Releases: cityofaustin/atd-moped
Releases · cityofaustin/atd-moped
v0.11.0 Jacaranda Drive
Source: Texas A&M Forest Service
What’s Changed
New features
- Add links to Knack Signal Projects (#466) @chiaberry
- Add Signal Projects Table View (#449) @chiaberry
- Support local cloning of Production database #7572 (#445) @sergiogcx
- Implement "Project website" field (#452) @sergiogcx
- Implement moped project partners (#450) @sergiogcx
- Implement moped project sponsor (#451) @sergiogcx
- Add moped types and moped project types (#448) @chiaberry
- Add Funding Source UI (#433) @mateoclarke
- Implement Moped entities, sponsors, and partners in database (#438) @chiaberry
- Add current phase and current status to new project mutation (#471) @sergiogcx
- Minor style tweaks to signal projects dashboard (#480) @chiaberry
- Add additional columns to signal project management table view (#467) @chiaberry
- Reorder project summary tabs (#468) @mateoclarke
- Create (#464) @amenity
- Minor spelling corrections and console logging levels (#472) @frankhereford
- Updates 404 page with new image, language, search bar and styling (#447) @tillyw
- Apply sentence case to all field labels on project "Summary" tab (#463) @sergiogcx
- Add record to moped_users for Frank in seed data (#456) @frankhereford
- Implement additional design refinements to project "Summary" tab (#462) @sergiogcx
- Implement design and layout refinements to "Summary" tab (#461) @sergiogcx
- Design refinements: Capital Funding (#460) @sergiogcx
- Design refinements: Current Status (#459) @sergiogcx
- Design refinements: Status Update (#458) @sergiogcx
- Design refinements: Current Phase (#457) @sergiogcx
- Design refinements: Project description (#453) @sergiogcx
- Update funding source data model (#420) @mateoclarke
- Enhance Project Files (#436) @frankhereford
- Don't show the edit icon if there there isn't a status (#437) @frankhereford
- UI refinements to "Role" column on "Team" table (#435) @chiaberry
- Implement UI refinements on "Comments" page (#434) @frankhereford
- Condense and refine search components on "Projects" page (#428) @chiaberry
- Update new project map placeholder (#429) @frankhereford
Bug fixes
- Fix failing API build process (#479) (#478) @sergiogcx
- Fix unnecessary scroll bars in map components panel on Windows/Chrome (#465) @sergiogcx
- Fix staff multi-select #7658 (#454) @sergiogcx
- Fix data migration conflict for moped_entity (#443) @chiaberry
- Fix moped_workgroup migration (#442) @chiaberry
- Fix WSOD on Moped teams tab when viewing a certain project (#441) @sergiogcx
- Fix Status updates not showing when filtering by status type (#440) @frankhereford
- Bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 in /moped-editor (#481) @dependabot
- We need Hasura v1.3.3 (#439) @sergiogcx
v0.10.0 Inca Dove Drive
v0.10.0 Inca Dove Drive
Source: Whatabird
What’s Changed
New features
- Add ability to select a signal asset when editing project components (#409) @johnclary
- Add Project "Status update"(#423) @sergiogcx
- Implement Comment types #7124 (#421) @sergiogcx
- Create script to convert moped components to ArcGIS-friendly geojson (#416) @johnclary
- Restrict component features to points or lines (#419) @chiaberry
- Prevent drawing features until component is selected (#422) @chiaberry
- Simplify new project workflow (#427) @chiaberry
- Update Phases and Milestones terms in the database #7134 (#418) @sergiogcx
- Resolves follow-up tasks to signal-based component editing (#417) @johnclary
- Ability to define new project and create components from signal asset (#407) @johnclary
- Export all columns when downloading project list view csv (#415) @chiaberry
- Remove miscellaneous console logs (#412) @johnclary
- Update new project map placeholder (#429) @frankhereford
Bug fixes
- Fix moped-test API deployment #424 (#426) @sergiogcx
- Fix various React/DOM warnings - #7035 (#413) @johnclary
v0.9.0 Hibiscus Drive
v0.9.0 Hibiscus Drive
Source: Audubon Galleries
What’s Changed
New features
- Include search input in global navigation header (#401) @chiaberry
- Replaces x icon in tables with trash can icon to delete records (#410) @tillyw
- Show project name in new project workflow header (#408) @johnclary
