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Ross Scroggs edited this page Feb 23, 2025 · 90 revisions


API documentation

Query documentation


See Collections of Items

<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<DomainNameList> ::= "<DomainName>(,<DomainName>)*"
<DomainNameEntity> ::=
        <DomainNameList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector>
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<EmailItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>
<GroupItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>
<GroupList> ::= "<GroupItem>(,<GroupItem>)*"
<GroupEntity> ::=
        <GroupList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>
<GroupRole> ::= owner|manager|member
<GroupRoleList> ::= "<GroupRole>(,<GroupRole>)*"
<GroupMemberType> ::= customer|group|user
<GroupMemberTypeList> ::= "<GroupMemberType>(,<GroupMemberType>)*"
<QueryGroup> ::= <String>
<QueryGroupList> ::= "<QueryGroup>(,<QueryGroup>)*"
<QueryDynamicGroup> ::= <String>

<JSONData> ::= (json [charset <Charset>] <String>) | (json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>]) |

<GroupSettingsAttribute> ::=
        (accesstype public|team|announcementonly|restricted)|
        (allowexternalmembers <Boolean>)|
        (allowwebposting <Boolean>)|
        (archiveonly <Boolean>)|
        (customfootertext <String>)|
        (customreplyto <EmailAddress>)|
        (defaultmessagedenynotificationtext <String>)|
        (defaultsender self|group)|
        (description <String>)|
        (enablecollaborativeinbox|collaborative <Boolean>)|
        (includeinglobaladdresslist|gal <Boolean>)|
        (includecustomfooter <Boolean>)|
        (isarchived <Boolean>)|
        (memberscanpostasthegroup <Boolean>)|
        (messagemoderationlevel moderate_all_messages|moderate_non_members|moderate_new_members|moderate_none)|
        (name <String>)|
        (primarylanguage <Language>)|
        (replyto reply_to_custom|reply_to_sender|reply_to_list|reply_to_owner|reply_to_ignore|reply_to_managers)|
        (sendmessagedenynotification <Boolean>)|
        (spammoderationlevel allow|moderate|silently_moderate|reject)|
        (whocanadd all_members_can_add|all_managers_can_add|all_owners_can_add|none_can_add)|
        (whocancontactowner anyone_can_contact|all_in_domain_can_contact|all_members_can_contact|all_managers_can_contact|all_owners_can_contact)|
        (whocanjoin anyone_can_join|all_in_domain_can_join|invited_can_join|can_request_to_join)|
        (whocanleavegroup all_members_can_leave|all_managers_can_leave|all_owners_can_leave|none_can_leave)|
        (whocanpostmessage none_can_post|all_managers_can_post|all_members_can_post|all_owners_can_post|all_in_domain_can_post|anyone_can_post)|
        (whocanviewgroup anyone_can_view|all_in_domain_can_view|all_members_can_view|all_managers_can_view|all_owners_can_view)|
        (whocanviewmembership all_in_domain_can_view|all_members_can_view|all_managers_can_view|all_owners_can_view)
<GroupWhoCanDiscoverGroupDeprecatedAttribute> ::=
        (showingroupdirectory <Boolean>)
<GroupWhoCanAssistContentDeprecatedAttribute> ::=
        (whocanassigntopics all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanenterfreeformtags all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanhideabuse all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmaketopicssticky all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmarkduplicate all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmarkfavoritereplyonanytopic all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmarknoresponseneeded all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmodifytagsandcategories all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocantaketopics all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanunassigntopic all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanunmarkfavoritereplyonanytopic all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)
<GroupWhoCanModerateContentDeprecatedAttribute> ::=
        (whocanapprovemessages all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocandeleteanypost all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocandeletetopics all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanlocktopics all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmovetopicsin all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmovetopicsout all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanpostannouncements all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)
<GroupWhoCanModerateMembersDeprecatedAttribute> ::=
        (whocanadd all_members_can_add|all_managers_can_add|none_can_add)|
        (whocanapprovemembers all_members_can_approve|all_managers_can_approve|all_owners_can_approve|none_can_approve)|
        (whocanbanusers all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocaninvite all_members_can_invite|all_managers_can_invite|all_owners_can_invite|none_can_invite)|
        (whocanmodifymembers all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)
<GroupDeprecatedAttribute> ::=
        (allowgooglecommunication <Boolean>)|
        (favoriterepliesontop <Boolean>)|
        (maxmessagebytes <ByteCount>)|
        (messagedisplayfont default_font|fixed_width_font)|
        (whocanaddreferences all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmarkfavoritereplyonowntopic all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)
<GroupAttribute> ::=
        (whocandiscovergroup all_members_can_discover|all_in_domain_can_discover|anyone_can_discover)|
        (whocanassistcontent all_members|owners_and_managers|managers_only|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmoderatecontent all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
        (whocanmoderatemembers all_members|owners_and_managers|owners_only|none)|
<GroupFieldName> ::=
<GroupFieldNameList> ::= "<GroupFieldName>(,<GroupFieldName>)*"
<CIGroupFieldName> ::=
<CIGroupFieldNameList> ::= "<CIGroupFieldName>(,<CIGroupFieldName>)*"

GUI API Group settings mapping

The entries appear in the order presented on the GUI Group settings page.

