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Jean-Philippe Bruyère edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Graphic pipeline config is a helper class used to construct configurations to create pipelines. This class has some facilities for chaining multiple pipelines creations that have small differencies in their configurations.

namespace: vke

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • GraphicPipelineConfig


public class GraphicPipelineConfig


prototype description
GraphicPipelineConfig () Default constructor. Prefer the static 'CreateDefault' method to start with a classic default configuration for rendering.


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Samples __


prototype description
void AddShader(VkShaderStageFlags _stageFlags, string _spirvPath, SpecializationInfo specializationInfo=null, string _entryPoint="main") __
void AddVertex< T >(uint binding=0, VkVertexInputRate inputRate=VkVertexInputRate.Vertex) Automatically configure Attribute for that binding.
void AddVertexAttributes(uint binding, params VkFormat[] attribsDesc) __
void AddVertexBinding(uint binding, uint stride, VkVertexInputRate inputRate=VkVertexInputRate.Vertex) __
void AddVertexBinding< T >(uint binding=0, VkVertexInputRate inputRate=VkVertexInputRate.Vertex) __
GraphicPipelineConfig CreateDefault(VkPrimitiveTopology topology=VkPrimitiveTopology.TriangleList, VkSampleCountFlags samples=VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1, bool depthTestEnabled=true, int width=-1, int height=-1) Create a default pipeline configuration with viewport and scissor as dynamic states. One blend attachment is added automatically with blending disabled. (cfg.blendAttachments[0]) If width and height parameter are omitted viewport and scissor dynamic states are automatically added, else a viewport and a vkrect2d are added to the viewport and scissor lists.
void ResetShaders() Resets shaders in current config to ease reause of current 'GraphicPipelineConfig for creating another similar pipeline with different shaders.
void ResetShadersAndVerticesInfos() Resets shaders and vertices in current configuration to ease reuse of current 'GraphicPipelineConfig' for creating another pipeline.


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