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ExtremeCloud IQ RESTful API for external and internal applications.

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version:
  • Package version:
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python >=3.7

Migration from other generators like python and python-legacy


  1. This generator uses spec case for all (object) property names and parameter names.
    • So if the spec has a property name like camelCase, it will use camelCase rather than camel_case
    • So you will need to update how you input and read properties to use spec case
  2. Endpoint parameters are stored in dictionaries to prevent collisions (explanation below)
    • So you will need to update how you pass data in to endpoints
  3. Endpoint responses now include the original response, the deserialized response body, and (todo)the deserialized headers
    • So you will need to update your code to use response.body to access deserialized data
  4. All validated data is instantiated in an instance that subclasses all validated Schema classes and Decimal/str/list/tuple/frozendict/NoneClass/BoolClass/bytes/io.FileIO
    • This means that you can use isinstance to check if a payload validated against a schema class
    • This means that no data will be of type None/True/False
      • ingested None will subclass NoneClass
      • ingested True will subclass BoolClass
      • ingested False will subclass BoolClass
      • So if you need to check is True/False/None, instead use instance.is_true_oapg()/.is_false_oapg()/.is_none_oapg()
  5. All validated class instances are immutable except for ones based on io.File
    • This is because if properties were changed after validation, that validation would no longer apply
    • So no changing values or property values after a class has been instantiated
  6. String + Number types with formats
    • String type data is stored as a string and if you need to access types based on its format like date, date-time, uuid, number etc then you will need to use accessor functions on the instance
    • type string + format: See .as_date_oapg, .as_datetime_oapg, .as_decimal_oapg, .as_uuid_oapg
    • type number + format: See .as_float_oapg, .as_int_oapg
    • this was done because openapi/json-schema defines constraints. string data may be type string with no format keyword in one schema, and include a format constraint in another schema
    • So if you need to access a string format based type, use as_date_oapg/as_datetime_oapg/as_decimal_oapg/as_uuid_oapg
    • So if you need to access a number format based type, use as_int_oapg/as_float_oapg
  7. Property access on AnyType(type unset) or object(dict) schemas
    • Only required keys with valid python names are properties like .someProp and have type hints
    • All optional keys may not exist, so properties are not defined for them
    • One can access optional values with dict_instance['optionalProp'] and KeyError will be raised if it does not exist
    • Use get_item_oapg if you need a way to always get a value whether or not the key exists
      • If the key does not exist, schemas.unset is returned from calling dict_instance.get_item_oapg('optionalProp')
      • All required and optional keys have type hints for this method, and @typing.overload is used
      • A type hint is also generated for additionalProperties accessed using this method
    • So you will need to update you code to use some_instance['optionalProp'] to access optional property and additionalProperty values
  8. The location of the api classes has changed
    • Api classes are located in your_package.apis.tags.some_api
    • This change was made to eliminate redundant code generation
    • Legacy generators generated the same endpoint twice if it had > 1 tag on it
    • This generator defines an endpoint in one class, then inherits that class to generate apis by tags and by paths
    • This change reduces code and allows quicker run time if you use the path apis
      • path apis are at your_package.apis.paths.some_path
    • Those apis will only load their needed models, which is less to load than all of the resources needed in a tag api
    • So you will need to update your import paths to the api classes

Why are Oapg and _oapg used in class and method names?

Classes can have arbitrarily named properties set on them Endpoints can have arbitrary operationId method names set For those reasons, I use the prefix Oapg and _oapg to greatly reduce the likelihood of collisions on protected + public classes/methods. oapg stands for OpenApi Python Generator.

Object property spec case

This was done because when payloads are ingested, they can be validated against N number of schemas. If the input signature used a different property name then that has mutated the payload. So SchemaA and SchemaB must both see the camelCase spec named variable. Also it is possible to send in two properties, named camelCase and camel_case in the same payload. That use case should be support so spec case is used.

Parameter spec case

Parameters can be included in different locations including:

  • query
  • path
  • header
  • cookie

Any of those parameters could use the same parameter names, so if every parameter was included as an endpoint parameter in a function signature, they would collide. For that reason, each of those inputs have been separated out into separate typed dictionaries:

  • query_params
  • path_params
  • header_params
  • cookie_params

So when updating your code, you will need to pass endpoint parameters in using those dictionaries.

Endpoint responses

Endpoint responses have been enriched to now include more information. Any response reom an endpoint will now include the following properties: response: urllib3.HTTPResponse body: typing.Union[Unset, Schema] headers: typing.Union[Unset, TODO] Note: response header deserialization has not yet been added

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import extremecloudiq


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import extremecloudiq

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import time
import extremecloudiq
from pprint import pprint
from extremecloudiq.apis.tags import account_api
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_account import XiqAccount
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_default_device_password import XiqDefaultDevicePassword
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_error import XiqError
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_external_account import XiqExternalAccount
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_login_response import XiqLoginResponse
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_viq import XiqViq
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_viq_export_import_status_response import XiqViqExportImportStatusResponse
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_viq_export_response import XiqViqExportResponse
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_viq_import_response import XiqViqImportResponse
from extremecloudiq.model.xiq_viq_operation_type import XiqViqOperationType
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost:8081
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = extremecloudiq.Configuration(
    host = "http://localhost:8081"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): Bearer
configuration = extremecloudiq.Configuration(
    access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with extremecloudiq.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = account_api.AccountApi(api_client)
        # Backup VIQ
    except extremecloudiq.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AccountApi->backup_viq: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8081