- Resolves component geometry gaps - #6761 (#402) @johnclary
- Fetch line geometries from ArcGIS Online feature service (#406) @johnclary
- Update header size and hierachy (#396) @chiaberry
- Remove project list and staff list container scrolling (#404) @johnclary
- Add clear option to date pickers in Project Phases and Milestones Tables (#399) @jgabitto
- Add quick start instructions to editor README (#400) @johnclary
- Prevent null from being sent in team query (#395) @chiaberry
- Replace moment with date-fns throughout moped (#392) @jgabitto
Bug fixes
- Fix bug preventing changing project name (#405) @chiaberry
- Prevent map from zooming in too close #6821 (#397) @sergiogcx
- Fix Staff WSOD bug (#394) @sergiogcx
v0.8.0 Grey Fox Trail
v0.8.0 Grey Fox Trail
What’s Changed
New features
- Implement new design for navigation header (#371) @chiaberry
- Implement ability to toggle and edit components from full page map #6845 (#387) @sergiogcx
- Map Style refinements to project components/map layer toggles #6601 (#378) @sergiogcx
- Renders user avatar images in activity feed #4809 (#386) @sergiogcx
- Include moped version number in footer (#358) @chiaberry
- Remove certain instances of fiscal year and current status fields in the UI (#389) @jgabitto
- Miscellaneous color adjustments (#388) @jgabitto
- Update moped scooter svg (#382) @jgabitto
- Implement design refinements to "Staff" page #6674 (#380) @sergiogcx
- Reroute user to moped staff page after a staff member is deleted (#379) @jgabitto
- Validate and process email addresses for user registration (#383) @jgabitto
- Add additional workgroups to Moped #6768 (#381) @sergiogcx
- Redirect /moped to /moped/projects (#376) @chiaberry
- Update Moped styles page (#377) @jgabitto
- Applies Material Table customizations used on Team table to other instances (#360) @tillyw
- Update moped theme and remove backgroundColor override (#373) @jgabitto
- Change anchor tag in Project delete modal to Link component (#372) @jgabitto
- Update map hover tooltip styles (#365) @chiaberry
- Change capital funding switch component color from red to blue (#367) @jgabitto
- Removing stale and boilerplate code (#362) @chiaberry
- [Project Components] Zoom to extent of all components when creating new component #6574 (#359) @sergiogcx
- Prevent edit/delete comment icons from appearing if not comment creator (#357) @chiaberry
- Update Moped subcomponents with latest taxonomy #6526 (#356) @sergiogcx
Bug Fixes
- Patch Heroku Deployment Script (#391) @sergiogcx
- Fix white screen when trying to download table with zero search results (#384) @jgabitto
- Fix dark background bug (#375) @jgabitto
- Fixes for moped-test (#370) @sergiogcx
- [Bug] Previous 'Subtype' stays in text box after selecting new 'Type' #6616 (#364) @sergiogcx
- Prevent saving Project Title and Project Description as blank strings (#361) @chiaberry
v0.7.0 Flicker Ln
v0.7.0 Flicker Ln
Source: Mass Audubon
What’s Changed
New features
- Project Components: Create Map for tab to view components + Map #6251 (#335) @sergiogcx
- Project Components: Extend "Map Project" step to include component attributes #6250 (#351) @sergiogcx
- Add Project Comment edit and delete actions (#346) @mateoclarke
- Pass Grid Table filter parameters into url (#327) @chiaberry
- Defines Moped Material Table theme/design customizations (#343) @tillyw
- Add Style examples page (#345) @chiaberry
- Remove password reset UI from account page #6220 (#349) @sergiogcx
- Combine multiple advanced filters for same field (#342) @chiaberry
- Add project status to advanced filters (#341) @chiaberry
- Tweak add new project workflow (#340) @chiaberry
- Adds "All projects" breadcrumb to project view and removes button (#336) @tillyw
- Update Moped subcomponents with latest taxonomy (#356) @sergiogcx
Bug Fixes
- All projects breadcrumb returns to search results (#352) @chiaberry
- Prevent filter null failure when making new project (#354) @chiaberry
- Patch account creation API to address bug with existing Cognito users #6372 (#350) @sergiogcx
- Sets project name as HTML page title rather than "Project Summary Page" (#337) @tillyw
- Advanced filters "is blank" bug fix (#339) @chiaberry
Dependency updates
