Releases: cityofaustin/atd-moped
Releases · cityofaustin/atd-moped
v2.1.0 Zen Garden Terrace
Japanese Garden at the Zilker Botanical Garden
What’s changed
New features
- Add safe routes to school plan recommendations to component descriptions (#1217) @mddilley
- Automate ArcGIS Online data push cityofaustin/atd-airflow#182 @Charlie-Henry
- Speed up project list load times by only querying for visible columns (#1209) @mddilley
- Add loading spinner to project search bar (#1218) @tillyw
- Make sure all Austin streets are findable in map search (#1222) @frankhereford
- Rename "Contractors" column on project list to "Workgroup/Contractors" (#1194) @chiaberry
- Adds basic user analytics and a "Last seen" column to the staff list (#1197) @johnclary
- Add ZICLA barriers as a subcomponent option (#1210) @chiaberry
- Add additional component tags for ATSD (#1207) @johnclary
- Add created by/updated by fields to Moped component records (#1203) @frankhereford
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Exclude deleted components from components column of the project list view (#1215) @chiaberry
- Fix project view link back to project list view with previous filters (#1205) @mddilley
- Fix bug where clicking a drawn line selects the underlying street segment as well (#1219) @mddilley
- Fix bugginess releated to column visibility settings (#1216) @mddilley
- Fix bug when trying to clear a component's description (#1221) @tillyw
- Remove signal dashboard page (#1212) @chiaberry
- Mitigate AGOL ETL 404 errors (#1199) @johnclary
- Exclude audit fields from proj component event (#1208) @johnclary
- Bump react-devtools-core from 4.28.0 to 4.28.4 in /moped-editor (#1173) @dependabot
- Bump @adobe/css-tools from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 in /moped-editor (#1220) @dependabot
v2.0.0 Yucca Dr
Yucca Dr
Yucca canaliculata
Source: J.Sims - Botanical Magazine via Wikipedia
What’s changed
New features
- Add project component to project list and advanced search (#1189) @chiaberry
- Add a combined point + line AGOL layer (#1190) @johnclary
- Create shared use trail - dual path component (#1191) @johnclary
- Create nightly Moped ➡️ ArcGIS Online data push #182 @Charlie-Henry
- Track who created and edited project components (#1203) @frankhereford
- Add basic user analytics tracking (#1197) @johnclary
- Add additional component tags for ATSD (#1207) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Fix project summary not updating when navigating between parent/child projects (#1192) @chiaberry
- Fix advanced search with multiple filters with same field name (#1196) @mddilley
- Handle when queryString from react router state is null (#1201) @mddilley
- Update various component geometry types (#1177) @johnclary
- Make sure search filters are persisted when navigating back to the project list (#1205) @mddilley
- Mitigate ArcGIS Online integration errors (#1199) @johnclary
v1.35.0 Wolf Run
Wolf Run
Mexican Gray Wolf
Source: Wikimedia
What’s changed
New features
- Ability to hyperlink to a component (#1168) @mddilley
- Integrate Moped data with ArcGIS Online (#1148) @johnclary
- Make the project notes experience more intutive (#1166) @roseeichelmann
- Include child project council districts on the summary tab (#1175) @chiaberry
- Track if phase start and end dates are tentative or confirmed (#1170) @chiaberry
- Add additional fields to the project list view (#1162) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Fixes advanced search filter lag and improves project list load time (#1167) @johnclary
- Handle child projects with no components/geography (#1182) @mddilley
- Restore ability to use back button from the project map tab (#1180) @johnclary
- Fixes ability to add a new advanced filter when the operator type is "blank/not blank" (#1178) @chiaberry
- Ignore phase date confirmed activities in activity log (#1181) @chiaberry
- Backfill phase start/end date confirmation status (#1174) @chiaberry
- Prep DB for rolling back the Access DB migration (#1172) @johnclary
- Rework work activities in the project list view (#1171) @johnclary
- Update task order column in project list view to pull from work activities (#1164) @chiaberry
- Unify dialog title styles (#1163) @roseeichelmann
- Disable zoom animation on initial map load (#1165) @johnclary
- Create task order backfill script (#1158) @johnclary
- Bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 in /moped-editor (#1179) @dependabot
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.11 to 7.23.2 in /moped-editor (#1169) @dependabot
v1.34.0 Venado Drive
What’s changed
New features
- Adds new work activity fields and introduces a new form to add/edit them (#1094) @johnclary
- Adds the ability to map a signal component instead of picking from a list (#1150) @johnclary
- Show location description when editing a component (#1156) @roseeichelmann
