Minigame regen areas (“/mg backup minigamename” to save “/mg backup minigamename restore” to load)
    • Added weather and time module (2nd page in /mg edit menu. Allows setting a specific time & weather setting to be used inside a minigame)
    • Added flight settings
    • Added option to use XP bar to display timer
    • Created new Minigame saving system for custom presets
    • Added ctf & infection preset to list (/mg set minigamename preset)
    • Added per team max player settings and added to team signs
    • Added max player settings to infection
    • Added settings for hint use delay and restart delay
    • Added lives mechanic (Displays lives in the scoreboard)
    • Added missing command and tool option for spectator start points (/mg set test spectatorstart)
    • Added sounds to key Minigame events and config option to turn off
    • Added option to disable inventory saving
    • Added Game Over settings so games don't have to end instantly (think Team Fortress 2 ending)
    • Added ability to stop broadcasting timer
    • Added Juggernaut Game Mechanic
    • Added many tab complete options! (woot)
    • Added command reward (using a command to give a reward)
    • Added notifications to minigame tool when minigame or mode not set
    • Added a config option to require a player to have an empty inventory before being allowed to join a game(default false)
    • Added option to enable and disable the scoreboard
    • Added player wait time to customization in lobby settings
  • Loadouts:
    • Added XP storing and let loadouts use custom xp amounts
    • Added /mg loadout menu and /mg loadout loadname command selection
    • Added display names to loadouts
    • Added lock inventory and armour settings to loadouts
    • Added team specific settings to loadouts
    • Added display in menu option for loadouts
  • Signs:
    • Made reward signs use the reward system
    • Added score sign
  • Fixes:
    • Save Function Fixes & null check for player team
    • Fixed NPE on invalid team
    • Fixed SQL storage issues with UUID's
    • Menu Item fixes (including removing items not useable in 1.8 and a bunch of null issues)
    • Fixed default winner
    • Fixed Minigame name not displaying if display name isn't set
    • Fixed force starting game bugs
    • Fixed many multiplayer & team bugs
    • Fixed timer issues (Multiplayer timer creating a new timer if started again)
    • Fixed many flight issues
    • FIxed many broadcast / message issues failing under certain circumstances
    • Fixed many issues with XP and inventory restoring after death & after game ending
    • Fixed many flag issues (not saving for modules, sign creation & saving for SP flags)
    • Fixed not being able to enter text menu items if chat event was cancelled (like while vanished)
    • Fixed many latejoin issues / timers
    • Fixed revert command not working in multiplayer games
    • Fixed many end / quit issues (including circumstances when used with the command)
    • Fixed paintball (snowball) damage issues
    • Fixed stored checkpoints
    • Fixed team games starting players all in the same team spawn
    • Fixed SQL saving storing every value wrong... yay
    • Fixed minigame name being too long for signs
    • Fixed many teleporting and death issues at game end
    • Fixed custom languages not loading all the time
Minigames 1.6 -------------
### Version 1.6.4
  • Changes:
    • Added support for Minecraft's new Player UUIDs, this requires a major edit to all Minigame files (done automatically) once the server is started. PLEASE! BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE DOING THIS!
    • SQL will also be updated, so make sure you back that up as well.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed quit bug not ending a Minigame correctly.
    • Fixed issue with the “Minigame starts in” message not being displayed in the correct spot if start time is changed by the Minigame.
    • Fixed “/mg quit ALL” not working on team games correctly.
    • Fixed CTF flags not resetting correctly once the game was over.
    • Fixed win saving in SQL (sorry, a lot of stats would have been wrong :/)
    • Fixed Scoreboard signs causing an error. You can now use them again!
  • Additions:
    • Added some stuff for a future API implementation.

Version 1.6.3

  • Fixes:
    • Fixed rewards not being given on non SQL enabled servers.
    • Fixed incorrect message late joining a Minigame when it's full.
    • Fixed Minigame tool selecting floor degenerator positions 1 block too low.

