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Skeptim edited this page May 22, 2024 · 40 revisions


CTRL+R/ENTER            Run current project.
CTRL+S                  Save cart.
CTRL+X/C/V              Cut/copy/paste in the editors.
CTRL+Z/Y                Undo/redo changes in the editors.
F6                      Toggle CRT filter.
F7                      Assign cover image while in game.
F8                      Take a screenshot.
F9                      Start/stop GIF video recording.
F11/ALT+ENTER           Fullscreen/window mode.
CTRL+Q                  Quit the application.

More ways to assign cover image here.
More about CRT filter description here.


ESC                     Switch console/editor or open menu while in game.
ESC+F1                  Switch to code editor while in game.
ALT+~                   Show console.
ALT+1/F1                Show code editor.
ALT+2/F2                Show sprite editor.
ALT+3/F3                Show map editor.
ALT+4/F4                Show sfx editor.
ALT+5/F5                Show music editor.
CTRL+PGUP/PGDOWN        Switch to previous/next editor mode.

All the F1-F5 hotkeys for editors work in the menu: ESC+F2, ESC+F3, ESC+F4, ESC+F5 switch to sprite, map, sfx, music editors respectively while in game.

Code Editor

CTRL+F                  Find.
CTRL+G                  Go to line.
CTRL+P/N                Move to previous/next line.
ALT/CTRL+LEFT           Move to previous word.
ALT/CTRL+RIGHT          Move to next word.
ALT/CTRL+BACKSPACE      Delete previous word.
ALT/CTRL+DELETE         Delete next word.
CTRL+K                  Delete end of line.
CTRL+D                  Duplicate current line.
CTRL+J                  Newline.
CTRL+A                  Select all.
CTRL+F1                 Bookmark current line.
F1                      Move to next bookmark.
CTRL+B                  Show bookmark list.
CTRL+O                  Show code outline and navigate functions.
CTRL+TAB                Indent line.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB          Unindent line.
CTRL+/                  Comment/Uncomment line.
RIGHT CLICK             Drag.
SCROLL WHEEL            Vertical scrolling.
SHIFT+SCROLL WHEEL      Horizontal scrolling.
CTRL+L                  Center screen on cursor.

Outline usage:

Sprite Editor

TAB                     Switch tiles/sprites.
[]                      Choose previous/next palette color.
-/=                     Change brush size.
SCROLL                  Canvas zoom.
1                       Select brush.
2                       Select color picker.
3                       Select selection tool.
4                       Select filling tool.
5                       Flip horizontally.
6                       Flip vertically.
7                       Rotate.
8/DELETE                Erase.

Map Editor

SHIFT                   Show tilesheet.
CTRL+CLICK              Replace all identical tiles (when the Fill tool [4] is selected).
`                       Show/hide grid.
TAB/SCROLL              Switch to full world map.
1                       Select draw.
2                       Select drag map.
3                       Select selection tool.
4                       Select filling tool.

SFX Editor

SPACE                   Play last played note.
Z,X,C,V,B,N,M           Play notes corresponding to one octave (bottom row of QWERTY layout).
S,D,G,H,J               Play notes corresponding to sharps and flats (home row of QWERTY layout).

Music Editor

SHIFT+ENTER             Play pattern from cursor position in the music editor.
ENTER                   Play frame.
SPACE                   Play track.
CTRL+F                  Follow.
Z,X,C,V,B,N,M           Play notes corresponding to one octave (bottom row of QWERTY layout) in tracker mode.
S,D,G,H,J               Play notes corresponding to sharps and flats (home row of QWERTY layout) in tracker mode.
A                       Insert note break (or "stop").
DELETE                  Delete selection / selected row.
BACKSPACE               Delete the row above.
INSERT                  Insert rows below.
CTRL+F1                 Decrease notes by Semitone.
CTRL+F2                 Increase notes by Semitone.
CTRL+F3                 Decrease octaves.
CTRL+F4                 Increase octaves.
CTRL+RIGHT              Jump forward one frame.
CTRL+LEFT               Jump backward one frame.
TAB                     Go to next channel.
SHIFT+TAB               Go to previous channel.
+                       Next pattern.
-                       Previous pattern.
CTRL+UP                 Next instrument.
CTRL+DOWN               Previous instrument.
F5                      Switch piano/tracker mode.

