Releases: cityofaustin/atd-moped
Releases · cityofaustin/atd-moped
v2.21.0 Lake Sam's Club

Lake Sam's Club, aerial image via Google Maps
What’s changed
- Update components advanced search with dropdown options and add contains not operator (#1439) @tillyw
- Change Post Construction badge color to match Completed (#1440) @chiaberry
- Update MUI secondary color (#1437) @mateoclarke
- Rename school beacon component (#1434) @chiaberry
- Add funding programs column to project_list_view and enable advanced search on it (#1435) @mateoclarke
- Update other timestamp displays with FormattedDateString component (#1450) @mateoclarke
- Create a generic point component type (#1436) @mddilley
Bug Fixes/Tech Debt
- Migrate Files table to DataGridPro (#1438) @chiaberry
- Fix warnings in Component Form (#1443) @chiaberry
- Update local testing container restart behavior (#1442) @frankhereford
- Fix missed project and component deletes in AGOL ETL incremental runs (#1441) @mddilley
Package upgrades
- Bump webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.95.0 in /moped-editor (#1449) @dependabot
- Bump path-to-regexp and express in /moped-editor (#1444) @dependabot
- Bump rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2 in /moped-editor (#1433) @dependabot
- Bump dompurify from 2.4.7 to 2.5.4 in /moped-editor (#1422) @dependabot
- Bump micromatch from 4.0.5 to 4.0.8 in /moped-editor (#1401) @dependabot
v2.20.0 Red River
Red River (of the South), image by Henley Quadling via Wikimedia
What’s changed
New features
- Make school zone beacons from open dataset available to choose in components form (#1409) @chiaberry
- Add 4th layer to the Moped AGOL resource to house exploded multipoint geometry as points (#1397) @frankhereford
- Update component phase inputs to require both phase and completion date if phase simple is "Complete" (#1430) @mddilley
- Add audit and council district triggers to feature_school_beacons table (#1427) @chiaberry
- Add feature_school_beacons to component feature database views (#1431) @chiaberry
- Update README for AGOL component publishing script (#1413) @frankhereford
- Patch production with ETL changes for exploded Multipoint components (#1421) @frankhereford
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Replace React Quill with Lexical rich text editor (#1377) @tillyw
- Add toolbar to Lexical rich text editor (#1404) @tillyw
- Fix bug where role update is reflected as notes update (#1424) @tillyw
- Patch Moped AGOL ETL to handle invalid HTML (#1428) @mddilley
- Fix text overflowing outside of the Work Order Link column (#1426) @chiaberry
- Fix work types not showing as options with Project Extent - Generic (#1423) @mddilley
v2.19.0 Quitaque Creek
Quitaque Creek, image by Leaflet
What’s changed
- Add project development status and date fields in AGOL database view (#1411) @mddilley
- Sync project deleted status to Data Tracker (#1405) @mddilley
- Update more advanced search fields to use lookups with contains operator (#1406) @chiaberry
- Update "Updated at" column in the Work activities table to show relative time and full timestamp (#1407) @mateoclarke
- Make project funding table available through the Power BI dataflow (cityofaustin/atd-data-tech#18701) @Charlie-Henry
- Add 4th layer to the Moped AGOL resource to house exploded multipoint geometry as points (#1397) @frankhereford
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Fix filter chips so they don't show a date with "is blank" operator (#1410) @chiaberry
v2.18.0 Possum Kingdom Lake
Hell's Gate, Possum Kingdom Lake, Nicholas Henderson on Flickr
Possum Kingdom State Park
What’s changed
- Format phase date fields exported from the project list view as month/date/year (#1398) @mddilley
- Add ability to toggle filters on any or all in the search filters chips (#1400) @chiaberry
- Add Bike Share Station component (#1393) @mddilley
- Close delete confirmation modal only after mutation is complete (#1399) @chiaberry
- Update project list view advanced search funding sources (#1394) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Refactor Funding table columns and autocompletes (#1395) @chiaberry
- Update docs with correct links and SQLFluff install/use (#1396) @mddilley
v2.17.0 Onion Creek

Onion Creek
Image Source: Juniper at Onion Creek, @ChristinaTremel
What’s changed
- Update eCapris and website links in Project Summary view to improve editing and navigation (#1389) @mddilley
- Enhance delete confirmation in work activity table (#1390) @arkadeep
- Disable closing component form with backdrop click (#1388) @tillyw
- Add formatted columns of fund name and FDUs to project funding table (#1391) @mddilley
v2.16.0 Navidad River
Navidad River
Image Source: Wikimedia, Ken B
What’s changed
New features
- Delete an advanced search filter by clicking on filter chip (#1384) @chiaberry
- Match date formatting in date type filter chips to format used in the activity log (#1384) @chiaberry
- Update project list view funding source row and export to show source and program (#1385) @mddilley
- Update status filter to show all phase options (#1386) @mddilley
- Show inactive rows for Dept-unit in Funding table (#1380) @mddilley
Bug fixes / Tech debt
v2.15.0 Lake Marble Falls
Lake Marble Falls
Image Source: Larry D. Moore
What’s changed
- Update the Team, Tags, and Status filters in the advanced search to use lookup tables (#1373) @mddilley
- Update funding table to use MUI Data Grid (#1362) @chiaberry
Bug fixes / Tech debt
v2.14.0 Lake Lyndon B Johnson
Lake LBJ
Image Source: Larry D. Moore
LBJ's Amphicar
What’s changed
New features
- Update AGOL funding source field to include funding program for ATSD (#1370) @frankhereford
- Populate descriptor columns in ArcGIS database view (#1357) @mddilley
- Sort component tags in Data Dictionary (#1357) @mddilley
- Various additional fields for ATSD AGOL view (#1361) @mddilley
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Update PR template (#1371) @mddilley
- Bump ws from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3 (#1365) @dependabot
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (#1364) @dependabot
- Bump axios from 0.21.4 to 0.28.0 (#1283) @dependabot
v2.13.0 Kirby Lake
Kirby Lake
Image Source: CoreBurn from Abilene, TX
What’s changed
- Show active advanced project list filters as chips (#1363) @chiaberry
- Add "MAP Bikeways - 2025" component tag to any components with "MAP Bikeways - 2024" component tag @frankhereford
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Fix user password requirement error to translate correctly (#1358) @chiaberry
- Update local PostGIS version to 3.4 and remove platform specific handling (#1360) @frankhereford
- Update documentation about local development replication steps (#1366) @johnclary
v2.12 Jim Ned Creek
Jim Ned Creek
Source: Diane Adams, Brownwood News
What’s changed
New features
- Create projects map page layout and route (#1276) @mddilley
- Add sidebar with project details on selection of project components in map (#1353) @mddilley
- Add map user analytics event and save map toggle state in search params (#1354) @mddilley
- Show features on the map with basic symbology (#1339) @mddilley
- Move map from Map tab to Project list view (#1328) @mddilley
Bug fixes / Tech debt
- Adding and then removing a funding amount causes work to be lost (#1356) @chiaberry
- Alert that a moved component cannot be found in original project is missing (#1355) @chiaberry