update_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The last update time |
value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
create_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The create time |
value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The unique identifier |
value must be a 64 bit integer |
org_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The organization identifier, valid when enabling HIQ feature |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
location_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The location ID |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
device_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The device ID |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
hostname |
str, |
str, |
The hostname of the client |
[optional] |
mac_address |
str, |
str, |
The MAC address of the client |
[optional] |
ip_address |
str, |
str, |
The IP address of the client |
[optional] |
ipv6_address |
str, |
str, |
The IPv6 address of the client |
[optional] |
os_type |
str, |
str, |
The OS type of the client |
[optional] |
username |
str, |
str, |
The username of the client. |
[optional] |
user_profile_name |
str, |
str, |
The user profile name of the client |
[optional] |
connected |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
Client is connected or not |
[optional] |
online_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The online time for the client |
[optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
offline_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The offline time for the client |
[optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
vlan |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The associate VLAN |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
connection_type |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The connection type |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
ssid |
str, |
str, |
The SSID |
[optional] |
port |
str, |
str, |
The associate device port |
[optional] |
org_name |
str, |
str, |
The organization name |
[optional] |
device_function |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The associated device function |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
device_mac_address |
str, |
str, |
The associated device mac address |
[optional] |
device_name |
str, |
str, |
The associated device name |
[optional] |
auth |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The authentication type |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
channel |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The channel value |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
client_health |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The health score of client |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
application_health |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The health score of application |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
radio_health |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The health score of radio |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
network_health |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The health score of network |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
radio_type |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The radio type. Represented by an integer code for each standard:<br> 1 - 2.4G<br> 2 - 5G<br> 3 - WIRED<br> 4 - 6G<br> 5 - THREAD |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
encryption_method |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The encryption method, represented by an integer code for each encryption type:<br>-1 - N/A (Not applicable)<br>0 - AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)<br>1 - TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)<br>2 - WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)<br>3 - NON (No encryption)<br>4 - CCMP (Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol)<br>5 - KEYGUARD (Keyguard encryption)<br>6 - WEP128 (128-bit WEP encryption)<br>7 - WEP64 (64-bit WEP encryption)<br>8 - WAPI (WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure)<br>9 - GCMP256 (256-bit Galois/Counter Mode Protocol)<br>10 - NONE (No encryption)<br>11 - PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)<br>12 - MsCHAP (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)<br>13 - EAP-MD5 (Extensible Authentication Protocol - MD5)<br>14 - EAP-TLS (Extensible Authentication Protocol - Transport Layer Security)<br>15 - PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol)<br>16 - TTLS (Tunneled Transport Layer Security)<br>17 - TTLS-INNER-TUNNEL (Inner tunnel for TTLS)<br>18 - PEAP-INNER-TUNNEL (Inner tunnel for PEAP)<br>19 - EAP-FAST (Extensible Authentication Protocol - Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling)<br>20 - EAP-LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol)<br>21 - EAP-RSA (Extensible Authentication Protocol - RSA)<br>22 - EAP-SIM (Extensible Authentication Protocol - SIM)<br>23 - EAP-AKA (Extensible Authentication Protocol - AKA)<br>24 - EAP-TEAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol - Tunneled EAP) |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
mac_protocol |
str, |
str, |
The MAC protocol of the client:<br>'N/A'<br>'802.11a'<br>'802.11b'<br>'802.11g'<br>'802.11na'<br>'802.11ng'<br>'802.11ac'<br>'802.11ax-2.4g'<br>'802.11ax-5g'<br>'802.3'<br>'802.11ax-6g'<br>'802.15.4'<br>'802.11be-2g'<br>'802.11be-5g'<br>'802.11be-6g' |
[optional] |
interface_name |
str, |
str, |
The interface name |
[optional] |
bssid |
str, |
str, |
The bssid |
[optional] |
rssi |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The RSSI |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
snr |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The SNR |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
description |
str, |
str, |
The description of client |
[optional] |
category |
str, |
str, |
The category of client |
[optional] |
mobility |
str, |
str, |
The client mobility |
[optional] |
port_type_name |
str, |
str, |
The client port type name |
[optional] |
wing_ap |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
Wing ap flag |
[optional] |
vendor |
str, |
str, |
The vendor of client |
[optional] |
locations |
list, tuple, |
tuple, |
The detailed location |
[optional] |
product_type |
str, |
str, |
The Category which describes the Extreme device types(For example:For example:SR_2208P, AP_4000, AP_5010) |
[optional] |
alias |
str, |
str, |
The alias of the client |
[optional] |
th_rloc16 |
str, |
str, |
The thread client Rloc16 |
[optional] |
th_child_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The thread client child ID |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
th_timeout |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The thread client timeout |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
th_supervision_interval |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The thread client Super vision interval |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
th_netdata_version |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The thread client netdata version |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
th_csl_synced |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
The thread client CSL synced |
[optional] |
th_ip_addresses |
list, tuple, |
tuple, |
The thread client IP addresses |
[optional] |
th_router_last_reported |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The last reported datetime by thread router |
[optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
thread_connected |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
Is client connected to thread network |
[optional] |
any_string_name |
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader |
frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO |
any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type |
[optional] |