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountApi backup_viq post /account/viq/:backup Backup VIQ
AccountApi download_viq_report get /account/viq/download Download VIQ data file and logs
AccountApi export_import_status get /account/viq/export-import-status Get running export/import status
AccountApi export_viq post /account/viq/export [LRO] Export VIQ data
AccountApi get_default_device_password get /account/viq/default-device-password Get the default device password in the account
AccountApi get_home_account get /account/home Get home ExtremeCloud IQ account info
AccountApi get_viq_info get /account/viq Get VIQ Info
AccountApi import_viq post /account/viq/import [LRO] Import VIQ data
AccountApi list_external_accounts get /account/external List accessible external guest accounts
AccountApi switch_account post /account/:switch Switch to another ExtremeCloud IQ account
AccountApi update_default_device_password put /account/viq/default-device-password Update the default device password in the account
AlertApi acknowledge_alerts post /alerts/:acknowledge Acknowledge the alerts
AlertApi count_alerts_by_group get /alerts/count-by-{group} Count the alerts by different grouping
AlertApi create_alert_email_subscription post /alert-subscriptions/emails Create alert email subscription
AlertApi create_alert_policy post /alert-policies Create a site based alert policy
AlertApi create_alert_report post /alerts/reports [LRO] Create the alerts report
AlertApi create_alert_webhook_subscription post /alert-subscriptions/webhooks Create alert webhook subscription
AlertApi delete_alert_email_subscription delete /alert-subscriptions/emails/{id} Delete alert email subscription
AlertApi delete_alert_policy delete /alert-policies/{id} Delete a site-based alert policy
AlertApi delete_alert_webhook_subscription delete /alert-subscriptions/webhooks/{id} Delete alert webhook subscription
AlertApi delete_bulk_alert_subscription_email post /alert-subscriptions/emails/:delete Delete alert email subscription in bulk
AlertApi delete_bulk_alert_subscription_webhook post /alert-subscriptions/webhooks/:delete Delete alert webhook subscription in bulk
AlertApi disable_alert_rule post /alert-policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/:disable Disable a rule from an alert policy
AlertApi download_alert_report get /alerts/reports/{id} Download the alerts report
AlertApi enable_alert_rule post /alert-policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/:enable Enable a rule from an alert policy
AlertApi get_alert_email_subscription get /alert-subscriptions/emails/{id} Get alert email subscription
AlertApi get_alert_policy get /alert-policies/{id} Get details of an alert policy
AlertApi get_alert_rule get /alert-policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} Get details of an alert rule
AlertApi get_alert_webhook_subscription get /alert-subscriptions/webhooks/{id} Get alert webhook subscription
AlertApi list_alert_email_subscriptions get /alert-subscriptions/emails List alert email subscriptions
AlertApi list_alert_policies get /alert-policies List all alert policies
AlertApi list_alert_webhook_subscriptions get /alert-subscriptions/webhooks List alert webhook subscriptions
AlertApi list_alerts get /alerts List the alerts
AlertApi list_available_sites get /alert-policies/available-sites The list of current owner's available sites
AlertApi update_alert_email_subscription put /alert-subscriptions/emails/{id} Update alert email subscription
AlertApi update_alert_policy put /alert-policies/{id} Update a site-based alert policy
AlertApi update_alert_rule put /alert-policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} Update an alert rule
AlertApi update_alert_webhook_subscription put /alert-subscriptions/webhooks/{id} Update alert webhook subscription
AlertApi verify_subscription_email post /alert-subscriptions/emails/{id}/:verify Email Verification
ApplicationApi list_application_top_clients_usage get /applications/{id}/clients/top{n} List the TopN clients for a application
ApplicationApi list_applications get /applications List the applications
ApplicationApi list_top_applications_usage get /applications/top{n} List the TopN applications
AuthenticationApi login post /login User login with username and password
AuthenticationApi logout post /logout User logout (Revoke the current access token)
AuthorizationApi check_permissions post /auth/permissions/:check Check permissions
AuthorizationApi generate_api_token post /auth/apitoken Generate new API token
AuthorizationApi get_current_api_token_info get /auth/apitoken/info Get current API token details
AuthorizationApi list_permissions get /auth/permissions Get permissions for current login user
AuthorizationApi validate_api_token post /auth/apitoken/:validate Validate API token
ClientApi disconnect_client delete /clients/byMac/{clientMac} Disconnect the client
ClientApi get_active_clients_count get /clients/active/count Get active clients count
ClientApi get_client get /clients/{id} Get client info
ClientApi get_client_by_mac get /clients/byMac/{clientMac} Get client info by mac
ClientApi get_client_summary get /clients/summary Get client summary metrics
ClientApi get_client_usage get /clients/usage Get usage per client
ClientApi list_active_clients get /clients/active List active clients
ClientApi set_clients_aliases put /clients/alias Set the aliases for multiple clients
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi create_external_radius_server post /radius-servers/external Create external RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi create_internal_radius_server post /radius-servers/internal Create internal RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi create_ldap_server post /ldap-servers Create LDAP server
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi create_radius_client_object post /radius-client-objects Create RADIUS client object configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi create_radius_proxy post /radius-proxies Create RADIUS proxy configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi delete_bulk_internal_radius_server delete /radius-servers/internal [LRO] Delete internal RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi delete_external_radius_server delete /radius-servers/external/{id} Delete external RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi delete_internal_radius_server delete /radius-servers/internal/{id} Delete internal RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi delete_ldap_server delete /ldap-servers/{id} Delete a LDAP server
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi delete_radius_client_object delete /radius-client-objects/{id} Delete a RADIUS client object configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi delete_radius_proxy delete /radius-proxies/{id} Delete the RADIUS proxy configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi get_external_radius_server get /radius-servers/external/{id} Get external RADIUS server by ID
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi get_internal_radius_server get /radius-servers/internal/{id} Get internal RADIUS server by ID
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi get_ldap_server get /ldap-servers/{id} Get LDAP server by ID