- Show component ID, council district(s), and length in component form (#1154) @chiaberry
- Refine draw button styles to make mapping more intuitive (#1146) @chiaberry
- Update activity log to include new work activity fields (#1155) @chiaberry
- Updates council district calculation to include 100ft buffer (#1153) @johnclary
- Adds simplified phase name column to the Moped database (#1145) @chiaberry
- Show an error alert when component is unmapped (#1151) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Overhaul project list query logic ✨ (#1137) @mddilley
- Remove unique key error on project list (#1143) @chiaberry
v1.33.0 Turks Cap Cove
Turk's Cap
Image Source: Flickr
What’s changed
New features
- Add parent project names and subprojects columns to Project List View (#1134) @chiaberry
- Add ability to use advanced filter for projects with Subprojects (#1138) @chiaberry
- v1.32.1 - Rework signal feature in project list view query (#1131) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Remove unused GQL Abstract pieces (#1124) @chiaberry
- Use package to process csvs (#1141) @chiaberry
- Fix signal IDs are duplicated in the project view (#1139) @chiaberry
- Bump graphql from 16.6.0 to 16.8.1 in /moped-toolbox/random_project_seeds (#1136) @dependabot
- Fix hidden columns not persisting (#1135) @chiaberry
v1.32.0 Starling Drive
Image Source: Flickr
Starling Drive
What’s changed
New features
- Ability to move a component to another project (#1126) @mddilley
- Add component location field and show it in the component list (#1125) @chiaberry
- Add council districts to project summary tab (#1122) @chiaberry
- Backfill component location based on signal location (#1129) @johnclary
- Add activity log event handler for migrated projects (#1123) @johnclary
- Add activity log event handler for moving a component to another project (#1128) @johnclary
- Create project tags ATSD (#1120) @johnclary
- Add new milestones for ATSD (#1121) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Clean up
table (#1121) @johnclary
v1.31.0 Rattlesnake Trail
Image Source
RattleSnake Trail
What’s changed
New features
- Ability to add links to files instead of uploading them (#1102) @chiaberry
- Ability to change a component's type (#1107) @mddilley
- Increase project list view default pagination to 250 and add an option for 1,000 (#1111) @chiaberry
- Remove the component edit mode dialog (#1109) @mddilley
- Add project personnel roles to data dictionary (#1112) @mddilley
- Add ability to copy user email addresses from staff list (#1110) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Global search is affected by previous advanced search (#1115) @mddilley
- Update spatial data export tool to be compatible with latest data schema (#1108) @johnclary
- Update JavaScript packages to latest versions (#1116) @johnclary
v1.30.0 Quill Leaf Cove
Quill Leaf (Image Source)
Quill Leaf Cove
What’s changed
- Adds Smart Mobility as an entity (#1104) @johnclary
- Backfills signal component work types (#1101) @johnclary
- Adds council districts to project features and geography views (#1098) @johnclary
- Adds Smart Mobility tags and updates a tag for Arterial Management (#1100) @johnclary
- Adds MUG tracking to user profiles (#1096) @johnclary
- Ability to set component completion date without setting a component phase (#1097) @chiaberry
- Enables advanced component line editing ✍️ (#1092) @johnclary
- Adds work type input to component form (#1093) @johnclary
- Sets component work type when creating a signal project (#1103) @johnclary
- Create subcomponents for protection types (#1091) @johnclary
- Adds misc funding source and program options (#1088) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
v1.29.0 Persimmon Road
What’s changed
New features
- Enables searching on staff list (#1084) @johnclary
- Adds DB support for work activities (#1083) @johnclary
- Adds new subcomponents and updates component <> subcomponent lookup (#1031) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Fixes non-login user editing (#1087) @johnclary
- Cleans up user seeds and misc columns (#1085) @johnclary
v1.28.0 Oystercatcher Drive
Source: Wikipedia
Oystercatcher Drive
What’s changed
- Add data dictionary link to mobile nav and make parent project name full-width (#1077) @mddilley
- Create project tags for 2024 Mobility Annual Plan (MAP) (#1078) @chiaberry
- Refinements to project summary status update (#1079) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Long project names overflow on project details view (#1079) @chiaberry
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /moped-editor (#1080) @dependabot
- Bump tough-cookie from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 in /moped-editor (#1072) @dependabot
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /moped-editor (#1073) @dependabot