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Installation Steps for Gothic 2

szapp edited this page May 24, 2024 · 26 revisions

Check the installation requirements first.

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Gothic Free Aim by mud-freak (@szapp)

Installation Steps for Gothic 2

  1. Make sure Ikarus and LeGo are installed and parsed in _work\data\Scripts\Content\Gothic.src.

  2. Copy all files from this repository into your Gothic installation. Mind the relative paths. Do not forget the binary files ( that come with the release.

  3. Have the files parsed:

    • In _work\data\Scripts\Content\Gothic.src, somewhere after Ikarus, LeGo and AI\AI_INTERN\FOCUS.D, add
    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\Camera.src, at the end, add
    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\ParticleFX.src, at the end, add
    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\SFX.src, at the end, add
    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\VisualFX.src, at the end, add
    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\Menu.src, between _intern\menu.d and menu\menu_main.d, add
  4. Add a new menu entry to the options game menu. With this users can enable and disable free aiming from the options menu. Keep in mind, that there are still players preferring keyboard controls over mouse. Free aiming will always be possible to disable in the Gothic.ini file.

    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\Menu\Menu_Opt_Game.d find items[XX] = "MENUITEM_GAME_BACK"; in the instance MENU_OPT_GAME and change it to

      items[XX]       = "MENUITEM_OPT_GFA";
      items[XX+1]     = "MENUITEM_OPT_GFA_CHOICE";
      items[XX+2]     = "MENUITEM_GAME_BACK";

      By default, XX is 15 and it should look like this afterwards:

      items[15]       = "MENUITEM_OPT_GFA";
      items[16]       = "MENUITEM_OPT_GFA_CHOICE";
      items[17]       = "MENUITEM_GAME_BACK";
    • In the same file find posy = MENU_BACK_Y; in the instance MENUITEM_GAME_BACK and change it to

      posy = MENU_BACK_Y+300;
    • In _work\data\Scripts\System\GFA\instances\Menu_Opt_GFA.d set the constant GFA_MENU_ID to the next available slot in the menu, typically (XX-1)/2 which is 7 by default. For example:

      const int  GFA_MENU_ID        = 7; // Next available Y-spot in game menu = entry number
    • In the same file you might have to adjust the menu labels. By default they are in German.

      // Menu text labels
      const string GFA_MENU_LABEL   = "Freies Zielen";            // "Free aiming"
      const string GFA_MENU_CHOICES = "aus|an";                   // "off|on"
      const string GFA_MENU_DESCR   = "Erfordert Maus Steuerung"; // "Requires mouse controls"
  5. In _work\data\Scripts\Content\Story\Startup.d find the function INIT_Global(). Inside, either somewhere after Ikarus and LeGo or instead of them, initialize Gothic Free Aim with


    GFA_ALL will enable all features that come with this script package. You can disable features like so


    Read on here to find out more about the different features.
    If you initialize LeGo before GFA, make sure to do so with the necessary LeGo packages for GFA (LeGo_All is not enough!): Required Lego Packages.

  6. In _work\data\Anims\Humans.mds add the lines as indicated in _work\data\Anims\Humans.mds.additions. Make sure you add the lines before the two closing brackets "} }" at the end of the file.
    Do the same analogous for _work\data\Anims\MDS_Overlay\Humans_BowT2.mds.additions and _work\data\Anims\MDS_Overlay\Humans_CBowT2.mds.additions.

  7. Backup and delete the following files

    • _work\data\Anims\_compiled\HUMANS.MSB
    • _work\data\Anims\_compiled\HUMANS_BOWT2.MSB
    • _work\data\Anims\_compiled\HUMANS_CBOWT2.MSB

After parsing the scripts, GFA should be fully implemented. Read on here to find out how to adjust GFA to your preferences.