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi get_radius_client_object get /radius-client-objects/{id} Get RADIUS client object by ID
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi get_radius_proxy get /radius-proxies/{id} Get the RADIUS proxy configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_active_directory_servers get /ad-servers List active directory servers
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_captive_web_portals get /cwps List captive web portals
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_external_radius_servers get /radius-servers/external List external RADIUS servers
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_internal_radius_devices get /radius-servers/internal/devices List all internal RADIUS devices
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_internal_radius_servers get /radius-servers/internal List all internal RADIUS servers
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_ldap_servers get /ldap-servers List LDAP servers
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_radius_client_objects get /radius-client-objects List RADIUS client objects
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_radius_proxies get /radius-proxies List RADIUS proxies
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi list_radius_proxy_devices get /radius-proxies/devices List Radius proxy devices
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi update_external_radius_server put /radius-servers/external/{id} Update external RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi update_internal_radius_server put /radius-servers/internal/{id} Update internal RADIUS server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi update_ldap_server put /ldap-servers/{id} Update LDAP server configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi update_radius_client_object put /radius-client-objects/{id} Update RADIUS client object configuration
ConfigurationAuthenticationApi update_radius_proxy put /radius-proxies/{id} Update RADIUS proxy configuration
ConfigurationBasicApi create_vlan_profile post /vlan-profiles Create VLAN profile
ConfigurationBasicApi delete_vlan_profile delete /vlan-profiles/{id} Delete a VLAN profile
ConfigurationBasicApi delete_vlan_profiles post /vlan-profiles/:delete [LRO] Delete VLAN profiles
ConfigurationBasicApi get_vlan_profile get /vlan-profiles/{id} Get a VLAN profile
ConfigurationBasicApi list_vlan_profiles get /vlan-profiles List VLAN profiles
ConfigurationBasicApi update_vlan_profile patch /vlan-profiles/{id} Update a VLAN profile
ConfigurationCertificateApi list_certificates get /certificates List certificates
ConfigurationDeploymentApi delete_firmware_upgrade_schedule delete /deployments/{deploymentId} Delete the deployment schedule by ID
ConfigurationDeploymentApi deploy_config post /deployments [LRO] Push configuration and upgrade firmware
ConfigurationDeploymentApi get_deploy_overview get /deployments/overview Get configuration deployment overview
ConfigurationDeploymentApi get_deploy_status get /deployments/status Get configuration deployment status
ConfigurationDeploymentApi get_deployment_by_id_status get /deployments/{deploymentId}/status [LRO] Get firmware deployment status by ID
ConfigurationDeploymentApi get_deployment_details_by_id get /deployments/{deploymentId} Get deployment details by Id
ConfigurationDeploymentApi get_device_firmware_metadatas post /deployments/firmware-metadatas Get device firmware metadatas
ConfigurationDeploymentApi get_list_of_deployments get /deployments Get list of deployments
ConfigurationDeploymentApi update_firmware_upgrade_schedule put /deployments/{deploymentId} Update schedule with deployment ID
ConfigurationNetworkApi create_network_services post /network-services Create Network Services
ConfigurationNetworkApi create_tunnel_concentrator post /tunnel-concentrators Create a Tunnel Concentrator
ConfigurationNetworkApi delete_network_service delete /network-services/{id} Delete Network Services
ConfigurationNetworkApi delete_tunnel_concentrator delete /tunnel-concentrators/{id} Delete TunnelConcentrator by ID
ConfigurationNetworkApi get_tunnel_concentrator get /tunnel-concentrators/{id} Get Tunnel Concentrator by ID
ConfigurationNetworkApi list_network_services get /network-services List Network Services
ConfigurationNetworkApi list_tunnel_concentrators get /tunnel-concentrators List Tunnel Concentrators
ConfigurationNetworkApi update_tunnel_concentrator put /tunnel-concentrators/{id} Update TunnelConcentrator by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_client_monitor_profile_to_ssid post /ssids/{id}/client-monitor-profile/:attach Attach client monitor profile to an SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_cwp_to_ssid post /ssids/{id}/cwp/:attach Attach CWP to an SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_ip_firewall_policy_to_user_profile post /user-profiles/{id}/ip-firewall-policies/:attach Attach IP Firewall Policy to an User Profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_mac_firewall_policy_to_user_profile post /user-profiles/{id}/mac-firewall-policies/:attach Attach MAC Firewall Policy to an User Profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_radius_client_profile_to_ssid post /ssids/{id}/radius-client-profile/:attach Attach RADIUS client profile to an SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_radius_server_group_to_ssid post /ssids/{id}/radius-server-group/:attach Attach radius server group to an SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_service_to_ip_firewall_policy post /ip-firewall-policies/{id}/ip-firewall-rule/:attach Attach IP Firewall Rule to IP Firewall policy
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_service_to_mac_firewall_policy post /mac-firewall-policies/{id}/mac-firewall-rule/:attach Attach MAC Firewall Rule to MAC Firewall policy
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_user_profile_assignment_to_ssid post /ssids/{id}/user-profile-assignment/:attach Attach user profile assignment to an SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi attach_user_profile_to_ssid post /ssids/{id}/user-profile/:attach Attach user profile to an SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi change_psk_password put /ssids/{id}/psk/password Change the SSID PSK password
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_classification_rule post /classification-rules Create classification rule
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_client_monitor_profile post /client-monitor-profiles Create a client monitor profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_cloud_config_group post /ccgs Create new cloud config group
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_hotspot_profile post /hotspot-profiles Create a Hotspot profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_hotspot_service_provider_profile post /hotspot-service-provider-profiles Create a Hotspot Service Provider profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_iot_profile post /iot-profiles Create a IoT profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_ip_firewall_policy post /ip-firewall-policies Create IP Firewall policy
