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Labels for Issues and Pull Requests

Daniel Montalvo edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 3 revisions

Labels to identify type of problem or work required to resolve

Code defects; not for inaccurate prose

Related to any documenting prose in any APG content or resource

Changes to prose that don't alter intended meaning, e.g., phrasing, grammar. May fix inaccuracies.

Addition or improvement that doesn't fix a bug or errant guidance.

Incorrect statement in documentation

Related to a gap in guidance about touch interaction in user interfaces

Labels to identify impacted part of APG

Changes related to APG appendix sections

Related to build process automation, including build scripts, linting, syntax automated tests, etc.

Pull requests that update a dependency file in a third-party package

Related to a design pattern implementation example page

Raised by or about dependency management package

Related to an APG guidance section.

Related to an APG how-to section

Related to maintaining task force and repo operations, processes, systems, documentation

Related to an APG design pattern section

Related to AVA regression tests of example pages or AVA framework implementation within repo

Work flow and process related labels

Issue raised by or for collecting input from people outside APG task force

Issue with Straightforward resolution; could be good learning experience for new contributors

Task force is looking for an owner for the issue

Resolution needed to permit merging of an ARIA feature into the stable branch of the spec

Issue asking a question

Labels to identify why an issue is closed without action

An issue closed because it is equivalent to another issue

Closed primarily due to error or inaccuracy of some kind

Not for Practices

Outside scope of APG

Task force doesn't believe there is a need to make the requested change

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