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Cheat sheets

Xavier Michelon edited this page Jul 19, 2020 · 1 revision


Beeftext v7.2 introduced the possibility to generate a cheat sheet that can be printed. Rather than offering tons of options, Beeftext can generate a CSV, that can be easily imported in a spreadsheet application. This way the user can select the data he wants to include and format at will.

To Create a CSV cheat sheet file, select Advanced ➜ Generate Cheat Sheet from the application main menu.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel can open CSV file via it standard 'Open' function, but in that case, it tries to guess the format used by the CSV file, and guess it wrong. Notably it does not use the right character encoding. The proper way to import a CSV cheat sheet into Excel it to go to the Data menu, and select From Text/CSV. Select the CSV file, and in the import dialog make sure that

  • File Origin is set to 65001: Unicode (UTF-8)
  • Delimiter is set to Comma
  • Data Type Detection is set to Do not detect data types

LibreOffice Calc / OpenOffice Calc

LibreOffice Calc and OpenOffice Calc can import a Beeftext cheat sheet simply by using the File ➜ Open option in the main menu. Make sure the following options are selected:

  • Character set is set to Unicode (UTF-8)
  • Separator Options is set to Separated by, and that only the Comma box is checked.
  • String delimiter is set to "
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