Unsaved Changes Warning


To avoid to navigate in this menu to close the editor when there are changes, you can just type "y" on "n".

Y                       Yes
N                       No

With some 3rd party software it's also possible to use these same keys on Android.

Keybind Modes

Keybind modes bring some of the most commonly used key bindings from Emacs or VI to the TIC-80 code editor. They can be turned on from the menu.

Emacs Mode

Emacs is a very powerful code editor, which boast good productivity through a large set of keyboard bindings (among other things). Here is a list of the bindings that are supported:

Key Binding Functionality
ctl-a Beginning of line
ctl-e End of line
alt-< Beginning of document
alt-> End of document
ctl-n Next line
ctl-p Previous line
ctl-f Forward char
ctl-b Backward char
alt-f Forward word
alt-b Backward word
ctl-d Delete char
alt-d Delete word
ctl-k Delete line
alt-k Duplicate line
ctl-j Newline
ctl-w Cut Selection
alt-w Copy Selection
ctl-y Paste
ctl-/ or ctl-_ Undo
alt-/ Redo (unconventional)
alt-; Comment line
ctl-space Toggle mark (keyboard driven selection)
alt-n Page down
alt-v Page up
ctl-l Cycle center line (center, top, bottom)
alt-g Goto line
alt-s Search code

VI Mode

VI is a powerful and efficient command-line text editor known for its precise control and seamless navigation. Here is a list of the bindings that are supported:

Motion Keys

Work in both normal and select mode.

h - left one column
k - up one row
j - down one row
l - right one column
(arrow keys also work)

g - start of file
G - end of file

0,Home - start of line
$,End - end of line

ctrl+u,pageup - up one screen
ctrl+d,pagedown - down one screen
K - up half screen
J - down half screen

b - back one word
w - forward one word

^ - first non-whitespace character on line

{ - next empty line above current position
} - next empty line below current position

% - jump to matching delimiter

f - seek forward in line to next character typed
F - seek backward in line to next character typed

; - seek forward in line to next character under cursor
: - seek backwards in line to next character under cursor

Insert Mode

escape - switch to normal mode
typing letters inserts text

Normal Mode

escape - exit editor to console

i - enter insert mode
a - move right one column and enter insert mode 
o - insert a new line below current line and enter insert mode on that line
O - insert a new line above current line and enter insert mode on that line
space - create a new line under the current line
shift+space - create a new line above the current line
v - enter select mode (visual mode from vi)
/ - find
n - go to next occurance of found word
N - go to previous occurance of found word
# - go to next occurance of word under cursor
r - find and replace
u - undo
U - redo
p - paste, will place multi line blocks of code on line below
P - paste, will place multi line blocks of code above current line

1-9 - goto line, just type the line number and it will take you there

[ - go to function definition if it can be found
? - open code outline

m - mark current line
M - open bookmark list
, - goto previous bookmark
. - goto next bookmark

z - recenter screen

-(minus) - comment line
x - delete character under cursor
~ - toggle case of character under cursor

d - cut current line
y - copy current line

W - save project
R - run game

c - delete word under cursor and enter insert mode
    if over a delimiter or quotation, delete contents contained and enter insert mode
C - delete until the end of the line and enter insert mode

> - indent line
< - dedent line

alt + f - toggle font size
alt + s - toggle font shadow

Select Mode

escape - switch to normal mode
-(minus) - comment block
y - copy block
d - cut block
p - paste over block
c - delete block and enter insert mode
> - indent block
< - dedent block
/ - find populating current selection
r - find and replace within block
~ - toggle case in block
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