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_l3_address_profile post /l3-address-profiles Create a L3 address profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_mac_firewall_policy post /mac-firewall-policies Create MAC Firewall policy
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_mac_object post /mac-object-profiles Create a mac object
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_mac_oui_profile post /radio-profiles/mac-ouis Create a MAC OUI profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_radio_profile post /radio-profiles Create a radio profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_user_profile post /user-profiles Create a user profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi create_user_profile_assignment post /user-profile-assignments Create a user profile assignment
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_classification_rule delete /classification-rules/{id} Delete classification rule by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_client_monitor_profile delete /client-monitor-profiles/{id} Delete an client monitor profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_cloud_config_group delete /ccgs/{id} Delete a cloud config group
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_co_user_profile delete /user-profiles/{id} Delete an user profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_hotspot_profile delete /hotspot-profiles/{id} Delete Hotspot profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_hotspot_service_provider_profile delete /hotspot-service-provider-profiles/{id} Delete Hotspot Service Provider profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_iot_profile delete /iot-profiles/{id} Delete IoT profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_ip_firewall_policy delete /ip-firewall-policies/{id} Delete IP Firewall policy by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_l3_address_profile delete /l3-address-profiles/{id} Delete a L3 address profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_mac_firewall_policy delete /mac-firewall-policies/{id} Delete MAC Firewall policy by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_mac_object_profiles delete /mac-object-profiles/{id} Delete a MAC object by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_radio_profile delete /radio-profiles/{id} Delete radio profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_rp_mac_oui_profile delete /radio-profiles/mac-ouis/{id} Delete MAC OUI profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi delete_user_profile_assignment delete /user-profile-assignments/{id} Delete an user profile assignment by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi detach_ip_firewall_policy_from_user_profile post /user-profiles/{id}/ip-firewall-policies/:detach Detach IP Firewall Policy from an User Profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi detach_mac_firewall_policy_from_user_profile post /user-profiles/{id}/mac-firewall-policies/:detach Detach MAC Firewall Policy from an User Profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi detach_service_to_ip_firewall_policy post /ip-firewall-policies/{id}/ip-firewall-rule/:detach Detach IP Firewall Rule from IP Firewall policy
ConfigurationPolicyApi detach_service_to_mac_firewall_policy post /mac-firewall-policies/{id}/mac-firewall-rule/:detach Detach MAC Firewall Rule from MAC Firewall policy
ConfigurationPolicyApi disable_ssid_cwp post /ssids/{id}/cwp/:disable Disable the CWP on the SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi enable_ssid_cwp post /ssids/{id}/cwp/:enable Enable and attach the CWP on the SSID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_classification_rule get /classification-rules/{id} Get a classification rule by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_client_monitor_profile get /client-monitor-profiles/{id} Get client monitor profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_cloud_config_group get /ccgs/{id} Get a cloud config group
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_hotspot_profile get /hotspot-profiles/{id} Get Hotspot profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_hotspot_service_provider_profile get /hotspot-service-provider-profiles/{id} Get Hotspot Service Provider profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_iot_profile get /iot-profiles/{id} Get IoT profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_ip_firewall_policy get /ip-firewall-policies/{id} Get IP Firewall Policy by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_l3_address_profile get /l3-address-profiles/{id} Get a L3 address profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_mac_firewall_policy get /mac-firewall-policies/{id} Get MAC Firewall Policy by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_mac_object get /mac-object-profiles/{id} Get MAC Object by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_neighborhood_analysis get /radio-profiles/neighborhood-analysis/{id} Get neighborhood analysis settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_radio_operating_modes get /radio-operating-modes/{productType} Get Radio Operating Modes by product type
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_radio_profile get /radio-profiles/{id} Get radio profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_rp_channel_selection get /radio-profiles/channel-selection/{id} Get channel selection settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_rp_mac_oui_profile get /radio-profiles/mac-ouis/{id} Get MAC OUI profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_rp_miscellaneous_settings get /radio-profiles/miscellaneous/{id} Get radio miscellaneous settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_rp_radio_usage_optimization get /radio-profiles/radio-usage-opt/{id} Get radio usage optimization settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_rp_sensor_scan_settings get /radio-profiles/sensor-scan/{id} Get sensor scan settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_rp_wmm_qos_settings get /radio-profiles/wmm-qos/{id} Get Wmm QoS settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_ssid_advanced_settings get /ssids/advanced-settings/{id} Get SSID advanced settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_user_profile get /user-profiles/{id} Get user profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi get_user_profile_assignment get /user-profile-assignments/{id} Get user profile assignment by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_classification_rules get /classification-rules List classification rules
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_client_monitor_profiles get /client-monitor-profiles List client monitor profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_cloud_config_groups get /ccgs [LRO] List clould config groups
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_hotspot_profiles get /hotspot-profiles List Hotspot profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_hotspot_service_provider_profiles get /hotspot-service-provider-profiles List Hotspot Service Provider profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_iot_profiles get /iot-profiles List IoT profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_ip_firewall_policies get /ip-firewall-policies List IP Firewall policies
