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December 17, 2018 Meeting

Matt King edited this page Jan 5, 2019 · 6 revisions

Agenda for December 17, 2018

Setup and review agenda -- 3 minutes.

Special announcement

Start at 10:03 -- 2 minutes.

Meeting time survey

Start at 10:05 -- 3 minutes.

  • Survey
  • Choose your 3 preferred options.
  • If needed, we will run a second survey with only 3 options.

Release 3 Schedule, outstanding reviews, and content plan

Start at 10:08 -- 12 minutes.

  • Monday December 17: Last day to start final editorial reviews for New patterns, examples, and guidance sections.
  • Tuesday Jan 8: Final reviews close; approved changes are merged to master, change logs are complete.
  • Wednesday Jan 9: Matt sends CFC request to Joanie.
  • Thursday Jan 10: Encourage reviews for CFC in ARIA WG meeting.
  • Wednesday Jan 16: CFC closes.
  • Thursday Jan 17: Assuming WG consensus to publish, Michael Publishes on

Outstanding Reviews:

  • Revised radio pattern in review: pull request 952
    • Reviews by Ann and Mark complete, thank you!
    • Waiting on review from Carolyn.
  • New carousel pattern in review: Pull Request #957
    • Waiting on 4 reviews (Ann, Jon, Mark, Michiel)
  • New indexes of examples in review: Pull Request #951
    • Are the package.json changes necessary?
    • Sort role, state and property arrays? Investigate aria.query?

Upcoming reviews:

  1. Carousel example 1:
    1. Need Jon to copy examples/carousel/example-1 into the issue458-add-carousel-example branch (See comment in issue 43)
    2. Then might need Jon to make adjustments to match pattern after today's discussions of carousel.
    3. Then Matt will make final edits, create pull request, and assign reviewers.
  2. Redesigned Toolbar example
    1. Matt still needs to make final edits, create pull request, and assign reviewers.
  3. Possibly carousel example 2
    1. Need Jon to copy examples/carousel/example-2 into the issue955-add-tabbed-carousel-example branch (See comment in issue 43)
    2. Then might need Jon to make adjustments to match pattern after today's discussions of carousel.
    3. Then Matt will make final edits, create pull request, and assign reviewers.
  4. Possibly date picker
  5. Only other work to make it into release 3 will probably be simple bugs and editorial issues.
  6. Plan page on wiki

Terms subsection in carousel pattern

Start at 10:20 -- 5 minutes.

  • Current draft of carousel pattern
  • Separated terms into their own subsection following the examples subsection
  • in other patterns where we have term definitions, e.g., accordion, the definitions are the last part of the description.
  • Proposing a terms section to:
    • Shorten description and bring examples further up.
    • Call attention to terms because they are important element of understanding for keyboard, roles, states, and properties.

Carousel keyboard interaction

Start at 10:25 -- 10 minutes.

  • Current draft of carousel pattern
  • Due to wide variety of designs, removed the specific tab sequence guidance.
  • Because we don't know what components will be in a carousel, referencing other patterns.

Carousel roles, states, and properties

Start at 10:35 -- 20 minutes

  • Current draft of carousel pattern
  • Made multiple changes that need discussion
  • Added guidance to use aria-roledescription:
    • Matches aria-roledescription guidance in ARIA spec
    • Recommend on region or group containing entire carousel, including controls.
    • Recommend on each slide unles the slide is a tabpanel
  • Left aria-controls out of pattern due to lack of good target.
    • Examples have aria-controls on rotation control, previous, and next pointing to carousel region.
    • They do not control entire region.
    • Moving reading cursor from button to region moves cursor backward, further from controlled area.
    • To provide utility, aria-controls on previous/next would require a container around all the slides that does not include the slide controls.
    • Would add a layer of complexity
  • Recommend group of buttons if not using tabs
    • Assuming all buttons would be in tab sequence otherwise a tablist would have been used.

Future meetings and other business

Start at 10:55 -- 5 minutes.

  • Next meeting: January 7
  • No meetings on December 24 and December 31

Meeting Resources

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