You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 89
See Upgrade GAMADV-XTD3 to GAM7
Added options password prompt
and password uniqueprompt
to gam create user <EmailAddress>
and gam update users <UserTypeEntity>
that prompt you to enter a password from stdin.
Updated gam calendars <CalendarEntity> update events
and gam <UserTypeEntity> update events
to handle the following error:
ERROR 400: malformedWorkingLocationEvent - A working location event must have a visibility setting of public.
Fixed bug in gam all users print users issuspended false allfields
that caused a trap.
Chat usage reports are now available. Added chat
to <CustomerServiceName>
and <UserServiceName>
for use in gam report customer|user
Updated from v1beta1
to v1
for Cloud Identity - Policy
Enabled support for Limited Access as described here:
Note that the rollout may take 15 days.
Added option inheritedpermissionsdisabled [<Boolean>]
to <DriveFileAttribute>
; this
attribute can be set on folders.
Added inheritedpermissionsdisabled
to <DriveFieldName>
Added capabilities.candisableinheritedpermissions
and capabilities.canenableinheritedpermissions
to <DriveCapabilitiesSubfieldName>
Added option enforceexpansiveaccess [<Boolean>]
to all commands that delete or update
drive file ACLs/permissions.
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete permissions
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete drivefileacl
gam <UserTypeEntity> update drivefileacl
gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile
gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer ownership
gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership
gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive
Added initial support for Meet API v2beta; you must be in the Developer Preview program for this to be effective.
Added meet_v2_beta
Boolean variable to gam.cfg
. When this variable is true,
the following options are added to <MeetSpaceOptions>
used in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update meetspace
moderation <Boolean> |
chatrestriction hostsonly|norestriction |
reactionrestriction hostsonly|norestriction |
presentrestriction hostsonly|norestriction |
defaultjoinasviewer <Boolean> |
recording <Boolean> |
transcription <Boolean> |
smartnotes <Boolean>
This isn't called beta for nothing, I have found problems and reported them.
Updated gam print group-members|cigroup-members
to include the email
when fields <MembersFieldNameList>
did not include email
Added option minimal|basic|full
to gam print cigroup-members
- Fields displayed: group, id, role, email -
- Fields displayed: group, type, id, role, email, expireTime -
- Fields displayed: group, type, id, role, email, createTime, updateTime, expireTime; this is the default
Added option minimal|basic|full
to gam show cigroup-members
- Fields displayed: role, email -
- Fields displayed: type, role, email, expireTime -
- Fields displayed: type, role, email, createTime, updateTime, expireTime; this is the default
Upgraded gam print cigroup-members ... recursive
to display sub-group email addresses rather than IDs.
Improved output formatting for the following commands:
gam info peoplecontact
gam show peoplecontacts
gam info peopleprofile
gam show peopleprofile
gam <UserTypeEntity> info contacts
gam <UserTypeEntity> show contacts
gam <UserTypeEntity> show peopleprofile
Fixed bug where multiple querytime<String>
values in a query were not properly processed;
only the last querytime<String>
was processed.
Command line: query "sync:#querytime1#..#querytime2# status:provisioned" querytime1 -2y querytime2 -40w
Query: (sync:#querytime1#..2024-05-09T00:00:00 status:provisioned) Invalid
The Classic Sites API no longer functions, the following commands are deprecated:
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create site
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] update site
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] info site
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print sites
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show sites
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create siteacls
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] update siteacls
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete siteacls
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] info siteacls
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show siteacls
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print siteacls
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print siteactivity
Added option maxmessagesperthread <Number>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show threads
that limits the number of messages displayed per thread. The default is 0, there is no limit.
For example, this can be used if you only want to see the first message of each thread.
gam user [email protected] print|show threads maxmessagesperthread 1
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly
where extraneous columns
were displayed.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly showsize
where sizes were
all shown as 0 unlesssizefield size
was specified.
Only used in GAM Team version
Updated gam create vaultexport
to include corpus gemini
Added option rawfields "<BrowserFieldNameList>"
to gam info|print|show browsers
that allows
specification of complex field lists with selected subfields.
Only used in GAM Team version
Added option security
to gam create cigroup
that allows creation of a security group
in a single command.
Updated to Python 3.13.2 where possible.
Fixed bug in gam update resoldcustomer
that caused the following error:
ERROR: Got an unexpected keyword argument customerAuthToken
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> show labels nested
to properly display label nesting
when labels have embedded /
characters in their names.
Updated gam create project
to retry the following unexpected error:
ERROR: 400 - invalidArgument - Service account [email protected] does not exist.
Updated gam create|use project
to discontinue use of the Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) OAuth Admin APIs
that are being deprecated by Google. You will see a set of instructions detailing how to
configure the Oauth Consent screen and create the Oauth client.
Added options copypermissionroles <DriveFileACLRoleList>
and copypermissiontypes <DriveFileACLTypeList>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
that provide more control over what permissions are copied
from the source files/folders to the destination files/folders.
Updated gam report <ActivityApplicationName>
to display id:<actor.profileId>
in the emailAddress
when actor.email
is empty. This typically occurs when the actor is not in your workspace.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
to ignore ACLs referencing deleted user/groups.
Added option bydate
to gam report <ActivityApplicationName> ... countsonly
that provides an additional display option.
- Display a row per user across all dates with all event counts on one row -
countsonly bydate
- Display a row per user per date for all dates with any events with all events counts on the row -
countsonly summary
- Display a row per event with counts for each event summarized across users and dates
Added option clearresources
to <EventUpdateAttribute>
for use in gam <UserTypeEntity> update events
that allows clearing all resources from a user's calendar events. For example, to clear all resources from a user's future events:
gam user [email protected] update events primary matchfield attendeespattern @resource.calendar.google.com after now clearresources
Added option resource <ResourceID>
to <EventAttribute>
for use in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update events
that adds a resource to an event.
Added option removeresource <ResourceID>
to <EventUpdateAttribute>
for use in gam <UserTypeEntity> update events
that removes a resource from an event.
Fixed bug in gam print|show chromepolicies
that caused a trap when neither
ou|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>
nor group <GroupItem>
was specified.
Updated gam delete|update chromepolicy
to display the <AppID>
or <PrinterID>
(if specified)
in the command status messages.
Added option <JSONData>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update form
that allows for
creation/modification of all fields in a form. <JSONData>
is a list of form update requests.
Updated gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show shareddriveacls ... formatjson
to not display this line
which interferes with the JSON output.
User: [email protected], Show N Shared Drives
Updated code to eliminate trap caused by bug introduced in 7.02.00 that occurs when an invalid domain or OU is specified.
Added option archive
to gam <UserTypeEntity> update license <NewSKUID> from <OldSKUID>
that causes GAM
to archive <UserTypeEntity>
after updating their license to <NewSKUID>
. This will be used when you want to
archive a user with a non-archivable license. The <NewSKUID>
license is assigned to the user and it then converts
to the equivalent Archived User license when the user is archived.
must be one of the following SKUs:
Google-Apps-Unlimited - G Suite Business
1010020020 - Google Workspace Enterprise Plus
1010020025 - Google Workspace Business Plus
1010020026 - Google Workspace Enterprise Standard
1010020027 - Google Workspace Business Starter
1010020028 - Google Workspace Business Standard
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> archive messages <GroupItem>
to retry the following unexpected error
that occurs after many messages have been successfully archived.
ERROR: 404: notFound - Unable to lookup group
Added options locked
and unlocked
to gam update cigroups
that allow locking/unlocking groups.
You'll have to do a gam oauth create
and enable the following scope to use these options:
[*] 22) Cloud Identity Groups API Beta (Enables group locking/unlocking)
Improved the error message displayed for user service account access commands when:
- The API is not enabled
- The user does not exist
- The user exists but is in a OU where the service is disabled
Added options internal
, internaldomains <DomainNameList>
and external
to these commands
that expand the options for viewing group members:
gam info group
gam print groups
gam print|show group-members
gam info cigroup
gam print cigroups
gam print|show cigroup-members
By default, when listing group members, GAM does not take the domain of the member into account.
internal internaldomains <DomainNameList>
- Display members whose domain is in<DomainNameList>
external internaldomains <DomainNameList>
- Display members whose domain is not in<DomainNameList>
internal external internaldomains <DomainNameList>
- Display all members, indicate their category: internal or external -
internaldomains <DomainNameList>
- Defaults to value ofdomain
Members without an email address, e.g. customer
, chromeosdevice
and cbcmbrowser
are considered internal.
Updated to Python 3.13.1 where possible.
Fixed bug in gam update cigroups <GroupEntity> delete|sync|update
where cbcmbrowser
and chromeosdevice
addresses were not properly handled.
Added option positivecountsonly
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecomments
that causes
GAM to display the number of comments and replies only for files that have comments.
Added my_commentable_items
to <DriveFileQueryShortcut>
that can be used with
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecomments my_commentable_items
to speed up processing.
Updated code that uses the Domain Shared Contacts API with an HTTPS proxy to avoid a trap:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "atom/http.py", line 250, in _prepare_connection
AttributeError: module 'ssl' has no attribute 'wrap_socket'
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree
where no error message was generated
if a user had Drive disabled.
Fixed bug in gam update chromepolicy
that caused some policy updates to fail.
Added option showhtml
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages
that, when used with showbody
will display message body content of type HTML.
Added support for managing/displaying Chrome profiles.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> update serviceaccount
to properly set the readonly scope
for [R] 35) Meet API (supports readonly)
as it is a special case.
Due to build site changes, GAM will no longer run on MacOS 12 Monterey.
Minor code fixes.
Fixed logic flaw in gam print|show policies
where non-matching policies were displayed.
Added options group <RegularExpression>
and ou|org|orgunit <RegularExpression>
to gam print|show policies
that causes GAM to only display policies whose group email address
or OU path match the <RegularExpression>
Updated gam get|update|delete contactphotos
to use the People API for domain shared contact photos
as Google has deprecated the Domain Shared Contacts API for these commands. Unfortunately,
the People API fails with gam update|delete contactphotos
Updated gam print chromeapps
to correct a trap caused by an API change.
Classification labels are now available for Gmail in addition to Drive.
- See: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/11/open-beta-data-classification-labels-gmail.html
The following command synonyms are available, there is no change in functionality:
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] info classificationlabels|drivelabels
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print classificationlabels|drivelabels
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show classificationlabels|drivelabels
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create classificationlabelpermission|drivelabelpermission
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete classificationlabelpermission|drivelabelpermission
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] remove classificationlabelpermission|drivelabelpermission
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print classificationlabelpermissions|drivelabelpermission
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show classificationlabelpermissions|drivelabelpermission
Fixed bug introduced in 7.00.33 in gam print group-members
that caused a trap.
Fixed bug in gam print group-members ... cachememberinfo
that caused a trap.
Updated gam info policies
to accept different policy specifications:
- A policy name,policies/ahv4hg7qc24kvaghb7zihwf4riid4
- A policy setting type,settings/workspace_marketplace.apps_allowlist
- A policy setting type,workspace_marketplace.apps_allowlist
Updated gam info|print|show policies
to make additional API calls for settings/workspace_marketplace.apps_allowlist
to get the application name for the application ID. Use option noappnames
to suppress these calls.
Added command to display selected Cloud Identity policies.
gam info policies <CIPolicyNameEntity>
Removed option name <CIPolicyName>
from gam print|show policies
; use info policies
Added option name <CIPolicyName>
to gam print|show policies
that displays
information about a specific policy.
Fixed issue that caused gam print/show policies
to fail on some group policies.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans
and all commands that print file paths to recognize
that a file owned by a user that has no parents is not an orphan if sharedWithMeTime
is set.
This occurs when user A creates a file in a shared folder owned by user B and user B then removes
user A's access to the folder.
Added commands to display Cloud Identity policies.
gam print policies [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
(filter <String>) [nowarnings]
[formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
gam show policies (filter <String>) [nowarnings]
Updated drive_dir
in gam.cfg
to allow the value .
that causes redirect csv|stdout|stderr <FileName>
to write <FileName>
in the current directory without having to prefix <FileName>
with ./
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.4.0 where possible.
Updated authentication process for gam print|show projects
Updated gam print|show projects ... showiampolicies 0|1|3
to use non-service account authentication.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|delete chatmember
to accept external (non-domain) email addresses.
Fixed bug in gam create vaultmatter ... showdetails
that caused a trap.
Added csv_output_header_order
variable to gam.cfg
that is a list of <Strings>
that are used to specify the order of column headers in the CSV file written by a gam print command.
Any headers in the file but not in the list will appear after the headers in the list.
This might be used when the CSV file data is to be processed by another program that requires that the headers be in a particular order.
Fix Windows MSI installer issues on version upgrade. If you are having issues upgrading from a version older than 7.00.20 to this version or newer you may need to do a one time uninstall of GAM7 and then reinstall the new version. No configuration files will be lost during the uninstall / reinstall.
Updated gam update shareddrive <SharedDriveEntity> ou <OrgUnitItem>
to handle the following error
that occurs when an invalid <SharedDriveEntity>
is specified.
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Invalid org membership name 0AJ3b2FTPakToUk9PVAxx.~
Updated gam print browsers
to properly format the time field deviceIdentifiersHistory.records.0.firstRecordTime
Updated gam create project
to use a default project name of gam-project-a1b2c
is a random string of 5 characters)
instead of gam-project-abc-123-xyz
to avoid the following warning:
Project: gam-project-abc-123-xyz, Service Account: gam-project-abc-123-xyz@gam-project-abc-123-xyz.iam.gserviceaccount.com, Extracting public certificate
init.py:12382: UserWarning: Attribute's length must be >= 1 and <= 64, but it was 70
init.py:12383: UserWarning: Attribute's length must be >= 1 and <= 64, but it was 70
Project: gam-project-abc-123-xyz, Service Account: gam-project-abc-123-xyz@gam-project-abc-123-xyz.iam.gserviceaccount.com, Done generating private key and public certificate
Update all user calendar commands to disable falling back to client access if service account authorization has never been performed.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> claim|transfer ownership
to show Got N Drive Files/Folders that matched query
as files/folders are being identified for processing.
Added option <JSONData>
to gam create|update caalevel
Updated to Python 3.13.0 where possible.
Added options timestamp [<Boolean>]
and timeformat <String>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefile
that allow
adding a timestamp to a created/updated file name.
Retry the following unexpected errors in gam print users
ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.
ERROR: 500: unknownError - Unknown Error.
Align version number with GAM7.
Updated option showlastmodification
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts
to handle
the case where all users owning files are suspended. In this case the lastModifyingUser
will show the user's display name as the API doesn't return the user's email address.
Updated support for Folders with limited access
; this is a work in progress.
Updated to Python 3.12.7 where possible.
Handled the following error that occurs when gam create user
is immediateley followed by gam update user
ERROR: 412: conditionNotMet - User creation is not complete.
Updated support for Folders with limited access
; this is a work in progress.
Added initial support for Folders with limited access
; you must be enrolled in the Beta preview.
Updated api_call_tries_limit
variable to gam.cfg
that limits the number of tries
for Google API calls that return an error that indicates a retry should be performed.
The default value is 10 and the range of allowable values is 3-30.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> delete groups
that caused the command to fail when enable_dasa = true
in gam.cfg
Updated <PeopleContactAttribute>
fields address,email,phone,url
to allow an empty type field.
address "" formatted "My Address" primary
email "" [email protected] primary
phone "" "510-555-1212" primary
url "" "https://www.domain.com" primary
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update chatspace
to support the new permissions settings
for Chat spaces that are in Developer Preview.
Fixed bug that caused an error when creating a calendar birthday event.
Improved performance of gam report users orgunit <OrgUnitPath>
when showorgunit
is not specified.
Added option birthday <Date>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> create event <UserCalendarEntity>
that adds
an annual recurring event to the calendar.
Added birthday
to <EventType>
for use in various calendar event commands.
Updated gam delete ou
and gam print admins
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
Added option showlastmodification
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts
that adds
the following fields to the output: lastModifiedFileId,lastModifiedFileName,lastModifyingUser,lastModifiedTime
these are for the most recently modified file.
Added option keepforever [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> update filerevisions
that allows setting
Keep forever
in revisions.
Upgraded to Python 3.12.6 where possible.
Added option shownames
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show sheet
that causes GAM
to make an additional API call to get and display the sheet file name that is not supplied by the Sheets API.
Merged GAM-Team version
Updated gam update group [email protected]
to handle the error that is generated.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create meetspace
that caused errors
due to Developer Preview options being included.
Added support for groups when defining Chrome policies.
Added support for the Meet API.
Added option countsonly
to the following course commands that displays
the number of items in a course but not the details of the items.
gam print course-announcements
gam print course-materials
gam print course-submissions
gam print course-topics
gam print course-work
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> archive messages
to handle the following error:
googleapiclient.errors.MediaUploadSizeError: Media larger than: 26214400
Updated gam report usage user
and gam report users
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
Fixed bug in gam create inboundssoprofile
that caused a trap due to
an unexpected API result.
Updated gam create inboundssoprofile ... returnnameonly
to return inProgress
if the API
does not return a complete result.
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.3.2 where possible.
Updated gam print|show admins
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
### 6.80.17
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> modify messages` to improve error handling.
### 6.80.16
Fixed bug in `gam print vaultcounts` that caused a trap.
### 6.80.15
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... countsrowfilter` that caused a trap.
Added option `continueoninvalidquery [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist|filecounts` that can be used
in special cases where a query of the form `query "'labels/mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbwxyz' in labels"
causes Google to issue an error saying that the query is invalid when, in fact, it is but the user does not have a
license that suppprts drive file labels. When `continueoninvalidquery` is true, GAM prints an error message and
proceeds to the next user rather that terminating as it does now. Of course, if the query really is invalid, you will
get the message for every user.
### 6.80.14
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print messages|threads` to display all default headers
even if no messages are to be displayed. This eliminates error messages of the following form
that occurred because only the headers `User,threadId,id` were displayed.
WARNING: csv_output_row_filter column "^Date$" does not match any output columns
### 6.80.13
Added `my_publishable_items` to `<DriveFileQueryShortcut>` that can be used in
`gam <UserTypeEntity> print filerevisions` to select only those items that can be
published to the web: documents, forms, presentations(slides), spreadsheets. With row filtering,
this allows identification of files that have been published outside your domain.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Display#display-files-published-to-the-web
### 6.80.12
Updated `gam print vaultcounts` to correctly display accounts with errors.
### 6.80.11
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|purge|trash|untrash <DriveFileEntity> shortcutandtarget`
that when `<DriveFileEntity` is a shortcut, to have GAM validate that the shortcut and target can be
successfully processed before proceeding.
### 6.80.10
Added option `followshortcuts [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show fileinfo|filepath <DriveFileEntity>`
that when true and `<DriveFileEntity` is a shortcut, causes GAM to display information about the target of the shortcut rather than the shortcut itself.
Added option `shortcutandtarget [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|purge|trash|untrash <DriveFileEntity>`
that when true and `<DriveFileEntity` is a shortcut, causes GAM to process the shortcut and the target of the shortcut.
### 6.80.09
Added options `allschemas|(schemas|custom|customschemas <SchemaNameList>)` to `gam print group-members`
that display any custom schema values for the group members.
### 6.80.08
Updated `gam print|show oushareddrives` to display the Shared Drive ID, name and orgUnitPath as
individual, separate entities in the output.
### 6.80.07
Updated `dateheaderformat iso` in `gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show messages` to include a colon
between the hours and minutes in the timezone portion of the string as in all other time strings.
### 6.80.06
Added option `tdreturnidonly [<Boolean>]` to `<ToDriveAttribute>` that when true (the default), causes GAM to display
only the uploaded file ID to stdout. This can be captured and used in subsequent commands, `tdfileid <DriveFileID>` that will update the same file.
### 6.80.05
Added option `individualstudentcoursework copy|delete|maptoall` to `gam create|update course ... copyfrom`
that controls how individual student coursework in the `copyfrom` course is processed.
* `individualstudentcoursework copy` - Copy individual student coursework; this is the default. You will get an error if a student is not a member of the course
* `individualstudentcoursework delete` - Delete individual student coursework
* `individualstudentcoursework maptoall` - Map individual student coursework to all student coursework
For convenience, setting `individualstudentassignments` sets all of the following to the same value:
* `individualstudentannouncements`
* `individualstudentmaterials`
* `individualstudentcoursework`
### 6.80.04
Cleaned up progress messages in `gam create|update course ... copyfrom`.
### 6.80.03
Added option `stripcrsfromname` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print driveactivity` that causes carriage returns,
linefeeds and nulls to be stripped from file names.
### 6.80.02
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filecounts` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
Added options `individualstudentannouncements copy|delete|maptoall` and `individualstudentmaterials copy|delete|maptoall`
to `gam create|update course ... copyfrom` that controls how individual student announcements and materials in the `copyfrom` course are processed.
* `individualstudentannouncements copy` - Copy individual student announcements; this is the default. You will get an error if a student is not a member of the course
* `individualstudentannouncements delete` - Delete individual student announcements
* `individualstudentannouncements maptoall` - Map individual student announcements to all student announcements
* `individualstudentmaterials copy` - Copy individual student materials; this is the default. You will get an error if a student is not a member of the course
* `individualstudentmaterials delete` - Delete individual student materials
* `individualstudentmaterials maptoall` - Map individual student materials to all student materials
### 6.80.01
Added options `showstudentsaslist [<Boolean>]` and `delimiter <Character>` to `gam print course-work`.
By default, when course work is assigned to individual students, the student IDs are displayed in multiple indexed columns.
Use these options to display the student IDs in a single column as a delimited list.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> vacation [<Boolean>]` to make `<Boolean>` optional; this allows changes
to other fields without affecting the current responder state.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show vacation` to avoid a trap when invalid start or end dates
have been entered in the Gmail user interface. Invalid dates are represented as `1970-01-01`.
### 6.80.00
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print users ... license ... formatjson` that caused a trap.
Upgraded to Python 3.12.5 where possible.
### 6.79.12
Fixed bug in `gam user [email protected] print chatspaces asadmin` that caused the following error:
Chat Admin: [email protected](asadmin), Print Failed: This method doesn't support non-admin user authentication. Authenticate with an admin account.
### 6.79.11
Fixed bug in `gam <UserItem> print|show chatmembers` where the `filter <String>` was not applied.
### 6.79.10
Updated commands to handle a trap that occurs when oauth2service.json specifies a YubiKey but the YubiKey is not inserted.
### 6.79.09
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print teamdriveacls` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output. This can be used when ACLs for selected users are to be
replaced with a different user email address.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Shared-Drives#bulk-change-user1-shared-drive-access-to-user2
### 6.79.08
Clarified action to perform messages when creating/deleting/updating licenses.
### 6.79.07
Added option `totalonly` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show groups` that displays
the user email address and the total number of groups to which it belongs. This is in
contrast to `countsonly` that has to make an additional API call per group per user to get the user's role.
When `countsonly` is specified, an additional column `Total` is displayed that is the sum
of the role counts.
### 6.79.06
Fixed bug in `gam calendars <CalendarEntity> update event ... removeattendee <EmailAddress>` that caused a trap
if the event had no attendees.
### 6.79.05
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> empty drivetrash <SharedDriveEntity>` to handle this error that
occurs when the user is not a Manager of the Shared Drive.
ERROR: 403: insufficientFilePermissions - The user does not have sufficient permissions for this file.
