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7.2. Working With Multiple Files

shinokada edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 1 revision

vim cheatsheet

# Open all files
vim .

# To open all files in a dir in tabs
$ vim * -p

# To open all files in a dir in horizontally splitted windows
$ vim * -o

# To open all files in a dir in vertically splitted windows
$ vim * -O


# Open files in tabs
vim -p file1 file2 file3

# Open all files in a directory
vim -p *.txt

# Once vim is open use this to open all files
:tab all

# Open all the md files in the current directory in individual tabs
:args *.md
:tab all

# Close a tab

# close all tabs

# close all tabs with saving
:wqa # or :tabo or :xa but don't use it :x

# force to close all without saving

# change the tab position to the third
:tabm 2 # 0 is the first
{i}gt # to to tab in postion i

# move the current tab to the first
:tabm 0

# move to the last tab

# go to the next tab

# go to the previous tab

# Edit a file in a new buffer
:e filename 

# go to next buffer
:bnext (or :bn)

# go to previous buffer
:bprev (of :bp) 

# delete a buffer (close a file)

# To open another tab
:tabe file.rb

# Move to the next tab
gt # or gT or igt to go to i-th tab

# Move to tab 5

# close current tab

# close i-th tab
:tabclose i

# close all other tabs

# new window in the current tab, use <c-w>t to move this window to a new tab or :tab sp to be copied to a new tab
:sp filename


# Open a file in a new buffer and split window
:sp filename 

# Vertically split window
:vs filename

# Quit a window

# Split windows vertically

# :new horizontal split (editing a new empty buffer)

# :split window horizontally (editing current buffer)

# :vsplit window vertically (editing current buffer)

#  :close window

# close all windows, leaving :only the current window open

# go to next window

# go to previous window

# move around in windows
<C-w>h # or use  h|j|k|l 

# go to window above

# go to window below

# go to window on left

#  go to window on right
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