Version 1.6.2

  • Fixes:
    • Fixed not being able to set blue start points with Minigame tool.
    • Fixed global loadouts not being equipped correctly.
    • Fixed not being able to deselect start points with the Minigame tool.
    • Fixed Minigame Type command not showing the treasure hunt type correctly.
    • Fixed lobby deaths causing players to respawn inside the game.
    • Fixed players being able to place or break blocks in the lobby.
    • Fixed start points not being saved correctly (Specifically when trying to remove them).
    • Fixed being able to join a game if no spawn points are set.
    • Fixed Minigame Tool not being able to right click air blocks (Easier to set start points now).
    • Fixed not being able to join a Minigame using a sign if its name was more than 16 characters in length.
  • Changes:
    • Regen/Degen areas can be removed by left clicking in those modes (as long as nothing is selected).
    • Improved player inventory saving, no longer lags the server upon startup. (All inventories are saved to their own YAML file, yes, it also updates the old YAML file.)
    • Improved stored checkpoint saving, no longer lags the server upon startup. (All old checkpoints stored are now saved to their own YAML file, yes, it also updates the old YAML file.)
    • Removed “/mg reload” for now, as it currently doesn’t work as intended and causes more issues. A full restart of the server is recommended instead.
    • Removed ‘-l’ parameter from the restore block command. Use the Minigame tool if you wish to click the block instead of standing on it.
    • BIG CHANGE: Full regeneration has now been added to regeneration areas. This means once the game ends, the full arena will be restored, allowing for TNT and other arena damaging things to work perfectly fine (Also redstone contraptions fully reset).
    • Optimised Minigame events. Not as many registered as there were before.
    • Stats are no longer recorded if Minigame is finished while its disabled.
    • Rewards are no longer given if a Minigame is finished while it is disabled.
    • Rewrote Join, Quit and End functions, fixing a heap of bugs and improving its reliability.
    • Stopped preventing death on life enabled games and at the end of a game or on the last life of a player.
    • Players are now invincible while in a Minigame lobby.
  • Additions:
    • Added singleplayer max player limit setting (Next to max players in the menu or /mg set spmaxplayers <true/false>)
    • Added tab completion to all commands.
    • Added join disabled Minigame permission. Allows you to test a game before making it public.
    • Added partial name matching to Minigame names. (Fixes 16 character limit on signs).
    • Added display names to Minigames. These will only appear in the chat where applicable, for example on join, quit and end. You must still join and edit a game by its actual name.
    • Added new options for Minigame lobbys, such as when to teleport (if at all), whether players can interact and if they can move.
    • Added regeneration delay, holds off regeneration (and prevents players from joining) for a set amount of time.

Version 1.6.1

  • Fixes:
    • Fixed being able to set start and player wait timers to 0.
    • Fixed player inventories sometimes not restoring after death.
    • Fixed error when setting an invalid Minigame type via command.
    • Fixed error when viewing the info for score types via command.
    • Fixed Minigame tool command error when trying to use a command if you don't have the tool.
    • Fixed the time taken to execute the inventory move item event. (Hopefully)
    • Fixed major issue with infection score type.
    • Fixed a problem with the scoreboard sorter.
    • Fixed a possible problem with the start command.
    • Fixed the create command so you can enter the Minigame Type again.
    • Fixed updater versions not comparing correctly (always asking to update).
    • Fixed possible problem with the language loader.
    • Fixed rewards not saving and loading correctly.
    • Fixed loading global loadouts causing an error in some cases.
  • Additions:
    • Added warning message when joining/leaving a game across worlds (It's not recommended to do so). These can be turned off in the main configs settings under “warnings”.
    • Added save command (/minigame save )
  • Changes:
    • Improved SQL queries.
    • Removed SQLibrary Dependancy. Now runs SQL without it.

