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Releases: adaptcms/AdaptCMS

4.0 Beta

06 Dec 21:58
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The new release fixes various bugs and brings more stability to the CMS.


29 Mar 13:04
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AdaptCMS 3.0.3 has been released! This version ended up being a "smaller" sized release, plenty of new things but a lot of the major new additions/enhancements ended up being very time consuming. By the time this is being read, we will already be starting on planning for 3.0.4 and 3.0.5 - the former may be a medium-large sized release.

Release highlights:

  • Article Enhancements - There was a lot added to improve the functionality of managing articles in the admin. You can preview an article as you edit it, revisions have been adding allowing a history of an article to be managed. With the new revisions, users can now choose a quick save and auto-save method to allow for quick and easy saving without leaving the page - in addition, revisions can be previewed.
  • Bootstrap/FontAwesome Upgrade - The admin look and feel has been updated to the newest version of Bootstrap. Since bootstrap 3.0 is very different and fontawesome also changed their naming conventions, we decided it was a good time to upgrade. The design is largely around the same as before, but the main admin page has been upgraded and the overall look/feel is "bigger" and less round, which is the Boostrap 3 look.
  • Addon Creator - A fairly big feature, the addon creator is a new feature written in AngularJS that will provide an easy interface to create a plugin or theme. The main purpose of the app is to make it easy to create either, along with providing the ability to do most things inside AdaptCMS without having to edit files via FTP. The first version is fairly simple, but we have plans to expand it over time.
  • Media Libraries - The "media modal" was recoded into angularJS, making it a quicker and very stable feature now. Libraries can also now be linked to articles, providing the functionality of linking to a list of libraries, showing numerous images or the latest image from linked libraries on an article page. Very useful for video game websites.

With the release of 3.0.3, the documentation has also been update covering a lot of areas, this can be viewed here:

You can also see a full list of changes below:


20 Dec 17:15
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AdaptCMS 3.0.2 has been released! This version fixes bugs and adds/refines a lot of functionality in what ended up being a "medium" sized release. Below are some of the biggest new features:

  • Template Engine/Re-organization - The biggest new feature, the new template engine and folder re-organization has changed templating completely in AdaptCMS. With the new engine, you can use simple tags like {{ url('category_view', array('news')) }} to link to the list of news articles and many more tags (which are documented here). This helps those not familiar with PHP still be able to edit templates without a lot of difficulty. The new folder/template structure also makes it easier/faster to get what you need to - Admin and Frontend templates are split into their own folder, as a vast majority will only need to edit frontend templates.
  • Search - The previous search feature was well-concieved, but ultimately had some problems and the new search functionality is stable and much faster. Re-coding the search in angular, we were able to engineer a very fast search functionality across multiple features of the site. All modern browsers support it and it is a great feature with much to build upon in the future.
  • New Plugins - The Contact Form and Article Ratings are brand new starting with AdaptCMS 3.0.2. The Contact Form plugin is a simple new addition providing websites the easiness of use of providing visitors to your site the ability to easily contact you. Article Ratings is the other new plugin, providing a rating feature so that users of your site can rate articles - the permissions built in also allow you to allow or disallow guests from being able to rate an article. When creating a block, admins can then create a "best rated" list of articles.
  • Global Template Tags - With the new template engine, global template tags are now possible. Powered by angular, the admin interface is quick and easy to move around in. If you add a tag called 'copyright', then you can simply call {{ copyright }} to display the value you entered for the tag. These tags are usable in any template on the site, from the layout to a plugin template. The choice is yours!

With the release of 3.0.2, the documentation has also been update covering a lot of areas, this can be viewed here:

You can also see a full list of changes below:


21 Sep 12:37
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AdaptCMS 3.0.1 has been released - this version fixes numerous bugs and adds a lot of new functionality. Below are some of the biggest new features:

  • View Docs - Documentation, also referenced as “View Docs”, this new interface is seen in supported templates and when adding/editing a page. It will appear as a tab and will show all the variables that you can use and in the case of the layout template, will show what you have to have in there. They are built in a way for easy expanding in the future.
  • Plugins Updated - Polls (1.1), Links (1.1), Google Analytics (1.1), Support Ticket (1.0.1)
  • New Themes, Updated Theme - The gaming theme received some fixes and a brand new Sample theme is introduced, providing an easier jumping off point for those wanting to create a theme of their own. Also new is the “United” theme, an inspired Ubunu theme.
  • Bootstrap 3.0 - The frontend layout was converted to bootstrap 3.0 as well as all JS on the site. We are looking at converting the admin theme as well in the next version.
  • Import Folder - This new feature for the files area, allows you to upload a folder of images and then go into the admin and import them all at once. Much quicker than having to pick them one by one.
  • Session Expiration Notification - Using the noty library, this really nifty new features will alert a user in the admin if they are adding/editing an item that their session is about to expire. If they click on it and they are already logged out, a login form will appear. Enter it and it will re-log you in and refresh the CSRF token of the form so you don’t have to lose any of your progress!
  • Code Refactoring/Improvement - Not a feature, but we continued to improve and refactor the code in AdaptCMS.

With the release, a new set of documentation has been launched here. They are minimal at the moment, but what they do cover - they cover very well. We hope to have full thorough documentation up for the next release.

You can see a full list of changes at github.


02 Aug 23:11
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important bug fix