### 6.79.04
Added options `filename <FileName>` and `movetoou <OrgUnitItem>` to `gam check ou <OrgUnitItem>`
that causes GAM to create a batch file of GAM commands that will move any remaining items
in `ou <OrgUnitItem>` to `movetoou <OrgUnitItem>`; executing the batch file will then allow
`ou <OrgUnitItem>` to be deleted if desired.
### 6.79.03
Added column|field `assignedToUnknown` to `gam print|show admins` that will be True when
the API `assignedTo` value can not be converted to an email address; it will be False when
the email address is determinable.
### 6.79.02
Updated `gam print admins` to handle the following error that occurs when a service account admin no longer exists.
ERROR: 404: notFound - Requested entity was not found.
### 6.79.01
Updated commands that take `<RoleItem>` as an argument to take the value in any case,
e.g., _SEED_ADMIN_ROLE or _seed_admin_role.
### 6.79.00
Updated code to work around a Cryptography library change that caused service account private key creation to fail.
### 6.78.00
Added command to check if an OU contains items; this is useful when tryng to delete an OU
as it must not contain any items in order to be deleted.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Organizational-Units#check-organizational-unit-for-contained-items
### 6.77.18
Added option `showitemcountonly` to `gam print domainaliases` that causes GAM to display the
number of domain aliasess on stdout; no CSV file is written.
### 6.77.17
Added option `showitemcountonly` to `gam print domains` that causes GAM to display the
number of domains on stdout; no CSV file is written.
### 6.77.16
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist` that caused a trap.
### 6.77.15
Updated `gam calendars <CalendarEntity> import event icaluid <iCalUID> json <JSONdata>` to handle API
constraints on recurring events.
### 6.77.14
Fixed bug in `gam calendars <CalendarEntity> import event icaluid <iCalUID> json <JSONdata>` that caused an error.
### 6.77.13
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts` to reflect that Shared Drives now
have a capacity of 500000 files/folders/shortcuts.
### 6.77.12
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print chatspaces todrive` that caused an error.
### 6.77.11
Added option `convertmbtogb` to `gam report usage customer|user` and
`gam report customer|user` that causes GAM to convert parameters expressed in megabytes
(name ends with _in_mb) to gigabytes (name converted to _in_gb) with two decimal places.
### 6.77.10
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto` where data written to stdout, e.g. `> filename`,
was not properly base64 encoded.
### 6.77.09
Added option `usertokencounts` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tokens` that causes GAM to display
each user and their number of access tokens; there are no details.
### 6.77.08
Fixed bugs in `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete chatmember <ChatSpace> ... group <GroupItem>`
and `gam <UserTypeEntity> sync chatmember <ChatSpace> ... groups <GroupEntity>` that caused an error.
### 6.77.07
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatmember <ChatSpace> ... group <GroupItem>` that caused an error.
### 6.77.06
Updated `gam update ou <OrgUnitItem> ... parent <OrgUnitItem>` to handle the following error
that occurs when `parent <OrgUnitItem>` is the same as or a sub-OU of `ou <OrgUnitItem>`.
ERROR: 412: conditionNotMet - OrgUnit hierarchy has cycle
### 6.77.05
Added option `onlyusers <UserTypeEntity>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership <DriveFileEntity>`
that causes GAM to only claim ownership of files/folders owned by `onlyusers <UserTypeEntity>`.
This option is multually exclusive with `skipusers <UserTypeEntity>`.
### 6.77.04
Fixed bug in `gam report users ... range <Date> <Date>` where an extraneous API call
was made if a date was reached where no API data was available.
### 6.77.03
Thanks to jay, added the following Colab License SKUs:
1010500001 - Colab Pro 1010500002 - Colab Pro+
Thanks to Jay, updated `gam print|show admins` to properly display addresses
of service accounts with admin role assignments.
Added option `limitdatechanges <Integer>` to `gam report users|customers`.
If no report is available for the specified date, can an earlier date be used?
* `limitdatechanges -1' - Back up to earlier dates to find report data; this is the default.
* `limitdatechanges 0 | nodatechange' - Do not report on an earlier date if no report data is available for the specified date.
* `limitdatechanges N' - Back up to earlier dates to find report data; do not back up more than N times.
By default, when `gam report user user <UserItem>` is specified and no report data is available, there is no output.
If `csv_output_users_audit = true` in `gam.cfg`, then a row with columns `email,date` will be displayed
where `date` is the earliest date for which report data was requested.
### 6.77.02
Cleaned up problems with some of the new Chat API asadmin commands.
Some remaining problems may require a Google fix.
### 6.77.01
Thanks to Jay, added column `verificationCodesCount` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print backupcodes`
that displays the number of available backup codes in addtion to the codes.
Added option `countsonly` that displays only the number of available backup codes but not the codes themselves.
Thanks to Jay, added option `nokey` to `gam create project` that creates a project with no service account key, `oauth2service.json`.
### 6.77.00
Added option `individualstudentassignments copy|delete|maptoall` to `gam create|update course ... copyfrom`
that controls how individual student assignments in the `copyfrom` course are processed.
* `individualstudentassignments copy` - Copy individual student assignments; this is the default. You will get an error if the student is not a member of the course.
* `individualstudentassignments delete` - Delete individual student assignments
* `individualstudentassignments maptoall` - Map individual student assignments to all student assignments
Upgraded to Python 3.12.4 where possible.
Added option `asadmin` to the following Chat commands that allows admin access.
These commands are in Developer Preview, your project must have Developer Preview enabled for the Chat API
in order to use these commands.
gam delete chatspace asadmin gam update chatspace asadmin gam info chatspace asadmin gam print|show chatspaces asadmin gam create chatmember asadmin gam delete|remove chatmember asadmin gam update|modify chatmember asadmin gam sync chatmembers asadmin gam info chatmember asadmin gam print|show chatmembers|asadmin
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Chat#developer-preview-admin-access
Added `use_chat_admin_access` Boolean variable to `gam.cfg`.
- When False, GAM uses user access when making all Chat API calls. For calls that support admin access, this can be overridden with the asadmin command line option.
- When True, GAM uses admin access for Chat API calls that support admin access; other calls will use user access.
- Default: False
### 6.76.15
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filesharecounts summary only summaryuser <String>`
that printed an erroneous row if `<UserTypeEntity>` specified a single user and `<String>` matched
the user's email address.
### 6.76.14
Added the following Gemini License SKUs:
1010470004 - Gemini Education 1010470005 - Gemini Education Premium
### 6.76.13
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo ... showlabels` and `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... showlabels`
to retry these errors that occur when trying to get the drive labels for a file/folder.
ERROR: 500: unknownError - Unknown Error. ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.3.1 where possible.
### 6.76.12
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show chatspaces` that caused the following error:
ERROR: Got an unexpected keyword argument orderBy
### 6.76.11
Thanks to Jay, added `gam report vault`.
Thanks to Jay, added the following Gemini SKUs:
1010470006 - AI Security 1010470007 - AI Meetings and Messaging
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... showshareddrivepermissions` to display
progress messages to stderr as a separate API call must be made for every file/folder on the Shared Drive
to get its permissions. As this can take a long time, the progress messages indicate that progress is being made.
### 6.76.10
Added `fromgmail` to `<EventType>` that can be used in `gam calendars <CalendarEntity> print|show events ... eventtype fromgmail`.
* See: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/05/google-calendar-api-event-type-fromgmail.html
### 6.76.09
Updated `gam update|delete|info adminrole` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.
### 6.76.08
Updated `<SchemaNameList>` to `"<SchemaName>|<SchemaFieldName>(,<SchemaName>|<SchemaFieldName>)*"`
that allows `schemas <SchemaNameList>` in `gam info user` and `gam print users` to display all fields or selected fields
of the specified custom schemas.
### 6.76.07
Fixed bug where control-C was not recognized when GAM had processed all rows in a CSV file
and was `Waiting for N running processes to finish before terminating`.
### 6.76.06
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print messages ... positivecountsonly` where message counts with value 0 were deiplayed.
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|messages` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
Added option `showusagebytes` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show drivesettings` that displays
the following fields in bytes ```usageBytes,usageInDriveBytes,usageInDriveTrashBytes```
in addition to the fields in their formatted form with units: ```usage,usageInDrive,usageInDriveTrash```.
This will be most useful with `print` as the rows can be sorted based on the `usagexxxBytes` columns.
### 6.76.05
Added options `deletefromoldowner`, `addtonewowner <CalendarAttribute>*` and `nolistmessages`
to `gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer calendars <UserItem>` that allow manipulation of the
source and target user's calendar lists.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Calendars-Access#transfer-calendar-ownership
### 6.76.04
Added the following fields to `<CrOSFieldName>`:
autoupdatethrough extendedsupporteligible extendedsupportstart extendedsupportenabled
### 6.76.03
Added option `folderpathonly [<Boolean>]` to the following commands that causes GAM
to display only the folder names when displaying the path to a file. This folder only path
an be used in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath` to recreate the folder hierarchy.
gam info drivefile ... filepath|fullpath gam show fileinfo ... filepath|fullpath gam print|show filepath gam print filelist ... filepath|fullpath
### 6.76.02
Updated `gam update group` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Failed request validation in update settings: WHO_CAN_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP_CANNOT_BE_BROADER_THAN_WHO_CAN_SEE_GROUP
### 6.76.01
Fixed bug in `gam create vaulthold matter <MatterItem> ... corpus calendar` that caused a trap.
### 6.76.00
Updated versions of `gam create|use project` that use keyword options to also accept the following options
to define non-default Service Account key characteristics.
(algorithm KEY_ALG_RSA_1024|KEY_ALG_RSA_2048)| (localkeysize 1024|2048|4096 [validityhours ])| (yubikey yubikey_pin yubikey_slot AUTHENTICATION yubikey_serialnumber )
### 6.75.05
Added option `csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> archive|delete|modify|spam|trash|untrash messages|threads`
that causes GAM to display the command results in CSV form.
### 6.75.04
Added a command to print user counts by OrgUnit. By default, all users in the workspace are counted;
you can specify a domain to only count users in that domain.
gam print usercountsbyorgunit [todrive *] [domain ]
Added option `uploadattachments [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> show messages|threads` that
causes GAM to upload all message attachments to the user's `My Drive`, the default, or to a specific folder.
The existing option `attachmentnamepattern <RegularExpression>` can be used to select attachments to upload.
### 6.75.03
Fixed bug in `gam batch|tbatch` where the line `sleep <Integer>` in the batch file caused the error:
ERROR: Invalid argument: Expected <gam|commit-batch|print>
### 6.75.02
Updated `gam report <ActivityApplictionName>` to retry/handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
### 6.75.01
Added option `admin <EmailAddress>` to `gam upload sakey`.
### 6.75.00
Updated `gam create project` to simplify handling the situation where your workspace is configured to disable service account private key uploads.
Added command `gam upload sakey` to aid in this process.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Authorization#upload-a-service-account-key-to-a-service-account-with-no-keys
### 6.74.02
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives ... formatjson` that caused a trap.
### 6.74.01
Updated `gam create|update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> ... expiration <Time>` to handle
the following error caused by tryig to add an expiration time to a member of a Shared Drive.
ERROR: 403: expirationDateNotAllowedForSharedDriveMembers - Expiration dates are not allowed for shared drive members.
### 6.74.00
Added `truncate_client_id` Boolean variable to `gam.cfg`. Prior to version 6.74.00, GAM stripped
'.apps.googleusercontent.com' from `client_id` in `oauth2.txt` and passed the truncated value in API calls.
At Jay's suggestion this is no longer performed by default; setting `truncate_client_id = true` restores the previous behavior.
Do `gam oauth delete` and `gam oauth create` to set the untruncated value of `client_id` in `oauth2.txt`.
### 6.73.00
The Google Chat API has been updated so that chat members can now have their role set to manager.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Chat#manage-chat-members
### 6.72.16
Updated `emailaddressList <EmailAddressList>` and `domainlist|notdomainlist <DomainNameList>`
in `<PermissionMatch>` to perform case-insensitive matches as the API is returning mixed case
ACL email addresses in some cases.
### 6.75.15
Updated all commands that display tasks to display the due date in GMT as the time portion
is not supported by the API and converting the due date to local time may display the wrong date.
Renamed license SKU `1010400001` from `Beyond Corp Enterprise` to `Chrome Enterprise Premium`.
### 6.72.14
Upgraded to Python 3.12.3 where possible.
### 6.72.13
Added the following option to `<EventMatchProperty>` that can be used to select
events based on the domains of the attendees.
matchfield attendeesonlydomainlist
This returns true if all attendee's email addresses are in a domain in `<DomainNameList>`;
for example this lets you look for events with attendees only in your internal domains.
### 6.72.12
Added the following options to `<EventMatchProperty>` that can be used to select
events based on the domains of the attendees.
matchfield attendeesdomainlist matchfield attendeesnotdomainlist
The first returns true if any attendee's email address is in a domain in `<DomainNameList>`;
for example this lets you look for events with attendees in specific external domains.
The second returns true if any attendee's email address is in a domain other than those in `<DomainNameList>`;
for example this lets you look for events with attendees not in your internal domains.
### 6.72.11
Added option `oneitemperrow` to 'gam print vaultholds` to have each of a
hold's accounts displayed on a separate row with all of the other hold fields.
### 6.72.10
Added `timeofdayrange=<HH:MM>/<HH:MM>` and `timeofdayrange!=<HH:MM>/<HH:MM>` to `<RowValueFilter>` that allows
CSV row filtering based on time-of-day.
### 6.72.09
Updated `countsonly` option of `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show notes` to additionally display the total number of notes.
### 6.72.08
Added option `countsonly` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show notes` that displays
the number of notes a user owns and the number of notes a user can edit.
### 6.72.07
Updated commands that send emails to not downshift `'First Last<[email protected]>'` to `'first last<[email protected]>'`.
### 6.72.06
Updated the following commands to properly handle emailaddress lists containing addresses of the form: `'First Last<[email protected]>'`.
gam sendemail recipient|to [cc ] [bcc ] [singlemessage] gam create|update user ... notify
### 6.72.05
Cleaned up code for all commands that display Chat objects.
### 6.72.04
Added commands to display Chat events.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Chat#display-chat-events
### 6.72.03
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatspace` that caused a trap.
### 6.72.02
Updated `gam delete admin <RoleAssignmentId>` to handle the following error that
occurs when `<RoleAssignmentId>` references a user that has been deleted.
ERROR: 404: resourceNotFound - Does not exist
### 6.72.01
Improved commands to display drive file comments.
### 6.72.00
Added commands to display drive file comments.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Comments
### 6.71.18
Updated `<CrOSFieldName>` to include `cpuinfo` and `backlightinfo`.
### 6.71.17
Added `depth` column to output of `gam <UserTypeEntity> print diskusage <DriveFileEntity>` that can
be used to filter the depth of the folders displayed. Depth `-1` is the top level folder, depth `0`
are its immediate children, depth `2` are the children of depth `1` and so forth.
gam config csv_output_row_filter "depth:count<1" user [email protected] print diskusage teamdriveid
### 6.71.16
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update sendas <EmailAddress> ... replyto <EmailAddress>`
to allow uppercase letters in `sendas <EmailAddress>` and `replyto <EmailAddress>`.
### 6.71.15
Updated `gam create project` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Authentication error: 7; Error Details: User not allowed to access GCP services.
This error occurs when the Google Workspace admin or GCP project manager email address used in the command
is in an OU where Google Cloud Platform is not enabled in Apps/Additional Google services.
### 6.71.14
Added a command to update a Gmail label's settings by specifying it's ID rather than it's name.
gam update labelid [name ] [messagelistvisibility hide|show] [labellistvisibility hide|show|showifunread] [backgroundcolor ] [textcolor ]
### 6.71.13
Updated `<UserMultiAttribute>.location.buildingid <String>` to allow non-validated building IDs
by specifying `nv:` at the beginning of `<String>`; e.g., `nv:Building X' sets the building ID to `Building X`.
### 6.71.12
Added option `showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts|filelist|filetree`
::= application|audio|font|image|message|model|multipart|text|video ::= "(,)*"
gam user [email protected] print filelist fields id,name,mimetype showmimetype prefixes audio,video
### 6.71.11
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam print cros` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output. Typically, you would read CSV file of device IDs/serial numbers
to generate a CSV file of results and copy data from the input CSV to the outout CSV.
### 6.71.10
Reverted change made in 6.71.09 to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist` when `showmimetype` and `filepath|fullpath`
were both specified. The change improved the performance when `showmimetype` selected a small number of files;
the information for just those files was downloaded and then additional API calls were made to construct the file paths.
However, if a large number of files were selected, the additional APIs calls decreased performance.
Added option `mimetypeinquery` can be used when you expect the query to return a small number of files
relative to the total number of files.
### 6.71.09
Improved the performance of `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist` when `showmimetype` and `filepath|fullpath`
are both specified.
### 6.71.08
Added option `oneitemperrow` to 'gam print admins|adminroles` to have each of a
roles privileges displayed on a separate row with all of the other admin/role fields.
This produces a CSV file that can be used in subsequent commands without further script processing.
### 6.71.07
Added command to upload changes to Google Docs.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Manage#upload-changes-to-google-documents
### 6.71.06
Added additional error handling to Gmail Client Side Encryption commands.
Added license product Education Endpoint Management
* ProductID - 101049
Added license SKU Endpoint Education Upgrade
* ProductID - 101049
* SKUID - 1010490001 | eeu
### 6.71.05
Fixed a bug introduced in 6.71.00 that caused a trap in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist`.
Added option `tdfrom <EmailAddress>` to `<ToDriveAttribute>` that causes GAM to use `<EmailAddress>` as the from address
in all emails sent. By default, the from address is the Google Workspace Admin in `gam oauth info`.
### 6.71.04
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update cseidentity` to accept either of the following key pair options:
* `primarykeypairid <KeyPairID>` - The configuration of a CSE identity that uses the same key pair for signing and encryption.
* `signingkeypairid <KeyPairID> encryptionkeypairid <KeyPairID>` - The configuration of a CSE identity that uses different key pairs for signing and encryption.
Updated CSV output row sorting to avoid a trap that occurred when a row was missing one of the sort fields.
### 6.71.03
Added option `tdalert <EmailAddress>` to `<ToDriveAttribute>`. When a todrive file is created or updated,
GAM will send notification emails to all `tdalert <EmailAddress>` users if `tdnotify` is true.
`<EmailAddress>` must be valid within your Google Workspace.
### 6.71.02
Added additional error handling to Gmail Client Side Encryption commands.
### 6.71.01
Fixed bug in `gam audit monitor create` that caused a trap.
### 6.71.00
Added `csv_output_sort_headers` string list variable to `gam.cfg` that causes GAM to sort CSV output
rows by the column headers specified in the variable. The column headers are case insensitive and
if column header does not appear in the CSV output, it is ignored.
Added `sortheaders <StringList>` to `redirect csv <FileName>` that has the same effect as above.
The sort keys specified in `redirect csv ... sortheaders <StringList>` take precedence over the values from `gam.cfg`.
Added option `tdsubject <String>` to `<ToDriveAttribute>` that causes GAM to use `<String>` as the subject
in all emails sent. In `<String>`, `#file#` will, be replaced by the file title and `#sheet#` will be replaced
by the sheet/tab title. By default, the subject is the file title.
### 6.70.09
Added additional error handling to Gmail Client Side Encryption commands.
Added options `showpem` and `showkaclsdata` to all Gmail CSE commands that process/display
CSE key pairs. By default, the `pem` and `kaclsdata` fields will not be displayed unless
the corresponding `show` option is specified.
### 6.70.08
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create cseidentity <KeyPairID>` that caused an error.
### 6.70.07
Updated user instructions in `gam oauth create` and `gam <UserTypeEntity> update serviceaccount`
and changed `s` from selecting all scopes to selecting default scopes.
### 6.70.06
Updated `gam info users <UserTypeEntity>` to not include group tree infornation unless option `grouptree` is specified.
### 6.70.05
Added commands to create|delete|display Drive Label permissions.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Labels
### 6.70.04
Added option `showvalidcolumn` to `gam print users` that can be used to identify whether
users are defined in the domain. Typically, you would read CSV file of email addresses
to verify as domain members.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users#verify-domain-membership
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam print users` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output. Typically, you would read CSV file of email addresses
to generate a CSV file of results and copy data from the input CSV to the outout CSV.
### 6.70.03
Renamed license product DuetAI to Gemini
* ProductID - 101047
Renamed license SKU DuetAI for Google Workspace to Gemini Enterprise
* ProductID - 101047
* SKUID - 1010470001 | geminient | duetai
Added support for license SKU Gemini Business
* ProductID - 101047
* SKUID - 1010470003 | geminibiz
### 6.70.02
In 6.69.00, GAM starting using course owner access when using `copyfrom` in `gam create|update course`
regardless of the value of `gam.cfg/use_course_owner_access`. This prevents copying from courses
with a deleted user. GAM now uses the value of `gam.cfg/use_course_owner_access` when `copyfrom` is used.o
### 6.70.01
Added `gmail_cse_incert_dir` and `gmail_cse_inkey_dir` path variables to `gam.cfg` that provide
default values for the `incertdir <FilePath>` and `inkeydir <FilePath>` options in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create csekeypair`.
### 6.70.00
Added support for Gmail Client Side Encryption.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Gmail-CSE
This is an initial, minimally tested release; proceed with care and report all issues.
### 6.69.00
Added `use_course_owner_access` Boolean variable to `gam.cfg` that controls how GAM gets
classroom member information and removes students/teachers. Client/admin access does not provide
complete information about non-domain students/teachers.
* `False` - Use client/admin access; this is the default. Use if you don't have non-domain members in your courses.
* `True` - Use service account access as the classroom owner. An extra API call is required per course to authenticate the owner; this will affect performance
Added the following command which must be used to delete classroom invitations for non-domain students/teachers.
gam delete classroominvitation courses (ids )|(role all|owner|student|teacher)
You can obtain the classroom invitation IDs with these commands:
gam show classroominvitations (course|class )|([teacher ] [student ] [states ]) [role all|owner|student|teacher] [formatjson] gam print classroominvitations [todrive ] (course|class )*|([teacher ] [student ] [states ]) [role all|owner|student|teacher] [formatjson [quotechar ]]
### 6.68.08
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist|drivefileacls|shareddriveacls ... oneitemperrow` to print
ACLs with multiple permission details on separate rows for each basic permission/permission detail combination.
This case occurs when a member of a Shared Drive has access to a file and also has explicitly granted access to the same file.
Added `pmtype member|file` to `<PermissionMatch>` that allows determining whether an ACL on a Shared Drive file was
derived from membership or explicitly granted.
### 6.68.07
Updated `gam info user ... locations formatjson` to include the `buildingName` field in the
`locations` entries. If `gam.cfg` contains `quick_info_user = true` or the `quick` option
is included on the command line, add the option `buildingnames` to the command line.
### 6.68.06
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile <DriveFileID> ... mergewithparent` that incorrectly named
the copied file with the name of the parent folder.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile` to avoid copying/moving the same file twice.
### 6.68.05
Updated `gam print groups ... ciallfields|(cifields <CIGroupFieldNameList>)` to account for an
API shortcoming that failed to get all of the Cloud Identity fields.