GUI setting API setting
Group name name
Group email email
Group description description
Welcome message Not available
Collaborative Inbox enableCollaborativeInbox
Enable shared labels for this group Not available
Who can see group whoCanDiscoverGroup
Who can join group whoCanJoin
Not available whoCanLeaveGroup
Allow external members allowExternalMembers
Who can view conversations whoCanViewGroup
Who can post whoCanPostMessage
Who can view members whoCanViewMembership
Identification required for new members Not available
Who can contact group owners whoCanContactOwner
Who can view member email addresses Not available
Allow Email Posting Not available
Allow web posting allowWebPosting
Conversation history isArchived
Who can reply privately to authors Not available
Who can attach files Not available
Who can moderate content whoCanModerateContent
Who can moderate metadata whoCanAssistContent
Who can post as group membersCanPostAsTheGroup
Default sender defaultSender
Message moderation messageModerationLevel
New member restrictions Not available
Spam message handling spamModerationLevel
Rejected message notification sendMessageDenyNotification
Include default rejected message response defaultMessageDenyNotificationText
Subject prefix Not available
Include the standard Groups footer Not available
Include a custom footer includeCustomFooter
Custom footer text customFooterText
Group email language primaryLanguage
Auto replies Not available
Post replies to replyTo
Custom address for replies customReplyTo
Conversation mode Not available
Who can manage members whoCanModerateMembers
Who can manaage custom roles Not available

GUI API Group access type settings mapping

You can apply these settings when creating/updating a group with the option:

accesstype public|team|announcementonly|restricted
  whoCanPostMessage ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST
  whoCanViewMembership ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW

  whoCanPostMessage ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST
  whoCanViewMembership ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW

Announcement Only
  whoCanViewMembership ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW

  whoCanPostMessage ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_POST
  whoCanViewMembership ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW

whoCanViewMembership and whoCanDiscoverGroup interactions

Some combinations of these two settings are not allowed:

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ANYONE_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ANYONE_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Update Failed: Failed request validation in update settings: DONT_USE_OR_ELSE_WHO_CAN_MANAGE_MEMBERS_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ANYONE_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ANYONE_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Update Failed: Failed request validation in update settings: DONT_USE_OR_ELSE_WHO_CAN_MANAGE_MEMBERS_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Update Failed: Failed request validation in update settings: WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_SEE_GROUP

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Update Failed: Failed request validation in update settings: DONT_USE_OR_ELSE_WHO_CAN_MANAGE_MEMBERS_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

gam update group [email protected] whoCanViewMembership ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW whoCanDiscoverGroup ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_DISCOVER
Group: [email protected], Updated

Manage groups

These commands allow you to create, update and delete groups.

gam create group <EmailAddress>
        [copyfrom <GroupItem>] <GroupAttribute>*
gam update group|groups <GroupEntity> [email <EmailAddress>]
        [copyfrom <GroupItem>] <GroupAttribute>*
        [admincreated <Boolean>]
gam delete group|groups <GroupEntity> [noactionifalias]

The copyfrom <GroupItem> allows copying of group attributes from one group to another. The following attributes are not copied: name, description, email, admincreated, aliases, noneditablealiases. Any <GroupAttribute> specified will override the copied attributes.

You can update a group to a security group with the makesecuritygroup option.

  • Warning: A Security Group cannot be changed back to a Google Group.

When deleting and noactionifalias is specified, no action is performed if <GroupEntity> specifies an alias rather than a primary email address.

Update a group's settings with JSON data

You can save group settings in JSON format which can simplify updating multiple settings. Suppose you have a set of test groups that you will use to experiment with the new group settings coming in May 2019. You want to backup the current settings so you can restore them later after your experiments.

Backup the current settings.

