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Jean-Philippe Bruyère edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 1 revision

namespace: vke

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • RenderPass


public class RenderPass : Activable


prototype description
RenderPass (Device device, VkSampleCountFlags samples=VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1) Create empty render pass with no attachment
RenderPass (Device device, VkFormat colorFormat, VkSampleCountFlags samples=VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1, VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp=VkAttachmentLoadOp.Clear) Create renderpass with a single color attachment and a resolve one if needed
RenderPass (Device device, VkFormat colorFormat, VkFormat depthFormat, VkSampleCountFlags samples=VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1) Create default renderpass with one color, one depth attachments, and a resolve one if needed.


name description


prototype description
void Activate() Activation of the object, the reference count is incremented and if Debug utils is enabled, name is set.
void AddAttachment(VkFormat format, VkImageLayout finalLayout, VkSampleCountFlags samples=VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1, VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp=VkAttachmentLoadOp.Clear, VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp=VkAttachmentStoreOp.Store, VkImageLayout initialLayout=VkImageLayout.Undefined) __
void AddAttachment(VkFormat format, VkImageLayout finalLayout, VkAttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp, VkAttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp, VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp=VkAttachmentLoadOp.DontCare, VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp=VkAttachmentStoreOp.DontCare, VkSampleCountFlags samples=VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1, VkImageLayout initialLayout=VkImageLayout.Undefined) __
void AddDependency(uint srcSubpass, uint dstSubpass, VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask, VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask, VkAccessFlags srcAccessMask, VkAccessFlags dstAccessMask, VkDependencyFlags dependencyFlags=VkDependencyFlags.ByRegion) __
void AddSubpass(params SubPass[] subPass) __
void Begin(CommandBuffer cmd, FrameBuffer frameBuffer) Begin Render pass with framebuffer extent dimensions
void Begin(CommandBuffer cmd, FrameBuffer frameBuffer, uint width, uint height) Begin Render pass with custom render area
void BeginSubPass(CommandBuffer cmd, VkSubpassContents subpassContents=VkSubpassContents.Inline) Switch to next subpass
FrameBuffers CreateFrameBuffers(SwapChain swapChain) Create one framebuffer per swapchain images. The presentable attachment of this renderpass is found searching for its final layout that could be PresentSrcKHR or SharedPresentKHR.
void End(CommandBuffer cmd) __
string ToString() __


name description
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