### 6.68.04
Added option `skiprows <Integer>` to `gam csv|loop` that causes GAM to skip processing the first `<Integer>` filtered rows.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Bulk-Processing#csv-files
### 6.68.03
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefileacl` that caused a trap.
### 6.68.02
Upgraded to Python 3.12.2 where possible.
Added options `restricted|(audience <String>)` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update chatspace` that
sets the access options for the chat space. These options are in Developer Preview and will not be generally available.
### 6.68.01
Fixed `<PermissionMatch>` bug for real.
### 6.68.00
Fixed `<PermissionMatch>` bug introduced in 6.67.35 that caused a command error like the following or would
not properly match `type|nottype <DriveFileACLType>` and `role|notrole <DriveFileACLRole>`.
ERROR: permission attribute allowfilediscovery/withlink not allowed with type {'a', 'y', 'e', 'o', 'n'}
My sincere apologies.
### 6.67.39
Added option `wait <Integer> <Integer>` to `gam create datatransfer` that causes GAM to wait
for the transfer to complete. The first `<Integer>` must be in the range 5-60 and is the number
of seconds between checks to see if the transfer has completed. The second `<Integer>` is the maximum
number of checks to perform. By default, GAM does not wait for the transfer to complete.
### 6.67.38
Added option `tdnotify [<Boolean>]` to `<ToDriveAttribute>` that causes GAM to send notification
emails to all `tdshare <EmailAddress>` users when the file is uploaded/updated.
### 6.67.37
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> show messages ... showattachments` to avoid a trap when `text/plain` attachments
in character sets other than `UTF-8` are displayed.
### 6.67.36
Updated `gam batch <BatchContent>` and `gam tbatch <BatchContent>` commands to accept lines with the following form:
Batch processing will suspend for `<Integer>` seconds before the next command line is processed.
### 6.67.35
Added the following options to `<PermissionMatch>` that allow more powerful matching.
nottype typelist nottypelist rolelist notrolelist
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Permission-Matches#define-a-match
### 6.67.34
Added option `movetoorgunitdelay <Integer>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create shareddrive <Name> ... ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>`.
GAM creates the Shared Drive, verifies that it has been created and then tries to move it to `<OrgUnitItem>`. Google seems to
require a delay or the following error is generated.
ERROR: 409: 409 - The operation was aborted.
`movetoorgunitdelay` defaults to 20 seconds which seems to work; `<Integer>` can range from 0 to 60.
### 6.67.33
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.1 where possible.
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives` where `role` was improperly displayed as `fileOrganizer`
rather than `writer`.
Added option `guiroles [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show shareddrive` that maps
the Drive API role names to the Google Drive GUI role names.
API: GUI commenter: Commenter fileOrganizer: Content manager organizer: Manager reader: Viewer writer: Contributor
### 6.67.32
Updated `<ToDriveAttribute>` to allow multiple `tdshare <EmailAddress> commenter|reader|writer` options.
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print shareddrives` where `role` was improperly displayed as `unknown`
rather than `reader` when `Allow viewers and commenters to download, print, and copy files` was unchecked for the Shared Drive.
### 6.67.31
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> claim|transfer ownership <DriveFileEntity>` to properly
handle the case where `<DriveFileEntity>` referencess a Drive shortcut.
### 6.67.30
Fixed bug where the `fullpath` option in various commands was not converting the generic shared drive name `Drive` to the drive's actual name.
### 6.67.29
Added optional argument `owneraccess` to `gam courses <CourseEntity> remove teachers|students [owneracccess] <UserTypeEntity` and
`gam course <CourseID> remove teacher|student [owneraccess] <EmailAddress>` in order to test a possible API change.
Updated code to avoid a trap when `gam config auto_batch_min 1 csv file.csv gam ...` was entered.
The `config auto_batch_min 1` is not appropriate in this context and will be ignored.
### 6.67.28
Improved handling of `Bad Request` error in `gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans`.
### 6.67.27
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: badRequest - Bad Request
### 6.67.26
Fixed bug in `gam print vaultexports ... formatjson` that caused a trap.
### 6.67.25
Added option `owneraccess` to `gam info courses <CourseEntity>` and `gam info course <CourseID>` in order
to test a possible API change.
### 6.67.24
Fixed bug that caused HTML password notification email messages to be displayed in raw form.
### 6.67.23
Use local copy of `googleapiclient` to remove static discovery documents to improve performance.
### 6.67.22
Added `permissionidlist <PermissionIDList>` to `<PermissionMatch>` that allows matching any permission ID in a list.
Added option `exportlinkeddrivefiles <Boolean>` to `gam create vaultexport` that is used with `corpus mail`.
### 6.67.21
Updated `gam remove aliases <EmailAddress> user|group <EmailAddressEntity>` to give a more informative
error message when the target/alias combination does not exist.
Old: User: [email protected], User Alias: [email protected], Remove Failed: Invalid Input: resource_id New: User: [email protected], User Alias: [email protected], Remove Failed: Does not exist
### 6.67.20
Added option `onelicenseperrow|onelicenceperrow` to `gam print users ... licenses` that causes GAM to print
a seperate user information row for each license a user is assigned. This makes processing
the licenses in a script possible and allows better sorting in a CSV File.
By default, all licenses for a user are displayed in a list on one row:
primaryEmail,LicensesCount,Licenses,LicensesDisplay [email protected],2,1010020020 1010330004,Google Workspace Enterprise Plus Google Voice Standard
With `onelicenseperrow|onelicenceperrow`, each license is on a separate row:
primaryEmail,License,LicenseDisplay [email protected],1010020020,Google Workspace Enterprise Plus [email protected] 1010330004,Google Voice Standard
### 6.67.19
Updated `gam create|update user ... notify` to encode the characters `<>&` in the password
so that they display correctly when the notify message content is HTML.
### 6.67.18
Cleaned up `Getting/Got` messages for `gam print courses|course-participants`.
### 6.67.17
Added option `showitemcountonly` to various commands that causes GAM to display the
item count on stdout; no CSV file is written.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Cloud-Identity-Groups#display-group-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Classroom-Courses#display-course-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Classroom-Membership#display-course-membership-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/ChromeOS-Devices#display-cros-device-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Cloud-Identity-Devices#display-device-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Cloud-Identity-Devices#display-device-user-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Groups#display-group-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Mobile-Devices#display-mobile-device-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Organizational-Units#display-organizational-unit-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Resources#display-resource-counts
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users#display-user-counts
### 6.67.16
By default, `gam print group-members membernames` displays `Unknown` for members whose names can not be determined.
Added option `unknownname <String>` that let's you specify an alternative value.
Further improved performance of `gam print group-members membernames cachememberinfo`.
### 6.67.15
Update `gam print group-members membernames` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.
Added option `cachememberinfo [Boolean]` to `gam print group-members` that causes GAM to cache member info
so that only one API call is made to get information for each user/group. This consumes
more memory but dramatically reduces the number of API calls.
### 6.67.14
Updated reseller commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalid - Customer domain [domain.com] is linked to one or more email verified customers, please provide a customer id.
### 6.67.13
Updated `gam create domain <DomainName>` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 409: conflict - Domain in request is in use by an email verified customer.
### 6.67.12
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam print datatransfers` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
### 6.67.11
Updated various Gmail related commands to handle this error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Insufficient Permission
when the following service account scopes are selected:
[ ] 23) Gmail API - Basic Settings (Filters,IMAP, Language, POP, Vacation) - read/write, Sharing Settings (Delegates, Forwarding, SendAs) - read [ ] 24) Gmail API - Full Access (Labels, Messages) [ ] 25) Gmail API - Full Access (Labels, Messages) except delete message [*] 26) Gmail API - Full Access - read only [ ] 27) Gmail API - Send Messages - including todrive [ ] 28) Gmail API - Sharing Settings (Delegates, Forwarding, SendAs) - write
### 6.67.10
Fixed bug that caused a trap when optional argument `charset <Charset>` was used with `emlfile <FileName>` in `gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|import|insert message`.
### 6.67.09
Added option `maxevents <Number>` to `gam report <ActivityApplictionName>` that limits
the number of events displayed for each activity; the default is 0, no limit.
Setting options `maxactivities 1 maxevents 1 maxresults 1` can be used to as efficiently as possible
show the most recent activity/event; this can be useful when reporting drive activity for individual drive files.
### 6.67.08
Added optional argument `charset <Charset>` to `emlfile <FileName>` in `gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|import|insert message`;
the default value is `ascii`.
### 6.67.07
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete message` to handle this error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Insufficient Permission
when the following service account scopes are selected:
[ ] 24) Gmail API - Full Access (Labels, Messages) [*] 25) Gmail API - Full Access (Labels, Messages) except delete message
### 6.67.06
Updated commands that create ACLs to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: abusiveContentRestriction - Bad Request. User message: "You cannot share this item because it has been flagged as inappropriate."
### 6.67.05
Updated the following commands:
gam create|delete|update delegate gam forward gam create|delete forwardingaddresses gam create|delete sendas
to handle this error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Insufficient Permission
when the following serice account scope is not enabled:
[ ] 28) Gmail API - Sharing Settings (Delegates, Forwarding, SendAs) - write
### 6.67.04
Updated user attribute `replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>` to allow `field:photourl` which allows
embedding a link to a user's photo in their signature. Formatting the signature HTML
to properly display the photo is left to the GAM admin.
### 6.67.03
Fixed bug introduced in 6.67.02 in `gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership` that caused a trap.
### 6.67.02
Added option `skipids <DriveFileEntity>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive` that handles special cases
where you want to prevent ownership from being transferred for selected files/folders.
Added option `skipids <DriveFileEntity>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile` that handles special cases
where you want to prevent selected files/folders from being copied.
Updated commands that create files/folders on Shared Drives to handle the following errors:
storageQuotaExceeded teamDriveFileLimitExceeded teamDriveHierarchyTooDeep
* See: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/7338880#shared_drives_file_folder_limits
### 6.67.01
Fixed bug in `gam print vaultcounts` that caused a trap.
### 6.67.00
Updated `gam <CrOSTypeEntity> update action <CrOSAction>` to use the new API function `batchChangeStatus`
that replaces the old API function `action`; ChromeOS devices are now processed in batches.
The batch size defaults to 10, the `actionbatchsize <Integer>` option can be used to set a batch size between 10 and 250.
Updated `gam create vaultexport matter <MatterItem>` to support `corpus calendar`.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Vault-Takeout#create-vault-exports
### 6.66.16
Added option `convertcrnl` to `gam update chromepolicy` to properly handle carriage returns (\r) and line feeds (\n)
in value strings entered on the command line in the `<Field> <Value>` form.
gam update chromepolicy convertcrnl chrome.devices.DisabledDeviceReturnInstructions deviceDisabledMessage "Please return device to:\nSchool\n123 Main Street\nAnytown US" ou /Path/to/OU
### 6.66.15
Added option `copysubfilesownedby any|me|others` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile` that allows
specification of which source folder sub files to copy based on file ownership; the default is `any`.
This only applies when files are being copied from a 'My Drive'.
### 6.66.14
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> modify messages` to recognize the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalid - Invalid label: SENT
Updated `gam update alias <EmailAddressEntity> user|group|target <EmailAddress>`
to avoid the following problem.
$ gam update alias [email protected] user testuser User Alias: [email protected], Deleted User Alias: [email protected], User: [email protected], Update Failed: Duplicate, Email Address: [email protected]
GAM updates an alias to point to a new target by deleting the alias and then recreating the alias pointing to the new target.
Unfortunately, if these commands are executed back-to-back; Google generates the `Update Failed: Duplicate` error.
Now, GAM waits 2 seconds between the delete and the insert which seems to eliminate the problem. If the problem persists,
the option `waitafterdelete <Integer>` can be used to increase the wait time to a maximum of 10 seconds.
### 6.66.13
Updated functionality of option `preservefiletimes` in `gam <UserTypeEntity> update drivefile <DriveFileEntity>`.
* Current
* `preservefiletimes localfile <FileName>` - `modifiedTime` of `<DriveFileEntity>` is set to that of `localfile <FileName>`
* `preservefiletimes` - No effect
* Updated
* `preservefiletimes localfile <FileName>` - `modifiedTime` of `<DriveFileEntity>` is set to that of `localfile <FileName>`
* `preservefiletimes` - `modifiedTime` of `<DriveFileEntity>` retains its current value
### 6.66.12
Upgraded to Python 3.12.1 where possible.
Updated all drive commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 401: Active session is invalid. Error code: 4 - authError
This is due to the Drive SDK API being disabled in the user's OU.
* See: https://support.google.com/a/answer/6105699
### 6.66.11
Fixed/improved handling of shortcuts in `gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive`.
### 6.66.10
Updated `gam create datatransfer` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 401: Active session is invalid. Error code: 4 - authError
### 6.66.09
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... allfields` that caused a trap
when `gam.cfg` contained `drive_v3_native_names = False`.
### 6.66.08
Added additional columns `isBase` and `baseId` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print fileparenttree`
to simplify processing the output in a script.
### 6.66.07
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print diskusage` that caused a trap.
### 6.66.06
Added a command the print the parent tree of file/folder.
gam print fileparenttree [todrive *] [stripcrsfromname]
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Display#display-file-parent-tree
### 6.66.05
Added column `space.name` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print chatmembers`.
### 6.66.04
Updated Chat info|show|print commands to display all time fields in local time if specified in `gam.cfg`.
### 6.66.03
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist select <DriveFileEntity>` where `stripcrsfromname` was not being
applied to files below the selected folder.
### 6.66.02
Updated device commmands to handle the following error caused by an invalid query.
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Request contains an invalid argument.
Added fields `deviceid` and `hostname` to `<DeviceFieldName>`.
### 6.66.01
Added the following variables to gam.cfg that allow control over whether `\` is used as an escape character
when reading/writing CSV files.
csv_input_no_escape_char - default value True csv_output_no_escape_char - default value False todrive_no_escape_char - default value True
When the value is True, `\` is ignored as an escape character; when the value is False,
`\\` on input is converted to `\`, `\` on output is converted to `\\`.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Special-Characters
### 6.66.00
Added support for `Focus Time` and `Out of Office` status events in user's primary calendars.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Calendars-Events#status-events
This is a work-in-progress.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages` to allow option `show_size` to be used with option `countsonly`
to display the cumulative size of the messages selected.
gam user [email protected] print messages query "newer_than:31d" countsonly showsize Getting all Messages for [email protected] Got 16 Messagess for [email protected]... User,messages,size [email protected],16,92806
### 6.65.17
Added the option `mappermissionsdomain <DomainName1> <DomainName2>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>`
that maps `<DomainName1>` to `<DomainName2>` in the `user <UserItem>)|(group <GroupItem>)|(domain <DomainName>)` options;
`<UserItem>` and `<GroupItem>` must specify email addresses for the mapping to succeed.
The option can be specified multiple times to provide different mappings. This option will be most useful
when reading a CSV file containing ACLs referencing `<DomainName1>` and you want a new ACL with the same options but in `<DomainName2>`.
### 6.65.16
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filecounts` where `Item Cap` showed an incorrect value.
Added option `addorigfieldstosubject` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> forward messages|threads` that causes GAM
to append the original `from`, `to` and `date` fields to the message subject.
Fwd: Ross to TestUser (Original From: Ross Scroggs [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 07:01:59 -0800)
### 6.65.15
Added additional options to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show youtubechannels`.
### 6.65.14
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile` that caused a trap.
UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'emailAddress' where it is not associated with a value
### 6.65.13
Added support for user language `en-CA`.
Added option `sizefield quotabytesused|size` to the following commands that specifies which
file size field to use when totaling file sizes; the default value is `quotabytesused`; previous versions used `size`.
gam print|show filecounts gam print filelist gam print|show filetree gam print diskusage
See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Display#file-size-fields
### 6.65.12
Additional updates on MacOS when a `gam csv` command is interrupted with a contol-C.
### 6.65.11
Updated multiprocessing to handle the following error that occurs on MacOS when a `gam csv` command
is interrupted with a contol-C.
multiprocessing/resource_tracker.py:224: UserWarning: resource_tracker: There appear to be N leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown
Fixed bug in `gam print|show crostelemetry` where no CrOS device data was displayed if no selection
options were chosen; now, data is displayed for all CrOS devices as documented.
### 6.65.10
Fixed bug in `gam print crostelemetry` that caused a trap: `KeyError: 'reportTime'`.
### 6.65.09
Added option `noduplicate` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefile` that causes GAM
to issue a warning and not perform the create if a non-trashed item with the same name (regardless of MIME type)
exists in the parent folder.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> get drivefile <DriveFileEntity>` to handle the following error
that seems to occur when multiple tabs from a Google sheet are being downloaded in parallel.
Download Failed: HTTP Error: 429
### 6.65.08
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam report <ActivityApplicationName>` that adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
Added option `shownoactivities` to `gam report <ActivityApplicationName>` that causes GAM to display
a row with a key value of `NoActivities` when there are no activities to report.
For example, to find Shared Drives with no activity, see: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Reports#find-shared-drives-with-no-activity
### 6.65.07
Updated `gam delete building` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 412: conditionNotMet - Cannot delete building because there are Calendar resources associated with it.
### 6.65.06
Improved error message when trying to add external students/teachers to a course.
gam courses 544906261666 add student [email protected] Course: 544906261666, Add 1 Student Course: 544906261666, Student: [email protected], Add Failed: 403: permissionDenied - @CannotDirectAddUser Unable to directly add the user to the course. Please check that the user account exists and is within the course admin's domain. Add external user with: gam user [email protected] create classroominvitation courses 544906261666 role Student
### 6.65.05
Updated `gam info users <UserTypeEntity>` to make option `grouptree` effective when used
with option `formatjson`.
Added option `[formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]`
to these commands so that event details are displayed in CSV format.
gam print|show grouptree gam print|show grouptree
Added option `querytime<String> <Date>` to all commands that process messages.
For example, you can identify all messages within a particular time period, in this case, all messages unread
in the last 30 days.
gam user [email protected] print messages querytime30d -30d query "after:#querytime30d# is:unread"
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> import|insert message` to allow `replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>` as documented.
Updated non-owner permission handling in `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile`.
### 6.65.04
Fixed bug where license SKU `1010020031` (Google Workspace Frontline Standard) was improperly entered making it unusable;
its alias `wsflwstan` was usable.
Added support for Google Workspace Additional Storage.
* ProductID - 101043
* SKUID - 1010430001 | gwas | plusstorage
### 6.65.03
Fixed bug in commands that display calendar events where event start and end times were not properly displayed
when `gam.cfg` had `timezone utc`. The API returns the start and end times expressed in the calendar timezone
but GAM replaced the timezone specifier with a `Z`; the date and time values were as expected. This became
a problem when event data was exported and used to create or update events.
### 6.65.02
Updated `gam print|show browsers` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
### 6.65.01
Added option `showmimetypesize` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts` and
`gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly` that displays the total file size for each MIME type.
### 6.65.00
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create contact <JSONData>` that caused a trap when
contacts were being copied from one user to another.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-People-Contacts-Profiles#copy-user-contacts-to-another-user
Updated the following commands to allow specification of a task list by its title.
::= tltitle: ::= "''(,'')*" ::= | | |
gam create task gam show tasks [tasklists ] gam print tasks [tasklists ] gam update tasklist gam delete tasklist gam clear tasklist gam info tasklist
Note the quoting in `<TasklistTitleList>`; the entire list should be enclosed in `"` and
each `tltitle:<String>` must be enclosed in `'` if `<String>` contains a space.
### 6.64.16
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create task <TasklistIDEntity>` that caused a trap
when an invalid TaskListID was specified.
### 6.64.15
Updated `lookerstudioassets|lookerstudiopermissions` commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 500: internalError - Internal error encountered.
### 6.64.14
Cleaned up and renamed `gam info appdetails` to `gam info chromeapp`.
### 6.64.13
Added command to get customer app details.
gam info appdetails android|chrome|web [formatjson]
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Chrome-Installed-Apps
### 6.64.12
Upgraded to Python 3.12.0 where possible.
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.3 where possible.
### 6.64.11
Added support for Google Workspace Labs license.
* ProductID - 101047
* SKUID - 1010470002 | gwlabs | workspacelabs
### 6.64.10
Fixed bug introduced in 6.64.09 that caused a trap when `gam redirect csv <FileName> multiprocess` was used.
### 6.64.09
Eliminated extraneous `permisssions.0.xxxx` headers in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... oneitemperrow`
that appeared when some user in `<UserTypeEntity>` had no files to display.
### 6.64.08
Fixed bug in `redirect csv - todrive tdtitle "File Title" tdsheettitle "Sheet Title"` where
"Sheet Title" was not assigned to the new sheet.
### 6.64.07
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: targetUserRoleLimitedByLicenseRestriction - Cannot set the requested role for that user as they lack the necessary license
### 6.64.06
Added fields `devicelicensetype` and `osupdatestatus` to `<CrOSFieldName>`.
### 6.64.05
Added `matchfield organizerself <Boolean>` to `<EventMatchProperty>` to simplify selecting events
where the user in the following commands is/is not the organizer of the event.
gam update events [] gam delete events [] gam purge events [] gam move events [] gam info events [] gam show events [] gam print events [] gam update calattendees
### 6.64.04
Updated `gam calendars <CalendarEntity> move events` and `gam <UserTypeEntity> move events <UserCalendarEntity>`
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: badRequest - Bad Request
### 6.64.03
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> get drivefile` to allow downloading Jamboard files; they must be downloaded with `format pdf`.
### 6.64.02
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: Bad Request. User message: "The action cannot be performed on an item of mime-type: application/vnd.google-apps.shortcut" - invalidSharingRequest
### 6.64.01
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show youtubechannels` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: unsupportedSupervisedAccount - Access Forbidden. The authenticated user cannot access this service.
### 6.64.00
Added support for displaying users YouTube channels.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-YouTube
### 6.63.19
Fixed bug in `gam print vacation` where `endDate` value was not converted to `yyyy-mm-dd` format.
### 6.63.18
Updated `gam print|show ownership` to show the correct file owner when the most recent event is `change_owner`.
### 6.63.17
Added support for Duet AI license.
* ProductID - 101047
* SKUID - 1010470001 | duetai
Added `api_call_tries_limit` variable to `gam.cfg` that limits the number of tries
for Google API calls that return an error that indicates a retry should be performed.
The default value is 10 and the range of allowable values is 3-10.
### 6.63.16
Arguments `noinherit`, `blockinheritance` and `blockinheritance true` have been removed from the following
commands due to an upcoming API change that no longer allows blocking OU setting inheritance.
Arguments `inherit` and `blockinheritance false` are still valid.
gam create org gam update org gam update orgs
### 6.63.15
Added `print_cros_ous` and `print_cros_ous_and_children` variables to `gam.cfg` that provide a default list of OUs for these commands:
gam print cros gam print crosactivity
Updated `group` commands that manage members to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
Updated Data Studio to Looker Studio; added the following command synonyms:
* `lookerstudioassets` for `datastudioassets`
* 'lookerstudiopermissions` for `datastudiopermissions`
Corrected error message in `gam add datastudiopermissions`:
* Old -`ERROR: Missing argument: Expected <DataStudioAssetMembersEntity>`
* New - `ERROR: Missing argument: Expected <LookerStudioPermissionEntity>
### 6.63.14
Added option `verifyorganizer [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile`. When a copy/move
operation involves a Shared Drive, GAM verifies that the user is an organizer. Unfortunatley, this fails
when the user is not a direct organizer but is a member of a group that is an organizer. Specifying
`verifyorganizer false` suppresses the verification.