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_l3_address_profiles get /l3-address-profiles List L3 address profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_mac_firewall_policies get /mac-firewall-policies List MAC Firewall policies
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_mac_object_profiles get /mac-object-profiles List mac object profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_radio_profiles get /radio-profiles List radio profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_rp_mac_oui_profiles get /radio-profiles/mac-ouis List MAC OUI profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_ssids get /ssids List SSIDs
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_user_profile_assignments get /user-profile-assignments List user profile assignments
ConfigurationPolicyApi list_user_profiles get /user-profiles List user profiles
ConfigurationPolicyApi rename_ssid post /ssids/{id}/:rename Rename SSID (Wireless name)
ConfigurationPolicyApi set_ssid_mode_dot1x put /ssids/{id}/mode/dot1x Change the SSID mode to 802.1x
ConfigurationPolicyApi set_ssid_mode_open put /ssids/{id}/mode/open Change the SSID mode to open access
ConfigurationPolicyApi set_ssid_mode_ppsk put /ssids/{id}/mode/ppsk Change the SSID mode to PPSK
ConfigurationPolicyApi set_ssid_mode_psk put /ssids/{id}/mode/psk Change the SSID mode to PSK
ConfigurationPolicyApi set_ssid_mode_wep put /ssids/{id}/mode/wep Change the SSID mode to WEP
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_classification_rule put /classification-rules/{id} Update classification rule
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_client_monitor_profile put /client-monitor-profiles/{id} Update client monitor profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_cloud_config_group put /ccgs/{id} Update cloud config group information
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_co_user_profile put /user-profiles/{id} Update user profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_hotspot_profile put /hotspot-profiles/{id} Update Hotspot profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_hotspot_service_provider_profile put /hotspot-service-provider-profiles/{id} Update Hotspot Service Provider profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_iot_profile put /iot-profiles/{id} Update IoT profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_ip_policy_request put /ip-firewall-policies/{id} Update IP Firewall policy by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_l3_address_profile put /l3-address-profiles/{id} Update a L3 address profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_mac_firewall_policy put /mac-firewall-policies/{id} Update MAC Firewall policy by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_mac_object put /mac-object-profiles/{id} Update MAC Object by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_neighborhood_analysis put /radio-profiles/neighborhood-analysis/{id} Update neighborhood analysis settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_radio_profile put /radio-profiles/{id} Update radio profile by ID
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_rp_channel_selection put /radio-profiles/channel-selection/{id} Update channel selection settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_rp_mac_oui_profile put /radio-profiles/mac-ouis/{id} Update MAC OUI profile
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_rp_miscellaneous_settings put /radio-profiles/miscellaneous/{id} Update radio miscellaneous settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_rp_radio_usage_optimization put /radio-profiles/radio-usage-opt/{id} Update radio usage optimization settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_rp_sensor_scan_settings put /radio-profiles/sensor-scan/{id} Update sensor scan settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_rp_wmm_qos_settings put /radio-profiles/wmm-qos/{id} Update Wmm QoS settings
ConfigurationPolicyApi update_ssid_advanced_settings put /ssids/advanced-settings/{id} Update SSID advanced settings
ConfigurationUserManagementApi add_key_based_pcg_users post /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/users [LRO] Add users to a PCG-enabled network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi assign_ports post /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/port-assignments Assign ports to devices in network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi create_end_user post /endusers Create an end user
ConfigurationUserManagementApi create_key_based_pcg_network_policy post /pcgs/key-based [LRO] Create a Key-based Private Client Group
ConfigurationUserManagementApi create_user_group post /usergroups Create user group
ConfigurationUserManagementApi delete_key_based_pcg_users delete /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/users Delete users from a PCG-enabled network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi delete_pcg delete /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId} Delete Private Client Group from a network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi delete_ssid_user delete /endusers/{id} Delete end user by ID
ConfigurationUserManagementApi delete_user_group delete /usergroups/{id} Delete user group by ID
ConfigurationUserManagementApi email_keys post /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/keys/:email Send keys to users in network policy via Email
ConfigurationUserManagementApi generate_keys post /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/keys/:generate Generate shared keys for users in network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi get_key_based_pcg_users get /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/users Get users for a PCG-enabled network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi get_port_assignments get /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/port-assignments Get device port assignments in network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi list_email_templates get /email-templates List Email templates
ConfigurationUserManagementApi list_end_users get /endusers List end users
ConfigurationUserManagementApi list_key_based_private_client_groups get /pcgs/key-based List Key-based Private Client Groups
ConfigurationUserManagementApi list_sms_templates get /sms-templates List SMS templates
ConfigurationUserManagementApi list_user_groups get /usergroups List user groups
ConfigurationUserManagementApi onboard_key_based_private_client_group post /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/:onboard [LRO] Onboard Key-based PCG in network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi regenerate_end_user_password post /endusers/{id}/:regenerate-password Regenerate a new password for the end user
ConfigurationUserManagementApi update_end_user put /endusers/{id} Update an end user
ConfigurationUserManagementApi update_key_based_pcg_users put /pcgs/key-based/network-policy-{policyId}/users Replace all users in a PCG-enabled network policy