$ gam redirect csv ./groups.csv print groups query "name:test*" settings formatjson quotechar "'"
Getting all Groups that match query (query="name:test*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 4 Groups: [email protected] - [email protected]
Getting Group Settings for [email protected] (1/4)
Getting Group Settings for [email protected] (2/4)
Getting Group Settings for [email protected] (3/4)
Getting Group Settings for [email protected] (4/4)

Perform your experiments and then restore the original settings.

$ gam csv ./groups.csv quotechar "'" gam update group "~email" json "~JSON-settings"
Using 4 processes...
Group: [email protected], Updated
Group: [email protected], Updated
Group: [email protected], Updated
Group: [email protected], Updated

Display information about specific groups

The info command displays information as an indented list of keys and values.

gam info group|groups <GroupEntity>
        [nousers] [quick] [noaliases] [groups]
        [basic] <GroupFieldName>* [fields <GroupFieldNameList>] [nodeprecated]
        [ciallfields|(cifields <CIGroupFieldNameList>)]
        [roles <GroupRoleList>] [members] [managers] [owners]
        [internal] [internaldomains <DomainNameList>] [external]
        [notsuspended|suspended] [notarchived|archived]
        [types <GroupMemberTypeList>]
        [memberemaildisplaypattern|memberemailskippattern <RegularExpression>]

By default, all members, managers and owners in the group are displayed; these options modify that behavior:

  • members - Display members
  • managers - Display managers
  • owners - Display owners
  • nousers or quick - Do not display any members, managers or owners
  • roles <GroupRoleList> - Display specified roles

By default, when displaying members from a group, all members, whether suspended or not, are included.

  • notsuspended - Display only non-suspended members
  • suspended - Display only suspended members
  • notarchived - Display only non-archived members
  • archived - Display only archived members
  • notsuspended notarchived - Display only non-suspended and non-archived members
  • suspended archived - Display only suspended or archived members
  • notsuspended archived - Display only archived members
  • suspended notarchived - Display only suspended members

By default, when displaying members from a group, all types of members (customer, group, user) in the group are displayed; this option modifies that behavior:

  • types <GroupMemberTypeList> - Display specified types

By default, when listing group members, GAM does not take the domain of the member into account.

  • internal internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display members whose domain is in <DomainNameList>
  • external internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display members whose domain is not in <DomainNameList>
  • internal external internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display all members, indicate their category: internal or external
  • internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Defaults to value of domain in gam.cfg

Members without an email address, e.g. customer, are considered internal.

Members that have met the above qualifications to be displayed can be further qualifed by their email address.

  • memberemaildisplaypattern <RegularExpression> - Members with email addresses that match <RegularExpression> will be displayed; others will not be displayed
  • memberemailskippattern <RegularExpression> - Members with email addresses that match <RegularExpression> will not be displayed; others will be displayed

By default, all group aliases are displayed, these options modify that behavior:

  • noaliases or quick - Do not display group aliases

By default, the groups of which this group is a member are not displayed, this option enables that display

  • groups - Display groups of which this group is a member

These options specify what group fields to display:

  • basic - These fields id,name,description,directMembersCount,aliases,nonEditableAliases,adminCreated are displayed
  • <GroupFieldName>* - Individual fields to display
  • fields <GroupFieldNameList> - A comma separated list of fields to display
  • ciallfields - All Cloud Identity Group fields
  • cifields <CIGroupFieldNameList> - A comma separated list of Cloud Identity Groups fields to display
  • nodeprecated - Do not display deprecated fields

By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.

  • formatjson - Display the output in JSON notation

Display information about selected groups

This command displays information in CSV format.

gam print groups [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [([domain|domains <DomainNameEntity>] ([member|showownedby <EmailItem>]|[(query <QueryGroup>)|(queries <QueryGroupList>)]))|
         (group|group_ns|group_susp <GroupItem>)|
         (select <GroupEntity>)]
        [emailmatchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>] [namematchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>]
        [descriptionmatchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>] (matchsetting [not] <GroupAttribute>)*
        [admincreatedmatch <Boolean>]
        [maxresults <Number>]
        [allfields|([basic] [settings] <GroupFieldName>* [fields <GroupFieldNameList>])]
        [ciallfields|(cifields <CIGroupFieldNameList>)]
        [roles <GroupRoleList>]
        [internal] [internaldomains <DomainNameList>] [external]
        [members|memberscount] [managers|managerscount] [owners|ownerscount] [totalcount] [countsonly]
        [notsuspended|suspended] [notarchived|archived]
        [types <GroupMemberTypeList>]
        [memberemaildisplaypattern|memberemailskippattern <RegularExpression>]
        [convertcrnl] [delimiter <Character>] [sortheaders]
        [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]