Updated the following commands to be able to specify a list of domains rather than a single domain:
gam print aliases gam print groups gam print|show group-members gam print users
Added `print_agu_domains` variable to `gam.cfg` that provides a default list of domains for these commands.
When multiple domains are specified and a query/queries are specified, an API call is made for each domain/query combination.
$ gam print users domains school.org,students.school.org queries "'email:admin*','email:test*'" Getting all Users that match query (domain=school.org, query="email:admin*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account... Got 3 Users: [email protected] - [email protected] Getting all Users that match query (domain=school.org, query="email:test*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account... Got 20 Users: [email protected] - [email protected] Getting all Users that match query (domain=students.school.org, query="email:admin*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account... Got 1 User: [email protected] - [email protected] Getting all Users that match query (domain=students.school.org, query="email:test*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account... Got 1 User: [email protected] - [email protected] primaryEmail ...
### 6.63.13
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... showdrivename` and `gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity> ... showdrivename`
to show the actual name of Shared Drives in other domains rather than `Drive`.
### 6.63.12
Updated commands that call the Reports API (including `gam info domain`) to handle a change
in the Reports API that generated the following warning:
WARNING: End date greater than LastReportedDate.
Added option `showdeleted [<Boolean>]' to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show chatmessages`.
### 6.63.11
Added option `ou_and_children <OrgUnitItem>` to `gam print|show crostelemetry` to simplify getting
telemetry data for all ChromeOS devices in an OU and its children.
### 6.63.10
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to these commands. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output
when the `csv` option is used. If a CSV file of calendar information is being used to specify the calenders, fields, e.g., summary
can be added to the ACL output file.
gam print calendaracls gam resource print calendaracls gam resources print calendaracls gam calendar printacl gam calendars print acls
Added commands to show the number of CrOS devices or Users in an entity.
gam show count gam show count
Updated `gam create project` to prompt user to mark `GAM Project Creation` as a trusted app.
### 6.63.09
Updated `gam create teamdrive` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: userCannotCreateTeamDrives - The authenticated user cannot create new shared drives.
### 6.63.08
Updated `cigroup` commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Request contains an invalid argument.
### 6.63.07
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> append sheetrange` that caused a trap when appending to an empty sheet.
Upgraded to Python 3.11.5 where possible.
### 6.63.06
Updated `cigroup` commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
### 6.63.05
Updated `inboundsso` commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
### 6.63.04
Added option `ignorerole` to `gam update groups|cigroups <GroupEntity> sync [<GroupRole>|ignorerole] ... <UserTypeEntity>` that causes GAM
to remove members regardless of role and add new members with role MEMBER. This is a special purpose option, use with caution
and ensure that `<UserTypeEntity>` specifies the full desired membership list of all roles.
### 6.63.03
Added option `externalusersallowed <Boolean>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatspace`
that allows creation of chat spaces that allow external users.
Updated commands that process chat members to allow external users.
### 6.63.02
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans` where shortcuts were being created unnecessarily
when `useshortcuts` was false; either by default or when explicitly set.
### 6.63.01
Added `process_wait_limit` variable to `gam.cfg` that controls how long (in seconds) GAM should wait for all batch|csv processes to complete
after all have been started. If the limit is reached, GAM terminates any remaining processes. The default is 0 which specifies no limit.
Following Jay's lead, added option `alwaysevict` to `gam create|update user` that is used to specify GAM's
behavior when `verifynotinvitable` is not specified and there is a conflict with an unmanaged account.
By default, when creating a user that has a conflict with an unmanaged account, GAM will honor the setting on this page:
* https://admin.google.com/ac/accountsettings/conflictaccountmanagement
Specifying `alwaysevict` forces GAM to select this setting: `Replace conflicting unmanaged accounts with managed ones`
With `gam update user`, `alwaysevict` only applies if `createifnotfound` is specified and the user was not found to update and must be created.
### 6.63.00
Added support for calendar working location events.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Calendars-Events#working-location-events
### 6.62.08
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to these commands. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output
when the `csv` option is used.
gam create contact gam create contact gam create contactgroup
### 6.62.07
Added option `csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]` to these commands that causes GAM to output
the contact creator and contact ID in CSV form. This will be useful when bulk contacts are created.
Added `returnidonly` to these commands that causes GAM to return just the
contact ID as output. This will be useful in scripts that create a contact and then
want to perform subsequent GAM commands on the contact.
gam create contact gam create contact gam create contactgroup
### 6.62.06
Added output `Item cap` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filecounts select select <SharedDriveEntity>` that
displays the total number of files/folders on the Shared Drive divided by 400000, the maximum number of file/folders on a Shared Drive.
### 6.62.05
Added progress messages (suppressible) to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print diskusage`.
### 6.62.04
Added command `gam <UserTypeEntity> print diskusage` to display disk usage by folder.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Display#display-disk-usage
### 6.62.03
Handled Google Directory API bug in `gam print groups` that caused a trap.
### 6.62.02
Fixed bug introduced in 6.62.01 that caused a trap that broke `redirect csv ... multiprocess`.
My apologies.
### 6.62.01
Updated code so that when `gam.cfg` variables `csv_output_timestamp_column` and `output_timeformat` are both specified,
the timestamp is output in the alternate output time format.
### 6.62.00
Added `output_dateformat` and `output_timeformat` variables to `gam.cfg` that provide alternate
output date and time formats that may be required by programs that will be processing the data.
GAM will not accept alternate date/time formats as input.
* See: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes
### 6.61.21
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> empty drivetrash <SharedDriveEntity>` to use new Drive API v3
functionality for emptying the trash of a Shared Drive with a single API call. Previously, GAM had to purge each
individual file and folder in the trash.
### 6.61.20
Remove `audit.googleapis.com` from the list of project APIs.
### 6.61.19
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show chatmembers <ChatSpace>` that caused a trap.
### 6.61.18
Added the following options to `gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create shareddrive` to allow better control
of the create/update process when attributes other than `themeid` are specified.
errorretries - Number of create/update error retries; default value 5, range 0-10 updateinitialdelay - Initial delay after create before update: default value 10, range 0-60 updateretrydelay - Retry delay when update fails; default value 10, range 0-60
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Shared-Drives#create-a-shared-drive
### 6.61.17
Updated `gam print|show vaultexports|vaultholds|vaultqueries` to not set a non-zero return code
when a vault matter changes state from `OPEN` to `CLOSED|DELETED` while the command is being processed.
Updated `gam create shareddrive <Name> ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
It's not clear what causes the error.
### 6.61.16
Added the following license SKUs.
1010060005 - Google Workspace Essentials Plus 1010020031 - Google Workspace Frontline Standard 1010340005 - Google Workspace Business Starter - Archived User 1010340006 - Google Workspace Business Standard - Archived User
### 6.61.15
Added option `contentrestrictions ownerrestricted [<Boolean>]` to `<DriveFileAttribute>`.
### 6.61.14
Added `aggregatebyuser [Boolean]` option to `gam report user` to allow data aggregation for users across multiple dates.
Options `aggregatebyuser` and `aggregatebydate` are mutually exclusive.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Reports#user-reports
### 6.61.13
Added commands to display Analytic UA properties.
gam print analyticuaproperties [todrive *] accountid [accounts/] [maxresults ] [formatjson [quotechar ]] gam show analyticuaproperties accountid [accounts/] [maxresults ] [formatjson]
### 6.61.12
Updated `gam print|show vaultexports|vaultholds|vaultqueries` to handle the case
where a vault matter changes state from `OPEN` to `CLOSED|DELETED` while the command is being processed.
### 6.61.11
Added option `returnidonly` to `gam create vaultexport|vaulthold|vaultmatter`
that causes GAM to return just the ID of the item created as output.
### 6.61.10
Fixed bug in `gam oauth create admin <EmailAddress>` which caused no scopes to be selected.
### 6.61.09
Updated `gam oauth create` to handle case where Google takes a very long time to respond
after you have allowed access to the scopes.
### 6.61.08
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print messages showlabels` to include a column `LabelsCount` to
display the number of labels a message has. Use option `useronly` to limit the labels to user labels.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print messages` to display these columns, if applicable, as the
last columns in the CSV file.
SizeEstimate, LabelsCount, Labels, Snippet, Body
### 6.61.07
Improved action messages in `gam update org|ou <OrgUnitItem> sync <UserTypeEntity> [removetoou <OrgUnitItem>]`.
### 6.61.06
Added option `csv` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> check group|groups` that displays
the results in CSV format.
$ gam user testuser check groups csv testgroup1,testgroup2,alladmin User: [email protected], Check in 3 Groups user,group,role [email protected],[email protected],Not a MEMBER|OWNER|MANAGER [email protected],[email protected],MEMBER [email protected],[email protected],MANAGER
### 6.61.05
Fixed bug in `gam print contacts` that caused a trap when `show_gettings = False` in gam.cfg.
### 6.61.04
Updated `gam create shareddrive <Name>` to wait longer between creating the Drive
and updating any attributes that could not be specified as part of the creation; i.e.,
`<SharedDriveRestrictionsFieldName>`, `hidden`, `customtheme`, `color` and `orgunit`.
The initial wait is 30 seconds. Previously, GAM was not waiting long enough;
the Drive would be created but the update would fail; the attributes were not set.
### 6.61.03
Updated processing of `<UserMultiAttribute> externalid` to allow an empty `custom` type.
externalid account|customer|login_id|network|organization|(custom )|
These are equivalent ways of expressing an empty custom type:
externalid "" "Value" externalid custom "" "Value"
### 6.61.02
Fixed bug in `gam update groups <GroupEntity> sync` introduced in 6.60.31 that caused this error:
ERROR: 409: generic409 - Member already exists.
### 6.61.01
Added option `noactionifalias` to `gam delete groups <GroupEntity>` that prevents GAM from deleting a
group if `<GroupEntity>` specifies an alias rather than a primary email address.
### 6.61.00
Following Jay's lead, added `no_short_urls` variable to `gam.cfg`. When false, the long scopes URLs in `gam oauth create` and
`gam <UserTypeEntity> check|update serviceaccount` will be shortened at the site `https://gam-shortn.appspot.com`; the shortened
URL redirects to the long URL. For existing configurations, `no_short_urls` defaults to true; the long URLs are used as is.
For new configurations the `no_short_urls` defaults to false unless there is a file named `noshorturls.txt` in the folder
specified by the environment variable `OLDGAMPATH`.
### 6.60.31
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam print forms|formresponses`. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
This can be used to combine form information from several GAM commands.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Forms#combine-form-information
Following Jay's lead, projects can now be created with consumer accounts.
### 6.60.30
Added option `countsonly` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show formresponses` that causes GAM to display
the number of responses to a form rather than displaying the response details.
### 6.60.29
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|print emptydrivefolders` to show the path to the deleted folder
rather than just its name. Added an option to allow a starting point other that the root of My Drive or a Shared Drive.
Improved the commands performance.
### 6.60.28
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly showsource stripcrsfromname` where
carriage returns, linefeeds and nulls were not stripped from file names.
### 6.60.27
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly` to process `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>`.
Additional fields are added before `Size` if present, otherwise `Total`.
### 6.60.26
Added option `orgunit|org|ou <OrgUnitPath>` to `gam print|show teamdrives` that limits the display
to Shared Drives in the specified Org Unit.
### 6.60.25
Added option `orgunit|org|ou <OrgUnitPath>` to `gam print|show teamdriveacls` that limits the display
of permissions to Shared Drives in the specified Org Unit.
### 6.60.24
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> info|show|print chatmessages` to show the sender email address
when the sender is a human.
### 6.60.23
Fixed bug in `config csv_input_row_filter|csv_output_row_filter` where "field:date<today" was being processed
as "field:date<=today" and "field:date>=today" was being processeed as "field:date>today".
### 6.60.22
Added option `pathdelimiter <Character>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath` to simplify
specifying folder paths where a folder name contains a `/`. In the example, some folder has a '/' in it's name
so specifying `pathdelimiter "|"` allows `fullpath` to be properly processed. `pathdelimiter` defaults to '/'.
gam user [email protected] create drivefolderpath pathdelimiter "|" fullpath "My Drive|Top Folder|Middle/Folder|Bottom Folder"
### 6.60.21
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|create|update drivefile` where processing the following `<DriveFileAttribute>` attributes
was not correct. Previously, if multiple properties of the same visibility were specified, only the first was processed;
now, all values are processed.
privateproperty publicproperty property [private|public]
### 6.60.20
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> get document|drivefile <DriveFileEntity>` to handle shortcuts by downloading
the file that the shortcut references as the shortcut itself is not downloadable. If you do not want
this behavior and want GAM to report an error, use the option `donotfollowshortcuts`.
### 6.60.19
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> archive messages` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.
### 6.60.18
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tokens` to handle the following error that occurs
when a group email address is specified rather than a user email address.
ERROR: 400: badRequest - Type not supported: userKey
### 6.60.17
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile` that caused an error when moving the contents
of a source Shared Drive to a target Shared Drive when `mergewithparents` was not specified or was
explicitly set False.
### 6.60.16
Updated commands that create files to handle the following error:
403: storageQuotaExceeded - The user's Drive storage quota has been exceeded.
### 6.60.15
Updated `gam print chromesnvalidity` to do case insenstitive serial number comparisons.
### 6.60.14
Added command to help verify Chrome device serial number validity.
gam print chromesnvalidity [todrive *] cros_sn [listlimit ] [delimiter ]
See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/ChromeOS-Devices#check-chromeos-device-serial-number-validity
### 6.60.13
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show chatspaces` to handle the following error:
Error: 403: permissionDenied - Permission denied to perform the requested action on the specified resource
### 6.60.12
Added option `tdretaintitle [<Boolean>]` that, when `True` (the default) and used with `tdfileid <DriveFileID>`,
causes GAM to not modify the CSV filename.
### 6.60.11
Fixed bug in `gam print addresses` where non-editable user/group aliases were not displayed.
### 6.60.10
Added a command to get information about a direct message chat space between two users.
gam info chatspacedm [formatjson]
### 6.60.09
Added option `csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]]`
to these commands so that event details are displayed in CSV format.
gam calendar|calendars create|import|update event gam create|import|update event
Added option `additionalmembers [<GroupRole>] <EmailAddressEntity>` to `gam update group|groups <GroupEntity> sync`
that can be used to specify members in addition to those specified with `<UserTypeEntity>`.
gam update group [email protected] sync member additionalmembers [email protected] ou /Teachers
Added commands to display Analytic account/property/datastream information.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Analytics-Admin
### 6.60.08
Upgraded to Python 3.11.4 where possible.
### 6.60.07
Simplified specifying a Chat space name; previously, the `space` keyword was required;
now, it can be omittted and you can just enter `spaces/<String>`.
::= spaces/ | space | space spaces/
### 6.60.06
Fixed bug in `gam print aliases` that caused a trap.
### 6.60.05
Updated Chrome Policy commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - The caller does not have permission.
### 6.60.04
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>` to disallow copying/moving
a folder into itself.
### 6.60.03
Updated commands to delete chatmembers; `delete chatmembers` now deletes members by
specifying a chat space and user email addresses; `remove chatmembers` deletes members by
specifying chatmember names.
gam delete chatmember space ((user )|(members ))+ gam remove chatmember members
### 6.60.02
Added option `<ChatContent>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatspace` to allow sending an initial message
to the newly created chatspace.
### 6.60.01
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create chatspace` to support chatspace types `GROUP_CHAT` and `DIRECT_MESSAGE`
and to allow specification of members.
### 6.60.00
Added initial support for user chat spaces. This is a work in progress, test and report any problems.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Chat
Improved performance of `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|move|update othercontacts`.
Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.1 where possible.
### 6.59.18
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> update drivefile <DriveFileEntity>` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: fileWriterTeamDriveMoveInDisabled - The domain administrator has not allowed writers to move items into a shared drive.
### 6.59.17
Added option `pathdelimiter <Character>` to the following commands that causes GAM to separate
components in a folder path with `<Character>` rather than the default character `/`.
This can help avoid confusion when Google folder names contain a `/`.
Previously, on Windows, path components were separated by `\\` when written to a CSV file and
`\` when written to stdout; now, `/` or `<Character>` will be used in all cases.
gam info drivefile gam show fileinfo gam print filelist gam print|show filepaths gam transfer ownership gam claim ownership
### 6.59.16
Updated `<GroupSettingsAttribute> whocancontactowner` to include option `all_owners_can_contact`.
### 6.59.15
Updated error reporting in `gam delete|update chromepolicy <SchemaName>` to show the `<SchemaName>` as originally entered
when an unknown `<SchemaName>` is specified; previously, it was shown in lowercase which could cause confusion.
Updated column order in `gam print chromeschemas` to move `schemaName`, `policyDescription` and `policyApiLifecycle.*`
to follow column `name`.
Added columns `policyDescription` and `policyApiLifecycleStage` to `gam print chromeschemas formatjson`
to follow column `name`.
### 6.59.14
Improve bug fix for `gam <UserTypeEntity> print groups|grouptree|groupslist`.
### 6.59.13
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print groups|grouptree|groupslist` that caused the following
error whan an email address contained an apostrophe.
WARNING: Got 0 Groups: Invalid Member - test.o'[email protected]
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts ... filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem>` that returned
no contatcs when neither `allfields` or `fields <PeopleFieldNameList>` was specifiecd.
### 6.59.12
Fixed bug in `gam create user <EmailAddress> ... immutableous <OrgUnitEntity> ... createifnotfound`
that generated the following error when the user `<EmailAddress>` did not exist and needed to be created.
User: , Service not applicable/Does not exist
### 6.59.11
Updated `gam print|show chromepolicies` to query the following nameapaces when
`namespace <NamespaceList>` is not specified. Previously, only the namespaces
marked with a `*` were queried. `chrome.devices.managedguest` was added in 6.59.10.
chrome.users * chrome.users.apps * chrome.users.appsconfig chrome.devices * chrome.devices.kiosk * chrome.devices.kiosk.apps chrome.devices.managedguest * chrome.devices.managedguest.apps chrome.networks.cellular chrome.networks.certificates chrome.networks.ethernet chrome.networks.globalsettings chrome.networks.vpn chrome.networks.wifi chrome.printers chrome.printservers
### 6.59.10
Fixed bug in `gam print|show chromepolicies` where policies in namespace `chrome.devices.managedguest`
were not displayed unless it was specified in `namespace <NamespaceList>`.
Improved error messages in `gam <UserTypeEntity> move events`.
### 6.59.09
Added option `addnumericsuffixonduplicate <Number>` to `gam create user <EmailAddress>` that
will attempt to create a unique `<EmailAddress>` when the original value is a duplicate user address.
If `<EmailAddress>` is `<String>@<DomainName>`, up to `<Number>` attempts will be made
to create a unique `<EmailAddress>`; `<Number>` defaults to 0.
1@ 2@ ...
### 6.59.08
Fixed bug in `csv_output_row_filter "FieldName:date<Operator>Never"` that didn't properly detect matches.
For example, the following command would not display users that had never logged in.
gam config csv_output_row_filter "lastLoginTime:date=Never" print users lastlogintime
### 6.59.07
Added option `immutableous <OrgUnitEntity>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> update user ... org <OrgUnitPath>` that
does not update the user's OU to `<OrgUnitPath>` if `<OrgUnitPath>` appears in `<OrgUnitEntity>`. All other
fields are updated.
This can be used when a SIS outputs user data to be updated but students temporarily in special purpose
OUs should not be updated to the SIS specified OU. `<OrgUnitEntity>` and `<OrgUnitPath>` must both
specify OU paths, not IDs.
gam csv SISdata.csv gam update user "~primaryEmail" suspended off firstname "~First Name" lastname "~Last Name" ou "~OU" immutableous "'/Students/Lower School/Restricted,'/Students/Middle School/Restricted'"
### 6.59.06
Added option `sources <PeopleProfileSourceNameList>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show peopleprofile`
that allows specification of the sources of the data to display. By default, data from all sources is displayed.
::= account|accounts| domain|domains| profile|profiles ::= "(,)*"
Added option `updatefilepermissions [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>`.
Previously, file permissions were not updated in the command; now, when `updatefilepermissions` is true,
file permissions will be removed/created as specified by the following noptions:
excludepermissionsfromdomains includepermissionsfromdomains mappermissionsdomain
Additionally, permissions referencing deleted groups/users will be removed.
The permissions are updated on the file before it is moved.
Test before using in production.
### 6.59.05
Added option `includepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>` to the following commands
that copies only those permissions that reference any domain in `<DomainNameList>`.
It is mutually exclusive with `exludepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>`.
gam copy|sync teamdriveacls gam copy|sync teamdriveacls gam copy|move drivefile
### 6.59.04
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filesharecounts` where ACLs for deleted user/groups
were miscounted as external shares.
### 6.59.03
Cleaned up `Getting/Got` messages for several commands.
Improved performance of `gam print admins`.
### 6.59.02
Updated the Analytic account/property commands to use service account access so that data
can be retrieved for any user.
Fixed bug where the Analytics Admin API was not being added in `gam update project`
forcing you to manually enable it.
### 6.59.01
Updated `gam checkconnection` to check connections to the following sites:
Contacts API - Domain Shared Contacts - www.google.com Email Audit API - apps-apis.google.com Sites API - sites.google.com
### 6.59.00
Added commands to display Analytic account/property information.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Analytics-Admin
### 6.58.03
Fixed bug in `gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print shareddriveacls oneitemperrow shownopermissionsdrives true`
where the Shared Drives with no ACLs were not shown; they were shown if `oneitemperrow` was omitted.
### 6.58.02
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... filepath|fullpath` to not display parent information
for orphans. Previously, GAM would incorrectly display:
...,parents,parents.0.id,parents.0.isRoot,... ...,1,Orphans,False,...
Now the corrected display is:
...,parents,parents.0.id,parents.0.isRoot,... ...,,,,...
This change makes the output the same as when `filepath|fullpath` is omitted.
### 6.58.01
Added the following options to tag replace processing to allow control of the case of replacement data.
You can control the case of the letters in `replace <Tag> <String>` and `replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>`.
* `{PC}...{Tag1}...{Tag2}...{/PC}` - For all sequences of letters between `{PC}` and `{/PC}`, the first letter is converted to uppercase, subsequent letters to lowercase.
* `{UC}...{Tag1}...{Tag2}...{/UC}` - All letters between `{UC}` and `{/UC}` will be converted to uppercase
* `{LC}...{Tag1}...{Tag2}...{/LC}` - All letters between `{LC}` and `{/LC}` will be converted to lowercase
### 6.58.00
Added `license_max_results` variable to `gam.cfg`. When retrieving licenses from License API,
this variable controls how many should be retrieved in each chunk. The default value is 100; the range is 100-1000.
As of 2023-04-27, larger numbers cause Google to return an incorrect numbert of licenses.
### 6.57.11
Fixed bug where the `csv_output_header_force` variable in `gam.cfg` was being interpreted as
a list of `<RegularExpressions>` rather than a list of `<Strings>` as documented.
### 6.57.10
When doing commands similar to these:
gam redirect csv - multiprocess todrive csv Users.csv gam user "~primaryEmail" print filelist ... gam config auto_batch_min 1 redirect csv - multiprocess todrive print filelist ...
