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David Banas edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 7 revisions

Note: This package is now Pip-installable; no more Anaconda!

Installing the PyIBIS-AMI Package

Note to PyBERT users: If you have PyBERT installed then you already have PyIBIS-AMI installed. However, it is installed, via Conda. You may also want it installed in your Pip environment. If so then continue on.

Installing into a Python virtual environment

Note: This is the recommended approach.

Using this approach, you will protect your existing system Python installation from any side effects of installing this package.

From your command prompt of choice:

  1. python3 -m venv ~/.venv/pyibisami

  2. . ~/.venv/pyibisami/bin/activate (on Windows: . ~/.venv/pyibisami/Scripts/activate)

    • At this point, you should start seeing "(pyibisami)" appear at the beginning of your command prompt, indicating that your new pyibisami Python virtual environment has been activated.
  3. pip install pyibis-ami

Installing into your system Python environment

Note: This is not recommended! It is much safer to use a virtual environment to isolate this package from your system Python installation.

From your command prompt of choice:

pip install pyibis-ami

Testing the PyIBIS-AMI Package Installation

From your command prompt of choice:

python -c "import pyibisami

If there are no errors reported, then the installation has succeeded.

Adventuring Further

Using the Interactive use, from the PyLab command prompt section of the Introduction page as a guide, try loading and exercising your own AMI DLL.

Contributing to the Development of PyAMI

If you'd like to participate in the development of the Python source code for this package, fork this Git repository and submit a pull request when you have something to share.