1 |
| -* Removed references to fixPagination JS function (search.js, media_modal.ctp element) |
2 |
| -* Changed core adaptcms version to 3.0.1 |
3 |
| -* Updated to cakephp 2.3.8 |
4 |
| -* Changed appcontroller component/helpers to load from configure, added configuration file and updated installer to update the file instead of the json stuff. |
5 |
| -* Fixed save draft bug in articles, media modal js overlap. |
6 |
| -* Active and last_run field added for cron, along with updating permissions for the cron index and adding cron admin_test permission. Last run is updated whenever a cron runs fine. If a cron is unable to run, it sets itself to inactive and won't run unless someone runs a test and it works now or the active flag is set. A test method is also in. Fixed on the cron admin index dropdowns and text updated. |
7 |
| -* Added vendor for parsing markdown, used in available data for templates and possibly other things such as install docs. |
8 |
| -* Documentation functionality for templates. Looks under view_docs folder for specified file. (ex. /app/View_Docs/Articles/view.md - will load into tab the contents of this) Applied to Templates (edit) and Pages (add/edit). |
9 |
| -* Fixed bug with theme refresh. (added blank template if array was empty - no new templates) |
10 |
| -* Did template documentation on articles (view/tag), categories (view), pages (home/others), layouts (default) |
11 |
| -* Updated install sql to not set default time for created/modified |
12 |
| -* Updated all appropriate views to not render created/modified hidden input. |
13 |
| -* Admin > Templates > List of Themes :: fixed |
14 |
| -* Admin > Templates > No uninstall link if theme has no API data :: fixed |
15 |
| -* Upgrade Plugin/Upgrade Theme now looks for an array of versions inside the upgrade key in their respective json files. Then inside that you can specify text and/or sql files. This allows upgrading of multiple versions, easily. Docs on adaptcms.com also updated. (not pushed yet) |
16 |
| -* sluggable behavior and applied to all applicable models |
17 |
| -* comments cleaned up in controllers |
18 |
| -* paginate deprecated - replaced with Paginator->settings (for defining conditions) and Paginator->paginate('model') in place of paginate('model') |
19 |
| -* defining properties in comments, defined variables in appcontroller |
20 |
| -* plugin settings check if value is more than 20 characters and has a space in it, shows textbox |
21 |
| -* test fixtures for permissions, users, start on links controller unit test |
22 |
| -* plugin > links > submit link (permissions, action, view, sql and testing) |
23 |
| -* plugin > links > model validation updated |
24 |
| -* plugin > analytics > component caching issues fixed |
25 |
| -* plugin > analytics > tracking status check done |
26 |
| -* Minor bug fixes, UsersController |
27 |
| -* profile > articles (says newest, but was ordering by default id asc, changed to created desc) |
28 |
| -* converted default style into bootstrap 3.0 |
29 |
| -* created united theme |
30 |
| -* polls list (permissions, action, view) |
31 |
| -* updated polls model and refactored 'canVote' and poll model |
32 |
| -* created helper 'View', first function is 'pluginExists' for an easy way to see if a plugin exists and is installed. |
33 |
| -* refactored relations for polls model, renamed fields to remove 'plugin_' prefix |
34 |
| -* refactored afterFind for polls model, so it calculates percentage in there instead of view |
35 |
| -* updated admin css and updated left menu to get it working with new accordion in bootstrap (now 'collapse') |
36 |
| -* polls admin edit poll - vote breakdown/stats |
37 |
| -* plugin > support tickets > fixed bug with ticket model |
38 |
| -* articles fixed route (so if only slug applied, will work - not recommended for duplicates) |
39 |
| -* fixed links on main admin page for articles/users |
40 |
| -* admin > comments > index/edit/delete/restore done |
41 |
| -* comments - author name, email + website fields added (already had them in mysql). session is set if you use them/update them also. |
42 |
| -* fixed components plugin install bug |
43 |
| -* created sample plugin, repo and added to api website |
44 |
| -* fixed bug on theme install, field_type was not updated and broke gaming theme |
45 |
| -* updated categories view to match homepage |
46 |
| -* created sample theme, repo and added to api website |
47 |
| -* font awesome upgraded from 3.1 - 3.2.1 |
48 |
| -* article admin add/edit, if image field, modal images sorted by created descending |
49 |
| -* admin > files > import folder |
50 |
| -* admin > files > edit - bug fixed in js |
51 |
| -* admin > files > upload - changed thumb size to match media frontend, 390 x 230added a zoom crop for the top left |
52 |
