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shinokada edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 2 revisions

Working with buffers

Working with buffers

command action
:ls show the buffer list
:b open the next buffer in the current window (cycles from the end of the list to the beginning).
:bp open the previous buffer in the current window (cycles from the start of the list to the end).
CTRL-^ Buffersswitch to the alternate file

Dealing with hidden buffers

command action
:with save the changes to a file
:e! Buffersrestore the original file
:bd! Buffersforcibly remove the buffer from the buffer list, discarding any changes
:q! Buffersforce Vim to quit, discarding changes to all modified buffers

In .vimrc setting hidden will allow you without vim errors/warnings.

set hidden

The argdo command works best when the hidden setting is enabled.

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