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May 18 Team Meeting

Kristin Hull edited this page May 18, 2018 · 6 revisions


  • RPAT peer exchange (see attached draft agenda) -- Kristin
    • Kristin to circulate agenda and start dialogue for ideas for presenters
    • AMPO annual meeting might not be best venue for peer exchange
    • September/October would be good timing
    • Tagging onto a pooled fund meeting in person meeting is another choice
    • Find out if AMPO is planning a training symposium in 2018
  • Current work status -- Ben
    • VisionEval RPAT and RSPM are fully implemented online
    • Team is working on documentation
  • User experience workshop (6/4) -- Tara/Ben
    • Most important next steps
    • Implement clean interfaces between model and visualizers
    • Bring examples on what like to inspire good thinking
    • Desired characteristics of the final product
    • Organize agenda around participant availability
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