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Very relaxed json for ldmsd

Benjamin Allan edited this page Oct 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

This is a sketch of possible config file alternative to the genders format of ldmsd v2/v3/v4.

It suggests a very-relaxed-json format (as described below).

The files here define an ldmsd configuration for daemon instance and node type.

It is assumed a cluster-oriented configuration deployment that differentiates on node type will deploy %INSTANCE.$nodetype.vrjson to the standard location where an [email protected] systemd script will find it.

Within the mycluster cluster, there are 'local' and 'agg' ldmsd daemon instances.

On host myl2, there is an L2 daemon instance ldmsd@mycluster using the mycluster.vrjson content in the standard location where an ldmsd systemd service script will find it.

We see in the vrjson files that there's a lot of repetitiveness in plug-in configuration. The current example is based on a real v3 ldmsd deployment. In v5, we could have plug-in 'base' be where we set the defaults for things like jobset : ${HOSTNAME}/job_info and eliminate the repetition. Whether 'job' should be in the sampler base is out of scope for this discussion.


The json simplifications are:

  • There are no data types, so the only time you need quotes ("") is when you need to protect whitespace or a free-standing colon that is somehow data. The configured software is expected to manage any string to binary conversions.
  • Commas are not required between list items, as whitespace including line breaks is an item separator. Missing colons are an error. Commas, braces and square brackets surrounded by non-whitespace characters are part of the string, not punctuation of the data.
  • Comments start with # at the beginning of a line or '(whitespace)#'. String embedded # is not a comment
  • Variable expansion on the values is performed by the configured software.
  • Conversion to json is that all strings and long strings get double quoted and all lists get commas inserted.
  • Long strings that can extend across line-ends are delimited by """ as in python, and it is up to the configured software to determine what is done with the internal line-ends.



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