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Josh Hursey edited this page Jan 18, 2017
11 revisions
If you have testing equipment behind a firewall then it can be difficult to use the Open MPI Community Jenkins server since it will not be able to reach your machines from the open internet.
- You will need to setup a Jenkins master internally to your site. We will call this (Internal)Jenkins.
- Must be able to test internally without any external entity having access and visibility on the test environment or (Internal)Jenkins.
- (Internal)Jenkins must be able to connect to the GitHub API.
- (Internal)Jenkins must be able to report build result to the open internet so other developers can view details of build failures.
- (Internal)Jenkins must be able to connect to the BuildNode, where you will run the tests.
- Setup your (Internal)Jenkins
- Install the following packages on (Internal)Jenkins
GitHub Pull Request Builder
- This plugin monitors GitHub for pull requests, and updates the status/comments as appropriate.
- [EnvInject] (https://github.com/jenkinsci/envinject-plugin)
- https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/EnvInject+Plugin
- This plugin will allow us to inject variables from one part of the build into another. Necessary to pass around the gist ID and URL along with a few other context variables.
- https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/PostBuildScript+Plugin
- This will allow us to push the output even if the build fails, and before GitHub is updated.
GitHub Pull Request Builder
- You will want setup a GitHub user with a personal access token that allows
access (for the pull request builder) -
access (to manage the gists) - Save this token in a TOKENFILE somewhere in your environment (plain text file with restricted permissions)
- You will need a local copy the scripts to seed the environment with variables, and interact with the GitHub Gist API. These are in ompi-tests repository.
Setting up the environment on the BuildNode
# Setup a log file
touch $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/log/your-log.md
# Push this file to the Gist site
# Make sure to note the URL returned, as you will need the ID for later
# --public makes it publicly available, remove that option if you want it private
$PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/gist.pl --tokenfile $TOKENFILE -cmd create --public $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/log/your-log.md
# Setup the configuration for the relay system. Start with the template.
cp $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/config.inc.sample $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/config.inc
$EDITOR $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/config.inc
# Setup a crontab entry for the following script
crontab -e
# This script removes gists older than N days (Defined in config.inc)
0 8 * * * $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/clean-history.sh $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/config.inc
- Define a default
parameter and a default parameter that will be the default URL pushed to GitHub when the Jenkins job starts.
-> "This build is parameterized"
-> "String Parameter"
-> Name: sha1
-> Default Value: master
-> Description:
-> "String Parameter"
-> Name: GISTURL
-> Default Value: https://gist.github.com
-> Description: Initial URL for HitHub
- (Suggested) Additional Behaviors
- Wipe out repository & force clone
- Configure the Pull Request Builder
-> "GitHub Pull Request Builder"
-> Define "Admin list" (add at least your bot account)
-> "Advanced"
-> Trigger phrase (replace 'ibm' with your org): .*bot:(ibm:)?retest.*
-> Skip build phrase: .*((\[skip\W+ci\])|(\[ci\W+skip\])|(bot:notest)).*
-> Crontab line (poll every 5 min): H/5 * * * *
-> White list: open-mpi (your bot name)
-> List of organizations. Their members will be whitelisted.: open-mpi
-> (check) Build every pull request automatically without asking (Dangerous!).
-> Whitelist Target Branches: master
-> Poll SCM
-> Schedule (should match earlier crontab line): H/5 * * * *
-> "Trigger Setup"
-> "Update commit status during build"
# The "Commit Status Context" is what is displayed to GitHub next to the build status.
# Usually seen as the "Details" link
# So if you have multiple Jenkins jobs that run on a PR then distinguish them via
# this string.
Commit Status Context: YOUR-COMPANY-CI
# This will be the URL posted next to the "Commit Status Context" on GitHub.
# This environment variable is set in a .properties.txt file (in next step)
Commit Status URL: ${GISTURL}
Commit Status Build Triggered:
Commit Status Build Started:
-> "Build Status Messages" (optional if you want it to add a comment on failed builds)
Build Result: Failure
Message: "Test Failed! Some friendly string to put in the Comment field of the PR"
- "Build" (in this order)
- "Set build status to pending on GitHub commit"
- "Execute shell"
#!/bin/bash -xe
# This script does a few things:
# - Post a placeholder file to Gist (we need the ID for later)
# - Save the GISTID to a .properties.txt file (so we can update it later)
# - Save the GISTURL to the .properties.txt file (so we can push it to GitHub later)
# - Create a .env.sh with some information that we will need in the "Execute shell" phase below
source $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/pre-build.sh
- "Inject environment variables"
- Properties File Path:
- Properties File Path:
- "Execute shell"
#!/bin/bash -xe
# Pick up the environment variables from the earlier "Execute shell" phase
source $WORKSPACE/.env.sh
# Redirect output to the file
exec > >(tee -i output.txt)
exec 2>&1
# Jenkins will fail this script at the point it has a non-zero exist status
# so we need a file to see if we made it through the CI script successfully.
touch $WORKSPACE/.in-progress.txt
# Run your CI script here...
# If we get here then everything is fine, so remove the file.
rm $WORKSPACE/.in-progress.txt
- "Post-build Actions"
- "Execute a set of scripts"
- "Build Steps" -> "Execute shell"
- "Execute a set of scripts"
#!/bin/bash -x
# This script does a few things
# - Checks for the existance of the $WORKSPACE/.in-progress.txt to determine success/failure
# - Updates the logfile $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/log/your-log.md
# - Pushes the log file to Gist
# - Pushed the output file to Gist
# - If the build was successful then the last N lines are sent (defined in config.inc)
# - If the build was not successful then the entire output is sent
source $PATH_TO_OMPI_TESTS/jenkins/bin/post-build.sh
- "Set build status on GitHub commit"
- Leave "Content" blank, Select "FAILURE" in "Result on failure"