Version 1.6.0

  • Additions:
    • Added Localizations.
    • Added score command.
    • Added teleport command.
    • Added Multiplayer checkpoints option. Allows players to use /mgm revert while in a Multiplayer game.
    • Added scoreboard command (SQL stored data only!)
    • Added enable all command
    • Added disable all command
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed stored checkpoints not storing death count and flags for SQL.
    • Fixed bypass that allowed players to create Minigame signs without permission.
    • Fixed death null pointer exception.
    • Fixed possible error with loading player saves.
    • Fixed more NPC errors.
    • Fixed corrupt Minigame files stopping other Minigames from working. Will print relevant information to the console if problem occurs.
    • Fixed stored player data storing more than 20 hp (causing an error).
    • Fixed falling blocks not always rolling back.
    • Fixed loadout item duplication.
    • Fixed enderpearls not being rolled back after game end (letting people teleport into the game once its over).
  • Changes:
    • Changed /minigame list command to be OP by default.
    • Changed end command, it is now more compatible with teams.
    • Changed Game Type names. SP -> Singleplayer, DM -> Free_For_All, TeamDM -> Teams, TH -> Treasure_Hunt. All games will be automatically switched to the new name convention.
    • Removed Race game type, now uses free for all with checkpoints turned on. All old race game types will automatically be switched to the new setup.
    • Optimised some code.
    • Start command can now force start a Minigame.
  • Improved SQL data
    • More player data is now stored to SQL (including when the player quits a game).
    • Added failure count
    • Added best score
    • Added least time
    • Added least reverts (“/minigame revert” usage)
    • Added total kills
    • Added total deaths
    • Added total reverts
    • Added total time
    • Added total score
  • Scoreboard Signs
    • Added Scoreboard Signs (SQL stored data only!)
    • Can be sorted by all SQL stored statistics.
  • New Menu System
    • Can't remember all those commands? Well don't worry, I have added a new Minigame edit menu that can be brought up by typing: “/minigame edit ”
  • Improved Reward System
    • You can now set multiple rewards to be given on initial completion and secondary completion.
    • Each reward can have its own rarity (Very Common, Common, Normal, Rare, Very Rare).
    • Money and Items are no longer given in unison as a reward, they are now both part of the same reward system.
    • Treasure hunt now uses rewards system instead of loadouts, enabling the use of item rarity in the treasure chests.
  • Added Minigame Tool
    • The Minigame tool can be used to set up locations without having to type the command each time. Can be used for start locations, restore area, restore blocks, floor degenerator and more.
    • Click here for more information on its usage.
  • Improved Loadouts
    • You can now assign items to specific slots using the loadout menu, including the armour slots.
    • Armour items are now no longer equipped automatically because of this change.
    • Added loadout options, you can now toggle no fall damage and no hunger per loadout.
  • Custom Score Type
    • Added Custom Score Type. Replaces the “none” score type. The custom score type allows for team auto balance unlike the original. This is for the use of command blocks and will have more functionality over time.
Minigames 1.5 -------------
### Version 1.5.3
  • Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2
  • Fixes
    • Fixed Deathdrops setting not being correctly loaded by a saved Minigame.
    • Fixed Global loadouts “add” command not working.
    • Fixed presets being case sensitive
    • Fixed set scoretype and set lives not being added to the * permissions
    • Fixed fall damage not being removed upon quitting, ending or joining a Minigame
    • Fixed Falling blocks not always getting restored.
    • Fixed CTF flag bedrock sometimes reappearing within water in a Minigame after it ends.
    • Fixed Late Join interfering with start timer.
    • Stopped CTF flags dropping on top of other signs. (Destroying the text on it)
  • Additions
    • Added Infection preset (Based off the one shown in the “Introducing Infection” video)
    • Added missing information upon setting a floor degeneration type.
    • Added /mgm quit ALL (“ALL” must be in capital letters)
    • Added optional 3rd line to Finish sign so players can only finish a Minigame if the use the correct sign. (Using the Minigames name).
    • Added option to allow enderpearl usage (/mg set allowEnderpearls <true/false>)
    • Added SLOT option in reward/secondary reward to use the item you are holding as the reward. (/mg set reward SLOT)
    • Added Optional “Pay to Join” Minigame to the join signs, adding a money amount to the fourth line will require players to pay to join a Minigame (Requires Vault)
    • Added the ability to modify a Minigames lobby start timer (to override the default config) (/minigame set starttime )
    • Added a player info command to list the players currently playing a Minigame or to see a specific players Minigame and score. (/minigame player )
  • Changes
    • Upon setting a game type, if the entered gametype does not exist, it will check presets as well. (eg: “/mgm set type spleef” will use the spleef preset to create a standard spleef Minigame [Setting the type to dm with 1 life]).
    • Waiting for Players time is now skipped if the Minigame is full.
  • Completely rewrote the player inventory storing system.
    • Players that were in a Minigame before a server crash will be teleported to world spawn with their inventory upon rejoin.
    • Fixed issues with quitting Minecraft while in a Minigame
  • Treasure Hunt
    • Treasure hunt now automatically starts on server start if it was running before the server was stopped (or crashed).
    • Fixed a null pointer exception on plugin disable.

