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WebAuthn (en)

tsujiguchi edited this page Dec 10, 2019 · 3 revisions

This page describes how to use the WebAuthn authentication module.


Module Structure

In FIDO2, there are two sequences: Registration of authentication device and Authentication using authentication device.

WebAuthn authentication follows these sequences and is divided into two modules: WebAuthn (Registration) and WebAuthn (Authentication).

By including them in the authentication chain of OpenAM, it is possible to combine different authentication for "registration" and "authentication".

LDAP Directory Structure

Traditionally, OpenAM stores authentication device information as user attributes (such as FR OATH authentication).

However, WebAuthn authentication stores the authentication device in a different directory than the user.

 ├─ou=Users <- User storage location
 │  ├─uid=user1
 │  ├─uid=user2
 │  └─uid=user3
 └─ou=Credentials <- Authentication device storage location

The entryUUID attribute associates the user entry with the authentication device entry.

The following example shows that user1 has two authenticating devices and user3 has one authenticating device (user2 does not own).

 │  ├─uid=user1
 │  │  └─entryUUID: 1f23ab57-8391-4d81-8799-6538fe6d06c7
 │  ├─uid=user2
 │  │  └─entryUUID: 639c7d57-ac06-3493-8faf-54650b3a383c
 │  └─uid=user3
 │     └─entryUUID: f01f029a-4908-48da-96e1-28171a98f423
    ├─fido2CredentialID=XXXXXXXXXXX <- user1
    │  └─fido2UserID: 1f23ab57-8391-4d81-8799-6538fe6d06c7
    ├─fido2CredentialID=XXXXXXXXXXX <- user1
    │  └─fido2UserID: 1f23ab57-8391-4d81-8799-6538fe6d06c7
    └─fido2CredentialID=XXXXXXXXXXX <- user3
       └─fido2UserID: f01f029a-4908-48da-96e1-28171a98f423

Use Case

The use cases for WebAuthn authentication are shown below. Authentication module settings vary depending on the use case.

Use Case Description
Passwordless authentication Authenticate with ID and authentication device by FIDO2.
Multi-factor authentication FIDO2 is used as a multi-factor authentication in combination with ID / password authentication.
Usernameless authentication Authenticate only with the FIDO2 authentication device (Resident Key) that stores the user handle.

The use cases shown here are for the authentication sequence. This document does not mention the use case of the registration sequence. In this document, WebAuthn (registration) is used in combination with data store authentication (ID / password authentication).


Before introducing WebAuthn authentication, the following preparations are required on the OpenAM server.

  • OpenAM server is running over HTTPS.
  • OpenAM initial settings are complete.
  • The LDAP attribute used for WebAuthn authentication is permitted in the user data store setting.
  • Prepare directory server for authentication device.

The user data store setting

As already mentioned, user entry and authentication device entry are linked by entryUUID attribute. Therefore, entryUUID must be allowed in the user data store.

Note that this setting is not required when using embeded OpenDJ as a user data store for test purposes.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to the target realm -> Data Stores -> The target data store.
  3. Add entryUUID to LDAP User Attributes and click Save button.

The Directory server for authentication devices

Prepare a directory server for the authentication device. Usually, it is assumed to be used together with an LDAP server for users.

The authentication device directory server must implement an LDAP schema for the authentication device. By default, this schema is assumed to be used.

Note that this setting is not required when using the embeded OpenDJ as an authentication device directory server for test purposes.

The authentication device storage location

Prepare an entry for the authentication device storage location.

In this document, ou=Credentials,dc=openam,dc=jp is used.

Set up as passwordless authentication

This chapter shows the procedure for introducing WebAuthn authentication as passwordless authentication.

Set up WebAuthn Authenticator Service

In order to operate the WebAuthn authentication module, it is necessary to create a WebAuthn Authenticator service and specify the directory server and LDAP object / attribute to store the authentication device.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to the target realm -> Services.
  3. Click Add a Service button.
  4. Select WebAuthn Authenticator Service for Service Type and click the Create button.
  5. Enter each parameter and click Save Changes. The following are examples of parameters. When using the embeded OpenDJ, be sure to enter the Bind User Password.
Item Example
Authenticator Object Class fido2Credential, top
Credential ID Attribute fido2CredentialID
Credential Public Key Attribute fido2PublicKey
Credential Name Attribute fido2CredentialName
Signature Counter Attribute fido2SignCount
User Handle Attribute fido2UserID
Primary LDAP Server
Base DN ou=Credentials,dc=openam,dc=jp
Bind User DN cn=amuser,dc=openam,dc=jp
Bind User Password Enter the bind user password
LDAP Connection Mode LDAP

