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03 UpgradeFromPrevious

redhook edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 10 revisions

Upgrade from previous versions

All Upgrade operations must be run by a user who have Local Administration rights on each Adfs server. Starting with Adfs 2016, this user must be in the ADFS administration group

You should only use this procedure when the Major and / or Minor .net (Assemblies) version numbers are different from the one you want to install.

For example your assemblies version is and the version to install is version, yes in this case you can apply the following. Otherwise , you just need to uninstall your current version and deploy the new MSI.

Installation Upgrade

Please follow these steps in sequence

Backup your configuration (PowerShell)

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • type get-help Export-MFASystemConfiguration –detailed to get information.
  • Enter your command
Export-MFASystemConfiguration -ExportFilePath "c:\temp\config 2.5.xml"
  • Make a copy -> config 3.0.xml
  • Edit the config 3.0.xml file and change all assemblies references 2.x.x.x to
  • Save the changes in config 3.0.xml

UnRegister ADFSMFA Authentication Provider (PowerShell)

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • Enter theses commands
$prov = (Get-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy).AdditionalAuthenticationProvider

'Remove all Authentication Providers'
Set-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy -AdditionalAuthenticationProvider $null
'Remove selected MFA Authentication Provider'
Set-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy -AdditionalAuthenticationProvider $prov[index]

UnRegister-AdfsAuthenticationProvider -Name "MultifactorAuthenticationProvider" -Confirm:$false

UnRegister ADFSMFA ThreatDetection Provider - Optional (PowerShell - Adfs 2019/2022 only)

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • Enter theses commands
UnRegister-AdfsThreatDetectionModule -Name MFABlockPlugin

UnInstall Binaries (prior msi)

Install the release 3.0 msi

Register ADFSMFA Authentication Provider (PowerShell)

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • Enter theses commands
  • Register the Provider with your new modified config file (config 3.0.xml)
$typeName = "Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.AuthenticationProvider, Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=175aa5ee756d2aa2"

Register-AdfsAuthenticationProvider -TypeName $typeName -Name "MultiFactorAuthenticationProvider"
-Verbose -ConfigurationFilePath "c:\temp\config 3.0.xml"

net stop adfssrv
net start adfssrv

Set-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy -AdditionalAuthenticationProvider MultiFactorAuthenticationProvider

You can also import your modified backup file

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • type get-help Import-MFASystemConfiguration –detailed to get information.
  • Enter theses commands
Import-MFASystemConfiguration -ImportFilePath "c:\temp\config2.5.xml"

Register ADFSMFA ThreatDetection Provider - Optional (PowerShell - Adfs 2019/2022 only)

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • Enter theses commands
$TypeName = "Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.ThreatAnalyzer, Neos.IdentityServer.MultiFactor.ThreatDetection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=175aa5ee756d2aa2"

Register-AdfsThreatDetectionModule -Name MFABlockPlugin -ConfigurationFilePath "C:\Program Files\MFA\Config\threatconfig.db" -Typename $TypeName

If MMC not loading in 3.0

see issue

Lauch Regedit as administrator
Search for : FX:{9627f1f3-a6d2-4cf8-90a2-10f85a7a4ee7}
In the right pane look at the Type attribute and modify the version with if needed.

Configuration for the new Biometric provider

This procedure is only applicable if your current version is lower than version 3.0. First update the component as indicated above , then apply the SQL or ADDS procedure

SQL Configuration

If you are using SQL Configuration, Database tables must be added. You must run a PowerShell Cmdlet to upgrade you database. Interactive Account and the Adfs service account must be dbCreator and dbSecurityAdmin on your SQL Server instance

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • type get-help Upgrade-MFADatabase –detailed to get information.
  • Enter this command
Upgrade-MFADatabase -ServerName "yourservername" -DatabaseName "yourexistingMFADB"

Active Directory Configuration

If you are using Active Directory Configuration, a new attribute for storing WebAuthN credential is required. This attribute MUST BE MULTIVALUED.

Obviously, you can indicate the attributes you want. However we provide three templates, those are accessible in the console and with a dedicated PowerShell command

  • Log on the a primary Adfs server as administrator
  • Launch a new PowerShell session as administrator
  • type get-help Set-MFAActiveDirectoryTemplate –detailed to get information.
  • Enter this command
Set-MFAActiveDirectoryTemplate -Kind SchemaAll
Set-MFAActiveDirectoryTemplate -Kind Schema2016
Set-MFAActiveDirectoryTemplate -Kind SchemaMFA
  • SchemalAll For any version of ADDS schema the multivalued attribute is otherMailbox If not accurate, you can change it with PowerShell or MMC

  • Schema2016 For ADDS schema version 85 and up the multivalued attribute is msDS-KeyCredentialLink If not accurate, you can change it with PowerShell or MMC Remark : this attribute is used by Microsoft to store Windows Hello For Business or Device Registration Informations, (not recommended)

  • SchemaMFA Custom schema for ADDS Two LDF files are provided, you can find them in C:\Program Files\MFA\ADDSTools directory

    • mfa-schema.hitrust.ldf (using "confidential 0x80" flag)
    • mfa-schema.ldf (standard attributes) These schema use auxilliary class and can be disabled later.

Remember that a ADDS schema alteration is not reversible with conditional flag active, standard users cannot query MFA attributes, to comply to RGPG, it's the way you must fill You must change the distinguished names in the file MFA.SCHEMA.LDF (DC=x to DC=mycompany,DC=com)

  • Copy modified MFA.SCHEMA.LDF on your domain controller

  • Deploy it with LDIFDE -i -u -f MFA.ALTERED_DN.SCHEMA.LDF a domain administrator

  • repeat operations for each domain Attributes are marked as confidential and replicable in global catalog.

More informations in Security Configuration