GAM was including the name of the last user processed in the title of the uploaded Google Sheet;
as this is not accurate, it has been eliminated.
### 6.57.09
Added `emailaddresslist <EmailAddressList>` to `<PermissionMatch>` that allows matching any email address in a list.
### 6.57.08
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts|othercontacts` to retry the following error:
serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
### 6.57.07
Updated code to recognize the following Google Drive API error that is issued when Google
doesn't recognize an email address as valid.
$ gam user [email protected] print filelist query "'[email protected]' in writers" fields id,name Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and ('[email protected]' in writers)) for [email protected]
ERROR: 400: badRequest - Bad Request $ gam user [email protected] print filelist query "'[email protected]' in writers" fields id,name Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and ('[email protected]' in writers)) for [email protected] Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners and ('[email protected]' in writers)) for [email protected]... Owner,id,name
### 6.57.06
Added `inherited <Boolean>` to `<PermissionMatch>` that applies only to Shared Drive files/folders;
this makes it easy to identify files/folders on Shared Drive with non-inherited permissions.
gam user [email protected] print filelist select teamdriveid fields id,name,mimetype pm inherited false em pmfilter oneitemperrow
This clause will always cause a permission match failure on My Drive files/folders.
### 6.57.05
Updated `gam batch <BatchContent>` and `gam tbatch <BatchContent>` commands to accept lines with the following form:
clear keyword
This can improve performance as subsequent lines in `<BatchContent>` will not be scanned for `%keyword%`.
### 6.57.04
Updated `gam batch <BatchContent>` and `gam tbatch <BatchContent>` commands to accept lines with the following form:
set keyword value
Subsequent lines in `<BatchContent>` will have `%keyword%` replaced with `value`.
### 6.57.03
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show contacts|othercontacts` and
`gam info|print|show peoplecontacts|peopleprofiles` to default to displaying the fields `names,emailaddresses,phonenumbers`
as documented rather than all fields.
### 6.57.02
Following Jay's lead, removed Google bug (237397223) workaround code in
`gam print devices|deviceusers|crostelemetry` as the bug is now fixed.
### 6.57.01
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> vacation` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - Precondition check failed.
What the error means is unknown to me at the moment.
Updated GAM so that when the current project ID is required, it will first try to get it from oauth2service.json and
if not successful, try to get it from client_secrets.json. There are cases, e.g., when DASA is enabled,
that client_secrets.json is not present.
Previously, GAM checked for the existence of client_secrets.json on every command; this check has been
eliminated as the file is only required by `gam oauth create`.
### 6.57.00
Following Jay's lead, updated `gam create admin` to allow assignment of a delegated admin role to a group.
Updated `gam print admins` to display whether a role is assigned to a user or a group.
Updated version number to align with Standard GAM.
### 6.54.06
Added options `users <EmailAddressList>` and `groups <EmailAddressList>` to `gam print aliases` that is more
efficient for getting aliases for specific users and groups.
Added option `select <UserTypeEntity>` to `gam print aliases` that allows specification of a list users by `<UserTypeEntity>`;
e.g., a group or an org unit.
Added option `delimiter <Character>` to `gam print aliases` that is applicable when option `onerowpertarget` is specified.
Previously, multiple aliases were separated by a space character. Now, by default, the aliases are separated by the `csv_output_field_delimiter' from `gam.cfg`.
The option `delimiter <Character>` overrides that value.
### 6.54.05
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam print aliases`. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
This can be used when printing aliases for departed employees to indicate the new target for the user's alises. Subsequent
commands using the CSV file can reassign the aliases to the new target.
### 6.54.04
Updated `gam print|show channelcustomerentitlements` to handle the following error when
none of `gam.cfg/channel_customer_id` or command line arguments `channelcustomerid` or `name` are set.
ERROR: Parameter "parent" value "accounts/C03kt1789/customers/" does not match the pattern "^accounts/[^/]+/customers/[^/]+$"
### 6.54.03
By special request, British spelling of various keywords/arguments is now available.
backgroundcolor backgroundcolour color colour colorindex colourindex costcenter costcentre fileorganizer fileorganiser foregroundcolor foregroundcolour license licence licenses licences nolicenses nolicences organization organisation organizationname organisationname organizations organisations organizer organiser organizeremail organiseremail organizername organisername textcolor textcolour
### 6.54.02
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> get photo` and `gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto` to inspect the
photo data and add the appropriate extension: `jpg`, `png`, `gif`. If the type of the photo can't be
determined, `img` is used as the extenstion. If you use `[filename <FileNamePattern>]`, `#ext#` will be replaced
with the extension.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> [create|add] sendas <EmailAddress> [name] <String>` to allow the
optional argument `name` before `<String>` to make clear that `<String>` is the sendas display name.
### 6.54.01
Added commands to export messages/threads in EML/raw format.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Gmail-Messages-Threads#export-messagesthreads
### 6.54.00
Following Jay's lead, updated `gam delete inboundssoassignment <SSOAssignmentSelector>` to allow
more flexibility in selecting assignments to delete.
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filesharecounts` that would cause a trap.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... fullpath showparent` and `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filepath`
to properly display the file path of My Drive.
Upgraded to Python 3.11.3 where possible.
Added commands to create and delete Chrome networks.
gam create chromenetwork gam delete chromenetwork
### 6.53.03
`gam gam print|show svcaccts` now requires password authentication.
### 6.53.02
Added commands to display the share type counts of a user's files.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Display#display-file-share-counts
### 6.53.01
Following Jay's lead, added instructions to `gam create project` to have GAM be a trusted app.
### 6.53.00
Updated build steps to avoid trap with `gam create project` on M1 Macs.
Added option `noshowtextplain` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> show messages|threads` that suppresses
the default display of `text/plain` attachment content when `showattachments` is specified.
### 6.52.08
Added `maximumfilesize <Integer>` to the following commands to allow selection of files with content of size <= `<Integer>`.
gam print filelist gam print|show filetree gam print|show filecounts
Added field `workinglocationproperties` to `<EventFieldName>`.
* See: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/03/manage-working-location-feature-with-calendar-api.html
### 6.52.07
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile` that caused the following error:
ERROR: 403: parentNotAFolder - The specified parent is not a folder.
Current time is now printed in `gam version`.
### 6.52.06
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefile` to handle the following error that occurs when an attempt is
made to create/move a third-party shortcut on/to a Shared Drive.
ERROR: 403: teamDrivesShortcutFileNotSupported - The application associated with this third-party shortcut file does not support shared drives.
### 6.52.05
Added option `formatjson` to all commands that display Vault Matters, Exports, Holds adn Saved Queries.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile` to handle the following error that occurs when an attempt is
made to move a third-party shortcut to a Shared Drive.
ERROR: 403: teamDrivesShortcutFileNotSupported - The application associated with this third-party shortcut file does not support shared drives.
### 6.52.04
Fixed bug in `gam info vaultquery` and `gam print|show vaultqueries` that caused a trap
when the `query` field was omitted from the `fields <VaultQueryFieldNameList>`.
### 6.52.03
Added commands to display Vault Matter saved queries.
gam info vaultquery matter [fields ] [shownames] gam info vaultquery [fields ] [shownames] gam print vaultqueries [todrive *] [matters ] [fields ] [shownames] gam show vaultqueries [matters ] [fields ] [shownames]
Updated `gam info resoldcustomer <CustomerID>` to display the customer primary email.
Following Jay's lead, the following scopes will be off by default as changes to Google Cloud session control
may require frequent use of `gam aouth create`.
* See: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/03/google-cloud-session-length-default-update.html
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Authorization#introduction
[ ] 21) Cloud Storage API (Read, Vault/Takeout Download) [ ] 22) Cloud Storage API (Write, Vault/Takeout Copy)
### 6.52.02
Following Jay's lead, added the following License SKUs:
1010380001 - AppSheet Core 1010380002 - AppSheet Enterprise Standard 1010380003 - AppSheet Enterprise Plus
### 6.52.01
Fixed bug where `API calls retry data` was displaying incorrect values when processing CSV files.
### 6.52.00
Updated process handling for `gam batch|csv`.
### 6.51.08
Updated `gam create|update user <EmailAddress> ... <JSONData>` to exclude additional fields
from the JSON data that can't be copied; the following error was displayed:
User: [email protected], Create Failed: Invalid Input: Bad request for
### 6.51.07
Fixed bug introduced in 6.51.06 that caused a trap in `gam create project`.
### 6.51.06
Following Jay's lead, added option `validityhours <Number>` to `gam create|replace|update sakeys` and `gam rotate sakey`
that let's you set the length of time a Service Account key is valid.
### 6.51.05
With input from Jay, further upgraded `gam <UserTypeEntity> check serviceaccount` to avoid a trap when a proxy is being used.
### 6.51.04
Upgraded `gam <UserTypeEntity> check serviceaccount` to avoid a trap when a proxy is being used.
### 6.51.03
* Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.1.0 where possible.
### 6.51.02
Added support for `externalid`, `im`, `posix`, `relation`, `sshkeys` and `website` subfields in `gam <UserTypeEntity> signature` and
`gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update sendas` option `replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>`.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Tag-Replace
### 6.51.01
Added option `nogcspath` to `gam download storagefile <StorageBucketObjectName>` that causes GAM
to store the downloaded file directly into the target folder without any Google Cloud Storage path information.
### 6.51.00
Added the ability to read data from Google Cloud Storage bucket objects.
::= ::= ::= https://storage.cloud.google.com//| https://storage.googleapis.com//| gs:///| /
Anywhere you can enter `gdoc|ghtml <UserGoogleDoc>)` you can enter `gcsdoc|gcshtml <StorageBucketObjectName>`.
Anywhere you can enter `gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>)` you can enter `gcscsv <StorageBucketObjectName>`.
The Type of the Cloud Storage bucket objects must match the option keyword.
* gcsdoc - text/plain
* gcshtml - text/html
* gcscsv - text/csv
These options require that scope `Cloud Storage (Read, Vault/Takeout Download)` be enabled in `gam oauth create`.
Added a command to download a Cloud Storage bucket object.
gam download storagefile [targetfolder ]
### 6.50.14
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile` that caused a trap.
Fixed bug where `removefeature` but not `removefeatures` was recognized in `gam update resource`.
### 6.50.13
Added options `addfeatures <FeatureNameList>` and `removefeatures <FeatureNameList>` to `<ResourceAttribute>`.
These can be used in in the following commands to make incremental changes to resource features.
gam update resource * gam update resources *
Updated processing of `<FeatureNameList>` which is a `<ResourceAttribute>` to properly handle `<FeatureName>s` containing spaces.
When entering `<FeatureNameList>` with `<FeatureName>s`containing spaces, enclose the list in `"` and the names containing spaces in `'`.
features "CameraSet" features "'Laptop Cart'" features "CameraSet,'Laptop Cart'"
### 6.50.12
Handle new trap in `gam <UserTypeEntity> forward messages`.
### 6.50.11
Handle new trap in `gam <UserTypeEntity> forward messages`.
### 6.50.10
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> forward messages altcharset <String>` where `<String>` was marked as an invalid argument.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile <DriveFileEntity>` to allow copying Google Sites.
### 6.50.09
Added command `gam info adminrole <RoleItem> [privileges]` that displays a specific admin role and optionally its privileges.
Added option `privileges` to `gam print|show admins` that displays the privileges for each role
for the admin.
### 6.50.08
Added option `altcharset <String>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> forward messages` to attempt to handle
errors like the following which occur when the message can not be decoded with character set UTF-8.
You can specify an alternate character set, e.g. latin1, that is used if the UTF-8 decode fails.
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 1643: invalid start byte
### 6.50.07
Fixed build bug that caused the following error:
ERROR: Discovery File: /usr/local/gamadv-xtd3/datastudio-v1.json, Does not exist or has invalid format, No data
### 6.50.06
Fixed bug in `gam report usage customer` where an extraneous column `email` was displayed.
### 6.50.05
Fixed bug in `gam update resoldsubscription` that caused an error:
ERROR: 400: invalid - The seats provided are not valid
### 6.50.04
Added `allowcontentmanagerstosharefolders` to `<SharedDriveRestrictionsSubfieldName>` that is used in
`gam create|update teamdrive`. This terminology matches the Admin console setting `Allow Content Managers to share folders`.
Each pair of commands below are equivalent:
gam update teamdrive allowcontentmanagerstosharefolders true gam update teamdrive sharingfoldersrequiresorganizerpermission false
gam update teamdrive allowcontentmanagerstosharefolders false gam update teamdrive sharingfoldersrequiresorganizerpermission true
Updated status reporting in `gam update chromepolicy` to supply more details.
Fixed bug in `gam update chromepolicy` when processing an schema field with an empty list.
### 6.50.03
Fixed bug in `gam update resoldsubscription` that caused an error:
ERROR: 400: invalid - Request contains an invalid argument.
### 6.50.02
Fixed bug in `gam create project` where invalid data was written to client_secrets.json.
### 6.50.01
Fix YubiKey issue that caused a trap.
### 6.50.00
Following Jay's lead (with many thanks), added commands to enable running GAM securely on a Google Compute Engine.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Running-GAMADV-XTD3-securely-on-a-Google-Compute-Engine
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Using-GAMADV-XTD3-with-a-delegated-admin-service-account
Following Jay's lead (with many thanks), added commands to enable using a Yubikey.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Using-GAMADV-XTD3-with-a-YubiKey
These Wiki pages are a work in progress, contact me if you need help.
Updated handling of `seats` option in `gam create|update resoldsubscription` to properly assign
the API fields `numberOfSeats` and `maximumNumberOfSeats`.
Previously, this is how the option was processed:
* `seats <NumberOfSeats>` - `<NumberOfSeats>` was properly passed to the API
* `seats <NumberOfSeats> <MaximumNumberOfSeats>` - `<NumberOfSeats>` was properly passed to the API; `<MaximumNumberOfSeats>` was passed to the API which ignored it
* Plan name `FLEXIBLE` or `TRIAL`
* `seats <NumberOfSeats>` - `<NumberOfSeats>` was improperly passed to the API; an API error was generated
* `seats <NumberOfSeats> <MaximumNumberOfSeats>` - `<MaximumNumberOfSeats>` was properly passed to the API; `<NumberOfSeats>` was passed to the API which ignored it
Now, you can still use the above option which has been corrected or you can specify `seats <Number>` which will be properly passed in the correct form to the API based on plan name.
Hopefully fixed a bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> forward messages` that caused a trap when the subject
contained Latin-1 characters.
### 6.42.10
Added option `accesstype public|team|announcementonly|restricted` to `gam create|update group`.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Groups#gui-api-group-access-type-settings-mapping
### 6.42.09
Cleaned up output in `gam print crostelemetry`; fields that are lists weren't being correctly sorted by index.
### 6.42.08
Added additional fields to `<CrOSTelemetryFieldName>`:
audiostatusreport| bootperformancereport| networkinfo| networkdiagnosticsreport| peripheralsreport| thunderboltinfo| networkdevices|
### 6.42.07
Improved `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefolderpath` to allow specifying paths
as returned by `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filepath`.
### 6.42.06
Fixed another bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefolderpath` that failed when
trying to build a folder hierarchy on a Shared Drive.
### 6.42.05
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefolderpath` that failed when
trying to build a folder hierarchy on a Shared Drive.
### 6.42.04
Added a command that creates a folder hierarchy.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Manage#create-folder-hierarchy
### 6.42.03
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> get drivefile <DriveFileEntity> ... csvsheet <SheetEntity>` to allow
selection of the output format with `format <FileFormat>`. Previously, `csv` was always selected and
it is still the default. Valid formats are: `csv,tsv,ods,pdf,xlsx`.
### 6.42.02
Added `sha1checksum` and `sha256checksum` to `<DriveFieldName>`.
The SHA1/SHA256 checksum associated with a file, if available. This field is only populated for files with content stored in Google Drive; it isn't populated for Docs Editors or shortcut files.
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist` and
`gam print ownership`. This adds additional columns of data to the CSV file output.
Get a list of a user's shortcuts gam redirect csv ./TSShortcuts.csv user [email protected] print filelist fields id,name,parents,shortcutdetails showmimetype gshortcut Headers Owner,id,name,parents,parents.0.id,parents.0.isRoot,shortcutDetails.targetId,shortcutDetails.targetMimeType
For each shortcut, get the target file information; add the shortcut id, name and parent to the output gam redirect csv ./TSShortcutFiles.csv multiprocess csv ./TSShortcuts.csv gam user [email protected] print filelist select "~shortcutDetails.targetId" norecursion showownedby any fields id,name,mimetype,parents,owners.emailaddress addcsvdata shortcut.id "~id" addcsvdata shortcut.name "~name" addcsvdata shortcut.parents "~parents.0.id" Headers Owner,id,name,mimeType,owners,owners.0.emailAddress,parents,parents.0.id,parents.0.isRoot,shortcut.id,shortcut.name,shortcut.parents
### 6.42.01
Updated processing of option `matchlabel <LabelName>` to replace the following characters with a `-`
so that the query generated will work correctly. Previously, only ` ` (space) and `/` were replaced.
### 6.42.00
Following Jay's lead, added commands commands to copy Google Vault and Organization Takeout data to your own GCS bucket.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Vault-Takeout#copy-vault-exports
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Vault-Takeout#copy-a-takeout-bucket
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create contact` to treat the following options as errors;
previously, they were silently ignored.
addcontactgroup removecontactgroup
Updated version number to align with Standard GAM.
### 6.32.05
Fixed bug in `gam show chromepolicies` that caused a trap.
Following Jay's lead, added `sharingfoldersrequiresorganizerpermission` to `<SharedDriveRestrictionsFieldName>` and
* See: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/
### 6.32.04
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>` where the following
error was not retried when `sendemailifrequired` was specified.
User: [email protected], Drive Folder: Test, Permission: noninherited/writer/user/[email protected], Copy Failed: You are trying to invite [email protected]. Since there is no Google account
associated with this email address, you must check the "Notify people" box to invite this recipient.
### 6.32.03
Following Jay's lead, updated `gam create project` to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: Permission 'resourcemanager.projects.get' denied on resource
### 6.32.02
Added support for `gender` subfields in `gam <UserTypeEntity> signature` and
`gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update sendas` option `replace <Tag> <UserReplacement>`.
::= addressmeas| customgender| type ::= ... gender.| ...
### 6.32.01
Extended `csv_input_row_filter`, `csv_input_row_drop_filter`, `csv_output_row_filter` and `csv_output_row_drop_filter`
to allow specification of filters based on text comparisons.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Input-Filtering
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Output-Filtering
### 6.32.00
Added option `oneitemperrow` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist` to have each of a
files permissions displayed on a separate row with all of the other file fields. This produces
a CSV file that can be used in subsequent commands without further script processing.
Added option `pmfilter` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist` that is used in conjunction
with permission matching. By default, permission matching simply selects which files to display,
all ACLS are displayed. With `pmfilter`, only the ACLs that match are displayed.
### 6.31.09
Updated `gam gam <UserTypeEntity> create label <String>`, `gam <UserTypeEntity> create labellist <LabelNameEntity>`
and `gam <UserTypeEntity> update labelsettings <LabelName>` to expand the choices for label colors.
::= "#" ::= #000000|#076239|#0b804b|#149e60|#16a766|#1a764d|#1c4587|#285bac| #2a9c68|#3c78d8|#3dc789|#41236d|#434343|#43d692|#44b984|#4a86e8| #653e9b|#666666|#68dfa9|#6d9eeb|#822111|#83334c|#89d3b2|#8e63ce| #999999|#a0eac9|#a46a21|#a479e2|#a4c2f4|#aa8831|#ac2b16|#b65775| #b694e8|#b9e4d0|#c6f3de|#c9daf8|#cc3a21|#cccccc|#cf8933|#d0bcf1| #d5ae49|#e07798|#e4d7f5|#e66550|#eaa041|#efa093|#efefef|#f2c960| #f3f3f3|#f691b3|#f6c5be|#f7a7c0|#fad165|#fb4c2f|#fbc8d9|#fcda83| #fcdee8|#fce8b3|#fef1d1|#ffad47|#ffbc6b|#ffd6a2|#ffe6c7|#ffffff ::= #16a765|#2da2bb|#42d692|#4986e7|#98d7e4|#a2dcc1| #b3efd3|#b6cff5|#b99aff|#c2c2c2|#cca6ac|#e3d7ff| #e7e7e7|#ebdbde|#f2b2a8|#f691b2|#fb4c2f|#fbd3e0| #fbe983|#fdedc1|#ff7537|#ffad46|#ffc8af|#ffdeb5 ::= #04502e|#094228|#0b4f30|#0d3472|#0d3b44|#3d188e| #464646|#594c05|#662e37|#684e07|#711a36|#7a2e0b| #7a4706|#8a1c0a|#994a64|#ffffff
backgroundcolor "||custom:" textcolor "||custom:"
### 6.31.08
Updated `csv_output_header_force` variable in `gam.cfg` that is a list of `<Strings>`
to be the exact list of headers to be included in the CSV file written by a gam print command.
This might be used when the CSV file data is to be uploaded into a database
and some headers may not be present in the output but must be included for the upload to work.
### 6.31.07
Added `csv_output_header_force` variable to `gam.cfg` that is a list of `<Strings>`
that are forced for inclusion in the CSV file written by a gam print command.
This might be used when the CSV file data is to be uploaded into a database
and some headers may not be present in the output but must be included for the upload to work.
### 6.31.06
Added support for new ChromeOS device fields:
::= deprovisionreason| firstenrollmenttime| lastdeprovisiontimestamp|
### 6.31.05
Google can return an error `Internal error` on API calls; by default, GAM retries these API calls an additional 9 times
for a total of 10 tries. In some cases, determined by experience, the additional retries are unlikely to succeed and
GAM performs 1 additional retry rather than 9 for a total of 2 tries.
Added `bail_on_internal_error_tries` variable to `gam.cfg` that is used by GAM to control
the total number of tries for these API calls; Google seems to be sending this error when it is very busy.
The default value is 2 and values from 1 to 10 are allowed.
This is a rare event, this is an experiment to see if retrying these errors more times leads to success.
### 6.31.04
Added commands to display Chrome Devices Needing Attention counts.
gam print chromeneedsattn [todrive *] [(ou )|(ou_and_children )| (ous )|(ous_and_children )] [formatjson [quotechar ]] gam show chromeneedsattn [(ou )|(ou_and_children )| (ous )|(ous_and_children )] [formatjson]
### 6.31.03
Added commands to display Chrome Auto Update Expiration counts.
gam print chromeaues [todrive *] [(ou )|(ou_and_children )| (ous )|(ous_and_children )] [minauedate ] [maxauedate ] [formatjson [quotechar ]] gam show chromeaues [(ou )|(ou_and_children )| (ous )|(ous_and_children )] [minauedate ] [maxauedate ] [formatjson]
### 6.31.02
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> vacation` to process `(replace <Tag> <String>)*` in the subject.
### 6.31.01
Added option `nofile` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> get photo|profilephoto` that causes GAM to suppress
writing the photo data to a file. This would typicically be used when you are capturing the photo data
written to stdout.
### 6.31.00
Added `retry_api_service_not_available` variable to `gam.cfg` that is used to have GAM retry
`Service not applicable` errors on API calls; Google seems to be sending this error when it is very busy.