Configure the WebAuthn (Registration) module

Create an instance of the WebAuthn (Registration) module and create an authentication chain for registration.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authentication -> Modules
  3. Click Add Module button
  4. Here, enter registerModule in Name, select WebAuthn (Registration) in Type, and click the Create button.
  5. Enter each parameter and click Save Changes. The following are examples of parameters.
Item Example
Relying Party Name OpenAM
Attestation none
Attachment undefined
Require Resident Key false
User Verification preferred
Timeout(milliseconds) 60000
Display Name Attribute cn
Maximum number of authentication devices 3
Authentication Level 0
  1. Move to Authentication -> Chains from the left menu.
  2. Click Add Chain button.
  3. Enter registerService in Name here, and click the Create button.
  4. The authentication chain setting screen is displayed. Click the Add a module button.
  5. Select DataStore from the Select Module pull-down, select Requisuite for Select Criteria, and click the OK button.
  6. Click the Add a Module button again.
  7. Select registerModule from the Select Module pull-down, select Required for Select Criteria and click the OK button.
  8. When you return to the authentication chain setting screen, click the Save Changes button.

Configure the WebAuthn (Authentication) module

Create an instance of the WebAuthn (Authenticaton) module and create an authentication chain for authentication.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authentication -> Modules
  3. Click Add Module button
  4. Here, enter pwdLessModule in Name, select WebAuthn (Authentication) in Type, and click the Create button.
  5. Enter each parameter and click Save Changes. The following are examples of parameters.
Item Example
Relying Party Name OpenAM
Use for Resident Key false
User Verification preferred
Timeout(milliseconds) 60000
Use for MFA false
Display Name Attribute cn
Authentication Level 0
  1. Move to Authentication -> Chains from the left menu.
  2. Click Add Chain button.
  3. Enter pwdLessService in Name here, and click the Create button.
  4. The authentication chain setting screen is displayed. Click the Add a module button.
  5. Select pwdLessModule from the Select Module pull-down, select Required for Select Criteria and click the OK button.
  6. When you return to the authentication chain setting screen, click the Save Changes button.

Operation (passwordless authentication)

Register an authentication device

Register the authentication device by running the authentication chain for registration.

  1. Access the following URL in a browser that supports WebAuthn:
  1. The login screen will be displayed. Enter your user name / password and click the "LOG IN" button.

  2. A pop-up appears in the browser. Follow the instructions on the browser to operate the authentication device.

  3. If the registration process is successful, the message PublicKey Registration Complete. Enter Credential DisplayName(optional) will be displayed. Enter the identification name of the authentication device and click the NEXT button.

  4. An user session is created and the user profile screen is displayed.

Authenticate with an authentication device

Authenticate with the authentication device by operating the authentication chain for authentication.

  1. Access the following URL in a browser that supports WebAuthn:
  1. The login screen will be displayed. Enter the user name and click the "LOG IN" button.

  2. A pop-up appears in the browser. Follow the instructions on the browser to operate the authentication device.

  3. If the authentication is successful, an user session is issued and the user profile screen is displayed.

Set up as multi-factor authentication

This chapter shows the procedure for introducing WebAuthn authentication as multi-factor authentication.

Set up WebAuthn Authenticator Service

In order to operate the WebAuthn authentication module, it is necessary to create a WebAuthn Authenticator service and specify the directory server and LDAP object / attribute to store the authentication device.

The procedure and settings are the same as 「Set up WebAuthn Authenticator Service」. If you have already done so, go to the next step.

Configure the WebAuthn (Registration) module

Create an instance of the WebAuthn (Registration) module and create an authentication chain for registration.

The procedure and settings are the same as 「Configure the WebAuthn (Registration) module」. If you have already done so, go to the next step.

Configure the WebAuthn (Authentication) module

Create an instance of the WebAuthn (Authenticaton) module and create an authentication chain for authentication.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authentication -> Modules
  3. Click Add Module button
  4. Here, enter mfaModule in Name, select WebAuthn (Authentication) in Type, and click the Create button.
  5. Enter each parameter and click Save Changes. The following are examples of parameters.
Item Example
Relying Party Name OpenAM
Use for Resident Key false
User Verification preferred
Timeout(milliseconds) 60000
Use for MFA true
Display Name Attribute cn
Authentication Level 0
  1. Move to Authentication -> Chains from the left menu.
  2. Click Add Chain button.
  3. Enter mfaService in Name here, and click the Create button.
  4. The authentication chain setting screen is displayed. Click the Add a module button.
  5. Select DataStore from the Select Module pull-down, select Requisuite for Select Criteria and click the OK button.
  6. Click the Add a module button again.
  7. Select mfaModule from the Select Module pull-down, select Required for Select Criteria and click the OK button.
  8. When you return to the authentication chain setting screen, click the Save Changes button.