By default, all groups in the account are displayed, these options allow selection of subsets of groups:

  • domain|domains <DomainNameEntity> - Limit display to groups in the domains specified by <DomainNameEntity>
    • You can predefine this list with the print_agu_domains variable in gam.cfg.
  • member <EmailItem> - Limit display to groups that contain <EmailItem> as a member; mutually exclusive with query <QueryGroup>
  • showownedby <EmailItem> - Limit display to groups that contain <EmailItem> as an owner; mutually exclusive with query <QueryGroup>
  • (query <QueryGroup>)|(queries <QueryGroupList>) - Limit groups to those that match a query; each query is run against each domain
  • group <GroupItem> - Limit display to the single group <GroupItem>
  • group_ns <GroupItem> - Limit display to the single group <GroupItem>, display non-suspended members
  • group_susp <GroupItem> - Limit display to the single group <GroupItem>, display suspended members
  • select <GroupEntity> - Limit display to the groups specified in <GroupEntity>

When using query <QueryGroup> with the name:{PREFIX}* query, PREFIX must contain at least three characters.

You can identify groups with the All users in the organization member with:

  • query "memberKey=<CustomerID>" - All versiona
  • member id:<CustomerID> - Version 6.10.06 or later

These options further limit the list of groups selected above:

  • emailmatchpattern <RegularExpression> - Limit display to groups whose email address matches <RegularExpression>

  • emailmatchpattern not <RegularExpression> - Limit display to groups whose email address does not match <RegularExpression>

  • namematchpattern <RegularExpression> - Limit display to groups whose name matches <RegularExpression>

  • namematchpattern not <RegularExpression> - Limit display to groups whose name does not match <RegularExpression>

  • descriptionmatchpattern <RegularExpression> - Limit display to groups whose description matches <RegularExpression>

  • descriptionmatchpattern not <RegularExpression> - Limit display to groups whose description does not match <RegularExpression>

  • admincreatedmatch True - Limit display to groups created by administrators

  • admincreatedmatch False - Limit display to groups created by users

  • matchsetting <GroupAttribute> - Limit display to groups that have <GroupAttribute>

  • matchsetting not <GroupAttribute> - Limit display to groups that do not have <GroupAttribute>

  • You can specify multiple matchsetting options, all of them must match for the group to be displayed.

  • You can specify multiple matchsetting options for the same <GroupAttribute>, it is a match if the group has any of the <GroupAttribute> values.

  • You can specify multiple matchsetting not options for the same <GroupAttribute>, it is a match if the group has none of the <GroupAttribute> values.

When retrieving lists of Google Groups from API, how many should be retrieved in each API call.

  • maxresults <Number> - How many groups to retrieve in each API call; default is 200.

By default, only the group email address is displayed, these options specify what group fields to display:

  • basic - These fields id,name,description,directMembersCount,aliases,nonEditableAliases,adminCreated are displayed
  • allfields - All group fields are displayed
  • settings - All group settings fields are displayed
  • <GroupFieldName>* - Individual fields to display
  • fields <GroupFieldNameList> - A comma separated list of fields to display
  • ciallfields - All Cloud Identity Group fields
  • cifields <CIGroupFieldNameList> - A comma separated list of Cloud Identity Groups fields to display
  • nodeprecated - Do not display deprecated fields

Some text fields may contain carriage returns or line feeds, displaying fields containing these characters will make processing the CSV file with a script hard; this option converts those characters to a text form. The default value is csv_output_convert_cr_nl from gam.cfg

  • convertcrnl - Convert carriage return to \r and line feed to \n

When lists of items are displayed, the delimiter between items defaults to the csv_output_column_delimiter value in gam.cfg; you can specify a different delimiter:

  • delimiter <Character> - Use <Character> as the list item delimiter, <Character> must be a single character after processing any escape character

By default, no members, managers or owners in the group are displayed; these options modify that behavior:

  • members - Display list of members
  • memberscount - Display count of members but not individual members
  • managers - Display list of managers
  • managerscount - Display count of managers but not individual managers
  • owners - Display list of owners
  • roles <GroupRoleList> - Display lists of the specified roles
  • ownerscount - Display count of owners but not individual owners
  • countsonly - Change any members, managers, owners or roles options to memberscount, managerscount or ownerscount
  • totalcount - Display sum of counts of members, managers, owners.

The includederivedmembership option causes the API to expand type GROUP and type CUSTOMER members to display their constituent members while still displaying the original member. The API produces inconsistent results, use with caution.

By default, when displaying members from a group, all members, whether suspended or not, are included.