This is a rare event, this is an experiment to see if GAM can identify these errors and retry them.
### 6.30.18
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile` where the modified time of files was inappropriately being changed.
### 6.30.17
Updated code for `gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto size <Integer>` to account for API documentation error.
### 6.30.16
Added option `nodefault` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto` that causes GAM to display an
error message and set the return code to 50 if the user has a default profile photo.
### 6.30.15
Added option `gphoto <EmailAddress> <DriveFileIDEntity>|<DriveFileNameEntity>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> update photo`
that specifies an owner and file to be used as the source of the photo.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Photo
### 6.30.14
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show peopleprofile fields ...` where metadata was being displayed
even when `showmetadata` was not specified.
### 6.30.13
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity> fields shortcutdetails.targetid` that caused a trap.
Added option `size <Integer>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> get profilephoto` that specifies the size in pixels of the file to download.
### 6.30.12
Updated `gam update group <GroupEntity> update [<GroupRole>] [[delivery] <DeliverySetting>] <UserTypeEntity>`
to handle the following error when `<UserTypeEntity>` is an external member.
ERROR: 404: resourceNotFound - Does not exist
This is a Google bug where some external members can't be updated by email address.
### 6.30.11
Added option `emailmatchpattern [not] <RegularExpression>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> delete group|groups`
that allows deleting a user from all groups of which they are a member based on (not) matching the group email address.
### 6.30.10
Added the ability to specify fields when displaying calendars.
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Calendars
* See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Calendars
### 6.30.09
Added the following shortcuts to `<DriveFileQueryShortcut>`:
- my_top_files - "'me' in owners and mimeType != application/vnd.google-apps.folder and 'root' in parents"
- my_top_folders - "'me' in owners and mimeType = application/vnd.google-apps.folder and 'root' in parents"
- my_top_items - "'me' in owners and 'root' in parents"
### 6.30.08
Following Jay's lead, added the following License SKUs:
1010390001 - Assured Controls 1010400001 - Beyond Corp Enterprise
### 6.30.07
Added option `sheetsfields <SpreadsheetSheetsFieldList>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show sheet <DriveFileEntity>`
that lets you specfiy the desired subfields from the `sheets` field of a spreadsheet that should be displayed.
By default, all `sheets` subfields are displayed.
::= bandedranges| basicfilter| charts| columngroups| conditionalformats| data| developermetadata| filterviews| merges| properties| protectedranges| rowgroups| slicers ::= "(,)*"
### 6.30.06
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update|delete drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> ... updatesheetprotectedranges`
that caused a trap.
### 6.30.05
Cleaned up code for option `updatesheetprotectedranges` in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update|delete drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>`.
### 6.30.04
Improved output formatting for field `sheets` in `gam <UserTypeEntity> info sheet <DriveFileEntity>`.
### 6.30.03
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>` commands to handle the following error.
ERROR: 403: fileOrganizerOnFoldersInSharedDriveOnly - FileOrganizer role is only allowed on folders.
Added option `updatesheetprotectedranges` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update|delete drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>`
commands that causes GAM to update Sheet Protected Ranges if `<DriveFileEntity>` is a Google Sheet.
### 6.30.02
Fixed error message in `gam print cigroups` when an invalid field was specified.
### 6.30.01
Fixed bug in `gam create cigroup <EmailAddress> name <String> <GroupAttribute>+` where the group name was set to `<EmailAddress>` rather than `<String>`.
### 6.30.00
Added option `returnidonly` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity>`
that causes GAM to return just the file ID of the files in `<DriveFileEntity>` file as output.
$ gam user [email protected] show fileinfo root returnidonly 0AHYenC8f12ALUk9xyz
$ gam user testsimple show fileinfo name "Test File" returnidonly 0B3YenC8f12ALflhUTmtNS3E2Vk9LSUpBVXRSUG5lQ29GWkRtWHM1VzU1blc4ZW1pb2FnNTA
Changed the display format of file paths for files on Shared Drives.
* Old format - SharedDrive(TS Shared Drive 6)/TS SD6 Folder/TS TD6 Doc
* New format -SharedDrives/TS Shared Drive 6/TS SD6 Folder/TS TD6 Doc
Added option `returnpathonly` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> show filepath <DriveFileEntity>`
that causes GAM to return just the file path of the files in `<DriveFileEntity>` file as output.
$ gam user [email protected] show filepath name "Test File" returnpathonly My Drive/Classroom/Test File
$ gam user [email protected] show filepath 0AJ6mqwXP9wHxUk9xyz returnpathonly TS Shared Drive 6
$ gam user testsimple show filepath 0AJ6mqwXP9wHxUk9xyz returnpathonly fullpath SharedDrive(TS Shared Drive 6)
$ gam user [email protected] show filepath teamdriveid 0AJ6mqwXP9wHxUk9xyz teamdrivefilename "TS TD6 Doc" returnpathonly SharedDrive(TS Shared Drive 6)/TS SD6 Folder/TS TD6 Doc
Added command `gam comment <String>*` that displays the comment data on stdout.
This can be used to validate `csv_input_row_filters` and column value extraction.
$ more Comment.csv
$ gam config csv_input_row_drop_filter "col1:regex:bbb" csv Comment.csv gam comment "Col1:col1" "Col2:col2"
2022-12-16T12:41:50.045-08:00,0/2,Using 2 processes...
Col1:aaa Col2:111
Col1:ccc Col2:333
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|delete license <SKUIDList>` to take a list of SKUs.
Updated `gam create user <EmailAddress> ... license <SKUIDList>` to take a list of SKUs.
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> sync license <SKUIDList>` to take a list of SKUs and
added option `allskus|onesku` that is required when multiple SKUs are specified.
* `allskus` indicates that users in `<UserTypeEntity>` will be updated to have all of the SKUs in `<SKUIDList>`.
* This is typically used when assigning different types of licenses, such as an Enterprise license and a Voice license.
* `onesku` indicates that users in `<UserTypeEntity>` with none of the licenses in`<SKUIDList>` will be updated to have the first available license SKU in `<SKUIDList>`.
* This is typically used with Google Education Plus or Google Education Standard licenses, which are split across multiple SKUs.
Added option `basic` to `gam print cigroups` that causes GAM to display the basic
Cloud Identity Group fields, i.e., those fields that do not require an additional API call per group.
Following Jay's lead, added option `query <String>` to `gam print cigroups`.
### 6.29.21
Fixed bugs in `gam selectfilter` that caused traps or inappropriate error messages.
### 6.29.20
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> archive messages <GroupItem>` that caused a trap.
### 6.29.19
Fixed bug introduced in 6.29.17 in `todrive` that caused a trap.
### 6.29.18
Added the following variables to `gam.cfg` to provide more flexibility when multiple row filters are specified.
* `csv_input_row_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch`
* `allmatch` - all filters must match to include in input; this is the default and is the current behavior
* `anymatch` - any filter must match to include in input
* `csv_input_row_drop_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch`
* `allmatch` - all filters must match to drop from input
* `anymatch` - any filter must match to drop from input; this is the default and is the current behavior
* `csv_output_row_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch`
* `allmatch` - all filters must match to include in output; this is the default and is the current behavior
* `anymatch` - any filter must match to include in output
* `csv_output_row_drop_filter_mode allmatch|anymatch`
* `allmatch` - all filters must match to drop from output
* `anymatch` - any filter must match to drop from output; this is the default and is the current behavior
### 6.29.17
Added option `todrive tdcellnumberformat text|number` that causes GAM to set the Sheet Number format when uploading files with `todrive`.
### 6.29.16
Fixed bug introduced in 6.29.15 that caused an error like this:
ERROR: Config File: gam.cfg, Section: DEFAULT, Item: todrive_locale, Value: "en_us", Expected: ,ar-eg,az-az,be-by,bg-bg,bn-in,ca-es,...
### 6.29.15
Updated `gam [<UserTypeEntity>] info|print|show drivelabels languagecode <DriveLabelLanguageCode>` to use the BCP-47 language code.
### 6.29.14
Added option `stripcrsfromtitle` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show datastudioassets` that causes carriage returns,
linefeeds and nulls to be stripped from asset titles.
### 6.29.13
Updated status messages in `gam delete|update chromepolicy` to be more informative.
Fixed bug in `gam delete chromepolicy` with schema chrome.users.apps.InstallType.
### 6.29.12
Fixed issue in `gam update chromepolicy` with schemas `chrome.users.apps.ManagedConfiguration`,
`chrome.devices.managedguest.apps.ManagedConfiguration` and `chrome.devices.kiosk.apps.ManagedConfiguration`.
### 6.29.11
Improved performance of `gam update chromepolicy`.
### 6.29.10
Attempted to fix issues in `gam update chromepolicy` with schemas `chrome.users.apps.InstallType`
and `chrome.users.apps.IncludeInChromeWebStoreCollection`.
### 6.29.09
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create tasklist` that caused a trap.
Added `countsonly` option to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tasks|tasklists` that causes GAM to display
the number of tasks|tasklists for a user rather than listing the details.
Added option `due <Time>` to `<TaskAttribute>` that can be used to set a task due date
in `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update` task.
Fixed bug in `gam update chromepolicy` that caused an error with this prefix:
`1 Chrome Policy Update Failed: Invalid enum value:`
### 6.29.08
Fixed bug where `csvfile -:fieldName` was not properly recognized on Windows.
### 6.29.07
Added option `from <EmailAddress>` to `gam create|update user ... notify <EmailAddressList>` that
uses `<EmailAddress>` as the from address rather than the admin user identified in oauth2.txt.
### 6.29.06
Following Jay's lead, added option `returnnameonly` to `gam create|update inboundssoprofile` that
causes GAM to display just the profile name of the created|updated profile. This will be useful
in scripts that create|update a profile and then want to perform subsequent GAM commands that
reference the profile.
### 6.29.05
Improved code for `gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create teamdrive <Name> ou <OrgUnitItem>`.
### 6.29.04
Updated multiprocessing on MacOS to use `spawn` instead of `fork` when starting subprocesses
as `fork` was unreliable when large numbers (>20) of threads were used; subprocesses would
hang and never complete.
### 6.29.03
Thanks to Jay, added support for the user field `displayName` that can be set independently of `fullName`.
### 6.29.02
Thanks to Jay, updated `gam info|print|show crostelemetry` to avoid the following trap:
```KeyError: 'temperatureCelsius'```
### 6.29.01
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show labels` where fields `messageListVisibility`,
`labelListVisibility` and `color` were not displayed.
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|insert|import message emlfile <FileName>` where the
`Date` header in the file was overridden with the current date.
### 6.29.00
Added option `emlfile <FileName>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> draft|insert|import message` that
allows processing an EML message file. SMTP headers specified in the command will replace those in the message file.
Following Jay's lead, added commands to manage/display Inbound SSO.
* https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Inbound-SSO
* https://admin.google.com/ac/security/sso
### 6.28.12
Fixed bug in `gam create|update user ... password random notify <EmailAddress>` that caused a trap
when the random password contained `{` and `}`.
### 6.28.11
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> update contact ... birthday ""` that caused a trap
rather that clearing the birthday from the contact.
### 6.28.10
Added option `addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>` to `gam create shareddrive ... csv`. This adds
additional columns of data to the CSV file output. For example, you are building student Shared Drives
and want to add ACLs to them adding the students as organizers. By adding the student's primary email address
to the CSV output, it can be used in subsequent commands.
StudentSharedDrives.csv primaryEmail,Name [email protected],Bob Jones [email protected],Mary Smith ...
gam redirect stdout ./StudentSharedDrivesCreated.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout redirect csv ./StudentSharedDrivesCreated.csv multiprocess csv StudentSharedDrives.csv gam create shareddrive "~Name" csv addcsvdata primaryEmail "~primaryEmail"
gam redirect stdout ./StudentSharedDrivesAccess.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout csv StudentSharedDrivesCreated.csv gam add drivefileacl "~id" user "~primaryEmail" role organizer
### 6.28.09
Updated `gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist "query:mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder'" to prevent the
following error.
ERROR: Invalid choice (query:mimetype='application/vnd): Expected <capabilities|contentrestrictions|labelinfo|labels|lastmodifyinguser|owners|parents|permissions|sharinguser|shortcutdetails|trashinguser>
### 6.28.08
Added option `today` to `gam report` to look for events on the current day. This will be most useful
with `gam report <ActivityApplictionName>` as `gam report users|customers` rarely has data for the current day.
Added option `today` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show driveactivity` to look for events on the current day.
### 6.28.07
Added option `csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile`
that causes GAM to output CSV data detailing the name, id and mimeType of the copied files and folders
rather than text messages. These are the CSV headers:
You can add additional columns of data from the command line to the CSV data with `(addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*`.
Added option `suppressnotselectedmessages [<Boolean>]` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile`
that causes GAM to suppress text messages referencing files and folders not selected for copying by the following options:
copysubfiles false [filenamematchpattern ] [filemimetype [not] ] copysubfolders false [foldernamematchpattern copysubshortcuts false [shortcutnamematchpattern
### 6.28.06
Fixed bug in `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages ... showbody` that caused a trap.
Added code to handle the following error that occurs when copying permissions:
ERROR: 400: shareInNotPermitted - Bad Request. User message: "An item can't be shared with [email protected] because of domain.com sharing policy"
### 6.28.05
Added the following items to `<UserMultiAttribute>`:
* `employeeid <String>` as a synonym for `externalids organization <String>`
* `manager <String>` as a synonym for `relations manager <String>`
Added the following items to `<UserFieldName>`:
* `employeeid` as a synonym for `externalids`
* `manager` as a synonym for `relations`
### 6.28.04
Added `filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem>` to `<PeoplePrintShowUserContactSelection>`
that is used by `gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts`. When `selectcontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem>`
is used in these commands, GAM makes an API call to get the list of contacts in `<PeopleContactGroupItem>`
and then makes an API call per contact to get the details; this may exceed quota limits.
When `filtercontactgroup <PeopleContactGroupItem>` is used, GAM makes an API call to get all contacts and
then filters the list to only those in `<PeopleContactGroupItem>`; quota limits should not apply.
### 6.28.03
Build MacOS x86_64 and arm64 executables.
### 6.28.02
Fixed bug in `gam forward message|thread` that misformatted the message when `Cc:` was present.
### 6.28.01
Fixed bug in `gam forward message|thread` where subject was blanked out.
### 6.28.00
* Upgraded to Python 3.11.0 where possible.
* Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.7 where possible.
Fixed bug in `gam forward message` where messages originally sent to multiple recipients
were not forwarded correctly.
Added command to forward threads; all messages referenced by the thread are forwarded; this is experimental, test.
gam forward thread|threads recipient|to (((query ) (matchlabel ) [or|and])+ [quick|notquick] [doit] [max_to_forward ])|(ids ) [subject ]
### 6.27.21
Eliminated superfluous column header `labels` in `gam print cigroups`.
Added command to forward messages; this is experimental, test.
gam forward message|messages recipient|to (((query ) (matchlabel ) [or|and])+ [quick|notquick] [doit] [max_to_forward ])|(ids )
### 6.27.20
Added option `url <URL>` to `gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefile` that allows
GAM to upload files referenced by `URL` to Google Drive.
Added `csv_input_row_limit` variable to `gam.cfg` that is used to limit the number of rows read from a CSV file.
Added `csv_output_row_limit` variable to `gam.cfg` that is used to limit the number of rows written to a CSV file.
### 6.27.19
Added option `embedimage <FileName> <String>` to the following commands that allows
embedding images in HTML email messages.
gam sendemail [recipient|to] gam sendemail recipient|to gam sendemail from gam draft|import|insert message
Your HTML message will contain lines like this:
Your command line will have: embedimage file1.jpg image1 embedimage file2.jpg image2
Added archive
as a synonym for archived
and suspend
as a synonym for suspended
in <UserBasicAttribute>
Added option tdshare <EmailAddress> commenter|reader|writer
to <ToDriveAttribute>
. When a new
todrive file is created, i.e., tdfileid <DriveFileID>
is not specified, the uploaded file will
be shared as specified. <EmailAddress>
must be valid within your Google Workspace.
Updated todrive tdfileid <DriveFileID>
to display an informative error message when Google generates
an Internal Error
. It appears that the file was successfully uploaded and converted to a sheet but
the conversion took longer that the API was willing to wait, so it generated the error.
Updated todrive tdfileid <DriveFileID>
to not perform retries for Internal Error
when updating an existing file
as the 6.27.15 update didn't fix the underlying problem.
Fixed bug in gam show chromeschemas
that caused a trap due to unexpected data from Google.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans
to handle the error:
ERROR: 403: shortcutTargetInvalid - The specified file is not an allowed shortcut target type.
These are typically Google Backup & Sync images of laptops.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> sendemail from <EmailAddress>
that reported:
User: [email protected], Send Email to 0 Recipients
Updated todrive tdfileid <DriveFileID>
to perform retries for Internal Error
when updating an existing file.
Added option noselfowner
to all commands that print or show calendar ACls;
it suppresses the display of ACLs that reference the calendar itself as its owner.
Extended gam print addresses
to include information about domains and resource calendars.
A new column Target
was added that displays target information for user, group and domain aliases.
Added option showdate
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages|threads
that displays
the internalDate
field for a message|thread.
The internal message creation timestamp (epoch ms), which determines ordering in the inbox.
For normal SMTP-received email, this represents the time the message was originally accepted by Google,
which is more reliable than the Date header.
Added option labellist <LabelNameEntity>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show labels
to allow selection of labels to display.
Added option cigrouptree
to gam info user
. Previously, the grouptree
option used
the Cloud Identity Groups API to display the users group tree structure. This API is licensed
and the command would generate an error if you didn't have the license. Now, the grouptree
uses the Directory API and the cigrouptree
option uses the Cloud Identity Groups API.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans
to not use shortcuts by default.
If an orphan file can have its parent changed without affecting its access by other users, the parent is changed.
If a parent change would affect the access by other users, a shortcut is created. You can still use
the useshortcuts true
option to force the use of shortcuts. If you specify the preview
a new column, action
, shows changeParent
or createShortcut
to indicate what action will be taken
when preview
is omitted.
Added options showparentsaslist [<Boolean>]
and delimiter <Character>
to gam print grouptree
gam <UserTypeEntity> print grouptree
that display the group parent emails and names in two columns
as delimited lists rather than multiple indexed columns.
Added options downloadattempts <Integer>
and retryinterval <Integer>
to gam download vaultexport
that cause GAM to wait for a vault export to be completed. By default, GAM makes only one download attempt.
If multiple attempts are specified with downloadattempts <Integer>
, GAM waits retryinterval <Integer>
seconds between attempts; the default
retry interval is 30 seconds.
Added command gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show grouptree
to display a user's groups and their parent groups.
Corrected JSON output in gam <UserTypeEntity> print userlist
Added command gam <UserTypeEntity> print userlist
to display the list of users in <UserTypeEntity>
in a single row.
Fixed bug introduced in 6.27.06 that caused commands that get a list of groups for a specific user to fail;
e.g., gam info user [email protected]
Fixed bug in gam print addresses
where no output was generated.
Updated multiprocessing to fix issues on Mac OS where excuting commands from a CSV file would hang if the number of threads was 20 or greater.
Updated gam create vaultexport
to handle the following error that occurs when the
option is specified but is not allowed by your licenses.
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Request contains an invalid argument.
Updated gam download vaultexport
to replace :
with -
in the download filename to avoid
issues on Windows.
Fixed update in 6.27.01 to allow empty resource calendar feature lists.
Added options labelinfo
and <DriveLabelInfoSubfieldName>
to <DriveFieldName>
option includelabels <DriveLabelIDList>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist
to allow easier access to display drive file labels.
This options do not require an extra API call like the showlabels details|ids
option does.
gam user [email protected] show fileinfo 1kM4T2K4l0CCdR8lmp0pdXcytghAzXZ2fe5ThQpDwxyz fields id,name,mimetype,labelinfo includelabels "mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbbFcb"
gam user [email protected] print filelist query "'labels/mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbbFcb' in labels" fields id,name,mimetype,labelinfo.fields includelabels "mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbbFcb"
Updated <ResourceAttribute>
to allow features ""
for resources.
Updated code to use Python yield functionality when downloading long lists of items from Google APIs.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist ... showparent
where parent folder was not shown in all cases.
Following Jay's lead, updated gam info customer|domain
to provide better information when executed by a non super admin.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans
to include orphaned folders that were previously
excluded due to multi-parenting issues.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> collect orphans
to use shortcuts by default rather than making parent changes.
This addresses the following issue:
owns a fileX1234
located in a folder owned by usertestuser1
and shared with additional users -
access to that folder - File
now looks like an orphan totestuser2
gam user testuser2 collect orphans useshortcuts false
- This moves
to the foldertestuser2 orphaned files
; i.e., it has a new parent -
and all other users no longer have access toX1234
as it is now in a folder for which they have no access
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> add|delete|update|print|show datastudiopermissions
to display an appropriate
error message, The caller does not have permission
, when the user doesn't have permission to execute the command.
Previously, the following incorrect error message was displayed:
ERROR: Data Studio API not enabled. Please run "gam update project" and "gam user [email protected] check serviceaccount"
Extended csv_input_row_filter
, csv_input_row_drop_filter
, csv_output_row_filter
and csv_output_row_drop_filter
to allow specification of filters based on field string length.
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Input-Filtering
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Output-Filtering
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy othercontacts
that caused it to move a contact rather than copy it.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> replacedomain contacts
that caused the error ERROR: Invalid argument
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filetree
where some orphaned files were not displayed.
Updated gam info group <GroupEntity> ... formatjson
to omit "cloudIdentity": {},
from the output when no Cloud Identity fields are requested.
Updated gam info user <UserTypeEntity>
error message reporting to give this
message for non-existent users in the primary or sub domains.
User: [email protected], Does not exist
User: [email protected], Does not exist
Previously, a non-existent user in a sub domain gave this error.
User: [email protected], Service not applicable/Does not exist
Fixed bug in gam print deviceusers
where command would never terminate. This would also occur
in gam print devices
when nodeviceusers
was not specified.
Added option select <DeviceID>
to gam print deviceusers
that displays device users for a specific device.
With many thanks to Jay:
- Added more OpenSSL 3.0.5 support
- Added support for Linux Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish x86_64
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.7
- Updated google-api-python-client to version 2.60.0
- Dropped support for Linux Precise (glibc 2.15)
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> update photo "https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?sz=w300&id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
that generated a Update Failed: Not Found: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Added endpointverificationspecificattributes
to <DeviceFieldName>
used by gam info device
and gam print devices
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> update contacts ... removecontactgroup <ContactGroupItem>
that failed
to remove the contact group <ContactGroupItem>
when it was specified as the contact group formatted name
as opposed to the resource name; e.g., Work Contacts
as opposed to contactGroups/2ef39b48f4e361a
Updated gam print courses ... aliasesincolumns
to properly align Aliases
Updated the following commands to display a usage error (ERROR: Invalid file selection with adminaccess|asadmin
if <DriveFileEntity>
does not reference Shared Drives. Previously, execution errors (Shared drive not found: xxxx
) would be displayed.