| -* admin > files > upload - added libraries when uploading file |
53 |
| -* media > index - now shows newest file in library |
54 |
| -* admin > files > upload - for adding folder, multiple, single or edit :: can adjust zoom level for thumbnail |
55 |
| -* view comment - edit/delete link and icons, updated permissions so it can do permission check on actions |
56 |
| -* custom fields for comments - affects article view page, comment post and comment edit in admin |
57 |
| -* cut user profile page queries by a good 20-30% |
58 |
| -* update custom fields for users - uses field types |
59 |
| -* updated field types - file (ouputs full url) and added multi-dropdown (does list - ex. PC, 360, Wii) |
60 |
| -* admin > fields > import - bug fixed with field type/field options populating |
61 |
| -* Ajax return element helper in appcontroller |
62 |
| -* removed ajax_order method in fields controller, replacing with no ajax and a model function to update order |
63 |
| -* fixed description popover on field order |
64 |
| -* delete behavior sets model order to created descending if not set |
65 |
| -* removed slug method from appcontroller (method exists in appmodel and behavior) |
66 |
| -* When editing role, permission categories display plugin name if applicable |
67 |
| -* CakePHP upgraded to 2.4.0 |
68 |
| -* Model > Roles - Set dependent to true on users/permissions, so associated records are removed upon deletion of a role. |
69 |
| -* Model > Users - Fixed relationship with message, will delete messages related to deleted user record correctly. |
70 |
| -* Admin > Users > Change User - Refactored to use new ajax response method, switched name to have admin_ prefix, cleaned up/refactoring and fixed some bugs with the JS. |
71 |
| -* Users > Ajax Check User - Refactored with new ajax response method. |
72 |
| -* Users > Ajax Quick Search - Refactored with new ajax response method, added permissions. |
73 |
| -* Blocks > Admin Ajax Get Model - Refactored with new ajax response method. |
74 |
| -* Comments > AJAX Post - Refactored with new ajax response method. |
75 |
| -* Delete behavior part 1 - articles, comments, pages, fields, articles, blocks, categories, users, roles |
76 |
| -* Delete behavior part 2 - cron, files, field types, media, menus, forum categories (adaptbb plugin), forums (adaptbb plugin), google maps (plugin), links (plugin), ticket categories/tickets (support ticket plugin), settings/setting values, templates, themes |
77 |
| -* More Ajax Response update - adaptbb forum categories/posts/forums, polls ajax actions, template actions |
78 |
| -* Updated AJAX Order for fields, adaptbb forums, adaptbb forum categories - removed AJAX functionality. (unnecessary) |
79 |
| -* Plugin > Links > Model Validation :: Fixed validation so image url doesn't have to be entered in. |
80 |
| -* Admin > Themes - Add :: Fixed a few errors when adding a theme. |
81 |
| -* Admin > Themes - Actions :: Fixed bug when after adding a theme, didn't show edit/delete. (showed uninstall and edit) |
82 |
| -* Model > Templates :: getFolders function, was returning files on first level - this is fixed. |
83 |
| -* Admin > Templates - Add/Edit :: If no label entered, title (besides extension) is used. |
84 |
| -* Admin > Templates - Add/Edit :: If .ctp is not entered, is automatically added to end of template title. |
85 |
| -* Admin > Templates - Index :: Update view for templates/themes so you can see trash items for both at same time. |
86 |
| -* Admin > Notify user of impending session expire, open link to prolong without losing data. (using noty jquery |
87 |
| -* Core - Changed sessions from php to cake (this enabled continued sessions...if session time is 30 minutes long and you go to a page at 6:00 pm and 6:15 pm, your session won't expire until 6:45 pm instead of 6:30 pm) |
88 |
| -* Users > Login :: Redirect to homepage with flash error if you are already logged in. |
89 |
| -* Admin > Notify Login Ajax :: Started on ajax that fires off request to login and if it doesn't find a login form, fires off notify msg saying access denied. Otherwise, it shows login form. If you login successfully, success message shown and a new token is fetched for the field you are on. (done) |
90 |
| -* Installer updated |
91 |
| -* tinyMCE upgraded from 4.0.1 to 4.0.6 |
92 |
| -* jquery-ui upgraded from 1.9.2 to 1.10.3 |
93 |
| -* fancybox upgraded from 2.1.3 to 2.1.5 |
94 |
| -* Media > View :: Updated fancybox with new look, added thumbnail support to popup. (looks better overall) |
95 |
| -* Codemirror upgraded from 3.0.2 to 3.16. Used their compressor so 238kb down to 130kb. |
96 |
| -* Appletouch icon added |
| 1 | +* Bug :: Admin > Categories > Edit > Related Fields - Not showing field type. |
| 2 | +* Bug :: Admin > Templates > Default Theme - Setting ID instead of name, fixed. |
| 3 | +* New Template Engine |
| 4 | +* Template Re-Organization |
| 5 | +* Search re-code in Angular |
| 6 | +* Elements (most) switched to new template engine |
| 7 | +* Finished plugin frontend templates/elements transferred to new engine |
| 8 | +* Routes List in Admin Tools |
| 9 | +* Admin Ajax Related add changed to update. (handles adding and removing single related articles) JS side of things updated so as soon as you click on one or click to delete one, the article is updated. |
| 10 | +* Added disabled status for plugin index - easier to see what are active and what aren’t based on name of plugin. |
| 11 | +* Refresh Themes callback after installing/un-installing plugin. |
| 12 | +* New Plugin > Contact Form |
| 13 | +* New Plugin > Article Ratings |
| 14 | +* Bug :: Plugin permissions > not saving correctly |
| 15 | +* Bug :: Plugin - Polls > Can vote method should not include user_id where condition if user is not logged in. |
| 16 | +* Bugs :: Misc admin add/edit block fixes, removed old code. |
| 17 | +* Blocks > Order By Options > New functionality to have a “getBlockOrderByOptions” in your model and return a key/value pair of order by options. |
| 18 | +* Bug :: Get Block Data - needed proper setter/getters, was running too many queries. |
| 19 | +* Plugin > Article Ratings - Added “Your Rating” functionality. |
| 20 | +* Plugin > Polls - Start/end date. |
| 21 | +* Plugin > Polls - Attach to article. Now inserted in main article data on article view page. (just call $article[‘Polls’] and loop through the polls or if there is one poll attached, call - {{ article['Polls'][0] }} to render the form/results) |
| 22 | +* Model > Article > Bug Fix |
| 23 | +* Search > XSS Security Bug fixed - http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/123585/adaptcms301-xss.txt |
| 24 | +* View Docs > Renamed *.md to glob.md, due to windows issue. |
| 25 | +* Tools > OneCMS Converter |
| 26 | +* Upgrade After Method option (3.0.2 moves non-theme templates) |
| 27 | +* CakePHP, TinyMCE, CodeMirror, jQuery BlockUI, html5, jQuery Smooth Scroll updated to newest versions. |
| 28 | +* Upgrade After Method for 3.0.2 - now moves files/folders for installed/non-installed themes as well. |
| 29 | +* Bug :: 5 min/2min timer - when i click on 5 min timer notice, it should also reset 2 min timer. |
| 30 | +* Model > Behavior > Delete Behavior - Updated beforeFind to exclude Comment model when deleting, was throwing error. |
| 31 | +* Admin Bug Hunting - Categories, Fields, Articles, Comments, Pages, Blocks |
| 32 | +* Frontend Bug Hunting - Edit Profile, View Profile, Homepage, Category View, Article View, Comment Post/View, View Page |
| 33 | +* Caching Views - The cached views from cake are not rendering the tags from adaptcmsview - added cachedispatcher and cachehelper to get block data and parse for tags, before writing cache. |
| 34 | +* Events - Bug fixed in ArticleRatings/Polls, have to make sure plugin is loaded before attaching event. |
| 35 | +* Templates - Fixed issue when deleting a template for a theme. (path was wrong) |
| 36 | +* Uninstall Plugin - Templates are removed now upon uninstalling a plugin. |
| 37 | +* Bug Fix :: Flash message response when refreshing theme or updating default. |
| 38 | +* Fix :: Adjusted redirect, model update. |
| 39 | +* Fix :: When uninstalling theme, it checks to see if the current theme is the same and if so, re-sets back to default. |
| 40 | +* Theme Update :: Gaming layout updated to new template system/routing. |
| 41 | +* BUG FIX :: Flash messages - not appearing in admin with cache enabled. |
| 42 | +* BUG FIX :: Flash messages not appearing on frontend, nocache areas being cached. (session flash problem was strictly with logout, fixed...fixed view helper not getting routes) |
| 43 | +* DONE :: Frontend Bug Hunting - Registration/login/logout |
| 44 | +* DONE :: Plugin Bug Hunting (add/edit/delete/view asset, install/uninstall all plugins, settings, permissions) |
| 45 | +* DONE :: Theme Bug Hunting - |
| 46 | +* DONE :: Admin Bug Hunting - Templates (mess around with adding/editing templates to default theme and custom theme), Themes (add/edit/delete theme files for custom and created themes) |
| 47 | +* DONE :: Documentation - Plugins (creating a plugin, advanced configuration, basic management), Roles, Users, System (dev setting in core - miscellaneous, events) |
| 48 | +* DONE :: Theme Bug Hunting - Test installation/uninstall of custom themes and any areas they affect, are working correctly. (already know templates are deleted upon uninstall correctly) |
| 49 | +* DONE :: View Docs - Update with new template system tags. |
| 50 | +* Bug :: Major caching issue, block data was being cached (for everyone). |
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