Releases: cityofaustin/atd-moped
v2.11.0 Inks Lake
Cliff Jumping at Inks Lake State Park, The Austinot on Flickr
Inks Lake
What’s changed
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Prevent staff list from showing stale data (#1350) @chiaberry
- Add audit triggers and columns to
table (#1341) @tillyw - Add audit triggers and columns to
table (#1340) @tillyw - Upgrade Apollo Client to fix navigation after moving components (#1349) @chiaberry
- Update filter dropdown responsive widths (#1348) @mddilley
- Add empty filters if basic search is populated (#1346) @chiaberry
- Fix regression displaying MUG status on staff page (#1345) @chiaberry
v2.10.0 Highland Bayou
Highland Bayou
Photo Flickr
What’s changed
- Use DataGridPro in place of normal DataGrid (#1338) @chiaberry
- Show full TK name on work activity table (#1338) @chiaberry
- Improve project map lag when there are a lot of components (#1324) @mddilley
- Update "User Guide" link in dropdown navigation menu (#1331) @roseeichelmann
- Prevent saving empty descriptions in project summary (#1337) @chiaberry
- Add full name to navigation search (#1334) @tillyw
- Update (#1333) @amenity
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Error happens when not completely removing an advanced search filter (#1335) @roseeichelmann
- Handle activity log when parent deleted (#1308) @tillyw
- technical readme updates (#1332) @chiaberry
- Fix positional handling in orchestration script (#1342) @frankhereford
- Make button sizes consistent in tables (#1337) @chiaberry
- Enhance moped database orchestration (#1326) @frankhereford
- Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 in /moped-editor (#1336) @dependabot
v2.9.0 Guadalupe River
Kayaking the Guadalupe River, Patrick Lewis on Flickr
Guadalupe River
What’s changed
- Refine Projects page advanced filters for date fields (#1318) @roseeichelmann
- Add additional project tag and component tags (#1317) @chiaberry
- Resize project list column width (#1303) @chiaberry
- Left pin or right pin columns on project list (#1303) @chiaberry
- Drag and drop columns on project list to reorder them (#1303) @chiaberry
- Update tag styles to display inline (#1323) @mddilley
- Use project full name in different pages instead of primary name (#1325) @chiaberry
Data quality / Audit fields
- Adds audit triggers to moped_proj_personnel and moped_proj_personnel_roles tables (#1320) @tillyw
- Configure additional audit field triggers for component project subcomponents and refactor parent updates trigger (#1307) @mddilley
- Update and add audit fields to moped proj tags (#1321) @roseeichelmann
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Update the subprojects payload to get the project id (#1329) @chiaberry
- Unable to remove Lead or Sponsor in Project summary view (#1327) @mddilley
- Remove user project update from project components activity trigger (#1322) @mddilley
- Cannot remove secondary project name (#1319) @roseeichelmann
- Bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 in /moped-editor (#1306) @dependabot
v2.8.0 Frio River
Frio River, Image Source: Flickr
What’s changed
New features
- Add secondary project name (#1302) @frankhereford
- Add "Secondary name" and "Full name" columns to Projects page (#1312) @mddilley
- Add secondary name to activity log (#1311) @chiaberry
- Add new project tags and new component tags (#1313) @chiaberry
- Add two new entities (#1314) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
v2.7.0 Electra Lake
Welcome to Electra sign, Flickr
Electra Lake
What’s changed
- Ability to download project list with visible columns only (#1258) @roseeichelmann
- Make a related project's component highlight in the map when it is selected in the component list
and vice versa (#1299) @chiaberry - Add "Description" column to Projects table (#1304) @tillyw
- Order the component tags alphabetically (#1309) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- [Bug] Deleting a current phase does not render correctly in the activity log (#1287) @tillyw
- Use
as default value for all audit field timestamps(#1292) @tillyw - Add audit fields to moped_project_files table (#1293) @chiaberry
- Update
in dashboard query (#1294) @chiaberry - Use alternate Mapbox error fix (#1296) @mddilley
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6. (#1298) @dependabot
- Configure additional audit field triggers for component work types and component tags (#1300) @mddilley
- Bump webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4 in /moped-editor (#1301) @dependabot
v2.6.0 Devils River
Source: Matt High, Flickr
Devils River State Natural Area
What’s changed
- Migrate to new table product, using Data Grid in the Projects List (#1275) @chiaberry
- Sticky column headers on project list
- Filterable column visibility menu
- Ability to adjust table row density
