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Shin Okada edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 1 revision

Github command-T

The following mappings are active when the prompt has focus:

<BS>        delete the character to the left of the cursor
<Del>       delete the character at the cursor
<Left>      move the cursor one character to the left
<C-h>       move the cursor one character to the left
<Right>     move the cursor one character to the right
<C-l>       move the cursor one character to the right
<C-a>       move the cursor to the start (left)
<C-e>       move the cursor to the end (right)
<C-u>       clear the contents of the prompt
<Tab>       change focus to the file listing

The following mappings are active when the file listing has focus:

<Tab>       change focus to the prompt

The following mappings are active when either the prompt or the file listing has focus:

<CR>        open the selected file
<C-CR>      open the selected file in a new split window
<C-s>       open the selected file in a new split window
<C-v>       open the selected file in a new vertical split window
<C-t>       open the selected file in a new tab
<C-j>       select next file in the file listing
<C-n>       select next file in the file listing
<Down>      select next file in the file listing
<C-k>       select previous file in the file listing
<C-p>       select previous file in the file listing
<Up>        select previous file in the file listing
<C-f>       flush the cache (see |:CommandTFlush| for details)
<C-q>       place the current matches in the quickfix window
<C-c>       cancel (dismisses file listing)

The following is also available on terminals which support it:

<Esc>       cancel (dismisses file listing)
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