ConfigurationUserManagementApi update_user_group put /usergroups/{id} Update user group
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_anomalies_notifications get /copilot/anomalies/notifications
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_anomalies_report get /copilot/anomalies/report
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_assurance_scans_overview_data get /copilot/assurance-scans/overview
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_atp_device_stats get /copilot/anomalies/adverse-traffic/device-stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_atp_packet_counts get /copilot/anomalies/adverse-traffic/packet-counts
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_copilot_anomaliesby_category get /copilot/anomalies/anomalies-by-category
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_copilot_devices_with_locations get /copilot/anomalies/devices-with-locations
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_devices_by_location get /copilot/anomalies/devices-by-location
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_dfs_recurrence_channel_stats get /copilot/anomalies/dfs-recurrence/channel-stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_dfs_recurrence_count_stats get /copilot/anomalies/dfs-recurrence/count-stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_hardware_health_client_list get /copilot/anomalies/hardware-health/client-list
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_hardware_health_cpu_mem_stats get /copilot/anomalies/hardware-health/cpu-mem-stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_hardware_health_stats get /copilot/anomalies/hardware-health/stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_lldp_cdp_info get /copilot/anomalies/poeflapping/lldp-cdp-info
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_missing_vlan_anomalies_count get /copilot/anomalies/missing-vlan/count
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_missing_vlan_excluded_vlan_list get /copilot/anomalies/excluded-vlans-list
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_poe_flapping_stats get /copilot/anomalies/poeflapping/stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_poe_flapping_trends get /copilot/anomalies/poeflapping/trends
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_port_efficiency_speed_duplex_stats get /copilot/anomalies/port-efficiency/speed-duplex-stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_port_efficiency_stats get /copilot/anomalies/port-efficiency/stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_wifi_capacity_client_list get /copilot/anomalies/wifi-capacity/client-list
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_wifi_capacity_stats get /copilot/anomalies/wifi-capacity/stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_wifi_efficiency_client_list get /copilot/anomalies/wifi-efficiency/client-list
CopilotAnomaliesApi get_wifi_efficiency_stats get /copilot/anomalies/wifi-efficiency/stats
CopilotAnomaliesApi list_anomaly_locations get /copilot/anomalies/locations
CopilotAnomaliesApi update_anomalies_feedback put /copilot/anomalies/devices/feedback
CopilotAnomaliesApi update_anomaly_action put /copilot/anomalies/update-action
CopilotAnomaliesApi update_anomaly_device_action put /copilot/anomalies/devices/update-action
CopilotAnomaliesApi update_copilot_anomalies_devices_action put /copilot/anomalies/update-device-action [LRO] Update Anomalies and Devices
CopilotAnomaliesApi update_missing_vlan_excluded_vlan_csv post /copilot/anomalies/exclude-vlans-csv
CopilotAnomaliesApi update_missing_vlan_excluded_vlan_list post /copilot/anomalies/exclude-vlans
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_connectivity_details_by_client_type get /copilot/connectivity/client-type
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_connectivity_details_by_locations get /copilot/connectivity/locations
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wired_connectivity_experience get /copilot/connectivity/wired/experience
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wired_events get /copilot/connectivity/wired/events
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wired_hardware get /copilot/connectivity/wired/hardware
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wired_hardware_by_location get /copilot/connectivity/wired/locations/hardware
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wired_quality_index get /copilot/connectivity/wired/quality-index
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_apps get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/apps
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_connectivity_experience get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/experience
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_events get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/events
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_events_by_location get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/locations/events
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_performance get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/performance
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_performance_by_location get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/locations/performance
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_quality_index get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/quality-index
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_quality_index_by_location get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/locations/quality-index
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_time_to_connect get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/time-to-connect
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_time_to_connect_by_location get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/locations/time-to-connect
CopilotConnectivityExperienceApi get_wireless_views get /copilot/connectivity/wireless/views
DeviceApi advanced_onboard_devices post /devices/:advanced-onboard [LRO] Advanced Onboard Devices
DeviceApi assign_device_client_monitor put /devices/{id}/client-monitor Assign client monitor setting to a device
DeviceApi assign_device_location put /devices/{id}/location Assign location to a device
DeviceApi assign_device_network_policy put /devices/{id}/network-policy Assign network policy to a device
DeviceApi assign_devices_client_monitor post /devices/client-monitor/:assign Assign client monitor setting to multiple devices
DeviceApi assign_devices_country_code post /devices/country-code/:assign Assign a country code to devices
DeviceApi assign_devices_location post /devices/location/:assign Assign location to multiple devices
DeviceApi assign_devices_network_policy post /devices/network-policy/:assign Assign network policy to multiple devices
DeviceApi assign_devices_radius_proxy put /devices/radius-proxy/:assign Assign RADIUS proxy to devices
DeviceApi bounce_device_port post /devices/{id}/bounce-port Bounce port of a device (EXOS, VOSS and SR Switches
DeviceApi change_device_description put /devices/{id}/description Change description for a device
DeviceApi change_device_level_ssid_status post /devices/{id}/ssid/status/:change Enable or disable SSID for a device
