AdaptCMS 3.0.2 has been released! This version fixes bugs and adds/refines a lot of functionality in what ended up being a "medium" sized release. Below are some of the biggest new features:
- Template Engine/Re-organization - The biggest new feature, the new template engine and folder re-organization has changed templating completely in AdaptCMS. With the new engine, you can use simple tags like {{ url('category_view', array('news')) }} to link to the list of news articles and many more tags (which are documented here). This helps those not familiar with PHP still be able to edit templates without a lot of difficulty. The new folder/template structure also makes it easier/faster to get what you need to - Admin and Frontend templates are split into their own folder, as a vast majority will only need to edit frontend templates.
- Search - The previous search feature was well-concieved, but ultimately had some problems and the new search functionality is stable and much faster. Re-coding the search in angular, we were able to engineer a very fast search functionality across multiple features of the site. All modern browsers support it and it is a great feature with much to build upon in the future.
- New Plugins - The Contact Form and Article Ratings are brand new starting with AdaptCMS 3.0.2. The Contact Form plugin is a simple new addition providing websites the easiness of use of providing visitors to your site the ability to easily contact you. Article Ratings is the other new plugin, providing a rating feature so that users of your site can rate articles - the permissions built in also allow you to allow or disallow guests from being able to rate an article. When creating a block, admins can then create a "best rated" list of articles.
- Global Template Tags - With the new template engine, global template tags are now possible. Powered by angular, the admin interface is quick and easy to move around in. If you add a tag called 'copyright', then you can simply call {{ copyright }} to display the value you entered for the tag. These tags are usable in any template on the site, from the layout to a plugin template. The choice is yours!
With the release of 3.0.2, the documentation has also been update covering a lot of areas, this can be viewed here:
You can also see a full list of changes below: