update_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The last update time |
value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
create_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The create time |
value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The unique identifier |
value must be a 64 bit integer |
org_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The organization identifier, valid when enabling HIQ feature |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
serial_number |
str, |
str, |
The device serial number, valid for all non-HAC devices |
[optional] |
service_tag |
str, |
str, |
The device service tag, valid for all HAC devices |
[optional] |
mac_address |
str, |
str, |
The device MAC address |
[optional] |
device_function |
XiqDeviceFunction |
XiqDeviceFunction |
[optional] |
product_type |
str, |
str, |
The product type, such as: AP_230, BR_100, NX9600, etc. |
[optional] |
hostname |
str, |
str, |
The device hostname |
[optional] |
ip_address |
str, |
str, |
The device IPv4 address |
[optional] |
software_version |
str, |
str, |
The device OS software version |
[optional] |
device_admin_state |
XiqDeviceAdminState |
XiqDeviceAdminState |
[optional] |
connected |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
The device connection status |
[optional] |
last_connect_time |
str, datetime, |
str, |
The device last connect time |
[optional] value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time |
network_policy_name |
str, |
str, |
The network policy name for the device |
[optional] |
network_policy_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The network policy ID for the device |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
primary_ntp_server_address |
str, |
str, |
The primary NTP server address for the device |
[optional] |
primary_dns_server_address |
str, |
str, |
The primary DNS server address for the device |
[optional] |
subnet_mask |
str, |
str, |
The subnet mask for the device |
[optional] |
default_gateway |
str, |
str, |
The default gateway for the device |
[optional] |
ipv6_address |
str, |
str, |
The ipv6 address for the device |
[optional] |
ipv6_netmask |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The ipv6 netmask for the device |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
simulated |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
The device is simulated or not |
[optional] |
display_version |
str, |
str, |
The display version for the device |
[optional] |
active_clients |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The active client count for the device |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
location_id |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The location ID for the device |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
locations |
list, tuple, |
tuple, |
The detailed location |
[optional] |
country_code |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The assigned country code on the device |
[optional] value must be a 32 bit integer |
description |
str, |
str, |
The device description |
[optional] |
lldp_cdp_infos |
list, tuple, |
tuple, |
The device LLDP/CDP information |
[optional] |
system_up_time |
decimal.Decimal, int, |
decimal.Decimal, |
The device uptime |
[optional] value must be a 64 bit integer |
config_mismatch |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
Config audit status(MATCHED or UNMATCHED) |
[optional] |
managed_by |
str, |
str, |
The managed application for the device |
[optional] |
thread0_eui64 |
str, |
str, |
Thread router EUI64 |
[optional] |
thread0_ext_mac |
str, |
str, |
Thread router extended MAC address |
[optional] |
any_string_name |
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader |
frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO |
any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type |
[optional] |