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create|add drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFilePermissionIDorEmail> [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFilePermissionIDorEmail> [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] info drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFilePermissionIDorEmail> [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print drivefileacls <DriveFileEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] show drivefileacls <DriveFileEntity> [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] create|add permissions <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFilePermissionsEntity> [adminaccess|asadmin]
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete permissions <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFilePermissionIDEntity> [adminaccess|asadmin]
Added option 'includederivedmembership' to gam <UserTypeEntity> check groups
to allow
checking if a user is a member of a group or one of its sub-groups.
Added option nodetails
to gam print|show groups` that simply lists
the user's groups without making the addtional API call per group to get role, status and delivery settings.
Added command that allows checking if a user is a member of specific groups.
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Group-Membership#check-users-group-membership
Build MacOS universal version.
- Upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.5 where possible.
Updated code in gam create course <CourseAttribute>* copyfrom <CourseID>
to avoid a trap
caused by Google returning unexpected data in the DueTime
field for course work.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> check drivefileshortcut
that caused a trap when checking
a shortcut on a Shared Drive.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show shareddrives
to handle spurious Google Drive API error.
ERROR: 404: fileNotFound - Does not exist
Updated code to reflect Google change in how Cloud Identity User Invitations API is authenticated.
Updated processing of CSV files to allow a Google Doc to be downloaded as plain text and processed as a CSV file.
These are allowed
gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>
gdoc:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleDoc>
wherever the following are allowed.
gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>
gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet>
Added options [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
to gam print group-members|cigroup-members
Following Jay's lead, improved command gam checkconnection
Added the following option to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile ... recursive
to allow more control
over what sub files are copied when a top folder is copied.
filemimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>
Following Jay's lead, added command gam checkconnection
that performs checks to verify the network connection to Google.
This is an initial effort to help diagnose Google connection issues usually caused by firewalls and/or proxies.
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.6
Added the following options to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile ... recursive
to allow more control
over what sub files, folders and shortcuts are copied when a top folder is copied.
copysubfiles [<Boolean>] filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>
copysubfolders [<Boolean>] foldernamematchpattern <RegularExpression>
copysubshortcuts [<Boolean>] shortcutnamematchpattern <RegularExpression>
Added the following mutually exclusive options to gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|update|sync|print|show groups
to allow more control over which groups are processed for a user. The customerid <CustomerID>
will be most useful to resellers.
domain <DomainName>
customerid <CustomerID>
Updated code in gam report users
to handle bug in Report API that caused a trap; when the userEmail
field is
mistakenly omitted, GAM backs up to an earlier date.
Updated gam info user
to display the same data (in different formats) when quick
is used with and without formatjson
Added option selectmaincontacts
to <PeoplePrintShowUserContactSelection>
to allow more flexibility in selecting contacts to display
with gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show contacts
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-People-Contacts-Profiles#select-user-contacts
Updated error handling for gam create|delete admin
Added option norecursion [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer ownership
to allow
ownership transfer of a folder but not its contents.
Fixed bug in gam oauth info
that deleted the scopes in oauth2.txt if it had expired.
Added error checking to gam create datatransfer
to avoid a trap.
Fixed bug introduced in 6.25.06 where only one row of a CSV file/Google Sheet was read by default.
Updated option maxrows <Integer>
for gam csv|loop
to be applied after input row filtering;
this allows limiting the number of filtered rows processed as opposed to the number of rows read.
maxrows 0
- All rows are processed, this is the default -
maxrows N
- N filtered rows are processed
Added option maxrows <Integer>
to gam csv|loop
that allows you to limit the number of rows
read from the CSV file/Google Sheet. This can be used during testing in order to verify the functioning
of the command on a few rows before committing to all of the rows.
gam csv|loop <FileName>|-|(gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>) [charset <Charset>] [warnifnodata]
[columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>] [fields <FieldNameList>]
(matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* [showcmds [<Boolean>]]
[maxrows <Integer>]
gam <GAMArgumentList>
maxrows -1
- All rows are read, this is the default -
maxrows 0
- No rows are read -
maxrows N
- N rows are read
Updated gam create|update course ... copyfrom <CourseID> ... copytopics true
to preserve the topics order.
Updated gam print users
to properly display the languages
attribute based on the output format:
column has the valueen+
column contains"languages": [{"languageCode": "en", "preference": "preferred"}]
Added option missingtextvalue <String>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> create note json ...
that causes GAM
to supply a value for JSON list
and text
items that are missing text fields. This option must appear
before the json
option. If not specified and a text field is missing, you'll get the following error:
Request contains an invalid argument.
Updated license commands to retry the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
Updated https://apps.google.com/user/hub
to https://workspace.google.com/dashboard
in the new user email message; thanks to @jay-eleven.
Added initial support for the Drive Labels API. GAM can display drive labels and it can apply them to files and display drive labels on files. Please test/experiment and report any issues.
To use these commands you must add the 'Drive Labels API' to your project and update your service account authorization.
gam update project
gam user [email protected] check serviceaccount
Supported editions for this feature: Business Standard and Business Plus; Enterprise; Education Standard and Education Plus; G Suite Business; Essentials.
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Labels
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Display
Following Jay's lead, updated Cloud Identity API from v1beta1 to v1 for userinvitations
Updated handling of shortcuts in gam <UserTypeEntity> claim|transfer ownership
Corrected progress messages for gam print groups showownedby
Added gradebooksettings
to <CourseFieldName>
Increase wait time in gam create project
as Google is taking much longer to create projects.
Added option license <SKUID> [product|productid <ProductID>]
to gam create user
that assigns a
license to a user at the time of creation.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile ... createshortcutsfornonmovablefiles
that caused the following error:
ERROR: 403: shortcutTargetInvalid - The specified file is not an allowed shortcut target type.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership
that caused a trap.
- Upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1q
Added the following items to <CrOSTypeEntity>
cros_ou_query <OrgUnitItem> <QueryCrOS>
cros_ou_and_children_query <OrgUnitItem> <QueryCrOS>
cros_ous_query <OrgUnitList> <QueryCrOS>
cros_ous_and_children_query <OrgUnitList> <QueryCrOS>
cros_ou_queries <OrgUnitItem> <QueryCrOSList>
cros_ou_and_children_queries <OrgUnitItem> <QueryCrOSList>
cros_ous_queries <OrgUnitList> <QueryCrOSList>
cros_ous_and_children_queries <OrgUnitList> <QueryCrOSList>
These allow specifying an OU, or a list of OUs, and a query or a list of queries that apply to those OUs.
See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Collections-of-ChromeOS-Devices
gam cros_ou_query /StudentChromebooks "sync:..2019-01-01" update ou "/OldChromebooks"
Updated gam report user
to avoid a trap due to an unexpected change in the Reports API.
Fixed bug in gam update cros <CrOSEntity> ... updatenotes "#notes#"abc"
that caused a trap
when the ChromeOS device didn't previously have notes.
Added pre_provisioned_disable
and pre_provisioned_reenable
to <CrOSAction>
Updated code to take advantage of an update to the directory API that simplifies getting ChromeOS devices from an OU and its children.
Fixed bug in gam create|update adminrole
where child privileges were not recognized in <PrivilegesList>
Fixed bug introduced in 6.24.13 that prevented specifying a contact group by name.
The Customer ID value that the Cloud Channel API describes is not the Google Workspace Customer ID value; it is unique to the Cloud Channel API.
Added channel_customer_id
variable to gam.cfg
that is used in gam print|show channelcustomercentitlements
to specify the default value for customerid
rather than customer_id
from gam.cfg
Changed how selectcontactgroup <ContactGroupItem>
is processed in commands that process
user contacts. Previously, GAM would download all of a user's contacts and locally filter
to get only the contacts in <ContactGroupItem>
. Now, the People API is used to get the
list of contacts in <ContactGroupItem>
and they are are individually downloaded for processing.
Following Jay's lead, updated gam print devices|deviceusers
to try to work around
a Google API internal bug (237397223) that generates the following error after an hour:
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Request contains an invalid argument.
Updated gam print devices
to refresh the access token between listing the devices
and listing the device users to try to avoid the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Request contains an invalid argument.
Updated gam print devices|deviceusers
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 503: serviceNotAvailable - The service is currently unavailable.
Added option adminaccess
to gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete teamdrive <SharedDriveEntity>
to allow Super Admins to delete Shared Drives even if they are not an organizer.
Added option [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership <DriveFileEntity>
By default, claim ownership
does not change the parents of <DriveFileEntity>
; this options allows
specification of a parent folder in the My Drive of the claiming user <UserTypeEntity>
Added option [<DriveFileParentAttribute>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer ownership <DriveFileEntity> <UserItem>
By default, transfer ownership
does not change the parents of <DriveFileEntity>
; this options allows
specification of a parent folder in the My Drive of the target user <UserItem>
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.5
- Upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1p
Updated commands that process group settings to handle the following error:
ERROR: 401: authError - Authorization Failed
Improved gam user [email protected] print filecounts select teamdriveid "<DriveFileID>" summary only
to display the Shared Drive ID and name on the summary line.
Updated option orderby completed|due|updated
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tasks
display tasks in date order regardless of the hierarchy.
Fixed bug in 6.24.03 bug fix in gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive <UserItem> ... targetfolderid root ...
Updated gam update chromepolicy
to allow zero-length values for TYPE_STRING
policy values;
this is required to be able to clear a value from such a policy.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer drive <UserItem> ... targetfolderid root ...
transferred data to the source user's root folder, not the target user's root folder.
Fixed bug in gam print crostelemetry
that included a spurious column header, devicdId
, in the output.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tasks
to display tasks in hierarchical order.
Added option orderby completed|due|updated
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tasks
display tasks in date order within the hierarchy.
Added commands to manage and display Google Tasks.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update|show|print form
to give a better error message when the Forms API is not enabled.
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Google Forms API has not been used in project XXXXXXX before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/forms.googleapis.com/overview?project=XXXXXXX then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
is replaced with
ERROR: Forms API not enabled. Please run "gam update project" and "gam user [email protected] check serviceaccount"
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile
to produce more
informative progress messages. The source file name(ID) are shown
as well as the target parent folder name(ID) and target file/folder name(ID).
Deleted options copytopfileparents
, copytopfolderparents
and copysubfolderparents
from gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
as multi-parent file/folders can not be copied with multiple parents.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
to use shortcuts when the same file appears more that once in the copy.
The first time the file is processed, it is copied; if it is processed again (because of multiple parents within the source
folder structure), a shortcut is created that points to the first copy.
Added option copiedshortcutspointtocopiedfiles [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
In previous versions, copying shortcuts caused an error because shortcuts can't be copied, they must be re-created.
If a shortcut in the source structure points to a file/folder that is not in the source structure:
- The shortcut is re-created to point to the original file/folder. If a shortcut in the source structure points to a file/folder that is in the source structure:
omitted orcopiedshortcutspointtocopiedfiles true
- The shortcut is re-created to point to the copied file/folder. -
copiedshortcutspointtocopiedfiles false
- The shortcut is re-created to point to the original file/folder.
Deleted options copysubfileparents
and copysubfolderparents
from gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile
as multi-parent file/folders can not be moved with multiple parents.
Added option createshortcutsfornonmovablefiles [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> move drivefile
to control processing of non-movable files; for example, files owned by users outside of your domain.
It causes GAM to create a shortcut in the target folders for files in the source folders that are not movable.
omitted orcreateshortcutsfornonmovablefiles false
- No shortcuts are created and an error message is given explaining why the file can't be moved. -
createshortcutsfornonmovablefiles true
- A shortcut is created that points to the non-movable file.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update contact
where the relation
property was not properly processed.
Fixed bug where redirected stderr output from GAM main process was written after GAM sub processes redirected stderr output.
The following update applies to one or two GAM users, if you're not one of them, stop reading.
When GAM is processing commands with data from a CSV file, csv_input_row_drop_filter
are evaluated and utilized by the GAM main process and are not
evaluated or processed by the GAM sub processes.
When GAM is processing commands with data from a CSV file, csv_output_header_drop_filter
, csv_output_row_drop_filter
and csv_output_row_filter
evaluated by the GAM main process and utilized by the GAM sub processes.
Evaluating the row filters once in the GAM main process means that <RowValueFilter>
forms data:<DataSelector>
and notdata:<DataSelector>
only read the data from <DataSelector>
Updated code to handle OUs with a %
in their name. OUs with a +
in their name
are still handled incorrectly by the API when accessed directly.
Added option oneitemperrow
to gam print vaultexports|exports
to have each of an
exports cloudStorageSink files displayed on a separate row.
Added options bucketmatchpattern <RegularExpression>
and objectmatchpattern <RegularExpression>
to gam download vaultexport|export
to allow selective downloading of export files.
Added quick_cros_move
variable to gam.cfg
that is used to provide the default value for quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]
gam update cros <CrOSEntity> <CrOSAttribute>+ [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]] [nobatchupdate]
gam <CrOSTypeEntity> update <CrOSAttribute>+ [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]] [nobatchupdate]
gam update org|ou <OrgUnitItem> add|move <CrOSTypeEntity> [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]]
gam update org|ou <OrgUnitItem> sync <CrOSTypeEntity> [removetoou <OrgUnitItem>] [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]]
Added use_projectid_as_name
variable to gam.cfg
that modifies gam create project
to set
the default project name to the project ID instead of 'GAM Project' and to set the
default app name to the project ID instead of 'GAM'.
Improved error handling for the following error that occurs when the Customer ID is invalid.
ERROR: 400: invalidInput - Invalid Input
Corrected spelling of spreadcheetid
to spreadsheetid
and spreadcheeturl
to spreadsheeturl
in <SpreadsheetField>
used by gam <UserTypeEntity> info|print|show sheet <DriveFileEntity>
<SpreadsheetField> ::=
Updated code to handle the following Oauth2 error:
ERROR: Authentication Token Error - access_denied: Account restricted
Added option stripcrsfromname
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filepath
that causes carriage returns,
linefeeds and nulls to be stripped from file names.
Added option fullpath
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filepath
and gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo
that adds additional path information indicating that a file is an Orphan or Shared with me.
Added keywords mydriveid
and rootid
to <DriveFileEntity>
as synonyms for mydrive
and root
in all
commands except gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist|filetree
. In those commands, select mydrive|root
is used to select a class of files; select mydriveid|rootid
is used to select a folder starting point.
Updated code to handle another Google API problem when updating the OU of a Chromebook.
Updated code to handle a Google API problem when updating the OU of a Chromebook.
Fixed bug in gam download vaultexport|export
that caused a trap when the
usenewexport true
option was used on the gam create vaultexport|export
that created the matter.
Dropped deprecated argument enforcesingleparent <Boolean>
from these commands:
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add|update drivefile
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add drivefileacl
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add permissions
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|add sheet
Fixed bug in gam print cros ...showdvrsfp
that caused a 'ZeroDivisionError: division by zero' trap.
Fixed bug where gam info people
was not recognized as a valid command.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree select <DriveFileEntity>
where the stripcrsfromname
option was not applied.
Updated code to handle Enterprise Licensing API issue with SKU 1010060001 (Google Workspace Essentials).
Fixed bug introduced in 6.22.04 in gam print users
that caused a trap.
Fixed bug in gam update drivefile <DriveFileEntity> ... parentid <DriveFolderID> newfilename <DriveFileName>
where the file was not renamed.
The Enterprise License Manager API doesn't provide an option to get a list of the licenses a user holds.
For gam info user
, GAM makes a batch API call with 47 product/SKU pairs querying whether the user holds
a license for the product/SKU. An error is returned (and suppressed) for each product/SKU pair for which
the user does not hold a license.
Currently, when you specify the license
option with gam print users
, GAM downloads all licenses for the domain
and from that data determines which licenses a user holds. For large numbers of users this works reasonably well;
for a small number of users the all license download might be overly expensive. The following options (synonyms)
were added to gam print users
that cause it
to use the batch API call method to retrieve the licenses for each user.
Additionally, these options (products <ProductIDList>)|(skus <SKUIDList>)
can be used with both gam info user
and gam print users
to limit the licenses retrieved.
Added license_skus
variable to gam.cfg
that defines the SKUs that will be processed when getting licenses.
Each item in the list can be a <SKUID>
which will be validated or <ProductID>/<SKUID>
which will not.
The default, an empty string, means that all SKUs will be processed when getting licenses.
Fixed bug in gam report customers|users ... date <Date> nodatechange
where previous
bug fix in 6.20.10 changed the format of the output.
Google has updated the Directory API to explicitly allow updating the OU of a Chromebook
with the OU ID rather than the OU path. The update_cros_ou_with_id
variable in gam.cfg
whether to use the OU ID or path to update the OU of a Chromebook.
The Directory API now supports displaying the OU ID of a Chromebook; added orgunitid
to <CrOSFieldName>
to allow display of this attribute in gam info|print cros
Added display of the OU ID of a Chromebook to gam print crosactivity
Fixed bug in code introduced in 6.22.00 that caused a trap.
Extended csv_input_row_filter
, csv_input_row_drop_filter
, csv_output_row_filter
and csv_output_row_drop_filter
to allow specification of filter values from a list, flat file or CSV file.
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Input-Filtering
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/CSV-Output-Filtering
When setting a multivalued custom schema field for a user, if type home|other|work|(custom <String>)
is not specified,
will be assigned. Previously, if type was not specified, Google would accept the field without a type
but would eventually set type to work
itself in the background.
Added ProuctID 101036: Google Meet Global Dialing
and SKUID meetdialing|googlemeetglobaldialing
thanks to @jay-eleven.
Added option formatjson
to gam info resoldcustomer <CustomerID>
Fixed bug in gam update|use project
that caused the command to fail on Windows.
Fixed bug in gam print|show projects|svcaccts
that caused a trap.
Added support for new calendar event read-only field eventType
; thanks to @josemdv.
Updated handling of multivalued custom schema fields that are specified without a type;
the type will be shown as work
as Google eventually sets the type to work
itself in the background.
Fixed bug in gam info|show schema
that caused a trap.
Updated gam update chromepolicy
to allow specification of policy data with JSON.
For complex policies, this is the only way to enter the policy data.
gam update chromepolicy
(<Field> <Value>)+ |
(json [charset <Charset>] <JSONData>) |
(json file <FileName> [charset <Charset>])
ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitItem> [(printerid <PrinterID>)|(appid <AppID>)]
Added clock_skew_in_seconds
variable to gam.cfg
that defines the number of seconds
of clock skew allowed between local time and Google time. The default value is 10 seconds
which was the previous hard-coded value.
Updated GAM spreadsheet commands to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: failedPrecondition - This operation is not supported for this document
Following Jay's lead, added option allowitemdeletion
to gam [<UserTypeEntity>] delete shareddrive <SharedDriveEntity>
that allows deletion of non-empty Shared Drives. This option requires a Super Admin user.
Fixed bug in gam report customers|users ... date <Date> nodatechange
where no data was returned
in some cases when allverifyuser <UserItem>
was not specified.
Added option aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression>
to gam print users
that limits the display of aliases
to those that match <RegularExpression>
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile
that caused a trap when a Shared Drive was involved.
Additional fixes to bug that caused a trap when config csv_output_timestamp_column
and formatjson
were used in the same command.
Fixed bug that caused a trap when config csv_output_timestamp_column
and formatjson
were used in the same command.
Updated options notarchived|archived
in gam update group|groups <GroupEntity> add|remove|sync
to be usable with additional <UserTypeEntity>
Added option dynamicsecurity|makedynamicsecuritygroup
to gam update cigroups <GroupEntity>
so you can update a dynamic group to be a security group. You should use this option if you use
this option security|makesecuritygroup
and get this error:
ERROR: 400: invalidArgument - Error(2022): Removing labels is not supported.
Fixed handling of Shared Drive API errors that was broken in 6.20.00.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity ... csv formatjson
that caused a trap.
Added code to validate values in <CAARegionList>
in gam create|update caalevel
Following Jay's lead, updated gam [<UserTypeEntity>] print|show teamdrives
to display
the orgUnit
path for a Shared Drive in addition to its orgUnitId
. The org unit information
is only available when the command is run as an administrator. Additional API calls are
necessary to get the orgUnit
path; the option noorgunits
disables the additional API
calls and display of the path .
Following Jay's lead, added option ou|org|orgunit <OrgUnitItem>
to gam [<UserTypeEntity>] update teamdrive
move the Team Drive to the specified OU. This option is only available when the command is run as an administrator.
Follwing Jay's lead, added commands to manage/display Context-Aware Access Levels.
Added the ability to upload Note attachments to Google Drive.
Added command to download Note attachments.
Updated gam delete|update schema
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 500: FIELD_IN_USE - Cannot delete a field in use.resource.fields
Updated gam create project
to proceed even if one or two APIs fail to be enabled;
currently, any failure terminates the project creation.
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.4
Added initial support for the Cloud Channel API; this is used by resellers.
Added a command to update basic form settings.
gam <UserTypeEntity> update form <DriveFileEntity>
[title <String>] [description <String>] [isquiz [Boolean>]
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print forms
that caused a trap when a form has no title.
Added initial support for the Forms API.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts ... showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>
removed 'me' in owners
from the query.
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.3
- Upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1n
Fixed bug in gam print vaultcounts matter <MatterItem> corpus mail accounts <EmailAddressEntity>
extraneous lines emails,0,
appeared in the output.
Fixed bug in gam update contactphotos
and gam <UserTypeEntity> update contactphotos
option drivedir|(sourcefolder <FilePath>)
was not properly processed. Unfortunately, the
Domain Shared Contacts API seems to be broken when trying to manage contact photos.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> replacedomain contacts emailmatchpattern <RegularExpression> domain <OldDomainName> <NewDomainName>
to only replace <OldDomainName>
with <NewDomainName>
in the email addresses within the contact that match <RegularExpression>
Previously, emailmatchpattern <RegularExpression>
selected a contact and all email addresses within the contact had
their domain names updated if applicable.
Added option aggregateusersby clientid|appname
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show tokens
aggregates the users by clientid|appname
and displays a count of the number of users rather
than the individual users for each clientid|appname
Updated to allow new 10 million cell limit in Google Sheets.
Added command to replace domain names in contact email addresses; this can be useful when merging/renaming domains.
gam <UserTypeEntity> replacedomain contacts
(domain <OldDomainName> <NewDomainName>)+
Fixed sorting of permissions in gam <UserTypeEntity> print drivefileacls
Fixed the fix in 6.16.12.
Updated code to eliminate fix for a Python 3.10.0 bug that caused gam <UserTypeEntity> print notes ... formatjson
to display quotes in note text incorrectly.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> show notes
that caused a trap when a note has no text
or a check box has no text.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print notes ... formatjson
where carriage returns and line feeds
were not properly displayed.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> create note ... json
where carriage returns and line feeds
were not properly input.
Added option role|roles <DriveFileACLRoleList>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show drivefileacls
to simplify limiting displayed ACLs by role.
Added command to upload image files for use in Chrome policies.
<ChromePolicyImageSchemaName> ::=
chrome.devices.managedguest.avatar |
chrome.devices.managedguest.wallpaper |
chrome.devices.signinwallpaperimage |
chrome.users.avatar |
gam create chromepolicyimage <ChromePolicyImageSchemaName> <FileName>
Extended option stripcrsfromname
option in the following commands to strip nulls and linefeeds
from displayed file names in addition to carriage returns.
gam <UserTypeEntity> info drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filerevisions <DriveFileEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist
Updated code to remove Python 3.9 dependency introduced in 6.16.05.