Version 1.5.2

  • Fixes
    • Fixed players not teleporting out of the Minigame if they quit after dying.
    • Fixed console errors when stopping or reloading the server. (Forcing players to remain in a Minigame).
    • Fixed Minigame create command throwing an error if no name was entered.
    • Fixed being unable to create global loadouts.
    • Fixed Minigame reload command duplicating loadout items.
  • Removed a 1.5 Config fixer for changing old LMS Minigames to DM. If you're updating from a 1.4 build, please use a previous version first, unless you know what you're doing.

Version 1.5.1

  • Fixes
    • Fix for item rewards and item betting not being given

Version 1.5.0

  • General
    • Fixed message saying how many players were needed to start the game.
    • Synced Minigame starting wait countdown with the server for optimisation
    • Synced treasure hunt timer with the server for optimisation
    • Synced Minigame time left timer with the server for optimisation
    • Synced floor degenerator with the server for optimisation
    • Added “/mgm q” as an alias for “/mgm quit”
    • Set start command now has a parameter to clear set start points: “/minigame set start clear [team colour]”
    • Changed how betting works, players must now bet the same amount/item for fairness.
    • Fixed loadout item quantities sometimes being 0 (ghost items)
    • Fixed loadout items sometimes not being visible.
    • Added potion effects to loadouts, these work in the same way to the /effect command added in 1.5,
    • Command: /minigame set loadout addpotion <EffectName/ID> <Duration (seconds)>
    • Removed command from the /mgm help command that is no longer available
    • Score announcement is no longer shown at the end of the game if the score is 0
    • Implemented Scoreboard API added with Minecraft 1.5. This now shows the players team so it can be used in future versions without an update.
    • The players and teams scores are now shown in the right sidebar.
    • Adding “respawn” to the last line on a loadout sign will make the player have to wait until they respawn before they get a new loadout.
    • Minigame start timer now only shows the time remaining if its set in the Main config (under multiplayer.timerMessageInterval)
    • Fixed arrows staying in the player after they quit, end or die in a Minigame.
    • Fixed death messages in Minigames showing an empty line if the death message has been turned off by another plugin.
    • Fixed players being unable to respawn when dying in a Minigame and the game ending, thus causing them to remain in the Minigame when they quit and rejoin.
    • Fixed SQL trying to connect even if you didn't have it enabled.
  • Floor Degenerator
    • Added floor degeneration types
    • Can be activated via “/mgm set floordegen”
    • Added random floor degeneration. The percent chance can be changed when issuing the command (default 15%)
    • Added circular floor degeneration. Degenerates a circular area from the outside in
    • Default floor degenerator now called “inward”
    • Added setting to change floor degeneration time per Minigame. The default value can still be set in the Main Config.
    • This time can also be changed in “/mgm set floordegen”
  • Minigame Signs
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.finish
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.join
    • Added permission:
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.checkpoint
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.flag
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.quit
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.loadout
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.spectate
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.reward
    • Added permission:
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.teleport
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.create.*
      • All create sign permissions default to OP
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.details
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.join
    • Added permission:
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.checkpoint
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.loadout
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.spectate
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.reward
    • Added permission:
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.teleport