- Python Package Upgrades (#353) @sergiogcx
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.10 to 1.26.5 in /moped-api/requirements (#333) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.10 to 1.26.5 in /moped-auth/cognito-pre-token-hook/requirements (#332) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.5 in /moped-data-events/activity_log (#334) @dependabot
v0.6.0 Elderberry Dr
v0.6.0 Elderberry Dr
Source: Lizzie Harper
What’s Changed
New features
- Adds ability to add Comments to project (#318) @mateoclarke
- Configure backend systems for Moped Test #6227 (#331) @sergiogcx
- Creates project milestone table to add/edit milestones (#302) @tillyw
- Extend component data model and load initial component data #6163 (#322) @sergiogcx
- Implements design refinements on summary tab (#329) @tillyw
- Reduces table cell sizes for Grid Table (#325) @chiaberry
- Collapses sidebar menu at all viewport sizes (#328) @johnclary
- Project Components: Ability to draw lines #6150 (#316) @sergiogcx
- Add updated_at field to moped_project and sort by last updated (#320) @chiaberry
Bug fixes
- Fixes map error handler not rendering on projects without locations (#330) @sergiogcx
- Investigate and address User API failures #5799 (#324) @sergiogcx
- Fixes issue where map is no longer zooming to full extent in the project Summary tab #6231 (#326) @sergiogcx
- Re-fix for project personnel (#321) @sergiogcx
Dependency updates
- n/a
v0.5.0 Desert Willow Dr
v0.5.0 Desert Willow Dr
Source: Fannin Tree Farm
What’s Changed
New features
- Creates new "current phase" table on timeline (user can select one active phase) (#274) @tillyw
- Create SQL View to access and filter project personnel (#312) @chiaberry
- Update relationship between phases and subphases in database #6058 (#308) @sergiogcx
- Project Components | Add moped_project_features table and relate to moped_project table (#293) @mddilley
- Project Extent | Add aerial imagery (#301) @mddilley
- Project Components | Fix frontend to add, update, and consume features from the moped_proj_features table (#294) @mddilley
- Project Extent | Usability enhancements for identifying streets vs urban trails (#282) @mddilley
- Project Extent | Implement point-drawing in project extent mapping (#257) @mddilley
- Project Extent | Save drawn points in the database (#262) @mddilley
- Project Extent | Show drawn points in project summary map and refine UI (#272) @mddilley
- Project Extent | Create project_extent_ids from project_extent_geojson in the front end (#292) @mddilley
- Deploys to Development Stage (#299) @sergiogcx
- Re-structures: Phases, Sub-phases, Milestones (#295) @sergiogcx
- Data Migration | Transform IMPD data to fit moped_proj_personnel table in Moped #5602 (#280) @sergiogcx
- Open project from project name (#310) @chiaberry
- Timeline | Edit phase table to include subphases column #5737 (#309) @sergiogcx
- Add project phases and personnel to project list view (#306) @chiaberry
- Reverse order of event list (#267) @tillyw
- Database | Remove the project_extent_geojson field data from the seed (#303) @mddilley
- Project Summary Map | Prevent user from removing all features from project extent (#265) @mddilley
- Dropdown order of project roles, status, and phases should match in Gitbook #5857 (#296) @sergiogcx
- Project Summary Map | Set order of layers in the map (#269) @mddilley
- Clears eCapris subproject ID when user untoggles Capitally Funded field (#266) @tillyw
- Refactors data table and changes default component for boolean fields to switches (#249) @tillyw
- Moped Editor | Make The Project Search Feature Great Again #5830 (#281) @sergiogcx
Bug fixes
- Fixes WSOD bug on activity log page #6147 (#314) @sergiogcx
- Fix problems with project permissions (Patch) (#313) @sergiogcx
- Project Extent | Fix geocoder and layer control styling in New Project stepper (#305) @mddilley
- Bug | Implement graceful degradation for map-rendering issues #5974 (#304) @sergiogcx
- Project Extent | Fix geocoder so click and hover events don't propagate through the input box (#290) @mddilley
- Bug | Creating new user doesn't associate to project #5937 (#297) @sergiogcx
- Replaces the ecapris_subproject_id unique constraint with an unconstrained index (#286) @tillyw
