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Kai von Szadkowski edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Robot Scene File


There are different possibilities how the MARS simulation can be used. One possibility is to write a plugin that handles the loading of a scenario and interfaces the simulation to some control software. Also, in many cases, the control software can be directly wrapped into a simulation plugin. This tutorial will guide you how to create a new plugin, load your scene, and control the simulation.


We assume you already have a MARS development environment setup in ´MARS_DEV_ROOT´. Within the documentation we use ´MARS_DEV_ROOT´ as alias to the folder where you installed MARS. You should also have a simulation scene or SMURF file to load into the simulation. Open a terminal and source your environment:


Create and build a new plugin

To setup your first plugin you can use a script which will create a new plugin:

cd simulation/mars/plugins/plugin_template

The script will ask you for the project name, from which it will also try to derive the class name of the main C++ class.

NOTE: In project names, be sure to avoid special characters such as ", & and so on. They may cause problems in the subsequently executed scripts or the file system, as the name entered is used to create variables and file/folder names. Dashes ( - ) and underscores ( _ ) are fine.

E.g. we can enter "basic_plugin" here and the main class will then be called "BasicPlugin". Then you can enter a description of your plugin ("The plugin created by following the guide of the basic plugin tutorial."). Afterwards, enter the author name, email, and confirm your data. The script will create a folder containing your plugin one directory above the script location ("MARS_DEV_ROOT/mars/plugins/basic_plugin"). You can go into that folder and use the script to build the plugin for a first test if everything went well. To install the plugin you have to use "make install" within the newly created build folder.

cd MARS_DEV_ROOT/mars/plugins/basic_plugin
cd build
make install

If you want to create a custom configuration to work with your plugin, copy the "mars_default" configuration to "mars_basic_plugin", rename your example additional lib configuration file "other_libs.txt.example" into "other_libs.txt" and add your plugin to the list in the file. Additionally, you have to rename the "core_libs.txt.example" into "core_libs.txt", too. This will cause your plugin to be loaded upon startup of MARS if ´mars_app´ is started from within that configuration folder. Alternatively, you can start ´mars_app´ from anywhere and pass the configuration folder: ´mars_app -C path_to_configuration´.

cd MARS_DEV_ROOT/install/configuration
cp -r mars_default mars_basic_plugin
cd mars_basic_plugin
cp other_libs.txt.example other_libs.txt
cp core_libs.txt.example core_libs.txt
echo "basic_plugin" >> other_libs.txt

Content of other_libs.txt:


Start the simulation:


Currently the plugin does not do anything, but it should show up in the list of loaded plugins which you can find under the menu entry: File->Library Info...

Adapt the plugin

In MARS_DEV_ROOT/mars/plugins/basic_plugin/src/BasicPlugin.cpp you will find the funciton init() that is called by the simulation to initialize the plugin. If your initialization code depends on the simulation or other plugins you should rather perform it in the init() function than in the constructor as the other modules may not be in a defined state, yet. Just comment in the loadScene line with the path to your scene file.

void BasicPlugin::init() {
    // Load a scene file:

For the purpose of this tutorial we are going to access the motors and sensors of the simulation. To do that we first need to include the corresponding interfaces:

#include <mars/interfaces/sim/MotorManagerInterface.h>
#include <mars/interfaces/sim/SensorManagerInterface.h>

To control the robot in the simulation you can set motor values in the update callback. The update callback is triggered by the simulation thread giving the simulation step time as parameter. Here we can set some motor values:

void BasicPlugin::update(sReal time_ms) {
    static unsigned long id1 = control->motors->getID("motor_left");
    static unsigned long id2 = control->motors->getID("motor_right");

    control->motors->setMotorValue(id1, 1.0);
    control->motors->setMotorValue(id2, 3.0);

After running

make install

in MARS_DEV_ROOT/mars/plugins/basic_plugin/build we should have a small robot driving in circles when we start the simulation.

In the next step we want to read the sensor values from the laser scanner to create a wall following behavior. We can access the sensor values by the id the sensor gets when it is loaded into the simulation:

void BasicPlugin::update(sReal time_ms) {
    static unsigned long id1 = control->motors->getID("motor_left");
    static unsigned long id2 = control->motors->getID("motor_right");
    static unsigned long laserId = control->sensors->getSensorID("laser");

    control->motors->setMotorValue(id1, 1.0);
    control->motors->setMotorValue(id2, 3.0);

The getSensorData() methods takes the sensor id and a pointer to a unallocated sReal pointer as arguments. It will allocate memory for the sensor data but the caller (in this case that is you) is responsible for freeing the memory after reading the sensor data. The method returns the number of values representing the sensor data.

void BasicPlugin::update(sReal time_ms) {
    static unsigned long id1 = control->motors->getID("motor_left");
    static unsigned long id2 = control->motors->getID("motor_right");
    static unsigned long laserId = control->sensors->getSensorID("laser");
    sReal *sensorData;
    int numSensorValues = control->sensors->getSensorData(laserId, &sensorData);
    assert(numSensorValues == 8);
    if(sensorData[3] < 1.0 || sensorData[0] < 0.4) {
      control->motors->setMotorValue(id2, 12.0);
    } else if(sensorData[0] > 0.7) {
      control->motors->setMotorValue(id2, 4.8);
    } else {
      control->motors->setMotorValue(id2, 5.0);
    control->motors->setMotorValue(id1, 5.0);

Now we can run

make install

again, start the simulation, and we should see the robot following the wall!

The plugin source generated by the script includes many commented code, that provides examples of how to use simulation modules such as DataBroker, CFGManager, or MainGUI.