  • notsuspended - Display only non-suspended members
  • suspended - Display only suspended members
  • notarchived - Display only non-archived members
  • archived - Display only archived members
  • notsuspended notarchived - Display only non-suspended and non-archived members
  • suspended archived - Display only suspended or archived members
  • notsuspended archived - Display only archived members
  • suspended notarchived - Display only suspended members

By default, when displaying members from a group, all types of members (customer, group, user) in the group are displayed; this option modifies that behavior:

  • types <GroupMemberTypeList> - Display specified types

By default, when listing group members, GAM does not take the domain of the member into account.

  • internal internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display members whose domain is in <DomainNameList>
  • external internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display members whose domain is not in <DomainNameList>
  • internal external internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Display all members, indicate their category: internal or external
  • internaldomains <DomainNameList> - Defaults to value of domain in gam.cfg

Members without an email address, e.g. customer, are considered internal.

Members that have met the above qualifications to be displayed can be further qualifed by their email address.

  • memberemaildisplaypattern <RegularExpression> - Members with email addresses that match <RegularExpression> will be displayed; others will not be displayed
  • memberemailskippattern <RegularExpression> - Members with email addresses that match <RegularExpression> will not be displayed; others will be displayed

By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,

  • formatjson - Display the fields in JSON format.

By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote ". The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled. When using the formatjson option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output. The quotechar <Character> option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output. quotechar defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote " should be used.

Display member count examples

gam print group select testgroup roles member,manager,owner countsonly totalcount                  
Getting Cloud Identity Groups for [email protected]
Getting Members, Managers, Owners for [email protected]
Got 9 Members, Managers, Owners...
[email protected],9,0,7,2

gam print group select testgroup roles member,manager,owner countsonly totalcount internal
Getting Cloud Identity Groups for [email protected]
Getting Members, Managers, Owners for [email protected]
Got 9 Members, Managers, Owners...
[email protected],7,7,0,5,2

gam print group select testgroup roles member,manager,owner countsonly totalcount external
Getting Cloud Identity Groups for [email protected]
Getting Members, Managers, Owners for [email protected]
Got 9 Members, Managers, Owners...
[email protected],2,2,0,2,0

gam print group select testgroup roles member,manager,owner countsonly totalcount external internal
Getting Cloud Identity Groups for [email protected]
Getting Members, Managers, Owners for [email protected]
Got 9 Members, Managers, Owners...
[email protected],9,7,0,5,2,2,0,2,0


Some simple use cases.

Output can be either redirected to a file on the command line using ">file.ouput", or the csv redirect gam option

Print a list of all your groups

gam print groups

Display groups with no members.

gam config csv_output_row_filter "directMembersCount:count=0" print groups directmemberscount

Display a group and its parents

Display a group and its parents as an indented list.

gam show grouptree <GroupEntity>

Display a group and its parents in CSV format.

gam print grouptree <GroupEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [showparentsaslist [<Boolean>]] [delimiter <Character>]

By default, the group parent emails and names are displayed in multiple indexed columns. Use options showparentsaslist [<Boolean>] and delimiter <Character> to display the group parent emails and names in two columns as delimited lists.


$ gam show grouptree [email protected]
Show 1 Group Tree
[email protected]: Test - Group 2
  [email protected]: Test Group1
    [email protected]: Test Group Org
  [email protected]: Test Group Net

$ gam print grouptree [email protected]
[email protected],Test - Group 2,2,[email protected],Test Group1,[email protected],Test Group Org
[email protected],Test - Group 2,1,[email protected],Test Group Net,,

$ gam print grouptree [email protected] showparentsaslist delimiter "|"
[email protected],Test - Group 2,2,[email protected]|[email protected],Test Group1|Test Group Org
[email protected],Test - Group 2,1,[email protected],Test Group Net

Display group counts

Display the number of groups.

gam print groups
        [([domain|domains <DomainNameEntity>] ([member|showownedby <EmailItem>]|[(query <QueryGroup>)|(queries <QueryGroupList>)]))|
         (select <GroupEntity>)]
        [emailmatchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>] [namematchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>]
        [descriptionmatchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>] (matchsetting [not] <GroupAttribute>)*
        [admincreatedmatch <Boolean>]


$ gam print groups showitemcountonly
Getting all Groups, may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 200 Groups: [email protected] - [email protected]
Got 238 Groups: [email protected] - [email protected]

The Getting and Got messages are written to stderr, the count is writtem to stdout.

To retrieve the count with showitemcountonly:

count=$(gam print groups showitemcountonly)
Windows PowerShell
count = & gam print groups showitemcountonly

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