- Update activity log handler to represent restoring a project (#1282) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Add GitHub workflow to export views to SQL based on the migrations in your branch (#1288) @frankhereford
- Bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 in /moped-editor (#1285) @dependabot
- replace moped_proj_notes rest connectors with db triggers (#1280) @tillyw
- Bug - Fix parent project name not showing in project list (#1281) @chiaberry
v2.5.0 Caddo Lake
Source: Flickr (Caddo Lake, Uncertain, Texas)
Caddo Lake Wikipedia
What’s changed
New features
- Ability to use simple search + advanced filters at the same time (#1263) @mddilley
- Add council districts to project list + advanced search (#1277) @frankhereford
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Exclude audit field from project phase event trigger listener (#1278) @johnclary
- Replace
REST connector events with DB triggers (#1272) @tillyw - Fixes empty strings in component attributes (#1270) @johnclary
- Adopt
for linting / formatting SQL (#1273) @frankhereford - Data Tracker sync continued (#1271) @mddilley
- Update AGOL ETL to match changes in component view (#1267) @johnclary
v2.4.0 - Balmorhea Lake
Balmorhea Lake Image via Wikipedia
What’s changed
New features
- Ability to control column visibility on the Work Activities table (#1257) @johnclary
- Set the Phase start automatically when setting a current phase and enable status updates from the phase form (#1256) @mddilley
- Add Phase name - simple to data dictionary (#1253) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Correctly handle phase start and end confirmation in the activity log (#1261) @tillyw
- Add an activity event to track when when the Dashboard page loads (#1252) @johnclary
- Current phase value is not correct when editing a current phase (#1265) @mddilley
- Replace REST connector events with database triggers for work activities and components (#1255) @johnclary
- Add audit fields to
(#1254) @johnclary - Adds more fields to component view (v2) (#1259) @johnclary
- Fixes eCapris funding modal (#1264) @johnclary
- Fix special case null value handling in advanced search (#1262) @mddilley
- Remove Data Tracker sync button (#1251) @mddilley
- Add fields to skip to moped project funding activity log (#1260) @chiaberry
- Unable to edit project project funding without populating most fields (#1249) @roseeichelmann
- Fixes "last seen" sorting on staff list (#1248) @johnclary
- Allow
to be nullified via entering the empty string (#1246) @frankhereford - Add a debugger to auth for fun and profit (#1233) @johnclary
v2.3.0 - Amistad Reservoir
Amistad International Reservoir
The Amistad International Reservoir is located in Val Verde County, Texas and the State of Coahuila, Mexico, with the dam approximately 12.8 river miles above Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña. The Amistad dam and lake, named for the Spanish word for “friendship”, are managed jointly by governments of the United States and Mexico through the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) for flood control, water conservation, recreation, and electrical power production purposes.
What’s changed
New features
- Persist the keyword search when navigating to/from the project list (#1240) @mddilley
- Edit phases using a form instead of the inline table (#1195) @johnclary
- Add component hyperlinks to the activity log (#1231) @chiaberry
- Add
to ArcGIS Online data (#1211) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Make all search filters case-insensitive (#1241) @tillyw
- Update audit fields on project funding records (#1239) @frankhereford
- Fix help menu icon hyperlinks (#1244) @roseeichelmann
- Refactor advanced search to make it consistent with new URL params (#1236) @mddilley
- Update packages @frankhereford
v2.2.0 Chorioactis geaster - Texas Star Mushroom
Source: Wikipedia
KUT: A Star is Born
What’s changed
- Add and update project tags for Arterial Management (#1229) @tillyw
- Create project tag for Street Impact Fee (SIF) (#1229) @tillyw
- Add new subphases for Smart Mobility Office (#1228) @roseeichelmann
- Update the project's modified date when a project's map is edited (#1213) @frankhereford
- Show a helpful error message instead of a blank screen when something goes wrong (#1224) @chiaberry
- Add input validation on advanced filters that only allow numbers (#1225) @roseeichelmann
- Refine the help menu items and icons (#1214) @johnclary
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Simplify the scheme used to store advanced search paramters in the URL (#1226) @mddilley
- Improve project audit field tracking (Created By, Updated By, etc) (#1227) @frankhereford
- Ignore new audit fields in the activity log (#1234) @chiaberry
- Unify various logins for Moped testing and development (#1232) @mddilley
- Remove write permissions to various tables' ID columns (#1230) @tillyw