Added option domain <DomainName>
to gam print aliases
to simplify printing aliases from a secondary domain.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> get drivefile
that caused a trap when the target file couldn't be written.
Fixed bug that broke vault
Updated gam oauth create
to use client access authentication flow as in Standard GAM, config no_browser true
is no longer necessary.
Following Jay's lead, added option removeresetlock
to gam wipe device <DeviceEntity>
that will remove the account lock
on the Android or iOS device. This lock is enabled by default and requires the existing device user to log in after the wipe in order to unlock the device.
Following Jay's lead, added option usenewexport <Boolean>
to gam create vaultexport ... corpus mail
Updated gam oauth create
to allow retries when no_browser
is true and the user
enters an invalid authentication code.
With many thanks to Jay, updated gam oauth create
to use a new client access authentication flow
as required by Google for headless computers/cloud shells; this is required as of February 28, 2022.
- See: https://developers.googleblog.com/2022/02/making-oauth-flows-safer.html
- OAuth out-of-band (oob) flow will be deprecated
Cleaned up gam report
commands again to improve verification that valid data has been received.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> dedup contacts
where <PeopleResourceNameEntity>|<PeopleUserContactSelection>
was not optional as documented.
Added option replacefilename <RegularExpression> <String>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|update drivefile
that allows using regular expressions to modify the copied/updated file name.
gam user [email protected] update drivefile query "name contains '2020-2021'" replacefilename "2020-2021" "2021-2022"
gam user [email protected] copy drivefile name Template parentid root recursive replacefilename Template NewCustomer
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Files-Manage#update-files
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Copy-Move#copy-files-and-folders
Cleaned up gam report
commands to improve verification that valid data has been received.
Added email audit monitor commands that were deleted in 5.34.00.
gam audit monitor create <EmailAddress> <DestEmailAddress> [begin <DateTime>] [end <DateTime>]
[incoming_headers] [outgoing_headers] [nochats] [nodrafts] [chat_headers] [draft_headers]
gam audit monitor delete <EmailAddress> <DestEmailAddress>
gam audit monitor list <EmailAddress>
To use these commands, you should do:
gam update project
gam oauth create
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print datastudiopermissions
where todrive
was not recognized.
Further cleanup of gam create|update alias
After discussions with Jay, the default for creating/updating aliases is to verify that
the target <UniqueID>|<EmailAddress>
exists by making extra API calls;
if you know that the target exists, you can suppress the verification with notargetverify
Added option verifytarget
to gam create|update alias <EmailAddressEntity> user|group|target <UniqueID>|<EmailAddress>
that causes Gam to verify that the target <UniqueID>|<EmailAddress>
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> deprovision
and gam <UserTypeEntity> delete|update backupcodes
to give a more informative error message when a user is suspended and backup codes can't be deleted|updated.
Fixed bug in gam print crosactivity recentusers oneuserperrow
that caused a trap.
Added option setchangepasswordoncreate [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> update user
that can be used
to force created (as opposed to updated) users to change their password at their next login.
Updated error messages in gam <UserTypeEntity> update user createifnotfound
Added option notifyonupdate [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> update user
that can be used
to suppress the email notificaton when options notify <EmailAddressList> notifypassword <String>
are specified for use in the case when the user must be created but not used when the user does exist
and is simply updated.
Updated gam create cigroup
to handle the following error:
ERROR: 403: permissionDenied - Error(3006): This feature (Dynamic Groups) requires a premium SKU.
Fixed bug in gam update ou / add|move ...
that caused the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalid - Invalid field selection orgUnitPath
Updated option corpus
in gam print vaultcounts
to only allow mail
and groups
required by the API.
Following Jay's lead, added option condition securitygroup|nonsecuritygroup
to gam create admin
and option condition
to gam print|show admins
Updated code in gam print cros
to handle a missing data field that caused a trap.
Added option dateheaderconverttimezone [<Boolean>]>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages|threads
that allows
converting <SMTPDateHeader>
values to the gam.cfg timezone
Updated option dateheaderformat iso|rfc2822|<String>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages|threads
that allows
reformatting of the message Date
header value from RFC2822 format to the the following:
- Format is%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z
- Format is%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z
- Format according to: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes
Added option dateheaderformat <String>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages|threads
that allows
reformatting of the message Date
header from RFC2822 format to the format specified by <String>
If <String>
is iso
, then ISO 8601 format is used, otherwise see: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-format-codes
If the Date
header can't be parsed as RFC2822, it is left unchanged.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile <DriveFileEntity> ... excludepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>
that caused a trap.
Updated <CourseAttribute>
and <CourseFieldName>
to use descriptionheading
and heading
Added the following options to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
that provide more flexibility in managing permissions when copying/moving folders.
- Thanks to Kevin Sanghvi for suggesting these enhancements.
copysheetprotectedrangesinheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copysheetprotectedrangesnoninheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show messages ... showattachments|saveattachments
some attachments were not recognized.
- Thanks to Craig Millsap for spending the time with me to find the solution.
Updated processing of teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
in the following commands.
Previously, if there were multiple Shared Drives with the same <SharedDriveName>
, GAM silently processed
the first one which may not have been the desired action. Now, a message is issued listing the multiple <DriveFileIDs>
no processing is performed. Determine which Shared Drive ID is desired and reissue the command with teamdriveid <DriveFileID>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist select teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts select teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree select teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> update teamdrive teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete teamdrive teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> hide teamdrive teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> unhide teamdrive teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> info teamdrive teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> print emptydrivefolders teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete emptydrivefolders teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
gam <UserTypeEntity> empty drivetrash teamdrive <SharedDriveName>
Added the following commands to transfer top level ACLs from one Shared Drive to another.
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] copy teamdriveacls <SharedDriveEntity> to <SharedDriveEntity>
[showpermissionsmessages [<Boolean>]]
[excludepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>]
(mappermissionsdomain <DomainName> <DomainName>)*
gam [<UserTypeEntity>] sync teamdriveacls <SharedDriveEntity> with <SharedDriveEntity>
[showpermissionsmessages [<Boolean>]]
[excludepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>]
(mappermissionsdomain <DomainName> <DomainName>)*
Added option shownopermissionsdrives false|true|only
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show teamdriveacls
controls whether Shared Drives with no permissions are displayed.
- Do not display Shared Drives with no permissions; this is the default -
- Display Shared Drives with no permissions in addition to Shared Drives with permissions -
- Display only Shared Drives with no permissions
Added the option mappermissionsdomain <DomainName1> <DomainName2>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
that maps <DomainName1>
to <DomainName2>
in any non-inherited permissions that are copied. The option can be specified multiple times
to provide different mappings.
- Thanks to Kevin Sanghvi for suggesting this enhancement.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> delete othercontacts
to retry the delete step when
errors are returned after the update step.
Fixed bug in gam courses <CourseEntity> add|remove students|teachers
that caused API
call retries to fail with the following error:
Temporary error: notFound - @CourseNotFound The course was not found.
Improved performance when converting Shared Drive names to IDs.
Updated code to handle Shared Drive names that contain single quotes.
Corrected gam.cfg
variable cmdlog_max__backups
to be cmdlog_max_backups
Fixed bug in gam sync devices
where option serialnumber_column
was not recognized.
Fixed bug in gam sync devices
where a trap occurred when option assigned_missing_action
was not specified.
Upgraded the countsonly
suboption showsource
in gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist
to display
the name of the source drive/folder (Name column) in addition to its ID (Source Column).
Added a command to move Other Contacts to My Contacts.
gam <UserTypeEntity> move othercontacts <OtherContactResourceNameEntity>|<OtherContactSelection>
Improved action performed messages in gam <UserTypeEntity> update othercontacts
Added a command to delete Other Contacts.
- Thanks to Kim Nilsson for finding a Stack Overflow page that showed the way to do this.
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-People-Contacts-Profiles#delete-user-other-contacts
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete othercontacts <PeopleResourceNameEntity>|<PeopleUserOtherContactSelection>
Added a command to update Other Contacts and move them to My Contacts.
- Thanks to Kim Nilsson for finding a Stack Overflow page that showed the way to do this.
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-People-Contacts-Profiles#update-user-other-contacts
gam <UserTypeEntity> update othercontacts <PeopleResourceNameEntity>|<PeopleUserOtherContactSelection>
(contactgroup <ContactGroupItem>)*
Updated gam print|show teamdriveacls
to display the creation time of the Team/Shared drives.
Added the option excludepermissionsfromdomains <DomainNameList>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
that excludes permissions that reference any domain in <DomainNameList>
from being copied.
- Thanks to Kevin Sanghvi for suggesting this enhancement.
Fixed bug gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
where option copymergewithparentfolderpermissions
was not recognized.
Added the following options to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
that provide more flexibility in managing permissions when copying/moving folders.
Thanks to Kevin Sanghvi for suggesting these enhancements.
copyfileinheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copyfilenoninheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copymergewithparentfolderpermissions [<Boolean>]
copymergedtopfolderpermissions [<Boolean>]
copytopfolderinheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copytopfoldernoninheritedpermissions never|always|syncallfolders|syncupdatedfolders
copymergedsubfolderpermissions [<Boolean>]
copysubfolderinheritedpermissions [<Boolean>]
copysubfoldernoninheritedpermissions never|always|syncallfolders|syncupdatedfolders
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Copy-Move#copy-permissions
- See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Users-Drive-Copy-Move#move-permissions
Following Jay's lead, added command gam <UserTypeEntity> show vaultholds
to display all vault holds
affecting a user. This allows you to investigate the error Delete Failed: Precondition is not met.
when trying to delete a user.
Added option buildpath [<Boolean>]
to gam <UserTypeEntity> create filter label <LabelName>
that controls whether
of the form Top/Middle/Bottom
will be created as single-level or multi-level.
Added option hidden <Boolean>' to
gam update teamdrive`.
Fixed bug in gam print|show matters matterstate <MatterStateList>
that caused a trap.
Fixed bug in gam update mobile <MobileEntity> action block
that caused the following error:
ERROR: 400: invalidInput - Invalid value for: action_block is not a valid value
- Upgraded to Python 3.10.2
- Updated google-api-python-client to version 2.35.0
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> update chromepolicy
that caused a trap.
Fixed bug in gam print|show datatransfers oldowner|newowner <UserItem>
that did not
properly handle <UserItem>
of form uid:<String>
- Updated to OpenSSL 1.1.1m
Added command gam info currentprojectid
that displays the current Project ID.
Added options showpermissionmessages
and sendemailifrequired
to gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
Previously, when attempting to copy ACLs, GAM would report any errors; some errors were generated when an attempt
was made to inappropriately copy an ACL. Now, GAM will not attempt to copy ACLs unless they are appropriate.
When showpermissionmessages
is specified GAM will display messages about ACLs not copied, ACLs that were copied
and any remaining copy errors.
When copying an ACL that references a non Google account, an error is generated unless an email is sent to the account;
by default, no email notifications are sent. The sendemailifrequired
options instructs GAM to send an email notification in this case.
Added option formatjson
to gam <UserTypeEntity> info filters
and gam <UserTypeEntity> show filters
Handle the following error in gam <UserTypeEntity> signout
ERROR: 400: invalidInput - Invalid Input
This can be caused by applying the command to a suspended user.
Added option showsize
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filecounts
that displays the
size (in bytes) of the files counted.
Following Jay's lead, added commands to display ChromeOS device telemetry data.
To use these commands you must authorize an additional scope:
Chrome Management API - Telemetry read only
gam oauth create
Added option reverselists <ListFieldNameList>
to commands that display ChromeOS device information.
For each list in <ListFieldNameList>
, the list order is changed from ascending (oldest to newest) to descending (newest to oldest);
this makes it easy to get the N
most recent values with listlimit N reverselists <ListFieldNameList>
Added options parentselector <OrgUnitSelector>
and childselector <OrgUnitSelector>
gam print orgs|ous
that add an additional column orgUnitSelector
to the output. This column
value can be used in subsequent gam csv
commands to appropriately select members without duplication.
<OrgUnitSelector> ::=
cros_ou | cros_ou_and_children|
ou| ou_ns | ou_susp|
ou_and_children | ou_and_children_ns | ou_and_children_susp
Get file count summariess by OU; top level selector is ou, sub level selectors are ou_and_children
gam redirect csv ./TopLevelOUs.csv print ous showparent toplevelonly parentselector ou childselector ou_and_children fields orgunitpath
gam redirect csv ./FileCounts.csv multiprocess csv ./TopLevelOUs.csv gam "~orgUnitSelector" "~orgUnitPath" print filecounts excludetrashed summary only summaryuser "~orgUnitPath"
Updated error handling in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
when copying files to a shared drive folder.
Added option summaryuser <String>
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print filecounts
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist countsonly
that replaces the default summary user Summary
with <String>
gam redirect csv ./FileCounts.csv multiprocess csv ./OUs.csv gam ou_ns "~orgUnitPath" print filecounts excludetrashed summary only summaryuser "~orgUnitPath"
Uodated `gam update drivefile teamdriveparentid to handle the following error:
ERROR: 400: shareOutNotPermitted - Bad Request. User message: "shareOutNotPermitted"
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile
where contentManager|fileOrganizer
were not copied from a source shared drive folder to a target shared drive folder.
Fixed bug where redirect csv - multiprocess todrive redirect stdout - multiprocess
would disable
for redirect csv
which resulted in multiple files being uploaded.
Added option showshareddrivepermissions
to gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity>
that is applicable
when no fields are selected and <DriveFileEntity>
is a shared drive file/folder. In this case,
the Drive API returns the permission IDs but not the permissions themselves so GAM makes an additional API call
to get the permissions.
Added option showshareddrivepermissions
to gam <UserTypeEntity> print filelist
that is applicable
when no fields are selected and shared drives are queried/selected. In this case,
the Drive API returns the permission IDs but not the permissions themselves so GAM makes an additional API call
per file to get the permissions.
Added commands that can process lists of Gmail labels.
Updated gam info|print cros showdvrsfp formatjson
to include diskVolumeReports.volumeInfo.storageFreePercentage
Improved error messages for gam create resource
when options capacity <Number>
and floor <String>
are required but not provided.
Added option showdvrsfp
to gam info|print cros
that causes GAM to display a field
which is calculated as:
You can use an output row filter to only show ChromeOS devices with a limited amount of free space:
config csv_output_row_filter "diskVolumeReports.volumeInfo.0.storageFreePercentage:countrange=1/15"
instead ofcount<15
as the latter will display ChromeOS devices with no diskVolumeReports; a blank entry is treated as a zero.
ChromeOS devices can have multiple diskVolumeReports; some experimentation may be required to get the desired results.
The 6.12.02 bug fix in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree select <DriveFileEntity>
was too aggressive; when showing a file tree, folders owned by others must be processed
so that files owned by the user within those folders are displayed.
When running gam oauth create
and gam.cfg no_browser = true
, the authorization link is
no longer copied to the file gamoauthurl.txt
as this functionality required modifying
a Google supplied library.
Removed the option writeurltofile
from gam check| svcacct
that caused GAM to write
the authorization link to the file gamsvcaccturl.txt
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filetree select <DriveFileEntity>
file ownership was not being checked which resulted in files not owned by the user being displayed.
Updated code to perform retries when a serviceNotAvailable
error occurs when listing file permissions.
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFileParentAttribute> recursive
that mis-copied files when the target parent folder <DriveFileParentAttribute>
was within the folder structure of <DriveFileEntity>
Fixed bug in gam <UserTypeEntity> check drivefileshortcut <DriveFileEntity> csv
that caused a trap.
Added command gam <UserTypeEntity> delete labelid <LabelID>
that is used to
delete Gmail labels by ID rather than by name.
Fixed bug in 6.11.05 for updating Chromebook OU by ID.
Added update_cros_ou_with_id
variable to gam.cfg
that causes GAM to update
the OU of a Chromebook with the OU ID rather than the OU path.
Set this value to true if you are getting the following error:
400: invalidInput - Invalid Input: Inconsistent Orgunit id and path in request
When specifying <UserAttribute> languages
, it is an error to specify a custom language with a preference suffix +-
Added option includederivedmembership
to gam print|show cigroup-members
This option causes the API to list indirect members of groups.
See: https://github.com/taers232c/GAMADV-XTD3/wiki/Cloud-Identity-Groups-Membership
Updated gam oauth export|refresh
to privent the following error.
ERROR: Authentication Token Error - Not all requested scopes were granted by the authorization server, missing scopes , https://sitesgooglecom/feeds, https://wwwgooglecom/m8/feeds
Added option noinvitablecheck
to gam whatis <EmailItem>
that suppresses the user invitation check
to avoid exceeding quota limits when checking a large number of addresses.
Following Jay's lead, updated processing of <UserAttribute> languages
You could always set a user's languages via the API; Google has added the ability to
indicate whether a language is preferred
or not_preferred
. This is implemeted in
GAM by optionally appending a +
to a language code to set preferred
and a '-' to set not_preferred
In the user's profile, only preferred
languages are displayed.
gam update user [email protected] languages en+,fr+.
Updated all Cloud Identity API group calls to use version v1
of the API rather than version v1beta1
Added option nobatchupdate
to gam <CrOSTypeEntity> update ou <OrgUnitPath>
gam update cros <CrOSEntity> ou <OrgUnitPath>
that prevents GAM from using batch mode
to update the devices; this allows handling the rateLimitExceeded
error described below.
Updated code to to handle the following error as retryable:
403: rateLimitExceeded - Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user' of service 'admin.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number: (project)'
Updated gam print groups
and gam print|show group-members
to allow identification of groups
with the All users in the organization
member with: member id:<CustomerID>
Upgraded to Python 3.10.1
Added option to the copyfrom
option used with gam create/update course
that modifies how
course work and materials are copied.
- Mark all draft course work and materials as published
Updated todrive
options to simplify updating an existing sheet within an existing file.
Previously, if you specified tdfileid <DriveFileID> tdsheet (id:<Number>)|<String> tdupdatesheet
the sheet had to exist. The updated behavior is:
tdfileid <DriveFileID> tdsheet id:<Number> tdupdatesheet
- The specified sheet must exist -
tdfileid <DriveFileID> tdsheet <String> tdupdatesheet
- The specified sheet will be created if necessary
Fixed bug introduced in 6.10.03 that broke gam <UserTypeEntity> update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>
Updated gam whatis <EmailItem>
to give a better message if <EmailItem>
is not a group/user email address
or alias and Service Account scope Cloud Identity User Invitations API
is not enabled.
Renamed client access scope Directory API Printers
to Chrome Printer Management API
; there is
no change in functionality.
Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy|move drivefile <DriveFileEntity> <DriveFileParentAttribute>
to enforce the requirement that the specified user be a Shared Drive organizer
if either <DriveFileEntity>
or <DriveFileParentAttribute>
specifies a Shared Drive.
Added options csv [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*] [formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
gam <UserTypeEntity> create|update drivefileacl <DriveFileEntity>
that causes GAM to
output the new ACL details in CSV form rather than indented keywords and values.
Following Jay's lead, fixed obscure problem when creating a project in timezones ahead of GMT.
Updated gam create domainalias|aliasdomain <DomainAlias> <DomainName>
to handle error when
an invalid <DomainAlias>
is specified.
Added csv_output_subfield_delimiter
and people_max_results
variables to gam.cfg
Character used to delimit fields and subfields in headers when writing CSV files;
this must be a single character
Default: '.'
When retrieving lists of People from API,
how many should be retrieved in each API call
Default: 100
Range: 0 - 1000
Need more help? Ask on the GAM Discussion Group
Update History
- How to Install GAM7
- How to Uograde GAMADV-XTD3 to GAM7
- How to Upgrade Legacy GAM to GAM7
- How to Update GAM7
- Install GAM as Python Library
- GAM7 on Chrome OS Devices
- GAM7 on Android Devices
- Google Network Addresses
- HTTPS Proxy
- SSL Root CA Certificates
- How to Uninstall GAM7
- Authorization
- GAM Configuration
- Running GAM7 securely on a Google Compute Engine
- Using GAM7 with a delegated admin service account
- Using GAM7 with a YubiKey
Notes and Information
- Upgrade Benefits
- Questions? Visit the GAM Discussion Forum
- GAM Public Chat Room
- Scripts
- Other Resources
- Drive REST API v3
- BNF Syntax
- GAM Return Codes
- Python Regular Expressions
- Rclone
Command Processing
- Bulk Processing
- Command Line Parsing
- Command Logging and Progress
- Command data from Google Docs/Sheets/Storage
- CSV Special Characters
- CSV Input Filtering
- CSV Output Filtering
- Meta Commands and File Redirection
- Permission matches
- Tag Replace
- Todrive
Client Access
- Addresses
- Administrators
- Alert Center
- Aliases
- Calendars
- Calendars - Access
- Calendars - Events
- Chrome Auto Update Expiration Counts
- Chrome Browser Cloud Management
- Chrome Device Needs Attention Counts
- Chrome Installed Apps
- Chrome Policies
- Chrome Printers
- Chrome Profile Management
- Chrome Version Counts
- Chrome Version History
- ChromeOS Devices
- Classroom - Courses
- Classroom - Guardians
- Classroom - Invitations
- Classroom - Membership
- Cloud Channel
- Cloud Identity Devices
- Cloud Identity Groups
- Cloud Identity Groups - Membership
- Cloud Identity Policies
- Cloud Storage
- Context Aware Access Levels
- Customer
- Domains
- Domains - Verification
- Domain People - Contacts & Profiles
- Domain Shared Contacts - Global Address List
- Email Audit Monitor
- Find File Owner
- Google Data Transfers
- Groups
- Groups - Membership
- Inbound SSO
- Licenses
- Mobile Devices
- Organizational Units
- Reports
- Reseller
- Resources
- Send Email
- Schemas
- Shared Drives
- Sites
- Unmanaged Accounts
- Users
- Users - Application Specific Passwords
- Users - Backup Verification Codes
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - Contacts - Delegates
- Users - Deprovision
- Users - Group Membership
- Users - Photo
- Users - Profile Sharing
- Users - Signout and Turn off 2-Step Verification
- Users - Tokens
- Vault - Takeout
- Version and Help
Special Service Account Access
Service Account Access
- Users - Analytics Admin
- Users - Calendars
- Users - Calendars - Access
- Users - Calendars - Events
- Users - Chat
- Users - Classification Labels
- Users - Contacts
- Users - Drive - File Selection
- Users - Drive - Activity/Settings
- Users - Drive - Cleanup
- Users - Drive - Comments
- Users - Drive - Copy/Move
- Users - Drive - Files-Display
- Users - Drive - Files-Manage
- Users - Drive - Orphans
- Users - Drive - Ownership
- Users - Drive - Permissions
- Users - Drive - Query
- Users - Drive - Revisions
- Users - Drive - Shortcuts
- Users - Drive - Transfer
- Users - Forms
- Users - Gmail - Client Side Encryption
- Users - Gmail - Delegates
- Users - Gmail - Filters
- Users - Gmail - Forwarding
- Users - Gmail - Labels
- Users - Gmail - Messages/Threads
- Users - Gmail - Profile
- Users - Gmail - S/MIME
- Users - Gmail - SendAs/Signature/Vacation
- Users - Gmail - Settings
- Users - Keep - Notes
- Users - Looker Studio
- Users - Meet
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - People - Contacts & Profiles
- Users - Profile Photo
- Users - Shared Drives
- Users - Spreadsheets
- Users - Tasks
- Users - YouTube