    • Added permission: minigame.sign.use.*
      • All use sign permissions default to anyone
    • Added global checkpoints. These can be used outside a Minigame and are useful for adventure worlds. Requires the world “global” on the third line of a checkpoint sign.
    • Added teleport signs. These can be used both within a Minigame and normally.
    • Added Reward signs
      • Can only be used by a player once.
      • Useful for adventure worlds.
      • Third line must contain a reward name (not an item name)
      • Fourth line is the item. This is an optional parameter, you can have the item in your hand and right click the sign after creation to make the sign use that item as the reward.
      • Reward Syntax (“[]” mean optional): “itemID[:damage[:enchantID[,level]]] quantity”
      • If manually adding an enchant, you must have the damage of the item as well (0 if you want an item to be new).
    • Added team signs. This allows the player to select the team they wish to join (Will not work if teams are unbalanced). If a player doesn't select a team, they will be auto assigned when the game starts.
  • Spectator Mode
    • Added spectator mode
    • Requires 1 non team spawn point (usually created when creating a Minigame) to join.
    • Spectators cannot be seen by other players in the Minigame
    • Added command to enable fly mode for spectators: "/minigame set spectatorfly <true/false>
    • Spectators cannot interact with anything/anyone within a Minigame. (Note: Arrows and snowballs hit spectators and bounce off them, if you're using spectator mode, please be aware of this, there is no way to fix it).
  • Treasure Hunt
    • Fixed circular spawning randomisation being incorrect.
    • Changed the treasure hunt timer to pause when no players are online. This prevents the chest sometimes not being removed when the timer is up.
  • Rollback
    • Added Regenearation Areas. This region is for more advanced rollback events and is not needed for simple games. Minigames that use TNT, have leaf decay or intend to use redstone devices should use these regions.
    • Command: “/minigame set regenarea ”
    • Regen regions can rollback dropped items.
    • Regen regions can rollback pistons. (Can also rollback if piston was added to restore blocks or placed by a player)
    • Shot Arrows added to rollback
    • Pistons added to rollback and regen areas. Player has to place the piston if not using a regen area or has to be added to restore blocks.
    • Falling blocks added to regen areas.
    • Dispenser added to regen area
    • Vehicle rollback (boats and minecarts) are now determined in regen areas. (A player breaking a vehicle still doesn't need a regen area)
    • Added hopper and dropper to the regeneration
    • Fixed droppers not being added to regeneration when using restoreblocks
  • LMS
    • LMS gametype has been removed and replaced with a Minigame Lives setting. All LMS games will automatically switch to deathmatch with 1 life.
    • Lives system added. Can set any amount of lives for a Minigame. This works in Deathmatch (for last man standing), Team Deathmatch (for last team standing), Single Player and Race.
    • Command: “/minigame set lives ”
    • Setting lives to 0 makes the Minigame have unlimited lives (default)
    • Added new preset: “lms”. Sets the game up with the old LMS style for simplicity.
  • Team Deathmatch
    • Added default winner command. This can be used for 1 flag CTF games of Attack/Defend.
    • Command: “/minigame set defaultwinner”
    • Fixed auto balancing not changing the players name colour upon starting the Minigame.
    • Players can now change team in game using team signs, the player will also be killed upon doing so.
  • CTF
    • Flag carriers now play a particle effect when carrying the flag to be easily noticeable from other players.
    • Fixed some console errors
  • Infection
    • New score type! Infection.
    • Must be used with TeamDM
    • Upon starting, 18% of the players in that Minigame will start infected, the rest will be survivors. If the infected kills a survivor, they become infected. When all the survivors die, the infected win. You must add a timer and set blue team to be the default winner if you ever want the survivors to win.
    • For rewards and cash betting, if the infected win, only the original infected will be rewarded since the others joined after they were killed. If the survivors win, only the remaining survivors will be rewarded.