Operation (Multi-factor authentication)

Register an authentication device

Register the authentication device by running the authentication chain for registration.

The procedure and settings are the same as 「Register an authentication device」. If you have already done so, go to the next step.

Authenticate with an authentication device

Authenticate with the authentication device by operating the authentication chain for authentication.

  1. Access the following URL in a browser that supports WebAuthn:
  1. The login screen will be displayed. Enter your user name / password and click the "LOG IN" button.

  2. A pop-up appears in the browser. Follow the instructions on the browser to operate the authentication device.

  3. If the authentication is successful, an user session is issued and the user profile screen is displayed.

Set up as usernameless authentication

This chapter shows the procedure for introducing WebAuthn authentication as usernameless authentication.

Set up WebAuthn Authenticator Service

In order to operate the WebAuthn authentication module, it is necessary to create a WebAuthn Authenticator service and specify the directory server and LDAP object / attribute to store the authentication device.

The procedure and settings are the same as 「Set up WebAuthn Authenticator Service」. If you have already done so, go to the next step.

Configure the WebAuthn (Registration) module

Create an instance of the WebAuthn (Registration) module and create an authentication chain for registration.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authentication -> Modules
  3. Click Add Module button
  4. Here, enter residentRegisterModule in Name, select WebAuthn (Registration) in Type, and click the Create button.
  5. Enter each parameter and click Save Changes. The following are examples of parameters.
Item Example
Relying Party Name OpenAM
Attestation none
Attachment undefined
Require Resident Key true
User Verification preferred
Timeout(milliseconds) 60000
Display Name Attribute cn
Maximum number of authentication devices 3
Authentication Level 0
  1. Move to Authentication -> Chains from the left menu.
  2. Click Add Chain button.
  3. Enter residentRegisterService in Name here, and click the Create button.
  4. The authentication chain setting screen is displayed. Click the Add a module button.
  5. Select DataStore from the Select Module pull-down, select Requisuite for Select Criteria, and click the OK button.
  6. Click the Add a Module button again.
  7. Select residentRegisterModule from the Select Module pull-down, select Required for Select Criteria and click the OK button.
  8. When you return to the authentication chain setting screen, click the Save Changes button.

Configure the WebAuthn (Authentication) module

Create an instance of the WebAuthn (Authenticaton) module and create an authentication chain for authentication.

  1. Log in to OpenAM as an administrator user.
  2. Move to Target realm -> Authentication -> Modules
  3. Click Add Module button
  4. Here, enter residentModule in Name, select WebAuthn (Authentication) in Type, and click the Create button.
  5. Enter each parameter and click Save Changes. The following are examples of parameters.
Item Example
Relying Party Name OpenAM
Use for Resident Key true
User Verification preferred
Timeout(milliseconds) 60000
Use for MFA false
Display Name Attribute cn
Authentication Level 0
  1. Move to Authentication -> Chains from the left menu.
  2. Click Add Chain button.
  3. Enter residentService in Name here, and click the Create button.
  4. The authentication chain setting screen is displayed. Click the Add a module button.
  5. Select residentModule from the Select Module pull-down, select Required for Select Criteria and click the OK button.
  6. When you return to the authentication chain setting screen, click the Save Changes button.

Operation (usernameless authentication)

Register an authentication device

Register the authentication device by running the authentication chain for registration. It is the same as 「Register an authentication device」 except URL to access.

Authenticate with an authentication device

Authenticate with the authentication device by operating the authentication chain for authentication.

  1. Access the following URL in a browser that supports WebAuthn:
  1. A pop-up appears in the browser. Select the user to authenticate or the authentication device to use.

  2. Follow the instructions on the browser to operate the authentication device.

  3. If the authentication is successful, an user session is issued and the user profile screen is displayed.

Manage authentication devices

This chapter describes how to manage authentication devices.

Display authenticated devices

The authentication device can be displayed on the user's dashboard screen.

  1. Authenticate with OpenAM and display the user profile screen.

  2. Click on DASHBOARD at the top left of the screen.

  3. Scroll the dashboard screen, there is FIDO2(WebAuthn) Authentication Devices section, then you can check the registered authentication device.

Check the authentication device information

In addition to the name of the authentication device, you can check the registration date and time. Please refer to this when deleting an authentication device.

  1. The authentication device is displayed by the procedure of 「Display authenticated devices」.

  2. Click the device icon, you can display the device name and registration date and time.

Deleting authentication devices

Authentication devices can be deleted on the user's dashboard screen.

  1. The authentication device is displayed by the procedure of 「Display authenticated devices」.

  2. Click on the upper right corner of the device icon and click on the Delete menu.

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