DeviceApi change_device_status_to_manage post /devices/{id}/:manage Change admin state to 'Managed' for a device
DeviceApi change_device_status_to_unmanage post /devices/{id}/:unmanage Change admin state to 'Unmanaged' for a device
DeviceApi change_devices_ibeacon put /devices/ibeacon Change iBeacon settings for devices
DeviceApi change_devices_os_mode post /devices/os/:change Change device OS mode
DeviceApi change_hostname put /devices/{id}/hostname Change hostname for a device
DeviceApi change_status_to_manage post /devices/:manage Change status to Managed
DeviceApi change_status_to_unmanage post /devices/:unmanage Change status to Unmanaged
DeviceApi check_device_ownership post /devices/:check-ownership Check caller is allowed to access the device
DeviceApi configure_device_radio_operating_mode put /devices/{id}/radio-operating-mode Configure radio operating mode of a device
DeviceApi configure_ftm_settings put /devices/{id}/ftm-settings Configure (create / update) device FTM Settings
DeviceApi delete_device delete /devices/{id} Delete a device
DeviceApi delete_devices post /devices/:delete Delete devices
DeviceApi delete_ftm_settings delete /devices/{id}/ftm-settings Delete FTM Settings by device ID
DeviceApi disable_iot_on_device post /devices/{id}/iot/:disable Disable IoT Wireless Interface settings on device
DeviceApi download_device_gallery_image get /devices/{id}/gallery-image Download device gallery image.
DeviceApi enable_iot_on_device post /devices/{id}/iot/:enable Enable IoT Wireless Interface settings on device
DeviceApi get_device1 get /devices/{id} Get device info for a specific device
DeviceApi get_device_client_monitor get /devices/{id}/client-monitor Get client monitor setting for a device
DeviceApi get_device_cpu_memory_history get /devices/{id}/history/cpu-mem Get device CPU/memory usage history
DeviceApi get_device_geolocation get /devices/{id}/geolocation Get Geolocation for a device
DeviceApi get_device_ibeacon get /devices/{id}/ibeacon Get the device iBeacon setting
DeviceApi get_device_iot get /devices/{id}/iot Get the device IoT Wireless Interface settings
DeviceApi get_device_level_ssid_status get /devices/{id}/ssid/status Get SSID status for a device
DeviceApi get_device_location get /devices/{id}/location Get location for a device
DeviceApi get_device_network_policy get /devices/{id}/network-policy Get network policy for a device
DeviceApi get_device_radio_operating_mode get /devices/{id}/radio-operating-mode Get the device radio operating mode
DeviceApi get_device_stats get /devices/stats Get device stats
DeviceApi get_device_wifi_interface get /devices/{id}/interfaces/wifi Get the device WiFi interfaces stats
DeviceApi get_ftm_settings get /devices/{id}/ftm-settings Get FTM Settings by device ID
DeviceApi get_xiq_device_installation_report get /devices/{id}/installation-report Get device installation report
DeviceApi list_device_alarm get /devices/{id}/alarms List alarms for a device
DeviceApi list_devices get /devices [LRO] List devices
DeviceApi list_devices_by_network_policy get /devices/network-policy/{policyId} List assigned devices for network policy
DeviceApi list_devices_radio_information get /devices/radio-information Get Devices Radio Information
DeviceApi list_digital_twin_products get /devices/digital-twin List Digital Twin product information.
DeviceApi monitor_refresh_device post /devices/{id}/monitor/:refresh Monitor refresh a device
DeviceApi monitor_refresh_device_status get /devices/{id}/monitor/refresh/status Monitor refresh a device status
DeviceApi onboard_devices post /devices/:onboard Onboard Devices
DeviceApi override_device_level_ssid post /devices/{id}/ssid/:override Override SSID for a device
DeviceApi query_devices_client_monitor post /devices/client-monitor/:query Query client monitor setting for multiple devices
DeviceApi query_devices_location post /devices/location/:query Query location for multiple devices
DeviceApi query_devices_network_policy post /devices/network-policy/:query Query network policy for multiple devices
DeviceApi reboot_device post /devices/{id}/:reboot Reboot a device
DeviceApi reboot_devices post /devices/:reboot Reboot devices
DeviceApi reset_device post /devices/{id}/:reset [LRO] Reset a device to factory default
DeviceApi revoke_device_client_monitor delete /devices/{id}/client-monitor Revoke client monitor setting for a device
DeviceApi revoke_device_location delete /devices/{id}/location Revoke location for a device
DeviceApi revoke_device_network_policy delete /devices/{id}/network-policy Revoke network policy for a device
DeviceApi revoke_devices_client_monitor post /devices/client-monitor/:revoke Revoke client monitor setting for multiple devices
DeviceApi revoke_devices_location post /devices/location/:revoke Revoke location for multiple devices
DeviceApi revoke_devices_network_policy post /devices/network-policy/:revoke Revoke network policy for multiple devices
DeviceApi revoke_devices_radius_proxy delete /devices/radius-proxy/:revoke Revoke RADIUS proxy from multiple devices
DeviceApi send_cli_to_device post /devices/{id}/:cli Send CLI to a device
DeviceApi send_cli_to_devices post /devices/:cli [LRO] Send CLI to devices
DeviceApi start_thread_commissioner post /devices/{id}/thread/commissioner/:start Start Thread Commissioner
DeviceApi stop_thread_commissioner post /devices/{id}/thread/commissioner/:stop Stop Thread Commissioner
EssentialsExtremeLocationApi get_client_last_location get /essentials/eloc/clients/{clientMac}/last-known-location Get the last known location of the client
HIQApi create_organization post /hiq/organizations Create a new organization
HIQApi delete_organization delete /hiq/organizations/{id} Delete an existing organization
HIQApi get_creating_org_id get /hiq/context/creating Get organization for creating new data
HIQApi get_hiq_context get /hiq/context Get HIQ context
HIQApi get_hiq_status get /hiq/status Get HIQ status
HIQApi get_reading_org_ids get /hiq/context/reading Get organizations for reading data
HIQApi list_organizations get /hiq/organizations List all organizations
HIQApi rename_organization post /hiq/organizations/{id}/:rename Rename an existing organization
HIQApi set_creating_org_id put /hiq/context/creating Set organization for creating new data
HIQApi set_hiq_context put /hiq/context Set HIQ context
HIQApi set_reading_org_ids put /hiq/context/reading Set organizations for reading data
LocationApi create_building post /locations/building Create a building
LocationApi create_floor post /locations/floor Create a floor
LocationApi create_location post /locations Create a location
LocationApi create_site post /locations/site Create a site
LocationApi delete_building delete /locations/building/{id} Delete a building by ID
LocationApi delete_floor delete /locations/floor/{id} Delete a floor by ID
LocationApi delete_location delete /locations/{id} Delete a location by ID
LocationApi delete_site delete /locations/site/{id} Delete a site by ID
LocationApi get_building get /locations/building/{id} Get a building by ID
LocationApi get_floor get /locations/floor/{id} Get a floor by ID
LocationApi get_location_devices_list get /locations/tree/devices Get devices on the location hierarchy.