- Project Extent | Fix drawn layer select checkbox (#291) @mddilley
- Bug | Can't add or edit Team members #5880 (#289) @sergiogcx
- Bug | Handle saving a project when no team members are added (#287) @mddilley
Dependency Updates
- Bump rsa from 4.6 to 4.7 in /moped-api/requirements (#298) @dependabot
- Bump py from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 in /moped-api/requirements (#285) @dependabot
v0.4.0 Catalpa St
v0.4.0 Catalpa St
Source: Trees of Texas
What’s Changed
New features
- Project Extent | Explore frontend options for including points (#236) @mddilley
- Multi-Select Project Personnel (#263) @sergiogcx
- Multiple-Select Migration (#264) @sergiogcx
- Update Dropdown order of project roles, status, and phases to match Gitbook docs (#296) @sergiogcx
Bug fixes
- Sets time zone to UTC when formatting for display (#260) @tillyw
- Patch for mapbox styling WSOD error (#277) @sergiogcx
- Fixes bug with File Upload (#276) @sergiogcx
- Fixes bug in adding or edit Team members (#289) @sergiogcx
- Replaces the ecapris_subproject_id unique constraint with an unconstrained index (#286) @tillyw
- Fixes bug where adding team members doesn't associate to new project (#297) @sergiogcx
- Fixes bug to handle saving a project when no team members are added (#287) @mddilley
Dependency Updates
- Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4 in /moped-api/requirements (#258) @dependabot
v0.3.0 Bluebonnet Ln
What’s Changed
- Fix bug where 'date_added' is overwritten with current date in Edit Staff form (#246) @mddilley
- Update landing page from Dashboard to Projects page (#245) @tillyw
- Implement various style refinements to Project Summary text panel (#247) @tillyw
- Bump jinja2 from 2.11.2 to 2.11.3 in /moped-api/requirements (#253) @dependabot
- Implement ability to soft-delete projects #4867 (#248) @sergiogcx
- [Bug] Fix file uploads to show in the activity log #5544 (#250) @sergiogcx
- Configure activity feed timestamps to display to users in CDT #5543 (#254) @sergiogcx
- Improve fields displayed in activity log details from personnel table (#242) @mddilley
- Make Activity Log Lambda Warmer #5547 (#251) @sergiogcx
- Esthetic Adjustments (#244) @sergiogcx
- Add reference documentation for Material Table (#240) @tillyw
- Add Activity log tracking for file uploads and activity log mapping (#243) @sergiogcx
- [Bug] Fix Activity feed to display all project changes as intended #5456 (#238) @sergiogcx
- Project File Uploads (#230) @sergiogcx
- User's Picture Upload #5454 (#237) @sergiogcx
Moped v0.2.0 Armadillo Rd
What’s Changed
- Provide Hyperlinks for eCapris id (#217) @tillyw
- Define project assign team refinements (#231) @tillyw
- Fix problem with Cognito Entries in DynamoDB #5412 (#235) @sergiogcx
- Login design refinements (#228) @tillyw
- Project Staffing | Improve fields displayed in activity log from personnel table (#229) @mddilley
- Remove date_added & capital_funded from Projects List (#234) @mateoclarke
- Project Extent | Implement refinements to "Map project" step in new project workflow and "Project summary" page (#232) @mddilley
- Project Phases enhancements (#207) @mateoclarke
- Make "Project name" editable on Project summary page #5378 (#233) @sergiogcx
- User Management | Update User query (#226) @mddilley
- Moped API | File Uploads to S3 (#227) @sergiogcx
- User Management | Add roles field to user table (#224) @mddilley
- User Management | Update ETL to set user roles in create and update routes (#225) @mddilley
- Edit Project | Implement ability to edit on Project Summary page #4948 (#205) @sergiogcx
- JWT Token: Clean-up (#223) @sergiogcx
- Return user to log in page upon session termination #4739 (#219) @sergiogcx
- Project Staffing | Replace New Project team table (#218) @mddilley
- Project Staffing | Edit and add project personnel (#210) @mddilley
- Project Staffing | Delete project team (#216) @mddilley
- Fixes the activity log label for project extend and geojson (#214) @sergiogcx
- Bump cryptography from 3.2 to 3.3.2 in /moped-auth/cognito-pre-token-hook/requirements (#211) @dependabot
- Bump cryptography from 3.2 to 3.3.2 in /moped-api/requirements (#212) @dependabot