LocationApi get_location_maps_list get /locations/tree/maps Get maps on the location hierarchy.
LocationApi get_location_tree get /locations/tree Get location tree
LocationApi get_site get /locations/site/{id} Get a site by ID
LocationApi initialize_location post /locations/:init Initialize organization location
LocationApi list_buildings get /locations/building List buildings
LocationApi list_floors get /locations/floor List floors
LocationApi list_sites get /locations/site List sites
LocationApi start_ekahau_import post /locations/import/ekahau [LRO] Import one or more floors from an Ekahau archive
LocationApi update_building put /locations/building/{id} Update a building
LocationApi update_floor put /locations/floor/{id} Update a floor
LocationApi update_location put /locations/{id} Update a location
LocationApi update_site put /locations/site/{id} Update a site by ID
LocationApi upload_floorplan post /locations/floorplan Upload floorplan
LogApi audit_logs_report post /logs/audit/reports [LRO] Create audit logs report
LogApi download_audit_logs_report get /logs/audit/reports/{id} Download audit logs
LogApi get_audit_log_full_descriptions get /logs/audit/full-descriptions/{id} Get audit log full descriptions
LogApi list_accounting_logs get /logs/accounting List accounting logs
LogApi list_audit_logs get /logs/audit List audit logs
LogApi list_auth_logs get /logs/auth List auth logs
LogApi list_credential_logs get /logs/credential List credential logs
LogApi list_email_logs get /logs/email List Email logs
LogApi list_sms_logs get /logs/sms List SMS logs
MiscApi get_country_list get /countries Get country list
MiscApi get_state_list_by_country_code get /countries/{countryAlpha2Code}/states Get state list by country code
MiscApi validate_country_code get /countries/{countryCode}/:validate Validate country code
NOSApi get_device post /nos/device/{deviceId}/nos-api Get device info for a specific device
NetworkPolicyApi add_ssids_to_network_policy post /network-policies/{id}/ssids/:add Add SSIDs to a network policy
NetworkPolicyApi create_network_policy post /network-policies Create network policy
NetworkPolicyApi delete_network_policy delete /network-policies/{id} Delete the network policy
NetworkPolicyApi delete_ssids_from_network_policy post /network-policies/{id}/ssids/:remove Removes SSIDs from the network policy
NetworkPolicyApi get_network_policy get /network-policies/{id} Get the network policy
NetworkPolicyApi list_network_polices get /network-policies List network policies
NetworkPolicyApi list_ssids_by_network_policy get /network-policies/{id}/ssids List SSIDs for a network policy
NetworkPolicyApi update_network_policy put /network-policies/{id} Update the network policy
NetworkScorecardApi get_client_health get /network-scorecard/clientHealth/{locationId} Get the overall client health score
NetworkScorecardApi get_device_health get /network-scorecard/deviceHealth/{locationId} Get the overall device health score
NetworkScorecardApi get_network_health get /network-scorecard/networkHealth/{locationId} Get the overall network health score
NetworkScorecardApi get_services_health get /network-scorecard/servicesHealth/{locationId} Get the overall services health score
NetworkScorecardApi get_wifi_health get /network-scorecard/wifiHealth/{locationId} Get the overall wifi health score
NotificationApi call_list get /subscriptions/webhook List webhook subscriptions
NotificationApi create_subscriptions post /subscriptions/webhook Create webhook subscriptions
NotificationApi delete_subscription delete /subscriptions/webhook/{id} Delete webhook subscription
OperationApi cancel_operation post /operations/{operationId}/:cancel Cancel Long-Running Operation (LRO)
OperationApi delete_operation delete /operations/{operationId} Delete Long-Running Operation (LRO)
OperationApi get_operation get /operations/{operationId} Get Long-Running Operation (LRO) status and result
PacketCaptureApi create_packet_capture post /packetcaptures Create a new packet capture session
PacketCaptureApi delete_packet_capture delete /packetcaptures/{id} Delete a packet capture session
PacketCaptureApi get_packet_capture get /packetcaptures/{id} Get a packet capture session
PacketCaptureApi get_packet_capture_file get /packetcaptures/files Get an AP packet capture file
PacketCaptureApi list_packet_captures get /packetcaptures List packet capture sessions
PacketCaptureApi stop_packet_capture post /packetcaptures/{id}/:stop Stop a packet capture session
PacketCaptureApi upload_packet_capture_files post /packetcaptures/{id}/:upload Upload a packet capture session's capture files
ThreadApi get_thread_network_topology get /thread/topology Get thread network topology
ThreadApi get_thread_networks get /thread/networks Get active thread networks
ThreadApi get_thread_routers get /thread/routers List thread routers
UniversalComputePlatformApi get_ucp_engines get /ucp/{id}/engines/installed Get UCP Engines by ID
UserApi create_user post /users Create new user
UserApi delete_user delete /users/{id} Delete user by ID
UserApi get_current_user get /users/me Get current user info
UserApi get_external_user get /users/external/{id} Get external access info
UserApi get_user get /users/{id} Get user info by ID
UserApi grant_external_user post /users/external Grant external access
UserApi list_external_users get /users/external List external access users
UserApi list_users get /users List all users
UserApi revoke_external_user delete /users/external/{id} Revoke external access
UserApi update_external_user patch /users/external/{id} Update external access info
UserApi update_user patch /users/{id} Update user info
AfcEndpointApi create_site_afc_schedule post /site/afc/schedule
AfcEndpointApi get_afc_server get /afcserver/{server_id} Get Afc Server data
AfcEndpointApi get_afc_server_statistics get /afcserver/statistics/{server_id} Get AFC server Statistics
AfcEndpointApi get_afc_spectrum_per_ap post /ap/spectrum/
AfcEndpointApi get_afc_spectrum_per_site post /site/spectrum/
AfcEndpointApi get_aps_afc_diagnostics get /ap/afc/diagnostics/{id}
AfcEndpointApi get_aps_afc_info get /ap/afc/interface/details/{sn} Get Afc Summary Data
AfcEndpointApi get_aps_afc_summary_info get /aps/afc/query/
AfcEndpointApi get_site_afc_schedule get /site/afc/schedule
AfcEndpointApi list_afc_servers get /afcserver Get Afc Server list and their status
AfcEndpointApi post_aps_manual_afc_spectrum post /aps/afc/update Manual Spectrum request for device(s)
AfcEndpointApi update_site_afc_schedule put /site/afc/schedule
RttsEndpointApi create_rtts_session post /rtts Create
RttsEndpointApi delete_rtts_session delete /rtts/{id}

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Notes for Large OpenAPI documents

If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in extremecloudiq.apis and extremecloudiq.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:

Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:

  • from extremecloudiq.apis.default_api import DefaultApi
  • from import Pet

Solution 1: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:

import sys
import extremecloudiq
from extremecloudiq.apis import *
from extremecloudiq.models import *


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